Beasts of Beyond

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[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
It had been a couple of days after the whole ordeal with Goldenluxury and her cubs and Aphra finally got the courage to show her face around the main camp again. She was slightly less prissy about her appearance, however, and she felt uncomfortable without the heavy necklace that used to be around her neck. The way she walked was slower, mostly due to her still healing from the wounds she got from the fight, but also due to her not wanting to really associate with anyone right now.

No, Aphra wanted to be left alone, as ironic as it was. It was proud daylight, so why was she even out and about in the first place? Well, boredom, above all, but she also some time to reflect. In the back of her mind, she wanted everyone to know how absolutely miserable she was right now, but of course she wouldn't admit to that. She totally wasn't trying to get pity points right now. The ivory feline was making her way towards the ocean shore, looking down at her reflection in the water.

Staring back at her was a she-cat with a scarred face. If it weren't for the reflection's fur color (since it was Aphra), Aphra would have thought the she-cat in the water was her twin sister, Fakhira. But the difference between her and her sister was the fact that Aphra's ears weren't torn apart... yet, anyway. She surely hoped her ears would never be torn like what she did to Fakhira. But seeing the scars being reflected back at her hurt. They were imperfections... They made her look utterly disgusting.

But what hurt the most about her reflection was the fact that the she-cat in the water had no necklace. There was a scar in place where her necklace used to be, once again reminding Aphra of what should be there instead. There was something about the whole situation that hurt even worse than that, though... and that was the fact that it was Roxanne that had tore her necklace away from her. She knows how much it meant to me. Aphra let out a choked cry, completely forgetting that she was out in public for a brief moment. Tears came down her face slowly; she wasn't bawling quite yet but she was definitely crying.

I'm sorry, Momma.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]


Trygve had been chasing after crabs that morning, swatting at them making the creature flail on their backs before he smashed one of them with a rock knowing that if he had used his still rather nubby horns, it would have pinched his ears. He decided to let the other crabs flee as he picked up his prize with a grin tugging at his lips, he was about ready to find a spot to eat until he heard crying did a frown appear on his maw whilst holding the dead, brutally killed crab. It was that one chick that had tried to stop him from kicking Winnie's ass and man, for someone her size did she pick him up without much trouble. He felt awkward about the crying not really knowing what he should do, he could just leave to eat crab meat and gnaw on the shell but that felt wrong to him. The crying meant sadness and well, everybody needed somebody when they were feeling under the weather. Ry was always there for Eulia when she cried, he did his best not to cry since he was the oldest of the litter and he couldn't show any weakness. Natyli, Eulia, Jameson, and Aceto would need Trygve Roux to be strong so that was what he was going to do. Trygve didn't have time to sob, he didn't have the time to feel fuckin sadness. No. He wouldn't let himself sink to such a vulnerable state, he sighed through the crab finally deciding to approach the stark feline with his eyes fixated onto her.

Whoa! What happened to her face? The last time he had seen her, she didn't have either of those scars and it made him upset in a way. He didn't know why it did seeing as he hardly knew her but who would hurt one of his crewmates, poor Trygve not knowing the reason even when they were standing right in front of him. Letting out an awkward sigh before spitting out the dead crab onto the sand would he glance up at her with both tufted ears perked forward "Y'kay?" He began realizing that her necklace was missing too, he hadn't known it had been his mother so Aphra probably didn't want to see any of the femmes spawn yet he was a clueless child who was showing worry which was such a surprise coming from Trygve considering how much of a pawful he was. Fuck, how was he supposed to help? It frustrated him in a way only to remember that he'd always press up against Eulia until she stopped crying and pressed herself into him in return, he supposed that he could do the same for Aphra. Just this once. Without a word, Trygve Roux would scoot up close to Aphra and lean his head onto her shoulder. He winced inwardly but he would let out a few rumbles to try and soothe her. Just once. Just this once and never again.

Never. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]


[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra's mind and gaze was too focused on her reflection to see or hear Trygve coming up to her.
The cub was smart enough to talk before pressing himself against her, but whenever he did press his body up against her own, Aphra flinched a little. Not because she was afraid of the kid or anything like that, but was more or less surprised by what he did. One part of her was warmed by his presence but the other felt absolutely disgusted. "I'll... be fine." She responded with a frown.

