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You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - Printable Version

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You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - trojan g. - 03-23-2020

[div style="width: 425px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.70; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; padding-top: 10px;"]Sweeney, although claiming to be one of the smartest creatures on the planet at times, was, in fact, not very smart. Ever since Moth had gotten captured and had come to the Pitt, she couldn't get the stench of Tanglewood out of her nose. It haunted her. So the only way to try and get rid of it was to get rid of the smell off the entire island, right?

Right. She was right. That's what the fox told herself anyway.

The Callahan-Fallout child had decided she was going to fill up balloons with water and soap, and dragged them to Tanglewood in a wagon, and began to throw them, aiming at the scent markers, squealing with glee when they popped and suds burst out on some trees. She'd safe half of them for later though, waiting for someone to come her way so she could splash them with the soapy water, get the stink off.

[[ please wait for [member=11957]Atticus Roux[/member] to post~ ]]

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Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - Atticus Roux - 03-25-2020

To say Atticus went nowhere was an understatement. While extroverted, he was thoroughly contained within Tanglewood upon his parent's orders. After all, someone had to be daddy's little favorite (even though that was probably far from true). Despite that, the urge to venture out was strong. It was not long before the kitten felt himself drifting further and further away from the serene cabin they stayed in. Most of the time, he was home before anyone noticed his disappearance. This time though may be different.

Today he ventured farther than he ever had. The grey tabby was almost at the border, tempted to cross it's pseudo line. Something distracted him as he grew closer. As Atticus slinked through the underbrush, the prominent sound of a 'splooge' rang out. The shrill squeals of a younger female followed the noise. Curious, he moved out of the bushes and into the open to get a closer look.

As slitted yellow eyes looked the gorgeous fox up and down, the feline wandered forward. She seemed different almost. The stranger didn't smell like them, but of a different place, nor were her mannerisms polite to Tanglewood. Desperate to not get lynched, he paused at a reasonable distance away. Before he spoke, he cleared his throat to announce his position. Atticus thought it showed confidence. It made him look stupid instead, unbeknownst to him. "Who are you?" he questioned. "And what... what is that?" His outstretched paw motioned towards the splatter of soapy water on the tree and then to her leftover balloons. Whatever was going on didn't seem too welcoming.

Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - trojan g. - 03-25-2020

[div style="width: 425px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.70; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; padding-top: 10px;"]She had not expected the first face to be seen to her to be another child. There seemed to be more and more of them lately, her own home being filled with them - and almost entirely made up of them it seemed - and when she'd gone to the Typhoon the first she saw there was a kid - albeit she'd been looking for him - and now here. How many kids were there? And why were they all just younger than her?

She didn't want to know why.

Eyes would drift over to Atticus as she heard him speak, listening for a moment, forgetting her balloon until she heard the last words he spoke, watching as a paw pointed towards her balloons. She hadn't wanted to throw a balloon at a kid. She'd wanted to get the leader - Leroy, right? - or that lion guy that Aine was scared of, teach him a lesson. So she'd throw it towards a tree instead, watching the soapy water run down the bark for a moment before finally responding. "'M Sweeney Callahan-Fallout!" She would speak in response, chest puffing out in pride as she spoke her full name. "And these are my balloons, they've got soap in 'em cause this place stinks, and obviously needs to be cleaned."

Obviously. Duh.

"Who're you? And why're you so small?" He didn't look like any of the cats she'd seen before, they were much bigger.

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Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - fulzanin - 03-25-2020

Feza could say that she hadn't done a whole lot with balloons. She had plans, yes, but they hadn't come to fruition yet. There was so many fun, festive things that could be done with balloons that Feza desperately craved to do. She could easily tie them up and make a scene utterly festive in so many different ways. Exhaustion as of late had been her greatest enemy, and so the hypsi had gotten up and decided that walking around the territory in her totally unrecognizable form was the best idea. Antennae wriggled when she heard voiced, and quickly her small body turned to head in a new direction.

Perhaps such a long and powerful name would invoke a reaction in most of the other higher ups of Tanglewood. To Feza? It was just more names she had to remember, and her mind really didn't have the space to make room for a three part name. She'd settle for the first name only instance instead. "Where'd you get the balloons from? I've been meaning to get more myself," Feza clucks, her gaze flickering between the soap from the balloon and the child that had thrown such. Long antennae twitched a little, her raising up her own rather small height up the little bit that she comfortably could manage. "I don't think I've seen a territory cleaning happen before. I think its a pretty cool idea!" The guardsman chatters, a small bounce accompanying her cheerful words.

Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - Atticus Roux - 03-25-2020

As a balloon rushed in his direction, the small feline flinched. Luckily, it's being didn't sway in his direction and instead splattered on a tree nearby. Even so, Atticus did feel somewhat threatened by the soapy balloons, despite being merely harmless. Instead of growing closer, he remained in position. With what height he could muster, he stood tall and proudly 'defended' Tanglewood from this stranger.

