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castle rock — intro - Printable Version

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castle rock — intro - simon - 03-21-2020

    Lapping currents frothed and surged toward the grey shoreline, an aimless charge to throw itself onto the rocks with a dying roar before the next wave began to gallop in its wake. Dense clouds lazily hung over the sea like cotton bloat flies. Chartreuse eyes traced imaginary shapes from the safety of the treeline, the body attached crouching among a nest of pine needles. The new kitten really wasn't supposed to stray this far beyond the town. But the salt-scented wind ruffled his striped coat with a certain sensation he couldn't quite place, beckoning him further despite his parent's words. He wasn't old enough, he wasn't strong enough. At least not yet.

    His feathery tail swished gently, rustling the bed of fallen needles he cowered upon. Seafoam crashed against the wet sand again, reaching past the mark of its brethren. Simon straightened, tufted ears no longer pressed close to his skull. Curiosity urged him forth, the moon to the tides he gawked at. He set a white-tipped paw in front of him, toes splaying as the squish of sand tickled his pad. Quickly the kitten recoiled, turning over his paw to squint at the sticking grains before shaking the sand away.

    Yet he still dared to replace his paw in the indent it left, followed by the other. He slowly crept out into the open, the ocean breeze blowing his fur in all directions as it whipped around him, greeting an old friend. The tabby kitten stood in place, staring out over the sunlit waters, glistening surface obscuring whatever lurked beneath. What could possibly be out there?

    A wave rolled onto land, grazing his front paws before retreating. Simon blinked down at the tinge of soaked fur, mouth parting slightly in infantile awe to reveal pearly teeth. "Whoa..." uttered the tiny voice. The fear tethering him in place snapped; the kitten broke into a gleeful bound, rushing to meet the wave as it beached itself. Water splashed over Simon, thoroughly drenching him. As the water receded for its next attack, a wild look filled his wide-eyed gaze, thrilled and eager. The first shot of adrenaline through his trembling body hooked him like a worm on a lure, his little heart pumping as another wave hit and earned a delighted squeal. It didn't take long for him to fashion a game of the tides, scampering about in the shallows with a grin plastered across his white muzzle.

    The only issue with this scene was one tiny detail.

    He didn't know how to swim.

Re: castle rock — intro - wormwood. - 03-22-2020

Aurum had thought he had known about all of his sister's children. Then again, it seemed as though Moth had thought she was done with children as well, before Simon ended up gracing the group of Tanglewood. The proxy had not known of this, far too preoccupied with his own life developments to get around to visiting Moth anymore. Most of the time he was just too tired, the swelling of his belly causing him to stay at home more and more often as of late. He was eager to give birth to the cubs, if only so that it would allow him freedom of movement again. He yearned for his wings, and the ability to fly through the sky, able to look down and see anything significant that was going on. However, despite his own worries, Aurum had been making an active effort to keep an eye on Selby and Moth's children when they couldn't be around, knowing that more often than not, children yearned simply to go out and ignore their parents' wishes when they left home. Perhaps it was a cynical view of how children acted, but it was absolutely how the tigon himself had acted when he was a mere cub, although the situation had been a tad bit different – considering Moth and Selby were much better parents than Judith and Aethelwulf had been.

It wasn't often that the angel found himself at the shore, despite the fact he had been so joyous when he had first discovered it soon after his joining. He had been so used to the overwhelming humidity and mud of the Tanglewood swamp that it had been like a godsend, even when others had arrived and warned him of the issues with the water. He still enjoyed coming to the edge of the water occasionally just to let it lap at his paws, but he hardly went bouncing and splashing around in it like he had the first time. He had been going to the edge of the water that day to just destress, figuring he could let the sound of the waves hitting the sand fill his ears and close his eyes, and just let his body relax for a while. He hadn't been expecting anyone else to be there, much less a child that smelled not only of the salty water he was leaping into, but also Aurum's sister, and Selby. The proxy found himself baffled for a moment, just watching as the child moved further and further out into the waves, gaining courage with every little step forward. When he eventually regained his ability to move, the tigon took his last few steps to the edge of the water, clearing his throat nervously.

