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ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - Printable Version

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ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - T. ROUX - 03-23-2020

The Pitt.

It was hot and awful, he hated it. He wondered why anyone was stupid enough to live here, the heat was horribly uncomfortable on his dark coat as he walked along with soft pants leaving his slightly parted maw. If he only had a decently functional nose, he would've realized that he had crossed the border but he did not so he would suffer the consequences soon enough. His tail lashed to the sides, he sat down wishing his wings were big enough to provide him some form of shade but that wasn't the case either. "Place smells and is absolute shit," He grumbled to himself angrily, the sand didn't even feel the same and the one on the beach. It was sickening. How did these bastards live like this? Then again if he recalled, they weren't exactly the most favored group from what he had heard within the Typhoon. A snort escaped him with his tufted ears pressed against his cranium, god, this was definitely the only time he absolutely loathed his dark coat. Making him a rather easy target and the fact that he was much hotter. It was a surprise that he hadn't passed out from the excessive heat. Not yet anyways. Ugh. He hated deserts. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - aine. - 03-23-2020

I'll come back when you call me
The smell of sea salt on the air came with varied response from Aine.  More often than not an immense wariness, that sunk down into her very soul.  The smell of sea salt meant pirates.  Pirates came with anger.  Pirates brought their allies, who came in with flames and intent to burn and destroy.

Except.  Sometimes, the petite vixen caught the smell of sea salt and smiled.  Liveliness igniting in her hazel hues.  Because her best friend carried the smell of sea salt with him.  He brought with him the hope not every pirate was cruel, but he was also her only proof of such a notion.  As such, she treated all the other sea-dwellers she met with uncertainty.  Distrust.  She didn't want any more trouble.  She didn't want to see any more friends hurt.  She didn't want to see flames rising into the sky.

When her little nose twitched, catching sea salt, Aine paused.  The beetle she'd been chasing forgotten, she perked her ears.  Then, warily, she began to follow the scent.  She heard no sounds of crackling flames.  No overlapping voices.  When she spotted the origin, it was only another youth.  By himself.  Why?

Teeth caught the inside of her cheek.  Eyes flickering.  Should she find her father? Or Kydobi?  … If she ran off to find them now she might lose track of the stray pirate.  … Why couldn't everyone leave them alone?  Even if he'd wandered in here himself, she bet someone would find a way to blame them.  Then the pirates would be mad at them again.  As if the Tanglers' recent rage wasn't enough.

… He's probably overheating... … … Aine made a hesitant approach, stopping a number of fox lengths away.  Her head tilted slightly.  He didn't seem horrible.  He didn't seem as nice or upbeat as Ikaia, either.  Her tongue rested on the roof of her mouth.  Words running away from her.  It'd probably be rude to ask someone if they were a nice or mean pirate.  Ikaia hadn't minded, but this wasn't Ikaia.

"… Salut. … Why.  Um.  Why're you- Why're you 'ere?"
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - T. ROUX - 03-23-2020

Suddenly, the sound of a voice made him lift up his head did he blink heterochromatic eyes at her. A fox cub. She didn't look that much older than him though his gaze remained stern as he tilted his head at her. He hadn't really expected anyone to approach him but then again, it wasn't like he was that intimidating to begin with. A soft buff escaped his lips unsure of how to react or let alone tell her that he had wandered away, he didn't want to seem like he was stupid or a liar as he weighed his options. He hadn't realized that he had locked eyes with her and would duck away peeling his gaze from hers, his face growing hot with annoyance and embarrassment for staring. "S-sorry didn't mean t'stare..." He still left her question unanswered but he parted his maw again to speak in a lighter tone despite still looking quite angry, he was less stiff for sure "I wandered from home... Didn't realize where I was going and my nose doesn't exactly work the way it should, so I'm a bit lost." It was the truth, all of it, his nose didn't work for shit and it frustrated the fuck out of him on a daily basis. He let out a soft sigh not knowing what else to do and if the rumors were true about the Typhoon hating the Pitt, he was sure as hell that they hated the pirates too so he wasn't going to be safe for long.

Well, he might as well introduce himself to cute fox girl before he died. What a shame. He swallowed with a lash of his tail "I'm uh... Trygve but Ry is just fine. Who're you?" He saw nothing bad with getting a name out of this whole ordeal if he was to die. His eyes shifting about hoping nobody bigger would come, he doubted he could hold off anyone that was ten times bigger than him. He stood up on his paws just in case with his body stiffening a bit. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - CAESAR CIPHER. - 03-23-2020

It was hot and awful here, wasn't it? Caesar had slowly grown used to The Pitt's desolate land of a territory, even if he still didn't quite like how dry it was here. However, when the smell of the sea came to Caesar's nose, a primal instinct rose within him. The Typhoon. Rage filled the demon as he followed the scent, the fur on his shoulders bristling. He was seeing red and that was a fact, he saw nothing else but red and the creature from The Typhoon who dared to cross over the border.

It didn't take Caesar long to rush over and jump at TRYGVE, attempting to pin the cub down. If he was successful, the savannah cat would try do dig his claws into TRYGVE's skin. He had heard the cub speak, of course, but his words didn't quite process in Caesar's mind. Even if they had anyway, Caesar likely would've still tried to attack the poor child. "You fucking idiot!" His growl was directed towards Aine, whom he unfortunately didn't really know. Damn, he wasn't really giving anyone a good first impression, was he? "You should know better than to give them time to explain themselves."

Turning back to Trygve, Caesar bared his teeth at the Typhoonite. "And you." Flames briefly flickered from inside Caesar's mouth. "You have three seconds to give me a proper reason before I fucking burn your face off." Yeah, Trygve did give a reason, but unfortunately Caesar didn't really consider it a 'proper reason'.

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - Mercede - 03-23-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

It’s not like Mercede was as familiar with the pirates as Aine was. She certainly wasn’t ignorant to the scent of the sea. It’s salt was forever ingrained in her mind along with the the tigress murdering her father.

It was something that she claimed didn’t bother her. But it did. It was something she never spoke of, she never released the rage. The anger that the typhoon robbed her of a normal life. Of a normal family. To top it off they robbed her of her home. Left her nothing with ruins and disappointment.

They ruined her perfect little castle before the princess could even be born into it. For that, she truly hated every person outside of the Pitt. She even hated Kydobi. Because he was a coward despite his talks, he was erasing her fathers hard work.. his legacy. Erasing his memory.

She hated them all.

Her eyes would narrow, her and Aine were about the same size now. Yet Mercede still maintained a fluffy youthful appearance despite her ever growing venom. She was more than pleased to see a strange serval attack the cub. Whether he was successful or not she would be pleased.

Her eyes widened with a glaze of joy and malice. Tear him apart. Hurt him.

“I mean everyone deserves an introduction but this fish face came to the wrong place.”, she had a respect for Aine. The girl was everything her sisters weren’t. However she was too soft. Let the is be a little lesson. She wanted to see everyone burn and cry and beg like her father did. It wasn’t that Mercede was a villain. Everyone of the Pitt was only a product of their surrounding.

“I say you should kill him- but not too quick! How about you carve hole for every brown spot.” , her mouth began to water as she stepped forward, “RIP HIS HORNS OUT! PIERCE HIS WINGS! MAKE HIM HURT I WANT HIM DEAD KILL HIM!”


Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - trojan g. - 03-23-2020

[div style="font-family: impact; font-size: 38pt; color: white; text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black; position: absolute; margin-top: -36px; max-width: 625px; text-align: center;"]SWEENEY CALLAHAN FALLOUT
[div style="margin: auto; background-color: #fff; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; color: #000; overflow: auto; padding: 6%; margin-top: 10px; line-height: 17px; border: #000 solid; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; "]As much as Mercede liked to pretend she was all there and all high and mighty over her siblings, the constant outbursts of the other was much to behold in regards to the opposite. Although they each had their own little quirks, at least Sweeney didn't burst out and boss people around as much as her sister did. Though she couldn't help but think about the words the other vixen were speaking, and wholeheartedly agree with them. "Mercede is right! He doesn't belong here, and shouldn't leave alive. I'm tired of others stepping on our turf!" She was tired of a lot of things, really.

