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HELD IN YOUR HAND THE SMOKING GUN / birth + 1k posts - Printable Version

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HELD IN YOUR HAND THE SMOKING GUN / birth + 1k posts - bubblegum - 03-21-2020

Re: HELD IN YOUR HAND THE SMOKING GUN / birth + 1k posts - deimos - 03-21-2020

Sam, having awoken that morning, got up to indeed make breakfast. The moments spend getting up though, she did relish, pressing her nose into Goldie's stomach and murmuring soft words to her. Each morning was like that, and damn, did the doberman appreciate it. But, you did have to get up eventually, her paws taking her to the kitchen. She stretched her wings out there, before shaking out her pelt, starting to cook something. Mainly toast. But soon it felt like there was pin-needles up her back, hair standing on end.


Her head turned, teeth gritting. No, that wasn't a call of fear, of 'I'm being attacked'. Well I mean, it could be considered being attacked from the inside, but- no, that was for later. The glass of water she had set aside for Goldie to drink later she grabbed now. She padded back towards the room, a small slinking of fear inside of her. What if she wasn't a good girlfriend? Standing here, watching her give birth to someone else's cubs. It hurt, but it wasn't her choice either. Gritting her teeth, she stepped into the bedroom.

And from there, she spent the laborious time caring for Goldie, keeping her company, simply telling stories of California before the fall. It was much like the beaches here, actually, bright white sand and clear skies most days. Comfortable living temperatures, almost year round- sometimes it was way too hot- and she spoke of the day she learned to boogy board with a tiny grin. Sam didn't expect any responses, really, she was just babbling aloud. But soon, the time came.

Sam had stood off to one end as each cub came after the next, helping them move towards her belly and make sure they were breathing. Soon, the taste in the air grew bitter. No celebrating, the touch of death. Her eyes dwelled on the smallest cub, the white one. Slowly, she moved up against Goldie, pressed her nose against her cheek quietly, settling down next her there. "Hey, it's alright. It'll be okay, dove." She murmured. Her eyes slid towards the motionless cub. "I'm sorry." She whispered, pressing her nose in against Goldie's neck this time.

As much as they weren't hers, Sam hurt just as bad.



Re: HELD IN YOUR HAND THE SMOKING GUN / birth + 1k posts - ROXANNE R. - 03-21-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne knew that it wouldn't be long until her niece had her own cubs, she was a bit nervous for her and overall worried. She found herself dropping by to make sure things were well, Roxie felt she was intruding most of the time but her concern didn't let her rest a single moment but with the arrival of her own cubs. Those visits became less frequent, she would try to stoo by every now and then though caring for five cubs by herself was a daunting task to say the least. She loved them regardless, she made sure that they got fed and the rest that they would need for the mornings they would go out to play. They were playing out now, Ry building a sand castle with his sisters and Rox lay across the sand watching them with a soft smile on her maw. Though the sound of a yell in the distance made her fur rise, the smell of blood wafting within her sensitive smell. It didn't take long for Roxanne to leave the cubs in Kalayavan's care as she would run off with her heart racing within her chest.

It felt wrong to intrude once more but this was her niece who was like a daughter to her at this point yet Roxanne wouldn't ever admit that not wanting to be laughed at for the thought or being pushed away by Goldenluxury. Roxanne entered the room with worried eyes listening to Sam speak, she stood in the doorway for a moment only to take a few hesitant steps forward. She would be there for her niece and she was sure everyone else would too. No one had been there for her until after the delivery which granted was her own fault but being alone during this time was terrifying. A soft breath slipped from her lips, her words gentle and soothing as she would encourage Goldie through labor. Her smile soft seeing as Sam helped with the cubs, Roxie knew the cubs were in good care. They would have great mothers.

