Beasts of Beyond
LAUGH MADE OF WAX — snow / au - Printable Version

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LAUGH MADE OF WAX — snow / au - beck. - 03-18-2020

    As dawn stretched over the southern swamp, a crisp white blanket draped the budding land, a late snowfall before spring breathed new life into wilted greenery. With sunlight, the frost would surely melt to slush, rivers bulging with the added flow and shoes damp from trudging about in the muddy remnants by noon.

    But Beck wasn't one to let a good snow day just melt without enjoying it.

    Early morning light crept through the frosted window and sheer curtains, illuminating the stalking approach of the poltergeist toward the bed, two cuddled figures beneath the quilt. He watched the couple for a moment, head tilting as a fond smile twisted chewed lips. Then a bandaged hand reached for Selby's shoulder, lightly nudging him awake. The sawbones stirred without much prompting, blinking groggily up at him. "Oh... good morning," he mumbled, stretching his lanky form.

    "It snowed," Beck stated in a hushed voice, the grin plastering his face revealing his excitement as he rocked his weight with impatience. He had taken care, for once, to wipe the mud covering his boots before entering, the carpet sullied already from prior unannounced visits where he regrettably tracked his usual grime into the home.

    Honey-brown eyes followed Selby as the man shifted to lean on his elbows. "It did?" came the unsure echo, not quite expecting a blizzard in the midst of March. The boy only nodded, disheveled bangs flopping with the enthusiastic gesture as his smile widened, gauze-wrapped hands wringing themselves out of nervous habit. Selby sat more upright, peeking out the window to confirm the poltergeist's outlandish claim. Beck's smile proved contagious as a similar expression brightened Selby's tired features.

    His smaller, clammier hand seized Selby's, nearly tugging him out of bed. "C'mon! We've gotta play in it before it melts!" he urged, heels digging into the carpet to lift Selby -- although the sawbones soon got up on his own, hand still intertwined with Beck's.

    It took only a few minutes of wait for Selby to bundle himself up, not keen on stepping outside to be greeted with a frigid gust of wind. Beck remained in the same tattered tunic and shorts as always, standing ankle-deep in the snow without so much as a shiver. Countless activities possible with the cold blessing from the heavens rushed through his mind; there was so much they could do, but only mere hours before the afternoon heat stole away the snow.

    Yet before he could dash off into the powdery white, a tap on his shoulder prompted him to glance back. A scowl overtook his gleeful expression as Selby held out a folded jacket to him, along with a pair of mittens and a wrapped-up scarf. After momentary refusal and giving the argument of how he was apparently immune to the cold, Beck begrudgingly shrugged the jacket on, although it required even more convincing from Selby for the rest.

    Inevitably, he settled upon creating a family of snowmen. Snow clung to the wool of the borrowed mittens as he knelt, rolling the first sphere of three with a pale tongue poking out from between crooked teeth in concentration. As the boy shuffled along, the snowball gained mass, awkwardly shaped by uneven terrain. Beck patted the sides, packing in loose snow and shaving off the excess with careful consideration until he deemed his work perfect. The poltergeist stood to admire the base of his snowman, one bandaged knee now damp while the bruised other was sticky with snow. Then he sat on his heels and the process repeated, beginning with a handful he smushed together.

Re: LAUGH MADE OF WAX — snow / au - selby roux ! - 03-18-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Though it was early when the poltergeist came to wake him, it was not much sooner than he usually woke, and so Selby was easily stirred from his slumber. He’d been momentarily surprised to see Beck in his bedroom, but at the exclamation of snow it all became clear. Though a snowstorm was rare at this time of year, it was not completely unbelievable. He readily agreed to come out in the snow to play with his son, stooping down to give Moth a loving kiss to her forehead before he completely left the warmth of their bed.

As he dressed, he noted that Beck had little protection from the cold of the snow. While the poltergeist didn’t necessarily feel the chill, Selby knew very well by this point that he could be affected by it, and so insisted that he wear a jacket, scarf, and mittens. It was not difficult to prompt Beck into this, though his displeasure was noted.

