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here he comes | intro - Printable Version

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here he comes | intro - Jameson - 03-21-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 13px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"] It was too loud. everything was always too loud but this was definitely not any sort of exception. He was tired, but not tired enough to sleep. His house was quiet, but not quiet enough to relax. The soft puffs of breath from the multiple other cubs that surrounded him, his siblings, would overwhelm him before long. Breath by breath, filling their room in a symphony of exhaust. A stomach would rumble here, and nails would brush the floor there. Somebody woke to nurse, and someone rolled over to get comfortable. Little by little, their once expansive seeming room would shrink and shrink, any remaining space taken over by noise. noise. noise. He had to get out.

Lifting himself up from the tangle of bodies, shaking legs guided him away and down the hall. The little sounds that he made, the snoring of his brother in the other room, too much. The sand was soft under his paws as he left the house and the porch. It was better here, muted and still. The only thing that he could hear as he walked was the soft gurgling of the shoreline. He couldn't hear himself, he couldn't hear other people. It was a warm night, spring was finally settling in and the heat had begun to creep into the moon-lit hours. He'd spend an hour or two out here before he was ready to go back in, hopefully before mama had noticed. She'd be concerned and fuss over him, not that she could do anything. She didn't understand. Not many seemed to understand and he couldn't handle very much, so he tended to have more.. expressive ways of trying to make them understand. It still didn't work though.

  He would be quiet for now, eyes closed as he basked under the moon-cast light. It was a time for peace. He could handle being joined if they acknowledged that.

Re: here he comes | intro - michael t. - 03-23-2020

Jameson. Jimmy, as Michael had jokingly referred to him as after the cubs had been born, earning him a slap in the leg. He didn't know much about that particular cub, aside from the details that Roxie had shared with him. Unlike the rest of his sister's children, Jameson didn't seem to have the same faintly wild streak that she had apparently passed on – or Greed had passed on, or perhaps a healthy mix of both. He was quiet, enjoyed the quiet around him, and wasn't as keen on following after Trygve as the others seemed to be. Michael had told Roxie promptly that was a godsend, since he was very sure that Ry was going to grow to be one hell of a troublemaker. Roxanne seemed worried about how Jameson acted, but Michael had just shrugged it off, figuring that if the kid wanted to be more social and loud, he would grow to do so eventually, he just needed some time to stretch his legs a little. It seemed as though he was right, at least about the stretching his legs part.

The bobcat had been woken that night by the sound of something being knocked over in the kitchen, and after shoving Trevor off of him to go investigate, he had found out Wade the rat had just knocked over one of their dishes. It was hardly anything major, but Michael had never been great at getting back to sleep after being woken up, so he found himself wandering outside, figuring a little walk would tire him out enough to sleep. He wasn't expecting to come across Jameson along the shoreline, but he didn't lose his shit just yet, seeing as the boy didn't appear to be hurt or in distress. Remembering the whole thing about him not appreciating noise, Michael glanced down at his paws for a moment in thought before he walked over, sitting down beside the boy with a little bit of space between them. The dark furred male stared up at the scars twinkling in the sky before he mumbled softly, keeping his voice quiet and curt, "Pretty, ain't it?" He didn't say anything more after that, just keeping his gaze focused upward into the clouds, admiring the beauty even though he could only see half of it.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: here he comes | intro - OCTANE. - 03-24-2020

Octane never slept well, rarely made it to his bed, in fact. He was the type to go hard all hours of the day, stay away until two to three AM easy, then pass out. When he did make it to his bed, he might as well have been dead. Nothing could awake Octavio when he slept, it took multiple alarms or, in the times he ended up in Caustic's bed, the scientist would elect to push him onto the floor. He was a kicker though, and that was the second reason he would end up in Caustic's floor.
Octane left his home again, intent on pacing the shore line again and ah- someone to bug. Good. Chirping leaves his throat as he approaches, "Hey, Amigos, what are you guys doing up this late?"

Re: here he comes | intro - Jameson - 03-30-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 13px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"] His uncle was quiet, most the time. He was nice, and he didn't touch him that much, and he brought him cool stuff. His uncle's boyfriend was a little weird but he was still cool too. It was good, to have people respect that you didn't like things to be that loud, or smell too strong, or too much of anything really. It wasn't his fault that he was easily overwhelmed by things, he couldn't control it, only manage it.

He felt the older man coming before he made his presence known, feeling the gentle thud of paws on sand and the quiet whistling of breath as he made his way over. It wasn't much of a concern when Uncle Mike joined him, though he wasn't sure what to think when he called him Jimmy, and it was nice to not be alone. Lips twitching into a smile, he'd nod in response to the statement breathed into the night, gone before one could blink. The only thing between them some grains of sand and the exhales of the night air. Of course, this was all shattered when some other clanmate thudded his way over. Louder than he liked, more than he liked, but he was still gonna be chill. He'd had some time out here already, had calmed down a bit.

"We're just stargazing." He'd say in response to the question, head dipping in a nod. "Just relaxing."