Aphra was a bit uncomfortable that Trygve was trying to offer her comfort, if she was honest with herself. Right now, Roxanne was a little of a sore subject for her, considering what the jaguar did to her necklace. The fact that it was Rox who had done that hurt way more than anything else and Aphra wasn't quite sure why. She knew what that piece of jewelry meant to her, and no one else did, so why did she specifically target that?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: OH YES I'VE HEARD THE STORY // [o] // OVER AND OVER AGAIN - michael t. - 03-23-2020

Michael didn't really know Aphra well. He knew a little bit of secondhand information about her from seeing her at certain joinings or other occasions like that, but they had hardly exactly had any super fun one on one time. Roxanne didn't seem to be a fan of her as far as he knew, but the bobcat had never bothered asking why, considering it would be too sore of a subject to bring up for the new mother. Either way, Michael had made it a habit to keep his distance, figuring it would be best for everyone if he didn't get close to the feline or make an enemy of her. That way he could just remain neutral, and back up Roxie should anything come up in the future. He really did not want to deal with his little sister being mad at him, seeing as he had only seen it in smaller doses before, and he wasn't particularly enthused at the thought of Rox beating the crap out of him.

The criminal hadn't been present for the birth of Goldie's children, for two reasons. The first being that he had been in his home playing with his rats at the time it had been happening, and the second reason being that Goldie scared the shit out of him. She was the big, bad lady in charge, and while he had come to see her as a bit of a comforting presence ever since he had joined the Typhoon, he didn't want to see what could happen when one got on her bad side. He had figured she would only want family around to see the kids at first, and he was hardly part of the Roux family as a whole, so he had stayed away, figuring he could see the cubs later and learn their names and shit from Roxie. However, because he had stayed away from that particular little gathering, it meant that he hadn't been present for any of the shit to go down between Aphra and... pretty much everybody else. Had he known about it, he definitely would've been on the side of Goldie and everybody else, but since he didn't, he felt some sympathy in his heart when the sound of crying hit his ears.

At first, he shied away from the sound, hardly being known for his comforting of other people, but then he stopped himself, a heavy sigh leaving him. He was a crewmate now, and Roxie would probably want him to help out another crewmate in need. Not to mention the fact that he could scent Ry nearby, and he always felt the need to make sure that Ry was safe and sound – and not causing a shitstorm. Taking a deep breath, the bobcat headed over to where Aphra and Ry were, pausing for a moment when he saw the pair pressed together. It was an odd sight, seeing Trygve being affectionate or comforting to anyone besides his siblings or mother. Once he got over the initial shock, Michael turned his gaze towards Aphra, evidently the one who had been crying. She looked a lot different from the last time he had seen her on the sidelines, and he found himself wincing when he saw the wounds on her face. A frown pulling the edges of his muzzle downward, the thief mumbled softly, "Shit, those don't look good... you didn't run into a big wolf, did you?" He highly doubted that such – relatively – minor wounds would be inflicted by the same dire wolf that had nearly killed he and Roxie, but he felt the need to ask.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]


Octane never let anyone see him cry. To clarify, not publicly. Caustic had seen tears brimming at his eyes many times before in the middle of their escapades, but those were not sorrowful tears. His father and the maids yelled at him to many times to never cry. Crying in public was a plea for attention that wasn't out of character for the speedster, but he... just didn't do that.
Octane had seen Aphra being attacked at Goldie's birth, and it was kinda funny. He weighed in his head over how hard the hit was, what that must of felt like. Octane shudders at the thought, then approaches from the group behind Micheal. "Oh, compadre, that hit must have been so hard! That big one hit you harder than I thought," he laughs, trying to be light in tone.


[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
If there was one thing Aphra didn't like, it was showing weakness publicly. And if she could help it, she would've stayed inside to cry her eyes out, but it was dark and stuffy in her room. She wanted to get out, and wanted to be out whenever no one was around but apparently she picked the wrong time. Aphra blinked at Michael at first and opened her mouth to reply to him, when Octane came over and spoke. Almost immediately, her pupils became slits and her ears flattened. "I'm fine." She clearly didn't appreciate Octane's attempt at a light-hearted comment. "No, I didn't run into a wolf. Just bad timing." Which wasn't entirely a lie, was it?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: OH YES I'VE HEARD THE STORY // [o] // OVER AND OVER AGAIN - Jameson - 03-30-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 13px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"] Despite having vague knowledge of who Aphra was, little stuff he'd caught his mama saying to other people, Jamie didn't actually know who she was. He'd heard that she was a little mean sometimes, and that she'd made Auntie Goldie a little sad, but other than that? He had no clue what she even looked like. Nobody could really be that bad, right? everyone was nice to some people.

The sun was still in the sky when Jamie left the house, so it was a bit odd already. There were usually too many people out for him to be comfortable, it was too loud, and they always wanted to touch him or talk to him and just.. no. So he didn't normally leave during the day. He didn't really even know why he'd left today other than being bored.
He did the same as he would do later in the day, stick to the shoreline and walk, but there were other people there today. Not that there shouldn't be, Jamie didn't own the shore or anything, but still.. people.

All of these thoughts were forgotten when he saw his brother and uncle and decided that he was good with people today. There was a lady that looked like she'd been crying though, and a big wolf. oof. Approaching a bit slower than before, the small jaguar came to a stop beside his slightly older brother. "Hi. You all good, cat lady? you need anything?" hey, it's not like he knew her name.