Beasts of Beyond
To thine own self be true;; open - joining - Printable Version

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To thine own self be true;; open - joining - trojan g. - 03-21-2020

[div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font: times new roman; font-size: 11px; color: white; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px;text-indent: 30px;"]He knew not of how he got here, or how long it had been since he'd been on land. He only knew that he woke up a sputtering mess atop some wood, floating in the water and heading out towards sea, his home far behind him, and his friend long gone, the only signs of him being what the cream-tinted bear thought to be his own imagination, voices whispering in his ears.

"There! It's over there Pooh! The land is that way, jump off, and swim!"

The voice, once more, buzzing in his ear. Though it hadn't failed his trust before, the voice of his friend worried the young male, so, with hesitation, afraid of what lied ahead, he'd jump, and he'd swim in the direction he'd been facing when the voice had told him to go that way.

Eventually, a strip of land could be seen in the bear's vision. With gasping breath and quick feet eventually found himself drenched on the sand of the beach he assumed he was meant to go to, and promptly plopped down on the ground, legs outstretched and tongue sticking out slightly from his mouth, exhausted. And so he'd wait there, simply trying to catch his breath.

Re: To thine own self be true;; open - joining - Grimm - 03-21-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]A hushed melody wrought within the foam laced peaks, swallowed in the extension of pitiful reach each indent decorating the moisture laden grains. Dissuaded course of action which grew forth the quiet child, the softness of plaintive warning uttered once within receptive ears, yet aside pushed the apparent trail of worry settled within heart of the matter. Of no need had it seemed to push the point, comfort derived from the closeness of familiarity, the earthy tone found nestled in strands of spun gold. Yet fickle the heart within snow hued breast, a lilting melody arising forth in answer to that which called with a homesick voice.

Adorned the pale lips with a smile of blooming joy, the gentle brush of delicate petals. It was to where wandering steps settled depths of poor lilac settled, the odd break within rhythmic beat dismissed without rise, brow and nose scrunching as slowed was languid momentum. A creature of the depths breaching the waves, one of the creatures that swam before weak vision, multi-hued smears upon pages mother showed with some semblance of amusement at their wide eyed wonder.

Yes, that was all it surely was, or a mere trick of mind grown weary for of an early hour were they roused on a daily basis.

For the span of mere minutes was such notion held within the slow tumble of wandering thought, restless in pursuit of pleasing thread, of a more jarring halt that which dug pale crescents into the collected grains of sand. Rivets of salt water cut along that which pooled about heaving sides, disturbed by the addition of hefty mass, awkward and surely of discomfort the manner of splayed position. For a moment longer did they look upon the beached other, at times words forming upon tongue held between points, yet dismissed each in turn. Help would be best, indeed, another might offer assistance the child may not.

Yet it was not away that Eulia moved but, rather, around, skirted the prone ursidae until their own pale nose was aligned with that of the stranger. "Hello… Are you dead...?" Preposterous the very idea one departed may offer answer to such query yet voiced it all the same, a small paw arising to gently lay atop wet snout.

Re: To thine own self be true;; open - joining - T. ROUX - 03-21-2020

Whenever their mother wasn't behind their tails, Trygve Roux made it his responsiblity to watch over his siblings that would stray from home. His eyes currently fixated onto his youngest sister, Eulia, he was very protective of her and would pulverize anyone who dare upset her. Walking along with his soft muscles rippling underneath his dark coat with rustic mottled spots, the draconic jaguar was only a few steps behind the albino cub with both of his tufted ears perked forward. A frown appearing on his maw the moment he caught sight of the thing Lu was currently approaching, huh, he picked up the pace with a lash of his tail. A soft growl escaping his shut maw with his tiny fangs poking out from his dark lips, his pupils narrowed into dangerous slits watching it all unfold before him. Eulia got near the stranger only to touch their nose and inquire if they were dead, Ry couldn't help but snort in subtle amusement drawing near. Trygve knew this idiot wasn't dead or well, he boldly assumed they weren't but he was certain of a way to prove whether or not that was the case. A nice kick to the ass! Besides, kids always played rowdy. He was sure nobody would really mind or care if he gave the cub a soft nudge with his paw.

