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message received - slight injury - Printable Version

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message received - slight injury - fulzanin - 03-25-2020

Blits had an epiphany. It wasn't a drastic or severe one by any means. Nothing related to himself being poisoned or dying. It had come upon him while he'd been in the midst of climbing up a tree to take a small nap. He had absolutely no clue what he was. Blits knew he wasn't normal for sure. Nearly everyone around here walked on four legs. They had fur, not feathers. There certainly wasn't anyone around that was as vibrant as he is. For his kind back home he is normal spare the horns. Here? He certainly is an odd case. An odd creature that he doesn't have a name for. Blits, however, is totally smart. He has great ideas and is great at many different things. This case of not knowing what he was? It would be just another chance to prove himself and just how smart and totally not stupid he was. A chance to exhibit his totally legitimate and entirely present intelligence, the part of his mind that wasn't electrically fried into oblivion.

Blits didn't know a lot of common creatures. He was used to thinking of creatures in a monstrous light. Beasts that towered over skyscrapers, beasts that looked like they were the manifestation of sleep paralysis demons and nightmares alike. Horrific beasts with too many teeth and too many limbs and horrifying powers beyond what could be considered normal. That was Blits' norm, however. He was used to those odd and terrifying creatures. However, when it came to some creatures, they were so universal that even Blits knew of them. Mostly those creatures that youths would know. Frogs, cats, dogs, and several kinds of birds. Storks were ones that Blits knew about. What he knew about them was quite limited. They delivered human babies to his knowledge. That was quite neat in Blits' mind. But they were also good at kicking stuff. He remembered seeing a video of one punting a snake pretty hard. He could test that out! He did have quite a long neck, and legs, and wings! There was hardly any difference between him and a stork, surely.

Despite his searching, Blits could not find any snakes to kick. Quite the disappointment. He did find a few worms, though, but they weren't snakes and therefore didn't qualify. Grumbles accompanied his search as he scoured for a snake to kick to see if he happened to be part stork. Alas, after a few hours of searching, the vibrant green creature threw in the towel. He'd settle on something else. Blits' orange gaze fell to some rocks - they weren't too big. He could probably kick them pretty well if he was actually part stork. If not? He'd probably still be fine. Blits wasn't used to getting hurt. Pain wasn't too common for him. Not fully understood by Blits' mindset. Blits shook out his body, preparing himself. Then he raced forward, rearing up his body and performed a solid kick with the top of his scaly foot to the stone. Immediately pain swelled up and shot through him. A sharp screech sounded from him as he recoiled, hobbling on his other foot and madly flapping his wings. "Ow! Ow, ow," Blits hissed through gritted teeth, wings splayed out for balance. This had not gone well at all, but at least now he knew that he was not part stork.

Blits began to limp back to the camp, struggling to not use his hurt foot. It stung sharply, and putting weight on the limbs was such a bad idea that after one attempt Blits knew better than to try it again. Eventually the sinornithosaurus sat down, even if such a position was somewhat sprawled due to not being able to put weight on his foot. He usually was able to sit and perch more in the position of a bird, but with an injured foot such certainly wasn't possible. He tried to curl his talons, and winced. "I didn't know rocks made stuff go numb," Blits mumbled with a small shake of his horned head. He really should have looked harder for a snake in hindsight.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: message received - slight injury - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-26-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
It was hard to miss a bright neon-colored creature around camp, though Aphra didn't particularly know Blits well past what he looked like and his name. So of course she didn't take any notice of him when he had gone off looking for some snakes. She was there, however, when Blits came limping back to camp.

He was an odd creature, wasn't he? Blits wasn't quite a bird, nor was he any sort of creature that Aphra knew of. That was saying something, considering she was a succubus that took on the form of a delicate feline. Hell, her own father was a dream demon and he took on a form of a feline as well. Sure, they could've picked something much stronger and fearsome, but it seemed like they both found comfort in being just an average feline. Not that Blits wasn't happy with his body; Aphra could not speak on that. That was only something he would know.

"You're injured, dumbass." Aphra mused as she came to stand beside Blits, her large ears flicking in amusement at the way he worded his injury. "You should probably go see Roan or Goldenluxury, make sure it doesn't get infected or whatever." She didn't know jack shit about wounds, but she doubted something like this would get really bad. Then again, maybe it could. "How the hell did you do this, anyway?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: message received - slight injury - OCTANE. - 03-26-2020

Octane had seen the large... dude in passing. He wasn't sure waht the guy was, or why his fur was a weird natural green like that. Sure, Octane's Mohawk was tipped green, but it was dyed and he knew that it was going to wash out in enough months.
Caustic was supposed to get them out of here before then, so it shouldn't matter.
Perhaps, he and the weird creature could agree on one thing. The world they came from before was much unlike this one, and adjusting was weird.
He approached now with his own slight limp, his hip paining him, (It needed to hurry up and heal. He needed to run.) and sat down nearby. "Dude, if you're gonna get yourself hurt, at least make it entertaining." That was.... probably the wrong thing to say, but it was already out there.

