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What comes from the sea - intro - will return - Printable Version

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What comes from the sea - intro - will return - Seakit Roux. - 03-22-2020


health 100% . weak, young . no powers . baby . minor peaceful powerplay allowed
3 months. 3 months was a lang time when it's your entire so far. There's a lot of growth there, pushing someone like him to nearly 13 pounds already. Along with the massive growth, he'd grown teeth, sharp as needles. He'd certainly been putting them to good use recently, having been forbidden any more milk.

The biggest issue with that, for him, meant that it was just a whine-and-get-milk situation anymore. No, he now had to wait for someone to bring him food and he didn't like that. He was hungry and he was hungry now! He may not be as chunky as he was when he was born but he was still decently there and now he was bigger. He was a growing boy and he needed food.

The cub carefully stood, wiggling himself away from the warm grasp of whichever mother had dozed off while watching them. Careful not to trod on Brandy or Mariner, he would sneak his way out in search of a meal. He intended to sneak into their kitchen but, knowing that he wouldn't be able to reach the food storage, instead made his way outside. They always brought food in from other so surely he an find himself something.

Taking the stairs down in a few swift hops, Seakit found himself stumbling to a stop while staring out upon the sea with a gasp. Finding himself drawn towards it, he inched closer, amazed as the tide lifted to his ankles, tugging and pulling on his fur. He kept pushing forward until the water began to lap his stomach fur, a breeze ruffling the leaves on the back of his neck. The sound shook him out of his trance, reminding him of his original task. Food.

He backed out of the water, promising to return later, and bounded up to the shore. His eyes scanned the beach, something round and brown catching his eye. A coconut is what he'd heard it be called.

Approaching the fruit, he grabbed one between both front paws and layed down with a huff. He began to gnaw on the brown ball, grunts and growls leaving him as he found his teeth simply just scraped at the edges.


Re: What comes from the sea - intro - will return - T. ROUX - 03-22-2020

Well, Jumbo Deluxe over here wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, huh?

Who gnawed at a coconut like that? Trygve Roux watching with his head tilted to the side as he took in the scene, he finds a small frown on his maw trying to figure out if he wanted to go over there or not. He was weighing his options at this point as he drew a soft breath, well, he'd have to talk to his family member someday. Without another thought, the more slender cub would make his way over with both tufted ears perked forward "Hiya there! M'names Trygve call me Ry," The only other people who got to call him anything but Ry was moreso for his sisters and brothers than anyone else though there was always his uncle Michael who would call him kid. It irked him greatly. The dark cub would shake himself out only to say with nonexistent eyebrow raising at the cub "Y'know there's a more efficient way of opening it, right?" Oh yeah, he had opened coconuts before on his own. He was surprised he hadn't gotten a concussion yet with his method of cracking a coconut.

/rushed sorry [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: What comes from the sea - intro - will return - roan ; - 03-22-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — It seemed as though Rouxes were just naturally drawn to the sea. Roan supposed it made the most sense for Seakit, considering he was named after the waves, but it was still pretty funny, poking his head from his home only to once again see one of the new children bouncing about in the water. He could still remember when a couple of months ago, he had been so eager to leave the house, rushing along the edge of the sea but never truly stepping into it. It had intimidated him too much, his self preservation winning out over curiosity in a rather surprising way. He still liked the ocean, and had eventually been able to make his way all the way out to cousin Goldie's boat at one point, but the young pirate wasn't sure he'd ever consider himself one with the sea like Goldie did. Perhaps it was just a genetic thing, that the Captain possessed. Either way, the siamese found himself chuckling softly from the front of his family's hut, just watching Seakit from afar – both in amusement, and also worry, not wanting his poor cousin to lose another child.

When Seakit eventually moved back from the water and began once again up the beach, Roan found himself following, stretching out his wings as he trotted after his second cousin. The scent of Trygve hitting him as he walked along immediately made Roan's fur prickle, the apprentice worried that Ry was about to cause trouble with the young tiguar. Thankfully, that didn't seem to be the case. The older male moved over just in time to catch Trygve's comment about coconuts, and he found himself smiling broadly before he nodded, "Yeah, Ry's right! You can get to the stuff inside much more easily if you just break it open against a rock." Roan, of course, didn't realize that his younger brother preferred a much more violent and self destructive method of cracking open coconuts, the siamese figuring no one would be reckless enough to use their skull, instead of a rock. Gesturing with a rapidly growing wing along the shore, Roan continued with a pleased hum, "There's plenty of big rocks along the shore. I'm sure I can show you one you could use!"
[align=center][Image: 2x48tfY]

Re: What comes from the sea - intro - will return - Seakit Roux. - 03-23-2020


health 100% . weak, young . no powers . baby . minor peaceful powerplay allowed
At the sound of someone approaching, the cub froze mid-gnaw, teeth still stuck in the coconut. With a bit of a cough he spit it out and looked at Ry. "Nice to meet you Ry! I'm Seakit but you can call me Sea!" He'd speak with a bit of a doppy smile, squeezing his eyes shut. Before he hada chance to respond to the other, his attention was grabbed by someone else approaching.

This one he recognized from Roan's frequent visits to see his mother. "Hi Roany!" chirped the cun, jumping up next to his covered-in-scratches coconut. "Oh really? How do you open it? Normally it's already open when someone brings it to me! show me show me!" Roan having mentioned rocks on the shore spurred the cub to pick up the coconut with his mouth the best he could and race towards the shore in search of the perfect rock. Not that he knew what to do with the rock or what kind he needed.