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The guiltiness that started [o, 100th post, visiting] - Printable Version

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The guiltiness that started [o, 100th post, visiting] - CAUSTIC. - 03-25-2020

Normally, this was the other way around. Octavio typically was pursuer and instigator, banging on Caustic’s door, letting himself into the basement labs, texting him at all hours until the scientist gave him attention. The few times their interactions were in the reverse order required a change of variables, be it, Caustic was done ignoring him, or he wanted to see Octavio on his own terms. There were other circumstances too, but that was just the ones of note.
That being said, nothing about their situation was normal, and Caustic hated that it was he, out of all possible dimensions, to be the one to end up here. Octavio had willingly drug himself along, too. He had reprimanded the speedster for his choice to come here, knowing this was their personal pit of lava to die in.
These thoughts made it all the more important to fix the portal device, and Caustic cannot help the fear that grows in the back of his mind with each passing day. Fixing it was mandatory, and his duty to Octavio. He was doing this for the speedster, and no one else. Caustic is aware of his ability to obsess, as the world falls away when Octavio rushes headfirst into the open fire that is their bond, digging his arms elbow deep into the embers.
He tries to be apathetic about it, perhaps in an effort to ignore something he does not want to acknowledge. That is a striking difference between them: Octavio seems uninterested in romantic love, be it a sexuality identification they had yet to address or the product of the other’s poisoned brain. Caustic had more experience, understood more, knew how to love and accept love, but Octavio could not. Caustic does not give him tender kisses or sweet nothings, because Octavio could not do the same in return.
That was part of their parameters. They mutually understood one another, the limits of their relationship, and the boundaries. Octavio never asked about Caustic’s personal life before the games, and he never asked about the Silva family in return.

The wolf pads to the end of the railroad now, standing in the middle of the gate and tilting his head to the bell. He rings it, once. Satisfied, he sits, taking off his bag and opening it to reveal the few items inside. Caustic had debated on whether or not to bring the portal device to work on it, but decided against so. Working, after all, meant his attention would not be on Octavio, and their time together was limited by transportation and a need to work. The letter Caustic received from the other was inside. It was simple, written in large letters with preschool levels of penmanship.


Oh, he should have come sooner, it had been at least a day or two since its arrival. He cringes, thinking of how he could have been better if he was not so distracted- no. His work was important, he shouldn’t guilt over it. It was work for them. The only other items inside were a blanket and a few syringes. He was unsure if they would actually be able to do anything, depending on how bad Octavio was. He was sure the daredevil wanted Caustic to end his life, put him out of his misery, and he would, if the risk was not so high.
Caustic was unsure how he would react if his lab partner were to die permanently. Luc’s death wounded him for years, contributed to the creation of Caustic and who he was now. If the scientist were to lose the only true companion he had here, what would he do then? There would be no… purpose.

Caustic takes an inhale, the sand and sea salt wafting through his nose, and exhaling a cloud of green gas. In the moments it obscured his face, his eyes glowed through the poison. The wolf holds the musky, swampy smell of Tanglewood in his fur, along with a stale smell of electronics and chemicals as the gas exhales from his mouth with every breath. He tilts his head back, closing his eyes and letting himself take in the territory. The sounds of waves licking the shore fills his ears, the hiss of the snakes in the basket nearby and the way the train tracks creek from age. He opens them again, gaze scanning over the beach and the jungle, noting the shipwreck in the distance. The air was far more uncontaminated here, and his lungs greedingly licked at its taste. Caustic ponders if he should acquire a new respirator, as he zips the bag and holds it near him. Other thoughts flow though, how Ocatvio felt about their situation, if he liked the Typhoon territory, was he okay?

He knows Octavio will see him soon, and all will be answered. Until then, he sat at the gate, waiting.

Re: The guiltiness that started [o, 100th post, visiting] - michael t. - 03-26-2020

It really shouldn't have been so surprising, having Caustic essentially sitting at their front doorstep. After all, Michael had seen firsthand how Octane was being effected by his injuries, throwing internal fits and bouncing off the walls in the only way he knew how to while his body groaned in protest and agony. Hell, the bobcat had essentially suggested to the other that he talk to Caustic about things – against his better interests, as a matter of fact, since he hadn't meant to let the cheetah know he knew Caustic at all. However, it wasn't as if he could shove the cat forcibly back in the bag now, so it was pretty much clear that the thief knew about their whole little strange mutually assured destruction thing going on... well, he was sure Caustic didn't like to think of it as mutual destruction, but he still didn't think that the whole dynamic was very healthy. Had this been perhaps a few days or weeks earlier, like when he and Caustic had spent Valentine's day together, Michael probably would've mentally reprimanded himself, reminding himself he had little room to speak on romantic relationships. However, things were... different now. Trevor was within the Typhoon, and with his return had come a flurry of emotions that had finally led to things bubbling over, and Michael throwing caution to the wind as he kissed his best friend and partner with reckless abandon. Things were... better now, than they had been on Valentine's day. So much better.