Re: message received - slight injury - michael t. - 03-26-2020

Truth be told, Michael had little idea of what Blits was either. This wasn't exactly the craziest thing in the world, considering for a long while of his life, the bobcat hadn't known what many creatures were. Born to a pair of bobcats and essentially banned from having friends in fear of them ending up hurt by his father, Michael had essentially only known what his own species looked like for the longest time. In fact, when Michael had finally escaped from the clutches of his abusive father and absent mother and ended up with Trevor, he had hardly had a clue what the other male was. He had been confused by the canine's spindly legs, long snout, and long tail. Over time and traveling with his partner in crime, Michael had come to know much more about the world around him, and had learned the names and traits of many a species, learning how to identify their weaknesses and take them down if it became necessary. However, even with all of that, the thief had no earthly idea what Blits could've been. He obviously seemed like some kind of bird, but he was hardly like any bird that the bobcat had seen, used to most birds not being anywhere near as large as Blits. Michael had already identified several weaknesses in the other male – as he did with everyone – but they weren't really based off of species assumptions, mainly because Michael had absolutely no reference point to go off of for that.

One thing that Michael had definitely identified as a weakness for Blits was his sheer stupidity. The fugitive had dealt with others in the past that were severely lacking in the intelligence department, but he had never exactly been a huge fan of those that weren't as smart as he was, with his constant plans and strategizing – even if he was severely lacking in his own areas, such as a poor moral compass and romantic awkwardness. It was easy for him to become angered in the presence of the mentally impaired, and Blits was no exception, with the other's antics often leading to Michael having to monitor his own blood pressure to make sure he didn't have a heart attack. If he had known what Blits had done to get himself injured, he probably would've initially responded with confused rage... and then immediately follow it up with laughing at the other's pain. Michael was becoming a better person thanks to the Typhoon's influence, but he was fairly sure there would never be a time where he wouldn't laugh at the pain of an idiot – especially when one's own idiocy led to the pain in the first place.

The bobcat had been emerging from the tavern when he saw Blits, Aphra, and Octane, all three of them talking amongst themselves. He considered just ignoring the impromptu gathering and moving along on his way, but ultimately decided to head over, his dark paws leading him to Octane's side. As he sat down, there was the faint jingle of his own jewelry, and he once again found himself eyeing Blits's golden rings almost hungrily before he forced his eyes away, to focus on the birdlike being himself, instead. Processing what had already been said by Aphra and Octane, Michael nodded firmly before he spoke, a heavy sigh leaving him in preparation for whatever was about to leave Blits's mouth, "I'm... I'm with her, the fuck did you even do to end up injurin' yourself?" He ignored Octane's comment for now, mainly for the sake of his own sanity. He wouldn't ever be able to understand people that enjoyed physical pain just for the hell of it.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: message received - slight injury - fulzanin - 03-29-2020

Blits hadn't expected for not just one, but for three people to arrive to see what he had done to injure himself. His head lifted up a little from the ground, looking at the first to show up. His face scrunched up a little when he was insulted with the term 'dumbass'. However, such was quickly shook away from his mind. Usually whenever the insult was tossed his way it was used in a loving way. Its insulting ability was quickly shook from him, and dismissed for its hostile intent. "Ah, rocks aren't bugs. So it shouldn't get infected," Blits reassures with a nod of his horned head. Infection certainly came from bugs. Or acid. He was fairly certain that acid was another way that something could get infected. Rotten food, too. His jaws had opened to give Aphra an answer, but he was swiftly interrupted.

"It wasn't entertaining, yea." Blits mistakes the other's words - something that he usually tends to do whenever he can't quite comprehend the meaning behind it. Being told that injury could be exciting? Such a thing his fried mind could not grasp at all. Blits hadn't exactly interacted with Octane enough to know about how he got his thrills. Blits' ideas of fun and excitement were far from putting himself in any form of a dangerous situation. Any of them, all of them were mostly prohibited by his logic. He didn't like it when his husband got into danger. The same likely applied for when he got in danger as well. Therefore, all the Sinornithosaurus could do was simply agree that the aching and pain in his foot certainly was no form of entertaining. He curls his tail a little closer while trying to curl the talons of his hurt foot. Blits winces as pain shoots up, sharp teeth gritting. He certainly remembers why pain certainly far from a pleasant emotion. Usually he never would have a way to do something so outrageously harmful to get himself injured. His tasks never would allow for such a thing.

Finally, Michael arrives. Blits' orange gaze flickers over, another distraction to the question that Aphra had asked of him as to how he had actually gotten injured in the first place. He notes the nod and the sigh. Sure, he can't quite grasp why the other is sighing, but it really isn't his place to question such a thing. Probably out of breath or something of the like, his tail curling behind him to fall to a different position. The question Aphra asked is returned to his mind, and his eyes flicker as he remembers that yes, he'd meant to answer such a thing. "Oh! Well, I had a great thought. Get lots of those but this was a real head turner. I wanted to figure out what kind of bird I was. I'm too big to be a pigeon and I don't have enough legs to be a jellyfish," Blits waves one of his wings as if to explain that his feathers did not qualify as enough limbs, "so I decided the logical answer was either a chicken or a stork. I think I remember storks being pretty good at kicking snakes. Couldn't find any snakes so I, uh, kicked a rock. It didn't move." His tone falters briefly with his last statement, probably upset over his failproof plan to determine his bird species ending in failure.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: message received - slight injury - Jameson - 03-30-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 15px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"] Jamie was a jaguar. A weird one compared to what he'd been told that Jaguars normally looked like, but a Jaguar nonetheless. He didn't have a choice in what he looked like, having been born like this and not knowing anything else, but he was pretty happy with his body. He may have been sorta small, and he wasn't as strong as Ry or anybody, but he was okay. He had nice fur, looked pretty cool with his spots n 'splotches' n stuff. His wings were gonna grow big enough to let him fly, and he could use his horns to fight people like Ry did.

He knew that it could take him a while to grow like that though. He'd heard the conversations that people didn't think he'd hear, about how they were concerned with how small he was, and that they weren't sure if he'd made it as a baby, and how they were still concerned. It would be fine though. He'd grow, he had to.

But whatever, it wasn't time to think about that. It was time to go see whatever was happening a bit away from him, and see if anyone was injured. He felt like someone might have been, didn't really know why but whatever. oh, it was the bird thing. "You can get infectin' from dirty stuff too." He'd chime in as he went to sit beside his uncle. "Dirt n stuff from the rock get in there, so you gotta clean it." That was pretty much all of his medical knowledge. Keep things clean, they don't get bad. It worked most the time.

Re: message received - slight injury - Cosmic - 03-30-2020

I’m not Goldenluxury, but I might be able to help,” Raiden offers, hobbling over to the gathering crowd. He still wasn’t used to his big body, and looked a bit funny as he walked sometimes, but he was getting the hang of it.

Talking to... animals and actually understanding them is a new thing entirely to the former human. He wasn’t sure if it was something he would ever get used to. His whole world had been turned upside down, and he was adapting to an ever-changing situation.

Regardless, his attention was now on his potential patient. “May I take a look at your foot, sir?” He inquired, moving closer, his tone soft and calm. “They are right- getting this cleaned is important. I can help with that, too, if you would like.” Even though it was a simple process. Comforting the patient and keeping them calm was a high priority in treatment.

Re: message received - slight injury - fulzanin - 04-05-2020

Blits' head turned to note the approach of two more people. 'Bird thing' was quite the correct statement to address Blits by. His entire body covered in sea foam green feathers that varied in their contrast. Most creatures weren't such an outlandish hue of green, but such a shade of green Blits had possessed since his hatching. Another bird attribute, hatching - although to be fair such a thing happened in a different universe where all different sorts of logics, antics, and universal playbooks were being used. "I can?" Blits replied, sounding utterly bewildered. His orange eyes were wide with utter disbelief. He had never heard of something dirty causing for ail before! It left the sinornithosaurus absolutely shocked, tail flicking behind him. The idea of dirt, rocks, and other disgusting things actually getting in him caused for his vibrantly colored face to scrunch up.

His horned head turned to address the other new arrival to the scene of the idiotic bird looking creature's injury. The glowing held his attention, reminding him of some of the creatures that he was used to back home. Creatures that glowed, creatures that had far too many eyes or mouths or were so hybridized that their parts couldn't be distinguished from the whole. It was helpful, in the slightest sense, giving Blits the slightest notion of ease and pulling his mind from the thoughts of rocks somehow clogging up his bloodstream. "Um. Sure. I don't think rocks in my blood would be good," Blits replies. A wince comes from the vibrant idiot as he curls his injured foot before outstretching the limb a little more. It hurts, the new position, and his jagged teeth clench together. Injuries were not common to Blits. He did not like them at all. The sitting position felt awkward at best and painful at worst. "Even if the rock I kicked was way too big to somehow get in me. I hope. It was a pretty big rock. Had to make sure the test would be authentic." He squawks, rubbing away an itch with a motion of one of his fluffy wings.

TAGS 2/27/20: