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Hello, darlings! || Joiner - Printable Version

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Hello, darlings! || Joiner - kinglykingstone - 03-25-2020

WANDERING TRADER - female - puma macaw - 100% health - no powers - 9 years
[Image: dcl9vts-c89c402e-5c40-45f8-90d0-280051f76424.png]
Dark umber paws touched down softly upon the railroad tracks, just a few feet before the gate. Brightly colored wings folded in as the puma took a deep breath and let out a lofty sigh, eyes glancing around. She took a moment to readjust her stance, gold eyes scating across the gate. Amusment bubbled in the beauty as she eyed the basket of "declarations of war". How amusing! this group would be just her people.

Ah, but how to get their attention? Oh yes, the wall of bells would be quite perfectly fitted for her needs. The rust-colored cougar brushed up against the bells, listening to them chime as she backed away, settling herself to sit and wait. Allowing her leather bag of goodies to rest on the ground. One wing was lifted high as the scarlet macaw winged darling attempted to shade herself from the scorching heat. Hopefully, someone came along soon, she needed a drink after that long flight.

She'd heard good things about the island faring group, word spreading of freedom and individuality. That was what the aged puma hoped for, tired of her many years traveling. While she was well past the age of having a relationship, being old enough for grandkids, she couldn't help but hope that she would gain some type of family here. She hadn't ever really had a sense of family, having never been to the same place twice. Nobody even knew her name, not even herself. She'd been deemed "Wanderingtrader" to the point it became her name, her identity. Perhaps that would change over time but, for now, the puma of paradise would maintain that persona.
tag @/kinglykingstone when attacking - attack in bolded #50B880 when attacking

Re: Hello, darlings! || Joiner - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
The bell would certainly attract Typhooners. It was a pretty sound, so of course Aphra would be drawn to it. What she wasn't expecting, however, was an old puma-macaw. It was a fascinating sight; if the puma wasn't so old, perhaps Aphra would have been interested in her romantically. At some point, at least; not until she got to know the stranger. "Well, hey." Aphra chirped, tilting her head at the strange feline. "What brings you to The Typhoon?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Hello, darlings! || Joiner - kinglykingstone - 03-25-2020

WANDERING TRADER - female - puma macaw - 100% health - no powers
[Image: dcl9vts-c89c402e-5c40-45f8-90d0-280051f76424.png]
The wandering trader watched as Aphra approached, her intrest peaking at the sleep white feline, face marked by a startling amount of scars. Golden eyes scanned the oriental shorthair, a hum of appreciation leaving her. SHe didn't stand, though she did lower her wing, the brilliant colors flashing in the sun. Her wing tucked against her side, brushing against the leather bag at her side.

"Hello there, darlin," the pather chirped, her accent an odd mixture between a Brooklyn crawl and a southern drawl. She shifted her weight, once again ruffling her feathers. Normally she wouldn't be as fidgety but, her joints were sore from the flight and, frankly, she could use a good preening. "Well, word travels far, and I heard of your community," she began to explain, gesturing first at herself with a clawed paw, and then a vague gesture outwards. "I reckon I'd like to join."
tag @/kinglykingstone when attacking - attack in bolded #50B880 when attacking

Re: Hello, darlings! || Joiner - fulzanin - 03-25-2020

Blits remembered ringing one of the bells quite rapidly when he'd first arrived. He hadn't known that it was how the group was signaled of a newcomer's arrival. Yet again, he was pretty oblivious to many things as most of his time had been spent running rampant while trying to find any signal of where he was in relation to home. He trotted over with somewhat a spring in his step. The other was... very, very vibrant, that was the first thing that came to mind. Blits himself was quite vibrant, but while macaws naturally very vibrant in hues of the primary colors, dinosaurs certainly were not. Still an oddity, but he was drawn in by the message of flashy pretty colors and bell ringing nonetheless.