"They ain't dead, Lilu. Watch this," A mischievous glint in his eyes as he stepped back a bit aiming to kick Winnie on the rear end, it was relatively a gentle kick seeing as he wasn't such a massive asscheek and he didn't want to hurt them if they were alive. Even if Ry was a hundred percent certain that Winnie was dead, after the gentle kick, they would step back to press his dark sky of a pelt against the stark coat of his sibling. A faint smile tugging at his maw. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: To thine own self be true;; open - joining - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-21-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
Aphra was not following the two Roxanne kids simply because they were her's, but mostly because she knew that the new mother would be absolutely furious if something would happen to her children. Aphra didn't entirely understand that motherly instinct - at least, not for her own kids - but when she saw the two cubs heading off on their own, she followed behind them at a respectable distance.

However, when she saw Trygve attempt to kick this stranger's ass (quite literally, mind you), the feline quickly rushed over and tried to grab TRYGVE by the scruff before he could do anything. Regardless of whether she was successful (though if Trygve's fur was in her mouth, talking would be quite difficult), Aphra spoke to Winnie, "Kids, right?" She paused. "What brings you to The Typhoon, hon?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: To thine own self be true;; open - joining - trojan g. - 03-22-2020

[div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; font: times new roman; font-size: 11px; color: white; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 15px;text-indent: 30px;"]When he'd washed up on shore, the bear hadn't expected to be swarmed by others so soon, which is why, when the first to come over had touched his nose and spoken, the bear's head was suddenly up, eyes opening to a pained squint as he fought back tears, before there was suddenly a kick to his behind, and the tears would come forward. "Wh-what did I do?" the ten month old would sob out, ears pinning to his head as he moved to stand up and scoot over, trying to avoid the younger children there, avoid getting kicked once more.

Moving a paw up towards his nose to wipe away the snot beginning to build, the child would look towards Aphra, listening to her words, and thinking. "'M not sure... I think I kinda washed up." He'd speak, head tilting down as he tried to think. Nothing. No memory of anything other than Christopher, and the fact that he missed him.

Re: To thine own self be true;; open - joining - roan ; - 03-22-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — It was the scent of his new siblings that originally drew Roan to the shore that day, his cream and blue fur colored faintly golden in the sunlight. The young tom had his own daily goings on as well to deal with, such as the friends he had made and his medic studies, but he had promised his mama that he would keep an eye on his siblings, especially Trygve. Perhaps Roan had just inherited all of Roxanne's motherly nature, while Ry had inherited all of the mischievous excitement that sometimes got their mother into trouble. Either way, Roan knew that mama would be displeased with Ry hurting someone, which was why the siamese had a faint frown on his face as he moved over, arriving just in time to see Winnie squirming away from Ry's unneeded assault. He didn't know the feline who had tried to grab his brother, but the apprentice shot her a grateful look before addressing Ry, frowning, "Trygve! You shouldn't just do that to somebody, especially somebody new. He's lost and confused, and you just made him think we're a bunch of jerks. What would mama say?" He shook his head faintly at Ry, a soft huff of disapproving air leaving his nostrils.

Once he was done scolding his little brother, Roan chose to move his gaze towards Winnie, the subject of the whole commotion. The newcomer hardly seemed to be all that threatening, despite his natural top of the food chain advantages. The draconic feline felt his frown grow when Winnie spoke, explaining that he had just sort of washed up on the shore. Roan couldn't imagine how awful that must've been, just suddenly ending up somewhere new with no idea how you had gotten there, and nobody with you to make you feel safe. He immediately wanted to wrap Winnie up in his arms, just as his mama did with him when he was upset. Still, the boy resisted that urge, figuring that physical contact would only upset Winnie further at this point, even if it was meant to be a comfort. Instead he decided to try another way of helping – offering a home, if only temporarily. With a paw outstretched in greeting, Roan mumbled softly as he smiled at Winnie, "Hola. My name's Roan, and the island you washed up on belongs to the Typhoon. We're a real friendly group though, so there's no need to be scared... well, maybe a little bit of Trygve, but I'll make sure he doesn't bug you." He cocked his head to one side, tail flicking behind him, "Would you maybe wanna stay here for a while, until you can remember where you came from? My mama and everybody else that lives here is real nice, and you can make new friends."
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