The girl addressed herself quickly. 'Sweeney,' she practically crooned. The other names were unfamiliar to him. Who were her parents and where did she come from? If only he knew. As she continued, her voice was smooth and content with her actions. So far, she intrigued him greatly. "We don't stink, you do," he shot back defensively. Being surrounded by the swamp for quite literally his entire life left him unable to smell his own stench. It was easy to determine that Sweeney was the outlier. With Feza's mention of a territory cleaning also, he couldn't help but shoot a hesitant glare towards the guardsman.

Wasn't he the one supposed to be asking questions? Taken aback, the grey tabby responded. "My name is Atticus," the kitten mentioned. "Atticus Roux." With a scowl, he continued on. He was obviously offended by her last comment. "Because I just am." Compared to his other siblings, he had never been what many considered 'tall'. While Ivan was lanky, Atticus was stout and rounder. It made him feel invaluable occasionally. Thankfully, for what the others lacked in strength, he made up for.

Atticus, seeing an opportunity, tried to reroute Feza's own question. Instead of asking where the balloons come from, they needed to know where the mysterious girl came from. "Where'd you come from?" he pressed on.

Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - Ivan - 03-26-2020

[Image: b94dbd8a-65a5-11ea-af51-45358cb49cc4.gif]
pixel by tricky

[div style="width: 400px; max-height: 100px; height: overflow; overflow: scroll; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-top: -5px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color: #152232; letter-spacing: 0px; text-align: justify;"]
He kept fancying that Ivan was absorbed in something — something inward and important — that he was striving toward some goal, perhaps very hard to attain.
— Бра́тья Карама́зовы

More child invaders. His nose twisted at the scent but he followed it because perhaps a part of him enjoyed being argumentative and inflammatory.

But there was only one child this time, and instead of paint on the trees, it was water, soap, and pieces of rubber. Her scent was not at all Typhoon-ish and the black kitten once again had to swallow his bile as he tried to adjust once more to a foreign scent. He trotted his way up to stand by his brother, enjoying the advantage of height that he had over Atticus.

As he curled his chin inward to keep his stomach contents inside, Ivan copied his brother and glanced at Feza rather incredulously, wondering how she could make light of the situation, or completely misunderstand it because Ivan saw this as a blatant mark of disrespect. "You're not the first to try to do some ... redecorating around here, you know. It's not special." Ivan huffed. What will it be next week? Another baby animal throwing things on their trees ... Ivan would have liked to pursue revenge, but he was too comfortable here to leave.

Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - wormwood. - 03-26-2020

She's just a child. She's just a child. Jervis's child, but a child nonetheless. Aurum's thoughts chanted rhythmically at him as he approached the scene of Sweeney's little "attack", fighting against the primal urge that roared inside for him to tear forward towards the Pitt scent and rip until there was nothing left. At one time, the proxy might've been ashamed by the vicious instincts that came along with the scent of the Pitt anywhere near his home, but that was a time long passed. A time before the Pitt had hurt Red, and Sam, and Beck, and Moth, and everyone else that he cared about. Still, Sweeney was just a child, and seemingly not the smartest child at that. It would be immoral to attack her, especially when she was surrounded by other children – Feza included. This did not stop the tigon from grinding his teeth slightly as he approached, sinking his claws into the ground and releasing them, his swollen stomach reminding him that he would have to deal with his own children possibly causing trouble soon. Hopefully they would be nowhere near the level of a Callahan, however.

Taking a deep breath inward, Aurum allowed his shoulders to relax before he sat on the other side of Ivan, lifting his chin up to glare down at the child. The dry scent that clung to her pelt made him want to puke, and he couldn't help but think of how horrified Moth would be if she knew her children were interacting with a Pittian, child or not, "Sweeney. You should not be here, child. I will escort you back to the Pitt, now." He supposed perhaps Leroy would've wanted him to try and sway the child over to their side, but that would only cause more trouble in the long run. There was no doubt Kydobi would lose his goddamn mind if one of Jervis's children went missing. Not to mention, he didn't have high hopes for Sweeney suddenly deciding she wanted to be a Tangler.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - Atticus Roux - 03-26-2020

At his brother’s arrival, Atticus could clearly see what Sweeney meant. As he peered over towards his brother (more like up towards him), he couldn’t help noticing the significant height difference. The girl was right. While he didn’t want to admit that, he kept his mouth shut. Ivan didn’t deserve the satisfaction of knowing his flaws. Thankfully, despite their differences, his sibling followed in suit with his display of confidence. ”Caustic was pulling vines off our house the other day,” he nonchalantly mentioned. “Some cleaning up isn’t necessarily evil.” Sweeney’s intention was rather rude though.

As his head swiveled back, he couldn’t help but notice Aurum arriving. Seeing that all his past experiences with the proxy were positive, Atticus couldn’t help but think he would show mercy on the girl. It wasn’t as if she was doing anything ’wrong.’ No one was hurt. Despite his thoughts, it appeared that Aurum thought otherwise. To avoid further conflict (and to swoon the proxy into letting him explore), Atticus piped up. “I can take her,” he interjected. Unfortunately, the grey tabby did not know of The Pitt’s conflict with Tanglewood or of Jervis’ reign. To him, this was another child wanting to explore. That didn’t mean they were off to a good start nevertheless.

Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - trojan g. - 03-27-2020

[div style="max-width: 425px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.70; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; padding-top: 10px;"]The girls' eyes widened as she looked upon the colorful feline walking towards her, a slightly annoyed look crossing her face when she spoke. "It's not a cool idea..." She'd mutter out, tail lashing out behind her for a moment as she stepped away from the balloons. It had been a mean idea, one that would make Tanglewood angry. But it hadn't worked, and she felt stupid. Looking down for a moment at the ground as she thought, Sweeney listened to the words Atticus spoke, and shook her head. "No, actually, you do. It's stinky here and smells like stagnant water, I smell like trees and the desert and sand. It's nice." Nice to her, at least.

His answers weren't satisfactory to her. Last name Roux, and it didn't sound familiar, meant it wasn't important right? But she knew the last name of Gael and Aine and they were unimportant too, so her logic had just been crushed. "You can't be short just because, there's gotta be a reason." She'd speak once more, eyes rolling as she stood up once more, a look of shock flickering on her face as he asked where she was from. "I'm from the Pitt! The best place there is, even if your leader threatens and shit-talks us. We haven't done nothin' wrong." She didn't know the whole history, but even if she did she'd still feel as though her father had been correct in what he'd done. Everyone else was stupid and deserved it.

Eyes would shift, looking over towards Ivan before she shrugged her shoulders. "Don't care if it's special. I know I'm not the first to come up with stuff, you think you were ever first in something?" Honestly, she'd thought about being the first one to do it, and all that had mattered was she was the first of her siblings to do it, as far as her own knowledge went. Mercede, Noor, and Juno, none of the three had come to Tanglewood to throw water balloons at their border to get rid of the stink, she was the first. That's all that mattered.

And finally Aurum arrived. She recognized him from the time practically the whole of Tanglewood had been to the border to threaten them. She'd made a mistake then in pretending she was the leader of the group, but, one day she would be, she just knew it, so it wasn't lying, it was just foreseeing the future. Upon his words, ears would pin to her head and she'd shake her head. "You're not the boss of me!" She'd blurt out, eyes narrowing as she looked at him. "And I'm tired of adults who think they are bossing me around. You're not my dad, he's dead cause of Tanglewood, so you can't boss me around." She was tired of it.

Eyes once more back to Atticus, and she'd snort. "No need for you to go, since I'm not leavin', no one can make me leave, I do what I want and I'll just come back." She'd keep coming back until she got her satisfaction too.

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Re: You're filling your heart up with hate;; open - pitt child - toboggan - 03-28-2020

Whether or not she willingly chose to take part in them, Sweeney oft became involved in undistinguished games of follow the leader, and always did she assume the role of leader. This is mostly due to the fact that, out of all of Noor's sisters, Sweeney came off as the least boring. Mercede was prissy and prudish, and couldn't think for herself; when Noor displayed her knowledge of swear words and slurs, Mercede threw a temper tantrum for the reason of it being unladylike. As for Juno, that girl was strange.

But Sweeney didn't act prissy and prudish nor was she strange. No, Noor's favourite littermate understood how to be fun. She possessed valuable knowledge pertaining to many methods of mischief. If trouble could be found, then she would find it. And for that, the oldest of the Fallout-Callahan siblings was the most tantalizing one in Noor's citrine eyes.

This game of follow the leader persisted for longer than usual. Way, way longer. The leader hadn't disclosed her destination to anyone (or not to Noor, at least), leaving the follower no understanding of where she was heading. Yet, the cross fox did not feel perturbed by the mystery of it; all she cared about was that her slightly older sister hauled a wagon of water balloons as she walked. What she'd accomplish with said balloons existed as a riddle, though Noor knew it'd garner fantastic results.

Somewhere down the line, the trailing vulpine lost view of her unknowing guide. The changing vegetation and wildlife had diverted her attention away from her initial intentions, for this had been the furthest away from home Noor had ever found herself. When she felt that enough time had been spent gawking at plants, her mind went to revert to its original target. The only problem was that her original target was gone, only leaving wheel tracks in her wake.

Eventually, the impish little fox caught up with her kin, only to see that she was being confronted by a pack of mean swamp people - the same ones who threatened Ky-doofus. There were a lot of hungry-looking folk, too. Were they going to eat Sweeney?!

"Fuck off, fuckers!" a pipsqueak tone roared, announcing Noor's unimpressive presence. Miniature legs carried the child towards the assemblage of evil people in what was supposed to be a sprint. She comes to a skidding halt beside Sweeney, her visage breaking out into a pathetic snarl towards the lion and snow leopard. "You guys think you can do anything you want, but you can't! You're all losers! Stupid shits!"

Amber hues then fixate on the brightly coloured panther. Pink? Blue? What was this one on? "Bitch, you got problems," she rudely remarks, before complimenting her insult with a vulgar snort.