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wherefore art thou -- oneshot 'heist' - Printable Version

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wherefore art thou -- oneshot 'heist' - charactercemetary. - 03-23-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
There was a booming voice of some dude who had been trying to catch the so-called elusive Kaitou KID. He kept yelling about how KID could be in plain sight. He'd sent out another notice: the world's so-called "biggest emerald," the Green Dream. He smirks, noting the sheer irony in all this. Because Kaito moved some two by fours on the stage behind him, hearing people put them up. He flicks back his baseball cap, laughing and chatting with some fellow workers when he hears quite a commotion between some actresses.

"You should just give up, you have no talent! It's a miracle that you even landed a servant part!" Ugh. That voice was so shrill, it sounded like she was crying out for help. The teen's gaze flickers to the scene before him. A chocolate-colored lab was talking to a young cinnamon tabby, yelling at her, how she'd never be an actress. It was better for her to just give up while she was ahead. All of the others had stayed quiet. Besides that, one could hear a pin drop. However, their expression gave themselves away: their bristling fur, their eyes narrowed. They all looked ready to attack her. However, the lady gives a grin. "Ugh, you're making my family, the great Imaizumi clan, look bad! Well, considering I'd just be dragged down by a girl like her, no more rehearsals for right now!" She's rather show-offy, pointing to the other actors, barking orders. She even lets out a "ho-ho-ho," almost sounding like an awful female version of Santa Claus.

Kaito's brow furrow and his eyes narrow, offering only a frown and chatting to another... ahem, worker, sans a better term. "Who were those two girls?" He asks, pointing to the cinnamon tabby who'd nearly begun crying, bolting behind the stage to the makeshift changing rooms, and to the obvious asshole of a female dog over there. He sends a piece of wood up to the other worker.

The other worker, a black-furred shepherd, decides to answer his question. "Oh. For the tale of Marth and Rosa, right? The servant actress? Her name is Furuhata Megumi, while the lead actress is Imaizumi Reiko. Word is this play is worldwide, and Imaizumi-san's family paid for her stuff in Japan, so she bought out the lead role. Shame too, I think Furuhata-san has some real talent. Anyway, boy, I'd advise you not to get on Imaizumi's bad side." His tone was rather nonchalant, shrugging.

"Oh, I see, Furuhata-san's a real pretty girl, I hope her luck changes," Kaito replies, looking over where the yelling, during the set up for this play happened. Kuroba Kaito might take your suggestion, sir, yet Kaitou KID will not, he thinks to himself, humming as he hops off the makeshift stage, grinning.

It was almost evening, therefore, time to set up once more. Get all the props ready. Kaito was finally alone, and he could set up what he needed to for the heist. In the makeshift play area, he'd set up some mirrors that would pop out before going back in, reflecting the light from the moon and the lanterns in the little area. He hums to himself, before he hears acting. The hell? Nobody was supposed to be on stage! A look of shock floods his features, his prominent smirk turning into a slight frown, before a nervous smile, and ocean eyes widening as he turns to the secondary stage, which also had a curtain down. He opens it, and Megumi - that certain cinnamon tabby had been standing there.

Word for word, she had called out all the roles, acting as if she were a professional. She used a deeper voice for the male roles, pointing and putting a paw to her chest, declaring Marth's love for Rosa, from the two conflicting kingdoms. About how they would dance, and then she sighs, shaking her head, and appearing ready to cry. She lowered it, peering at the splintering wood.

Steps echo in the area, as Kaito reaches her, offering a smile. He clapped briefly, conjuring a white rose, pinning behind her ear. "Ojou-san, that was an outstanding performance. Do not lower yourself anymore, you do not deserve such a thing. In fact, I am surprised you weren't given a bigger role, or perhaps the role of Princess Rosa herself," he tells her, closing his eyes. Damn it... he was getting to close to speaking as though he was KID, and considering she was from Japan... well, perhaps she had no time to care for such "small" things.

"No w-way, I-I'm not as g-good as Imaizumi-san!" she replies, frantically waving her paws, looking around the area so she didn't have to make eye contact with him. It was true. Imaizumi knew how to put on a show, how to act, and Megumi was just the servant girl. "B-besides, she c-can actually p-protect the G-Green D-Dream from Kaitou K-KID!" She adds on, shaking her head once more.

That last statement shocked him. Did this Reiko Imaizumi have something that she could do, could she harm him? No matter. A heist was a heist. If this was Pandora, then his days as a Phantom Thief would be over. If not, he could make some lady's day. Still, he took note that he'd have to be careful. Her voice draws him back. "A-and, I-I have stage fr-fright, sir. I-I can't pe-perform in front of o-others. If I do, I-I just stutter. I-I mess up. I-I ruin the show," she replies to him, sitting down, a defeated expression on her face.

"Pumpkins," he muses, the idea so natural in his head. Instead of imagining them nude, and therefore, perhaps their faces being angry and hostile - pumpkins. He leans back against the cardboard castle, shutting one eye, making sure enough weight is on it to help him yet not enough for the castle to topple over.

"Come a-again, young m-man?" Megumi quirks an eyebrow, staring at Kaito. What on Earth?

"Pumpkins," the gentleman repeats once more, deciding to stand up fully instead of leaning back. "I know a lot of people say 'imagine them nude', but that never exactly helped me. What helped me with my own stage fright was pumpkins. Imagine them as pumpkins - with the faces you carve into them, as if they were jack o lanterns. Imagine them with happy faces, faces that are glad you're in the spotlight. If you do that, if you simply think they're happy to see you... well, Miss, let me tell you, it'll be great. For you and them." He peers through a crack in the curtain. The sun was setting. The show would begin, and he'd need to get ready. He offers her a wave as he heads towards the exit. "I hope this helps you, ojou-san!"

"W-wait! I didn't even get your name! And you helped me so much!" She calls after this 'lowly worker', slight worry on her features.

Heh, she didn't know about KID, did she? Or perhaps she did, but not the origins of his name. Kaito smirks, not bothering to look at her as he replies. "I do not have a name. Call me... Ichi-yon-ichi-ni."

The play had begun. It was a magnificent show, with the lead actors and actresses stealing the cheers from the audience that had gathered. The moonlight shone down, mingling with the lanterns. Kaito sat in a seat, on the edge of the row so that when it was his turn to steal the show, he could give it to the one who had deserved it. He sighs, slipping down a bit, a little too casual. He was watching the play, and even in acting, Reiko Imaizumi acted terribly. In every scene, she is shown being nice to her servants, yet one could hear that false pleasantry in her voice. He looked up - Megumi was trying to keep it together, appearing as though she were ready to cry once again. What had Reiko done to her? His eyes narrow, as he scans the brochure, acting like anyone else in the crowd. A scene played. 'Marth' got on his knees, showing that large emerald, in a small box meant for jewelry, asking for the spoiled brat's paw in marriage. The ball, the dance, was beautiful. It had ivory-painted pieces, the extras were dancing it in time with the music. The curtains closed, they fell - yet the play had not ended. Why?

The loud voice of whoever the fuck it was trying to look for him hit his ears, though he was attuned to such things by now. "Everyone," he had called to the group that was trying to help catch the gentleman thief - "Kaitou KID is known to use darkness to blind those in his heists! If he puts out the lanterns, we know it's go time."

Just because it was something that he usually did, did not mean he always did it. Instead... Darkness is not the only thing that blinds one, Keibu, He thinks to himself with a rather smug look as one of the actresses steps on a part of the wood, a sort of switch that caused the panels with the mirrors to flick up, showing themselves and blinding with the light from the lanterns and the moon. It was white and shiny. Go time.

And that is when all the lanterns went out, with a whisper of wind, as though it had been wayward, meant to do this. The darkness had caused the area to dim, before the moon slowly appeared from out of a dark, gloomy cloud.  Steps could be heard, though they were not Kuroba's. No, the people who had been looking for him.

His voice was calm and gentle. It was time for him to take the thunder, and bestow it on a young girl, hopefully the shock would help her find confidence.  "After the curtains had closed, and even the moon began to depart, yet one girl remained in the palace, after all others had left the astoundingly beautiful ball."

Loud steps, and the man trying to find him held some anger. "Tch! Those cheesy remarks! Th-those cheesy lines! KID is definitely here!" His annoyed gaze scanned for the sinner in white.

"Yet, she was in love with the prince," KID continues, a smile lit up on his face from where he'd been standing. The actors inside look confused. What the fuck was going on? They glanced back and forth, eyebrows furrowed, but they did not move.