The ringing of the bells wasn't something Michael often came to investigate, figuring he should hardly be the figurehead for the Typhoon that most people first saw, especially not when he had been in his injured state. However, now all of his bandages were gone, and he was back to his usual self, aviators and jewelry and all. Perhaps he just liked showing off, or perhaps he was just curious, but the bobcat found himself heading for the tracks, slinking through the trees with his one sighted eye pointed right ahead. When the scent of Tanglewood hit his nose, he initially recoiled, ready to turn and bolt away, but then he noticed who it was, and he relaxed slightly. Only slightly, however. He still didn't really trust Caustic, but at least they both knew better than to fuck each other over for no reason. Or at least, he hoped the scientist was smart enough not to do so. After making sure that there were no other Tanglers with him, Michael emerged from the thick trees, shaking out his pelt and padding the rest of the way over to sit in front of the canine. No longer did the fugitive smell at all of the Pitt – he had been in the Typhoon for so long now that the salty sea scent permeated every inch of his pelt.

Looking Caustic over from head to toe, Michael was actually sort of surprised to see no injuries on the wolf. He had known Tanglewood for being a fairly moral bunch, so he had figured that Caustic would get his ass chewed out as soon as anybody noticed the types of experiments he was pulling off in their back yard. He almost felt some resentment for the other, considering he had gotten injured as all hell less than a week after joining the Typhoon, but he then reminded himself that was his choice, not anybody else's. He was the one that had thrown himself into the line of fire for Roxie – that wasn't something to be blamed on Caustic. Taking a deep breath to clear his thoughts – he was getting lost in his own head again, something that he found was happening far too often lately – the male eventually spoke softly, tilting his head and eyeing Caustic over his sunglasses, "...Hey, Caustic. I'm assumin' you're here to see Octane, or are you plannin' on joinin' him?" He doubted that Caustic would be interested in joining the Typhoon, especially since he presumably had a comfy set up in Tanglewood now, but he figured he might as well be thorough about things. Ally or not, Goldie probably wouldn't want him just letting Caustic walk in without a reason.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: The guiltiness that started [o, 100th post, visiting] - trevor - 03-31-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]this is short im so sorry :pensive:

of course, trevor was finelly our and about. he was following michael like he was the queen of england, never letting his eyes leave the male until needed. of course, when the man started towards someone he didn’t know, that didn’t help his mild (severe) paranoia that the other may get hurt. he paused when the other stopped before moving so he stood with his side against trevor. “who’s this?

Re: The guiltiness that started [o, 100th post, visiting] - OCTANE. - 04-02-2020

Oh, his head's running through so many names to call him and jokes to say. The bird coming back with a single paw print was vague enough answer that he was coming.
Octane can feel his fur bristle and raise like goose flesh at the thought of Caustic, the intensity of his gaze baring lasers. The scientist could see through him, past his skin and down to his bones. That's what the daredevil so desires- Caustic is the pinnacle of fun and danger.
Obviously, he's in fucking pain. Pain was good at one point, it got him attention from his fans and lab partner alike. He didn't suffer from it, either, which only sweetened the deal. Agony shooting through his veins was only seconds from being healed away, or a sweet kiss of death that put him in a new body, back to where he was.
He wants to scream at Caustic. Get mad at him, lunge at him and tear into dusty brown fur. The wolf should have been here sooner, faster, didn't he care? He didn't need the scientist to come over and kiss his wounds better. No, Octane needed him to get his fucking ass here and... be here. He does not need Caustic for the comforting feeling of being wrapped in his arms, he needs the wolf's pupils to blow at the sight of him. Octane was a glutton for attention, and becoming the center of Caustic's universe was the apex of his own desires.
"Oh, you finally came for me? No more cold shoulder?"
He's bandaged in various spots, over his left hip, around the neck, under his belly and in other little spots. Octane can feel the scabs underneath stretch and tug, reopen and bleed in little cracks as he moves, and he doesn't fucking care.
Badgering aside, he stares at the wolf now, ears tilting back at the sight. It's... fucking weird. Octane knows he is a cheetah, acutely aware of how the sand traps in his legs and his claws dig into the worn wood of the railroad. He knows, the wolf before him is Caustic. The gas was unmistakable, the hard and intense gaze of a predisposed mad scientist, relishing in their creation, was him.
It's not Caustic's face, and it's not his body. He can imagine it, though, the scientist in his casual wear of a wool sweater and slacks, running fingers through his beard in thought.
Would he see that again? He has to get used to it. At least, until they escape.
His legs knock against the wood, as he sees Michael and Trevor. Michael knew Caustic, Trevor knew Michael, and Octane knew all three. What a gaggle of lads here. "No, he's not joining. I can only tolerate him so long," he punctuates the statement with a round of chirps, moving past the two. He knows that a lie, it was always the other way. Octane was emotionally and mentally exhausting to be around for too long. Killing him was way easier.
He meets the wolf's gaze now, ears perking back up as he notices Caustic's pupils bloom and the wolf's tail ease side to side. Green eyes are running over the cheetah as Octane moves. His calculating over the best way to be a nuisance and get Caustic to throw him off the train tracks.
He looks tired, and exhausted. Okay, maybe not so harsh... No barreling into him, this time. He elects to move to the wolf's left side, leaning on the scientist's shoulder to look at the both of them.
"This is Caustic, we're Lab Partners!" he answers before the scientist can, smirking and running his tongue over his teeth. "Don't drop the Doctor from his name though, unless you're me. He hates that."
Octane can feel green eyes ripping his skin off. 

// just need to read like the last two paragraphs GDHJSA