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THE DEVIL’S RIGHT BESIDE YOU // private, Cry - Printable Version

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THE DEVIL’S RIGHT BESIDE YOU // private, Cry - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-06-2018

Alright, it was about time Atbash tried looking for Cry and talking to her. She had plenty of time to settle in, and although things weren’t perfect per say, Atbash was comfortable enough to finally sit down and talk. ”Uhh... has anybody seen Cry by any chance?” The feline called out as she went towards the center of camp, hoping that somebody could give her directions on where the raven was - or even better, if Cry herself showed up.

// [member=159]cry[/member]

Re: THE DEVIL’S RIGHT BESIDE YOU // private, Cry - cry - 05-06-2018

  Cry cooed as her name was called. Someone was looking for her? Was it to yell at her again? Boy, she was tolerant but even she was getting slightly annoyed and depressed from constantly being spoken down to. Sure. She was a jerk. But everyone here had the emotional tolerance of tissue paper. They were so easily damaged that if she hurt their poor little feelings with the truth, she was the one in trouble. It was tiring. It hurt. But... she had strength. She was going to get out of here. She had to.

  The raven huffed and slowly lifted her head from the cavern crevice she was hiding in. So it was that yellow cat huh? The one that hurt her eyes. She wasn't joking now was she? Cry yawned, slowly standing up and ruffling her aching feathers. She opened her wings and hopped off of the side. She landed with a quiet thud. She mumbled under her breath, talons reaching up to stretch her head. She blinked, turning to face Atbash. What do you need, kid? Hopefully this would be quick. She didn't have the energy to deal with this right now. The fires were extinguished. She had nothing to give. Right now, she was just tired.


Re: THE DEVIL’S RIGHT BESIDE YOU // private, Cry - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-06-2018

”You do realize I’m, like, 6 years old, right?” Atbash replied, though her tone was light and amused. Once again, for all she knew, Cry could be older than her. So maybe she had a reason to call her ‘kid’. ”But, uh, I was wondering if you had the time to talk?” Preferably in her own den, or somewhere secluded at the very least.


Re: THE DEVIL’S RIGHT BESIDE YOU // private, Cry - cry - 05-07-2018

  Cry yawned, tilting her head. And I'm 27, so what? Everyone was so obsessed with their age. The older you were, the more perks you acquired. Why you couldn't just get those perks as you matured, she didn't know. The raven hummed, preening herself. So she was older than the squirt. Sweet. Whatever.

  I'll talk, but I'm not leading a conversation. She mused. Jacob was the same way. He wanted her to talk and only her to talk. She had nothing to say, and will only respond. She never was one for speaking her opinion anyways.


Re: THE DEVIL’S RIGHT BESIDE YOU // private, Cry - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-10-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
//aa i'm sorry for the late reply!

Atbash looked alarmed at Cry's response and blinked, shuffling her paws. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't realize..." She trailed off, shaking her head. It was better not to dwell on that; so what if Cry was older than her? What was reassuring to know was that the raven was willing to talk to her. Atbash let out a sigh of relief as she responded, "That's fine. Uhh... do you mind if we go somewhere more private? Like, my den, or something?"
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi

Re: THE DEVIL’S RIGHT BESIDE YOU // private, Cry - cry - 05-10-2018

  Cry huffed, raising a brow. So the girl wanted to talk to her privately? What could be so important that they needed to be hidden from the common ear.? The raven yawned, shaking her feathers. Fine. She'll play the game. She chortled in the back of her throat. She hopped up and glided over the yellow cat's head. She landed a hearty yard away. She turned back to Atbash, opening a wing in the direction of the dormitories. Lead the way. She hummed.


Re: THE DEVIL’S RIGHT BESIDE YOU // private, Cry - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-10-2018

light the night up,
you're my dark star
What could be so important? Her past. It wasn't that she didn't mind telling it publicly, she just... didn't want to lure Caesar to her. To be truthful, she didn't know who was a spy for him. She trusted her groupmates for the most part, but she didn't want to risk it. She was too afraid.

Atbash gave a curt nod in response to Cry and immediately turned around and headed through the tunnels and towards her den. It was still a bit of a mess, but mostly because she was trying to figure out what she liked. She wasn't used to having her own den, honestly; she always shared it with her brothers or parents. She sat down and let out a sigh before she started, "I... wanted to talk about our past, if-if that's okay?" To be honest, she was nervous about this herself. Not only because she was going to spill her entire history, but she wasn't sure how Cry was going to react. "I-I mean, um... Whenever you mentioned that Snowbound wasn't going to be home, I kinda had a suspicion that you weren't from here." At this point, she was just rambling nervously. "I'm... not from here, either. Snowbound can't be my home, either." No matter how hard she wanted it to be.
bio | female | warrior of snowbound
© madi

Re: THE DEVIL’S RIGHT BESIDE YOU // private, Cry - cry - 05-10-2018

  Ahh it was about that now, was it? Cry should have suspected that. She nodded. She did not regret her outburst. She would much rather be firey and hated than liked and stepped on. It was pride for her. The pride and ability to be herself, no matter who thought what of her. The raven hummed as she took perch on one of the chairs.

  She was not from here. She was from very far, far away. Actually. She was just a few dimensional rifts to the left. Cry shut her eyes, ruffling her feathers in a shrug. I'm not from here. She confirmed. She made no note of the kid's comfirmation. She had nothing to say about it in the first place. It was just a statement.

Re: THE DEVIL’S RIGHT BESIDE YOU // private, Cry - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-10-2018

No, Atbash wasn’t expecting Cry to feel sorry about her outburst. It was kind of understandable, really. Atbash wouldn’t do that herself, but she could see Caesar - or hell, Vigenere - doing that. Atbash blinked in surprise again at Cry’s confirmation. So she wasn’t from here, just like she thought. ”Did you leave for a reason?” Cry didn’t seem very happy here. At least Atbash was content with living here, but Cry just seemed outright unhappy. And if she wasn’t from here, surely she had a reason for wanting to leave home?


Re: THE DEVIL’S RIGHT BESIDE YOU // private, Cry - cry - 05-12-2018

Cry cooed at the question. Did she leave for a reason? For some reason, the question got a laugh out of her. Do you think I came to a place where I'm miserable and treated like trash on purpose? She retorted back, a playful smile on her face. She sighed, flopping back onto her back. Her two talons brushed up against each other like twiddling thumbs. She shut her eyes, her wings spread out flat against the floor. It's good to find another misfit in here. She started, I was beginning to believe this was some sort of sick fever dream that I'd never wake up from.