The reason for his nerves was a deep worry, clawed down within the very core of his being. Even without knowing that Simon couldn't swim, Aurum knew how vicious the sea could be when it wanted to be, and if one particularly strong wave came... it could snatch Simon right up, and drag him down into the blue depths. Chest tightening at the mental image, the angel's tongue finally seemed to work, his voice raising slightly to be heard above the waves as he spoke, "Little one! Please be careful. You don't know when the waves could kick up and surprise you, and I'm sure nobody wants you getting hurt..." He would ask about who the boy was later. For now, his primary concern was just making sure that the child was safe.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: castle rock — intro - CAUSTIC. - 03-23-2020

This time, there was nothing in Caustic's possessions as he passed by. Typically, there was something- the wolf went outside for only the essentials. Collecting test subjects, hunting, studying the fauna, and the occasional trip to Typhoon to visit Octavio. The wolf stopped, gas floating out of his mouth in small streams. Caustic watches Simon play in the shallows, as a predator would watch prey.
Not that he was going to attack, but his gaze was extremely focused, determined, careful, and watchful. Perhaps a better descriptor would be a parent watching their child at the park, but the wolf's gaze held a natural face of malicious intent, a constant frown.
He moved, standing near Aurum, but keeping his own distance, eyes on the child as it played. Not removing his gaze, Caustic opens his mouth to speak. "One of Moth's children, correct?"

Re: castle rock — intro - simon - 03-23-2020

    How could he notice eyes upon him when he was having so much fun? He only paused when saltwater flooded his nose, earning a sneeze of seaspray. And yet little deterred him, his fur clinging to a lithe frame once hidden beneath kitten fluff. Instinct aided enough for him to sink tiny claws into the swash, bracing against the slamming wave. Once or twice, his precarious footing slipped and his head dunked beneath the rolling surface, only for him to recover a moment later, spitting water in an arching stream before returning to his follies.

    Heedless of the approaching predators, Simon nearly jumped out of his skin when a low rumble sounded behind him, spinning on his heel with his dripping tail puffing up and tufted ears flat on his head again. Two looming strangers facing him -- pale green eyes stretched wide at the sight, gawking and craning his neck until his chin pointed straight up to the sky. "I- I was just playing!" he defended, another wave rising behind and almost sweeping him off his feet. A soft giggle escaped him at this and fear of the larger creatures ebbed away.

    The one with funny-looking clouds spewing from his mouth mentioned what others seemed to call his mother, his attention snatched from the tide long enough for him to chirp, "Yeah! I'm Simon!" An ironic name, considering the beach he oh-so happily frolicked on. But having bookworms for parents led to inspiration when the time came for bestowing identities to their suckling newborns. He had been late for the arrival of his siblings, caught in the warmth of his mother and deprived of air until at last the runtish and quivering bundle was pulled into the world by his scruff. Growing older day by day was quite a silly thing and he hardly even noticed it. Maybe one day he would stand as tall as the wolf and the tigon, maybe even taller! Puffing out his chest at the thought, he took a moment to shake his sopping pelt before questioning, "Who are you?"

Re: castle rock — intro - Grimm - 03-23-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Perpetual cycle of ceaseless motion, an equal give matched by that taken by the hushed lull of plaintive tide.

Shapeless the soft peaks of pearlescent froth crowning depths churned into tepid frenzy, dying momentum of high tide creeping forth along the smoothed line of shore, within its wake deposited a lace of discarded foam. Yet for such the burden of stolen sediment was caught in undertow, a quiet grievance voiced within the gurgled melody of broken waves. Picturesque that which stretched forth within a field of gold tinged monochrome, soothing the ever changing scape of canvas painted with lazy eddies. Had not it been for the admonition of cautious caretaker breached may have been the boundaries placed about him in prior instances, precautions heeded simply for unknown the reward of their disregard.

Shallow the shifting waltz along the backdrop of smoke hued coat, alight beneath the broken streams of weak light, snuffed the short span of pitiful existence as the chill of shade took its place. Idle the youth settled among the low growth of thinned grass dotted with a fine covering of discarded needles, not unlike the brother grown bold, perched where he seemed a mere fragment of accumulated gloom. Distinct the ease of each breath skirting along parted lips, heavy the tang of biting salt touching upon each surface, all the more of note the sharpness of inhale.