All was well until the last cub arrived, Roxie's heart dropped in that moment and her gaze grew distant in only a matter of seconds reminding her of the day her kittens had passed. Yet with another breath, she pushed those thoughts away only concentrating on the captain and Sam. It was a loss that hurt a lot, they weren't even her cubs but Roxanne knew that awful feeling as it stabbed at her heart or what little of it was left. Finally, as if given the ability to speak, Roxanne would soothe quietly "I'm sorry, sweetheart..." Her gaze was full with sorrow, her head lowering a bit. Roxanne wished she could do more but she was useless. She knew this. All she did was pile problems onto people instead of relieving them, her heart ached. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HELD IN YOUR HAND THE SMOKING GUN / birth + 1k posts - Seakit Roux. - 03-21-2020


health 100% . weak, young . no powers . baby . minor peaceful powerplay allowed
Warmth and pressure was all that the cub knew for most of his life so far but here he found himself, cold and without the pressure he had grown to know. The chunky cub began to squirm, tiny paws attmpting to drag him towards warmth as he gave tiny sounds of distress. His mews were cut off by a yaw, revealing needlesharp teeth that glisten white.

Pushing and shoving against his siblings, he followed the sweet scent that enticed him, headbutting against the warmth he found. A chorus of squeals left the noisy kitten as he began to repeatedly bump against his mother. He felt a pain in his stomach, one he hadn't before experienced and that he for sure did not enjoy. He was cold and he didn't like this new feeling and he was very vocal about that fact.

Re: HELD IN YOUR HAND THE SMOKING GUN / birth + 1k posts - brandykit - 03-21-2020

The warmth, the dark. Comfortable, softened noises. No longer were they handed to him, no longer was he safe and protected. No, the oldest of the three cubs was squealing as soon as a tongue flew over his fur, his tiny paws squirming. He couldn't hear, couldn't see, but he was far from being warm or comfortable at the moment. Tiny- no, not tiny. His paws were rather large, weren't they?- paws dragged at the ground, pulling him closer to Goldie's stomach. His muzzle clamped down on her, settling still now.

Had Brandy have known that he had already lost a sibling, something in him would have been stupid unhappy and sad. But he didn't know. So he lived in, happy and warm now that he was in a pile of him and his siblings, fur, wing, feather- everything he could ever want.



Re: HELD IN YOUR HAND THE SMOKING GUN / birth + 1k posts - APHRA CIPHER . - 03-22-2020

[glow=white,1,400]OPEN YOUR EYES UP , STEP IN THE RING !。+゚.[/glow]
It seemed like Aphra had decided to return to The Typhoon at the wrong time. Everyone and their mother (literally?) were having kids and it, quite frankly, disgusted her. The demoness felt no sympathy for those who got themselves pregnant, though if she knew that it was forced upon them, she might have felt a little bad for them. Regardless, Aphra found kids to be disgusting and hated how there were now heathens running amuck.

Aphra was, of course, alerted to what was happening by Goldenluxury's scream for someone named 'Sam'. She was more or less curious as to what was going on, but when she arrived to see the Captain with babies and mourning one, she immediately regretted coming over. "No use crying over spilled milk." She commented rather flatly, her large ears flicking as she heard Roxanne and Samantha share their condolences. Perhaps Aphra did have a little bit of Caesar in her, given her comment at such a distressing situation. Ironic, wasn't it? Wanting to get out of here as soon as possible, Aphra tried to push her way through, extending a paw out to Goldie. "I can bury it, if you want." She offered, voice still cold as she spoke.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HELD IN YOUR HAND THE SMOKING GUN / birth + 1k posts - MARINA - 03-22-2020

Gut-wrenching and shrill, Goldenluxury's scream echoed throughout The Typhoon. It's subject did not matter, nor Marina's grudge towards the name she called out, only that she was not okay. The yell caused her to drop her task immediately. As she rushed over, Marina couldn't help but think... 'Is it time?' Were her children here? Astoundingly, yet almost horrifying, the thought of motherhood caused her pace to grow faster.

It was not long before she was by Goldenluxury's side, assisting her as needed. She sheepishly tip-toed around Samantha as told her stories, almost enjoying their significance. The tales were grounding in these tough times. Marina couldn't help but listen, offering her own adventures in return. As much as she didn't want to admit in, the two had many things in common and wanted the same thing. Even so, the jaguar couldn't help but resort to her grudge. In the moment though, she merely slid their troubles to the side. After Goldenluxury's and Marina's discussion, things had mostly settled, minus some underlying grief.