Tired of the way the Pitt was walked on. Tired of the way the stinky swamp ones bossed them around. It wasn't fair, they didn't do anything except be the best! "Teach the fishy smelling animals to leave us alone!" She'd finally speak out, ears pinning to her head as she stood by her sister's side.

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - Charlot - 03-23-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]
were they kidding? they were going to kill a child because he belonged to an enemy group. Yes, because that totally wouldn't bring the typhoon to their border.

Charlot hadn't had as many negative experiences with the typhoon as the others had, they'd been bothersome and he'd heard and seen what they had done, but he didn't understand the want to kill a cub because of what his parents had done. So, he found himself running towards the slowly growing group with the intent to knock Caesar off of the child. If he was successful, he'd stand in front of the cub and if not, he'd be standing beside Caesar. "Yo, what the hell! You're gonna kill a child because he's from The Typhoon? A cub isn't going to hurt The Pitt, or literally do anything." He'd snarl this, eyes locked on the three clanmates that wanted the child hurt. "The only thing that'll happen is the typhoon will come BACK to our border and hurt us for it. You aren't showing how strong you are by hurting cubs, you're showing how pathetic and low you can go." If an adult came to the clan, sure, they could get hurt, but a cub? fuck nah. That was not a vibe at all.
"Do you really want them back here? because they will come back, and they will come with Tanglewood and do exactly what they did last time."

"speech" 'thoughts'

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - T. ROUX - 03-23-2020

He hadn't expected for someone to topple him over then again he wasn't sure of what to expect seeing as he was far from home. The draconic cub letting out a soft grunt only to feel claws sinking into his flesh, his snout wrinkling into a snarl at the sudden pain. A proper reason? He was certain that the one he had given had been enough, he swallowed a growl as he glared at the Savannah with a burning anger. A small smirk appearing on his maw, his pupils narrowing into dangerous slits "Fuck, you're ugly to look at... Did yer ma dip you in neon as a kitten?" The claws only dug deeper and watching the flames licking at the others maw made him a bit skittish but he continued to be bold, he was Trygve Roux. He wasn't scared of anyone. He watched the young vixen from the corner of her eye, she wouldn't let him think he was a coward either. He'd show them. He'd show them all. He was about to say more but then two other fox kits came along, he stared at them for a moment only to snort quietly. They weren't as pretty as the first fox was what he decided within his mind.

They began to chat for the male that currently had him pinned, he gritted his teeth still feeling the flow of his blood slither down his new wounds. They wanted him tortured to death. They didn't want him to get home. Mama was home. Roan, Eulia, Natyli, Jameson, and Aceto were at home. He wasn't going to die, god fucking dammit. He would live. This bastard wouldn't kill him so easily. The chanting clearly distracted the older male and this gave Trygve the chance to launch his own attack as his smirk grew, he would yowl aloud "Burn in hell, regards from yours truly!" With that said, the cub would lean his head back before aiming to bash CAESAR head first, if successful, he put in more power into the thrust so his horns scraped at the flesh on his attacker's head. If that had worked, he would roll away with his jaws opening only to attempt to tear into CAESAR'S leg, he aimed to tear away at a bit of the flesh wincing as blood splattered onto his face and the taste of blood touching his tongue.

But was Trygve Roux finished? Fuck no. He was going big or going home, of course, he'd go all out. Rolling away once more, the draconic cub looked for an easy target and lunged forward aiming to clamp his jaws down onto CAESAR'S tail, if that had succeeded, his jaws would latch on with a steel grip. If the other tried to throw him off well, Trygve would only shake and bite down harder until he fell back with a rather big chunk of the savannahs tail. Trygve panted as he laid on the ground feeling his body giving out but instead of staying down, he shakily rose to his paws and spat out the piece of tail he had torn off. His tufted ears perked forward as he took a shaky step forward, his tongue swiping across his lips basically lapping away at the blood. "God... You're dumb as fuck... Getting distracted 'cause they're egging on your nonexistent ego... You're pathetic," The last part he spat out with venom in his voice. His eyes betraying him briefly as he watched Aine from the corner of his eyes, his heart dropping a bit. He hoped if he did end up living, he could at least get her name before he left. His eyes locked onto his attacker once more as he shook violently getting into an attack stance. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - CAESAR CIPHER. - 03-23-2020