Forth did wander a paw dotted with the soft speckling of ivory, marred the soft slopes of countenance beneath a layer of concern. Similar in manner his own lack of prior experience and knowledge where the hungry tide was concerned, clumsy even upon land offering a stability bottomless waves lacked. Impeded his approach, the underbrush parting with ease as staged the entrance of predatory beasts known so far as minimal contact allowed. Lost the words offered forth into salt laden breeze, the mere snippets that touched upon tufted ears enough to force him to trembling legs.

"You're not supposed to be out here. " Admonishment fell from the downward curl of dark lips with an ease unearned, forgone the admittance neither accepted was his own presence where the lace tipped tide met the shoreline.

Re: castle rock — intro - alaric g. - 03-23-2020

    As Alaric continued to explore Tanglewood's territory, he became increasingly aware of the vastness of it all. There was the marsh—perhaps the tabby's least favorite part, for it stunk to high heaven—and a labyrinthine forest that remarkably did not stink despite its proximity to the swamp. The territory also boasted its own junkyard, a place full of rusted relics from a bygone era; however, despite the artifacts' intrigue, Alaric found he had no use for them. They were simply interesting to look at.

    There was a farm, too, where markedly large animals freely roamed. Alaric could not understand why the swine and bovine and avian creatures simply did not leave. Conversing with them proved useless, too; the animals were evidently too stupid or too hard-headed to communicate. The tabby had always been quite persistent, but even he could not bring himself to converse with animals that were too stubborn to utter a single word. He recalled leaving the farm with a huff and barely a look backwards.

    He'd also heard about a crater of sorts somewhere. According to those he'd spoken to, the basin was massive. He envisioned a giant taking a scoop from the earth and leaving behind the aforementioned crater. Evidently the only things there—besides the earthen bowl, of course—were the skeletons of trees mangled and charred by whatever happened, as well as the bodies of humans. At first, Alaric had doubted the claims, but as more and more Tanglers told him of it, his skepticism slowly faded. Nevertheless, Alaric would not venture to it, at least not alone.

    Besides the crater, the only place that he'd not traveled to was the shore, mostly because he'd not needed to. For some reason that could not be placed, he found himself traveling there. The salty sea breeze greeted him before the sea itself did. He breathed in its scent deeply, finding some sense of calm in the cool air. He broke through the trees lining the dunes at the beach's edge, and was met with the sight of a small gathering. Among those gathered were the tigon, whose name Alaric remembered to be Aurum. Alaric recognized the other presence as the wolf that expired green gas from his lungs. The tabby could not remember his name, though, and was unsure if he'd ever known what it was. Near to them were two tiny kits, one soaked from head to toe and the other bone-dry. Alaric was sure that he hadn't heard their names, either.

    The gathering piqued the tabby's interest. He approached the small group with light footsteps and he took a seat near Aurum. Blue eyes briefly regarded both kittens, who, from the piece of the conversation he'd heard, were apparently brothers, judging by the authoritative way with which the dry one spoke to the wet one, whose name was Simon, evidently. The tabby glanced toward Aurum and the wolf for a moment, and after judging their expressions, he returned his gaze to the kittens. "Child, are you sure that you should be swimming? You appear to be quite young," came Alaric's low voice. He could not feign concern for the child. Adults were too melodramatic for the tabby to deal with, but to Alaric, children were to be protected and cared for.
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: castle rock — intro - wormwood. - 03-23-2020

Body having already been tensed and ready to leap into the sea should he need to grab Simon and rescue him, Aurum found himself jumping slightly when Caustic walked to stand beside him. He blinked at the wolf for a moment before he slowly nodded, feeling no more at ease than he had before, the scientist's presence only serving to put him more on edge. The tigon didn't trust Caustic in a normal scenario, so around the precuous children that Aurum knew to be family? He would've been ready to rip the male's throat out, if it wasn't for the fact that he knew Caustic had no interest in harming the young – at least not that he had demonstrated thus far. The proxy opened his mouth to speak, perhaps to tell Caustic that he didn't know much of his sister's late child, but he was interrupted by the sound of Simon's voice, the boy defending himself before giggling at the waves that surrounded and enveloped him. In spite of the sigh that left him at Simon's words, the angel found himself smiling, mumbling softly, "I know you're just playing, but the water can be dangerous, especially if the waves grow too strong..." Aurum's parental tone was coming out, amplified only further by the soft and feminine lilt of his voice in his current form, making him sound extremely motherly.