But as the children arrived, Marina could feel her heart pumping and her chest sinking. This was real. Into action she went, assisting Goldenluxury as she could. One by one, she flustered to assist. With what help she could provide alongside Samantha, they managed to finish the job.

She couldn't help but stare in awe though. Four beautiful cubs, reminiscent of her vibrant markings and Goldenluxury's bold stature, remained in front of her. Their names flowed with their gorgeous pelts. What their future could hold was a mystery to her, but Marina knew they would do great things. Yet one would not have that opportunity.

As she went down the line to observe her children, Marina couldn't help but notice an abnormality among the bunch. Freya remained hauntingly still. Marina, unsure, moved her paw forward towards the small cub and placed it upon their chest. Multicolored eyes squeezed shut, harnessing her attention on any sensation that would meet her paw. Nothing came though. No breath or the bump of her heart. Just a motionless corpse. With a ragged breath, she pulled away. A soft, choked 'no' left her maw as she did so. Her eyes reopened to the world, staring the worst outcome in the face, Unable to hold herself any longer, tears began to stream down her face.

With what condolences they received, she felt no better. In time, the weight would lift off their chests. As long as this circle of support remained, then perhaps they could move past the tragedy. In the moment though, the jaguar just shook violently and tried to remain by Goldenluxury's side. Any support she could provide seemed necessary. Gesturing to her stomach, she began to spoke. "H-here, I'll take one to lighten th..." Her words fell short nevertheless.

Her vision was once blurred with tears, but now she was seeing red. Uprooting herself from the ground, she maneuvered her way towards Aphra.  Within mere milliseconds, Marina's claws were unsheathed and her pointed teeth were bared. With no remorse in mind, Marina attempted to push Aphra to the floor by her throat. Once in position, dagger-like claws would aim to rake into Aphra's beautiful face. Once successful, or rather if she was successful, Marina would heave the feline by her throat and throw her aside in Roxanne's direction.

With her ears pinned to the back of her head and tears flowing down her cheeks, the jaguar held herself back before things got uglier (as if it hadn't gotten gruesome already). "LEAVE," she managed to growl out. "THAT IS YOUR ONLY WARNING." Needless to say, if Aphra was ever near her or her children in the future, the result would probably be reminiscent of today's events. Thankfully, the others may even join her in the discourse.

Her tail kept swaying defensively as she began to turn away, hoping that Aphra would run out with a trail of blood following in suit. In the chance that she wouldn't, Marina remained in the same spot. Her attention, though partially on Aphra, turned to Samantha and Goldenluxury. "I'll bury her when it's time," she muttered lowly.

Re: HELD IN YOUR HAND THE SMOKING GUN / birth + 1k posts - OCTANE. - 03-22-2020

Quite honestly, Octane didn’t know any of them that well. He didn’t know their drama or their backstory. If they told him about every event that led to this moment, with a dead cub and someone getting oh so sickeningly attacked, he’d have an apathetic... “Oh, I’m sorry.” Saying he was sorry never quite felt right. It didn’t fix anything and it wasn’t a good way to express he had absorbed the information given.
Besides, they would never be able to finish their stories, Octane would always interrupt it with tales of his own.
He was up and walking, at least. Octane was about to go for... a walk (it would be a run, but his hip didn’t feel good enough yet.) when he saw the commotion. He pokes his head in, watching a large, undeniably beautiful jaguar he had never seen before leap at an equally stranger cat.
He yearns to be the cat.


Re: HELD IN YOUR HAND THE SMOKING GUN / birth + 1k posts - deimos - 03-22-2020

Sam's ears has twitched, barely moving as she held herself against Goldie's side. People, coming- not really going- and offering comments. Those of which, she was grateful for. Some of them, at least, her eyes scanning Roxie as she arrived, and Marina attempting to take one of the cubs. Did she even produce milk, having not had the litter? She guessed it was possible, with hormones and all, but slowly her eyes shifted towards Aphra.

Not only did her body tense, stiffen, whatever word you'd like to use- but did Marina leap after her. A sharp snarl emitted from the doberman, slowly standing, her wings spread in front of Goldenluxury. Narrowed green and brown eyes cast between the cat fight. She spoke, her voice booming- thanks to the male body- and her heart trembling. Not here, not now. "MARINA THAT'S ENOUGH." She spat, her long wingspan taking up the room. Her body was seething with anger. And she spoke, low and quiet, to Marina alone.

"Fighting? In front of her now? What a piss poor excuse. I get you're uppity about it too, but that's no excuse to fight in front of Gold now." The doberman's lips were pulled back, her shoulders tense and ears shoved forward. But then her eyes turned towards Aphra, and it was needless to say that Sam was just about ready to kill her too- save for the fact her lover had literally just given birth behind her. What the hell, people?

"You. Get the fuck out. You'll be seeing me later." And that was a Brannon promise. A doberman snarling in your face wasn't exactly easy to bear- for both the snarler and the snarled. Her eyes shifted towards Octane, and with a curt nod, she lowered her wings and padded back towards her spot behind Goldie, curling up once again. She'd mumble a few sorry's- probably because of what just happened- into her coat, before her eyes shifted towards Marina again.

"There is no I in this situation. Someone will be doing it with Gold. Unless she doesn't want to, but I think she should in the damn decision." Sam uttered. Her wing was swept over Gold's side, but it didn't hook down to over the cubs. She held.. some resentment towards Marina, but not enough to block her off from the kids. That'd be wrong of Sam, especially considering what she had just said. And, with that, she kept her peace again, slowly grooming Goldie's neck to try and relax her.



Re: HELD IN YOUR HAND THE SMOKING GUN / birth + 1k posts - hushsound. - 03-22-2020

Ever since Hushsound had first arrived on the border of the Typhoon, Goldenluxury Roux had been someone that he had looked up to with admiration and respect. As days had turned to weeks, and weeks had turned to months, Hush had become a trusted confidant for Goldie, coming to see the female not only as his beloved leader, but also like a sister. They were naturally close, the two of them having similar goals and worries, and working together well. That was why, when Goldie's call split through the air from inside her home, Hush didn't hesitate for a second before he was up on his paws, his still weak legs shoving his slim body up from where he had been resting in the sand. He still wasn't back at 100% just yet, but he wasn't about to let anything stop him from seeing Goldie and the children who would be like family to him. His legs hissed in protest as he moved across the sand quickly, eventually arriving to the front of Goldie's hut and slipping silently inside. He could see and hear many all around, but for the most part he just shut them all out, maneuvering his fluffy form past everyone to Goldie's unoccupied side.

He knew from the moment that he saw Goldie's face that something was wrong. She looked crushed, and the sobs that wracked her already weakened body made him wince. He said softly to Goldie as he sat, gently touching his nose to his sister's ear, "I am sorry, Goldie... I shall pray for Hylia to watch over her." A heavy sigh left the wolf, before he heard a cold, unfamiliar voice speak up. His gaze flicking upward, the hero stared at Aphra for a long moment before his gaze narrowed, rage running through him. It seemed as though he was not the only furious soul present, considering how Marina moved forward and lashed out. Ears pinning down flat against his skull, the canine barked firmly, his voice scratchy, "No fighting. If you wish to act like children, do so outside, away from a grieving mother and her children. And you–" He stared straight at Aphra, his tail twitching with barely restrained anger behind him, "It has already been stated, but I suggest you leave. Or your life will be filled with very unfortunate circumstances very soon."

Turning his gaze back towards Goldie, Hushsound rose his paws to sign at her, not wanting his voice to interrupt the blessed and brief silence, "Do you wish for me to have anyone else leave? I can leave as well. You deserve some alone time with your children." He doubted she would want Marina or Sam to leave, but he could definitely deal with others, if needed.
[glow=black,2,300]FOR YOU HAVE A DEMON TO SLAY[/glow]