"Her name... was Servant A!" This all felt so natural to him, the way he'd planned everything out. A lantern on a string dangled, shooting off a mirror in the ceiling of the stage, and therefore, placing the spotlight of Megumi Futuhara. The girl looked shocked, her eyes wide and her hat fell from her head, the one that defined her as a princess. As she moved back, the spotlight did as well, based off of the refraction from the mirror. "She'd been bullied every day by the wicked princess, but could not tell anyone how she had felt." Reiko's eyes widened and she made a surprised noise, but that does not stop KID from continuing. "This lovely girl resigned herself to bear, and endure the pain in her chest- her heart, small of that, like a baby bird." Megumi's eyes widened. No way...

The moonlight had fully peaked out from the cloud, offering a shine on the center part of the area. KID starts to lower himself down, his cape swaying with his air elemental, and his descent controlled by them. "But then, fate changed for her. A peculiar, moonlit magician appeared from above..." It was slow, dramatic, despite his rather still posture. "And descended below her." KID moves, his cape making a sound as he bowed to her, getting on his knee. Sort of. It's the thought that counted. Even so, he managed to look elegant.

"K-Kaitou KID!" The searcher's voice sounded behind him, but the thief paid no attention to him. Instead he just smiled, smirking as he always did.

"K-KID?!" Megumi asks, her eyes widening even further, her front paw up to her chest in shock.

KID chuckles, pulling on part of his tophat, lowering it slightly as his monocle shimmer. "No, I am not KID..." he moves slowly, his steps echoing throughout the hall as silence had taken over most of it. He walks behind her, a genuine smile as he pulled his cape up. "I'm just... a magician," he pulled it up so it covered her, before pulling it down. "Who is here to make your dream come true!" Megumi appeared to be clothed in what appeared to suit a princess - a lovely tiara with blue gems, a white, fluffy and over the top dress, with ribbons and a centerpiece. The shy and timid girl looks so surprised herself, staring at the dress, turning her head in awe and wonder.

He moves forward, checking the gem underneath the moonlight. There was nothing but green. He hides his disappointment, it was like it had not been even there. The chain the jewel sat on rattled. "I had stolen this gem, the Green Dream, just as I had stolen the light," he muses, "But it seems that it is not what I am looking for." With that, he kneels and bows once again, placing the gem upward, onto her neck. "Therefore, a beautiful gem, shall bejewel a person who is just as beautiful in return." It shimmered and sparkled, as if reflecting Reiko's envy, the green light dancing slightly. He reached up, gently taking the girl's paw in her own, shifting so he could support himself on three, and kissing it.

"Well, my lady, it is time! Your prince awaits." He moves, his cape upward so that it would block her sight of him, before he had pulled it away, showing off a brilliant, dark gray-colored cat in royal attire. He moves, bowing on stage, behind her. A spotlight had turned on him - another mirror trick, perhaps.

Megumi looks around at the bewildered crowd, and she freezes up. Reiko offered a smug smirk, though not gentlemanly like Kaitou KID, instead- malicious. She looked at the side, shutting her eyes, debating whether or not to do it.

"Pumpkins," the thief tells her, no, repeats. His voice was naught but a whisper. He keeps his own emotion hidden, one eye obscured with his monocle. Megumi stares at him, and he continues. "You mustn't shy away from the audience's gaze. Muster your courage, and embrace it," he then looks up at her, a happy, gentle smile on his maw. "Nobody can see through to your heart."

Wait... pumpkins? Why would this young man be talking about pumpkins? She gasps, a paw onto her mouth. "Y-you're..." She begins, not bothering to hide the shock as he stands up. He offers her another smile. He was that lowly worker who had been putting up wood a few hours ago.

"Well, then..." KID tells her, seeming to fade into the darkness, only to have left the stage, ditched his outfit, and used to darkness on the edges to his advantage, slipping back into his seat as Kaito Kuroba.

Megumi starts to sing, as if this were an opera. With la's and such, yet her voice had been so pretty, as if her heart had escaped through her mouth. He sits there, happy, for once in quite a while, as she had taken the show for herself, with a dazzling performance. Her moves were real, not calculated, as she sang her heart out. The prince came to her, "My mind is clear, perhaps for the first time!" The prince remarks, trying to charm her. He was good at improv, to say the least. "What a beautiful singing voice," he gently grasps her face, turning it towards him. "Please, let me see thy beautiful face in all of its glory," he stared at her, before leading her to dance. Chatter amongst the actors called for the play to continue for Megumi, that girl that endured so much abuse it took a toll, leaving her with nothing but a shell of herself. The lanterns were lit by extras and such, while Reiko stomped away, no sign of her in sight.

Kaito leans back in his chair, a sigh of relief escaping him.

Perhaps... being Kaitou KID wasn't so bad after all.