Blits wasn't really certain about the procedures of people joining. He tried to think back to his own arrival, expression growing dazed off for a few moments before snapping back to awareness. "Um. What's you're uh.. name? I'm Blits!" The sinornithosaurus chatters, his head tilting a few moments after he finished his inquiry. Yes, asking about names and performing introductions. He was pretty certain that he remembered that from when he'd first arrived. He felt mighty proud of managing such a totally complex feat, fluffy tail wagging somewhat behind him. "I.. think people get accepted pretty easily?" He then says, talons raising to scratch the feathers of his neck. Blits supposes that his statement was better than waiting for an answer that just might be left unanswered. Blits couldn't see himself being wrong about such a simple thing, and a nod of his head follows a lengthy pause after he finishes speaking.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: Hello, darlings! || Joiner - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-25-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Damn, this chick had a pretty damn thick accent, didn't see? "As Blits said, we generally let anyone in, so you're welcome to join." Aphra replied. "My name's Aphra Cipher." Hopefully since both she and Blits said their names, this strange creature would say her's. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Hello, darlings! || Joiner - kinglykingstone - 03-25-2020

WANDERING TRADER - female - puma macaw - 100% health - no powers
[Image: dcl9vts-c89c402e-5c40-45f8-90d0-280051f76424.png]
Wanderingtrader had just opened her mouth to talk to the white feline when a flash of green caught her eye. Swinging her head to look at the approaching creature, her mouth snapped shut. She had seen many things but, she had to admit, this oddity was new. Blits, he said his name was? What an interesting name indeed. "It's a pleasure to meetcha, Blits." she greeted, not quite to offering her own name up.

Anyone was welcome to join, hm? Well, she was certainly an anyone, making her a perfect fit! "It's sweet to meet you as well, Aphra." Her ears twitched as the snowy feline introduced herself, the name Cipher ringing a bell. She couldn't remember the reputation attached name, only that there was one. "I suppose since I know both your names, ah might as well introduce ma' self! My name is Wanderin' Trader." She would dip her head in greeting, a smile on her maw.
tag @/kinglykingstone when attacking - attack in bolded #50B880 when attacking

Re: Hello, darlings! || Joiner - roan ; - 03-26-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Truthfully, Roan had never had to ponder an existence without having a large family support group at his back. Being born both an Ó Foaláin and a Roux made it so that the winged apprentice had family spanning the whole of the island, so he never really had to worry about being alone, as Wanderingtrader had been. However, if the brightly colored joiner ever confided in him a feeling of wanting family, the boy would be more than happy to oblige. He had never been one to reject others, and his mama was constantly talking about how their family was good and just. Obviously the right thing to do would be to provide that support system and love, right? It just seemed like common sense, to Roan's young mind, at least. Why be alone when you could have people who loved you? He didn't yet realize that it sometimes wasn't that easy to have that, or that sometimes people ended up ruining their support systems, even when they didn't mean to.

The ringing of the bells had drawn young Roan over, padding up quickly after Blits to take his place at Aphra's side, his satchel bouncing at his hip. He had taken to wearing it around more often, ever since he had come across and patched up the Cipher. He offered the wounded feline beside him a smile before he turned to Wanderingtrader, his own wings fluttering a bit as if to demonstrate their common trait, "Hey there, miss Wandering Trader! It's really nice to meet you, and welcome you to the Typhoon. My name's Roan Ó Foaláin-Roux, but just Roan is fine. I really like your wings." His wings were quite different from hers, having sturdy green webbing instead of feathers, but he liked to thing that his wings were also fairly appealing to look at.
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: Hello, darlings! || Joiner - Jameson - 03-30-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 15px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"] Like his older brother Roan, Jamie had never been without family. He'd always been surrounded by siblings, and parents, and aunts, uncles, cousins, pretty much anybody that you could think of. Well, he didn't have grandparents but that was fine. He'd always had someone to feed him, play with him, pretty much do whatever he needed or wanted. He might have been a little spoiled, who's to say? He wasn't sure. It didn't really matter if he was, 'cuz he wasn't mean or anything, he was just himself. He couldn't imagine being alone though, despite occasionally needing to push his siblings away 'cuz they were being too loud, he'd never wanna leave or not have his family. It wasn't fun to think that someone didn't have a family to love them, not at all.

He was out wandering when he heard the bells, curiously following after his big brother and the big bird thing as they headed off. It was a bit difficult to keep up with them, they were faster than him, but he eventually made his way to sit down and look at the new joiner. Woah though, she was pretty sick. Feathery, colourful, big.. pretty cool. "Hi, I'm Jamie. It's nice to meet you, Miss Wanderingtrader!" He copied his brother with calling her Miss, figuring he had a reason to say that. "Welcome to here!"