Beasts of Beyond
BALLERINAS IN THE DARK + children fighting club - Printable Version

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BALLERINAS IN THE DARK + children fighting club - toboggan - 03-23-2020

The last time weekly tasks were handed out, Noor made damn sure that she was given one as well. Armed with a stern voice and steel-splitting stare, the cross fox leered into the dead centre of Gael's stupid eyes and demanded a task. And boy oh boy did Gael deliver. A sparring session, he stated, solely meant for the youth population of the Pitt. The task excited her immensely, for what the adults saw as 'harmless, contained combat', Noor saw as 'legal bullying'. Finally, her worst enemies would feel the brunt of her pent up resentment, and she wouldn't even face a punishment for it. Oh, she anticipated sinking her fangs into Aine's torso, and the thought of slamming Mercede's skull into the ground below coerced her body to break into a storm of hysterical shivers.

She'd gone around the camp, in pursuit of anyone that appeared to be physically adolescent, and informed them of the scheduled session. The vulpine made sure to use words that would persuade her listeners into attending, such as 'painless' and 'unthreatening' - even though she planned her fight club to be the total opposite of how she described it.

"Attention, attendees!" she howls, once her guests began showing up, "I hum... (she struggles with her wording) humbly welcome everyone to my very safe fighting session! And don't worry, it's very safe!" Hopefully, by making it incredibly clear that this activity was awfully safe, Noor hid the fact that this activity wasn't awfully safe. "The sparring will start once everybody is all shown up, and stuff! So for now, just settle in, sit down, and wait."

Re: BALLERINAS IN THE DARK + children fighting club - gael - 03-23-2020

If the vulpine possessed second thoughts, it failed to be evident -- he had suspected Noor might be overenthusiastic.  Hence, his early presence once he heard word the young Callahan was prepared to begin the session, making sure [member=4817]aine.[/member] knew he expected her own attendance, to act as a first responder should any of the sparring go south.

The session presented, in theory, a learning opportunity, both for the general youth populace, and for Aine's medical training.  The faerie hardly sought to waste medical supplies on this, but he suspected he could teach his daughter something new from observing these sparring matches -- whether it was the strategy of the fight, or how she would need to respond to the potential injuries that would've been obtained in a real thing. 

Assuming Noor doesn't push things too far and actually hurts someone.  He doubted Kydobi would entirely approve or appreciate such an event, but it would present Gael with an opportunity to see how Aine fairs with an actual patient.

The fox flicked his ear and took an attentive seat a fair distance away, casting his apathetic, golden gaze on Noor.  This was her task and her operation to lead, he would not interrupt or impose -- even though he was doubting her repeated intentions for safety.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: BALLERINAS IN THE DARK + children fighting club - Mercede - 03-31-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

The fact Noor was going to enjoy this little task too much was more likely than not. In fact the little princess would bet her bottom buck that Sweeney would be making an appearance. Usually Mercede would avoid such brutal and savage theatrics but today she had a purpose.

Her recent encounter with Nikolai and Gael has left her pride severely wounded. She would hide behind her pretty smile and big eyes but she was fuming, she was angry and she hated them. So that’s why she was here.

Mercede would attend, not because she wanted to fight but because she wanted to exact her revenge. Both involved violence but in her mind they were not the same.

She wanted blood and she wanted to humiliate them.


Re: BALLERINAS IN THE DARK + children fighting club - nikolai - 04-04-2020

    Blood may be what the strange little sisters craved, but no red would spatter the sand or snow from his veins ever again. Only the foul color of tar, glistening slick where an eye once was beneath the dark lens of his mask.

    That is if a child wielding infantile teeth and claws could breach the dense coat trapping heat close to his gaunt body, yet providing protection from sunburn nonetheless.

    Fortune beamed upon the girl he plucked from the leg of the large insect, as though she were little more than a fluffy thorn stuck to hardened skin. Nikolai recognized her, of course. His remaining eye glanced at her broad smile, not quite finding any happiness behind incoming fangs. Two others arrived before him, most notably the translator and another child shouting nonsense. A hollow sigh fogged the inner panes of his lenses, the breath meekly rasping through the filter. It was always going to be like this, wasn't it?

    The wolverine settled himself to observe, bearish ears perked to gather words in possible hopes of putting definition and reason behind them. Verysafe, verysafe. Assumedly repeated twice for emphasis. Was that the activity everyone waiting for? Nikolai balanced the muzzle of his gas mask atop broad paws, dull eye attentive on the little girl with the booming speech.

Re: BALLERINAS IN THE DARK + children fighting club - aine. - 04-04-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Sparring?  Not exactly on the petite vixen's favorites list.  She knew her father had good intentions demanding her presence; to be the medical aide on scene.  She still trotted towards the event with her teeth chewing the inside of her cheek, chest tight at the thought of violence.  Even if it had a training purpose, Aine preferred to avoid physical confrontation, bad memories playing in her mind's eye.

But she tried to do what her father asked of her.  She had no medical satchel as of yet so she stocked her favorite basket with first aid supplies; bandages, a number of small vials of marigold poultice, poppy seeds, some bindweed and rush.  Still, her hazel hues flickered as she set it down by her paws.  Was this enough?  Was this the right combination?

As long as no one used their teeth or claws... She was sure none of it would be necessary.  Still.  Aine didn't entirely trust everyone would be careful.  She threw her father a look, brow furrowed.  He was sitting so far back.  He really wanted them to run the show today, didn't he?  Okay.  The faerie took a deep breath.  He trusts me.  Okay.  If anyone gets hurt... I got it.  Okay.

[ retro body change ]
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —