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quiet room - joining - Printable Version

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quiet room - joining - arcy - 03-22-2020

[div style="width: auto; height: auto; font-family: georgia; color: COLOR; font-size: 25pt; float: left; padding: 4px;"]
[div style="width: 100%; height: auto; font-family: arial; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify;"]Felicity wakes up and Sheska is nowhere to be found. It's not like the other serval is hard to find -- blinding white fur, striking pink eyes. The prettiest girl Felicity has ever laid eyes on.
She left a note in her stead. Not a breakup note, -- Felicity doesn't think so, at least. The note was clear, but there was a lack of communication between them, if Sheska couldn't tell her face to face. Sheska had seemed a little distracted, a little sad, in the days leading up, but just as affectionate as ever. More so, even. Pressed side to side, laughing together.
Had Felicity been so unapproachable that Sheska couldn't have brought this upfront? Offered to let Felicity come with? As though Felicity wouldn't have wanted to see her brother again. Like she wouldn't have wanted to see her brother again. Like Felix meant nothing to her.
Had this been happening beneath her nose the whole time? How had Felicity never noticed? (was this how Felix felt, when they left? Except that --)
Hey, I need to go for a little while. Maybe a few months. I need to go visit my family for a bit, okay? I know you want to keep exploring, and that's okay!
We'll find each other again, okay? I promise,

Was that the problem? Was Felicity too fixated on adventuring, that Sheska left overnight and with such a brief notice? Was Felicity not consistent enough? Not trustworthy enough?
... She left her whole brother immediately after promising to stay. Of course she wasn't consistent enough.

This is somehow what lead Felicity to the border of -- what was it again, Elysium?
It's interesting first step. Ah, yes. Her girlfriend scuttled away cause she had to do something, and Felicity's first response is to join a group to prove that she could, in fact, settle down or ... something. Listen. Felicity is not a particularly smart person. She wanted to explore, and she could hardly fathom the idea of settling down by herself -- with Sheska or not, but alone nonetheless.
The familiar tang of nostalgia. Surrounded by people. Tended to people, tending to people.
Bittersweet, all on her lonesome. No Felix, no Sheska. No Helier or mom.
The serval taps her paw against the ground. She's a somewhat odd sight, carelessly plodding past whatever borders she may have reached. It's cold -- much colder than Felicity particularly appreciates, but it shows that she can withstand some hardships, right? Oh god.
"Isss ... anyone there?" She yowls, finally stopping in her tracks. Tapping a paw against the ground, impatient. Clearly, since she couldn't wait five minutes for someone to arrive before charging past the border. Ears flicked forwards, mismatched eyes searching. Feathers dangle from her ears. Does ... People actually live here, right? Felicity can smell them, but do they? ... Stupid question, of course they do. Felicity wouldn't be here if they didn't.
Listen, okay. Maybe she's just half-hoping they don't show up so she doesn't have to live in the cold mountains until a. Sheska shows up or b. indefinitely, if Sheska likes it.
Nobody ever said that Felicity's plans were well-thought, or fleshed out in any way, alright?

Re: quiet room - joining - Cosmic - 03-24-2020

The small white feline lived here, yes, and was doing a patrol around the borders to look for intruders or joiners- whichever came first. It wasn’t long before he noticed an unfamiliar scent, and his instincts demanded that he follow the trail.

Valerian then happened upon the distressed and disheveled looking serval. He heard her voice, calling out as well, and gave a quiet, timid response back:

Yes, ma’am. This is Elysium.

The Decurion steps forward, but keeps his distance from her. She has crossed into their territory, but didn’t appear hostile. She just looked... scared. He could relate. He had been that way when he nearly died inside Elysium’s territory, fighting off an angry spirit named Mercer. He barely had any memory left of who he once was, but there were inklings of a name in the back of his head.

You’ve crossed our border. What is your business here?” His tone remained polite and friendly, and he took a seat carefully in front of her. The bright, crimson red markings that spiraled up his paws to his shoulders began to glow slightly as he observed her.

Re: quiet room - joining - Warringkingdoms - 03-24-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]While strangers at the border were common, strangers that had already crossed the border were significantly less so. This serval was either brazen, desperate, lacking common sense, or some combination of the three. Rin was willing to assume that the newcomer wasn't hostile- attackers rarely announced their presence loudly- but she remained on her guard as she approached, her eyes watching the scenery intently. Whether the newcomer was benign or not, there was always danger.

  At least Halo was there to assist. Rin briefly let her eyes wander to the glowing red markings on his pelt, then dismissed the sight and looked back at the trees. If he was calm, then the glowing was probably harmless. If he would take care of speaking with the newcomer and maintaining the appearance of everything being fine, then she would make sure everything actually was fine.

  /junkpost 2, electric boogaloo

Re: quiet room - joining - arcy - 03-26-2020

[div style="width: auto; height: auto; font-family: georgia; color: COLOR; font-size: 25pt; float: left; padding: 4px;"]
[div style="width: 350px; height: auto; font-family: arial; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify;"]It was safe to say, Felicity belonged safely in the category of "lacks common sense". If asked why she passed over the border, she wouldn't have been able to tell you -- it was just sort of. She reached it, decided she didn't feel like stopping, and just kept going.
Felicity was not a particularly smart person. It did, however, seem like she had successfully summoned some of the people living here. Her ears prick, and she grins, crooked. A little anxious, a little stressed, but she was still delighted by their presences. It's been a long time since she's seen that many people. Less since she had without Sheska. Yikes.
"I'm here to join!" She's quick to declare, a thwip of her tail. She was never as good at reading people as her brother had been, she couldn't really get a read on how they were feeling -- did they even care she'd crossed over? Felicity didn't know, and nor did she care. "I'm, uh, Felicity," She fumbles just a touch, resists the urge to pull the feather off of her ear to fidget with. That's stupid, and she's messying it every time she does. Yet another twitch of the ear. "... Sorry for crossing?" Somewhat high pitched, belatedly realizing maybe she should apologize, in case there are, in fact, hard feelings. She bounces on her pawpads, a little nervous but, hey, once she's in, she's in!

Re: quiet room - joining - Warringkingdoms - 04-02-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Her crooked grin and restless demeanor were... slightly familiar, but only in the sense that Rin had known people with such traits. She doubted she had ever met this one. If she had, it had probably been a one-off meeting that nothing came of.

  When she declared her intent to join, introducing herself as Felicity, Rin nodded. A joiner was good news, considering that Elysium had been rather quiet lately. Hopefully she stuck around- and didn't get murdered, Rin thought to herself, her eyes abruptly shifting back to the forest behind Felicity. Nope, no one was there.

  After a few moments, Rin shook her head. "You're hardly the first joiner that's crossed the border," she remarked, looking back at Felicity. "In any case, yes, you can stay here. If you want to become an official member I'll have to swear you in at the next meeting, but you're welcome to hang around until then." Twitching her tail, she added, "I'm Rin. I can direct you to the sea town or the mountain camp, whichever you prefer." The sooner they got away from the border, the better.