Everyone was starting to come around and quite frankly, Caesar half expected them to start yelling at him like his old crewmates in The Typhoon. So whenever his new clanmates started cheering him on, Caesar grinned more, feeling a wave of satisfaction flow over him. Why hadn't i joined this group long ago? Well, that was likely because they were a newer group that just started to get their name known. But still. Caesar raised his head in an ego-fueled haze, before that was quickly shut down as Charlot attempted to knock him off the child. Caesar hissed in irritation as he was knocked back by Charlot ramming himself into him. "He's an enemy, dumbass!" He spat to Charlot, narrowing his eyes. "Doesn't matter how old he is, he's still a little fucker who can run his mouth." About what? Well, their territory first of all.

Being distracted by both Charlot and his clanmates' cheered, Caesar didn't see Trygve trying to fight back. The taste of blood came into Caesar's mouth as he bit his tongue due to Trygve's headbutt, feeling the cub's horns rip the skin of his chin in doing so, shortly followed by the kid tearing off skin and fur from one of his legs. It didn't take long for Trygve to continue his attack, however, and the jaguar quickly attached himself to Caesar's tail. "You little shit!" Alright, now he was mad. Caesar tried to kick at TRYGVE's mouth with one of his hind legs, though whenever the kid popped off with a part of his tail, Caesar screeched. Not in pain (he couldn't quite feel pain past a sense of 'I'm bleeding') but oh, how he was absolutely furious at this child.

Caesar glared down at Trygve, his lips peeling back to reveal blood-stained teeth. The little fucker mocked him, taking on an attack stance. His fur was black, dotted with brown spots, and his wings... They almost looked like someone Caesar had know back in The Typhoon. Roxanne. Of course, that made sense why Trygve was trying to hard to fight him right now; he had his mother's personality. It made him more enraged at Trygve and without another word, Caesar fueled up a ball of flame, aiming to shooting it at TRYGVE. The demon's claws dug into the sandy ground beneath him, almost as if he was trying to hold himself back from absolutely destroying the cub - and, in a sense, he was.

"Say hi to your mother for me, disgusting hellspawn." Caesar's words were in a muttered snarl, so he didn't care whether or not Trygve heard him - but oh, if he did, and told Roxanne... There was definitely going to be some trouble. Mostly for Caesar, not just The Pitt. But of course, since he was apart of the group, they would unfortunately be dragged along. Unless Roxanne specifically targeted Caesar while he was alone, that is.

Re: ANIMAL IN ME / typhoon cub - deimos - 03-23-2020

Blood pumped. He had been on a walk, trying to decide decently what kind of life he'd try to live from now on. From being stuck here in the Pitt, with his father, labeled a traitor to other groups because of it, to the actual personality he'd want to bring to light. His eyes shifted a bit, as he raised them towards the group of people in the distance. His breathing was rippling, weakened by the metal infection. But it didn't take long for Piers to start to pick up the pace, then run.

And without second thought, a screech emitted from the child, the rather large bodied adolescent aiming to slam into Caeser's side and throw his fireball off path. He didn't care. It was fighting, and it was all smashed together. Bad. Bad. Bad. His body shook, with wracking cries as he backed up towards Trygve, his own body shivering as the infection pulled on him, fatiguing him. He shouldn't be out here, in the first place.

Piers was weak. Wasn't he? His eyes stared at Caeser, wide, his mouth opened, then snapping close, before looking towards Trygve. And he spoke, with a strained voice, towards the other child. "Take yourself and run. It's.. it's not safe here. Tell.. Tell Tanglewood I'm okay. Please." He said, his ears flat against his head.

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