It was after this that Simon introduced himself, sounding downright delighted at the opportunity to announce his presence and status as Moth's child. Aurum glanced at Caustic for a moment, to see if he would respond, before he rumbled to Simon, voice strong above the waves, "I'm Aurum. I'm your mother's brother, and your uncle." His attention was then pulled away from introductions by the arrival of Winston, his usually silent nephew arriving quietly as always, but also speaking in a soft but firm tone. The admonishing nature was enough to make even the proxy wince a bit, knowing full well he probably would've felt awful had he ever heard that tone directed at him from Poet. Or rather, how Poet would've felt receiving that tone from him, considering he had been the older sibling in that scenario. Either way, the tigon found himself shooting the boy a grateful look, glad that someone Simon's own age was attempting to drive some sense into him – considering it might've meant more.

The last to arrive was Alaric, the new tabby receiving a short nod when he came up on Aurum's opposite side from Caustic. He also spoke with reason, causing the larger of the two felines to smile faintly, adding on to Alaric's words afterwards, "He is right, you know. You're young, and your muscles haven't fully developed yet. If you really wanted to go swimming, it would've been best to have an adult with you. Someone who can fight against the tide and make sure you're safe." Aurum knew very well that children could be rambunctious, and there was a chance Simon would care very little about any of their words, but he could at least try. He had promised Moth he would watch over her children, after all.
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: castle rock — intro - CAUSTIC. - 03-24-2020

If anyone informed Caustic of the pattern behind naming Moth and Selby's children, he would have laughed and insulted the parents. Now, perhaps Caustic's was no better. He was born into a family of regal names, as his father was Arthur Rutherford Nox and his mother Katerina Ticacek Nox, followed by their son, Alexander. Naming your kids after book characters was.... kitschy, at best.
He returns Aurum's glance, then looks back at the kit, now "Simon" as he is addressed. "Dr. Caustic," he responds, tail lightly flicking. "Just be careful." he advises, the toes of his left paw tapping against the earth.
Caustic scans over the others as each arrives, briefly recognizing the tabby from the border and another one of the kids. He leans over, whispering to Aurum, "Are the children always unsupervised in this manner?"

Re: castle rock — intro - Ivan - 03-25-2020

[Image: b94dbd8a-65a5-11ea-af51-45358cb49cc4.gif]
pixel by tricky

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He kept fancying that Ivan was absorbed in something — something inward and important — that he was striving toward some goal, perhaps very hard to attain.
— Бра́тья Карама́зовы

There was nothing he disliked more than being treated like a child. Now, perhaps that was a bit harsh and the truth of the matter was that he was in fact a child, but this was on Ivan's mind the moment he noticed the beach was getting a little crowded and people were making flighty attempts to show just how good of parent material they were. Sometimes Ivan felt like the whole of Tanglewood were his parents, and especially now he was particularly vexed — and they weren't even chastising him!

Ivan had been practicing how to draw a triangle perfectly equilateral. He saw this design in the very first book he read and was desperately trying to replicate it. He did not have any paper with him and his pencil grip was awful, even having that extra thumb-toe on his left paw. This left him with the only other option to etch his pictures in the sand, but a good distance away from the shore. The water did not interest him much. In fact, he might even be slightly aquaphobic. He'd just prefer to keep his toes dry. Water dragged one down. Space took one up.

The third kitten born of the bookworm parents trotted over, his lanky frame making large strides to meet up with everyone. A curt nod would do for everyone else. "Hi Winston. Hi Simon." He greeted in a good-natured way, a tone usually reserved for his siblings and parents. Others often bore the sharp end of his bitter quips. "What has you so interested in the water anyway? I guess you know from everyone and their mother now that it's dangerous."