Soon enough, they were outside. As he helped Beck scoop together snowmen, he noted that it had been a long time since he had truly played in the snow. He’d deemed himself too old for such childish pleasures in his teenage years, and became simply too busy in more recent ones to indulge. And now, he realized what a fool he had been for not doing this sooner. His breath puffed up in little clouds of steam, and he exhaled just a little harder to get a bigger cloud. At one point he slipped and fell, but the joy was too overwhelming for him to do anything else except giggle and brush himself off. Looking over at Beck, he could see that the ghost was just as happy, adding to his own elation.

Before too long, they had a whole little family of snowmen. He stood just behind Beck, bending over a bit to ruffle his hair. “They look good, buddy. Nice work,” he praised, watching as he went on to create another base. A gentle smile graced his lips again, and he began to busy himself by collecting things to dress the spherical men up; sticks for limbs and rocks for eyes and buttons. There would be no featureless snowmen in his yard, that was for sure.

Re: LAUGH MADE OF WAX — snow / au - wormwood. - 03-19-2020

Aurum had never really been a big fan of the snow. That wasn't to say that he wasn't used to it. No, he had found himself quite well acquainted with snow throughout most of his childhood, the city that he and his family had occupied near constantly wracked with sometimes terrifying snowstorms. The majority of the time, however, the snowstorms were just an annoyance, piling the white substance upon sidewalks and icing over valuable walkways, making them difficult to traverse. The blonde could still remember many a day spent shivering, teeth faintly chattering as he wrapped his arms further around himself in a desperate attempt to preserve warmth, even as frost clawed beneath his skin. He had always been the less fortunate of the pair of he and Alfred, with his younger brother often getting all of the winter clothes that actually insulated while Aurum was left with the scraps. This wasn't often intentional, considering Alfred often tried to share his scarf between them, the two young brothers pressed together for the heat they so craved as they walked along.

When Aurum had finally left his hometown, he had hoped to go somewhere where he would no longer have to worry about the bitter cold, he and his sibling driving into the horizon until they finally hit the wall known as Tanglewood. Initially their stay in the group had been borne out of necessity, just until they could continue on to fairer pastures, but that had been many months ago, in a time that he could hardly remember anymore. When they had first arrived, it had been near the end of the summer, and Aurum had been overjoyed by the heat of the swamp that soaked into his skin, even if it left him sweaty and overheated in the end. However, the seasons had changed as they always did, and the short blonde had been forced to endure, enjoying the fall months and suffering through the winter ones with thick jackets, mittens, and woolen hats. Some had claimed he was being dramatic, but he didn't truly think so. When winter had finally begun to draw to a close, Aurum had been overjoyed, figuring that he would soon once again be able to appreciate the sun bathing upon his skin, and his usually pale complexion darkening a tone or two. Unfortunately, the change was slow going, and it seemed as though winter had one last dig it wanted to get in before it finally faded away.

The angel really couldn't help the faint scowl that came to his face when he peaked from his home that morning to see the snow covering the ground, a layer of whiteness that seemed to cackle back at him. Sighing heavily, Aurum had yanked his winter clothes from the back of his closet where they had been shoved, gearing himself up appropriately before he finally said goodbye to Roy and Kaito and stepped out into the open air. A shiver ran down his spine as he walked through the town, the snow giving an admittedly pleasant crunch beneath his feet as he trotted along slowly. It wasn't long before he came to Selby and Moth's house, blinking in surprise at the sight of Selby happily out in the snow before he spotted Beck, and it all clicked into place. Moving a few paces away from the pair, Aurum allowed his eyes to scan over all of the half completed snowmen being built in the yard, raising an eyebrow before he spoke, "You guys got any carrots? The poor things aren't gonna have any sense of smell." His mittened hands were stuffed securely in his pockets, and his voice was slightly muffled by the scarf wrapped around his neck.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: LAUGH MADE OF WAX — snow / au - CAUSTIC. - 03-22-2020

Caustic rumbled from the inner workings of his home with deep, heavy steps and a cough. He was well adjusted to the isolation of his house in Tanglewood (he would never call it a home- would not allow himself to.) and the swamp itself. The territories irradiated and bug-infested biome felt like home in two factors. Swamps was a designated location of King's canyon, full of loot and scattered houses that the toxic trapper thrived inside. Gaea was home to poisonous bugs and horrible creatures. That being said, the snow this morning was a surprise.
He wonders if Gaea exists in its own version, in this dimension. Caustic bundled himself in a fur parka, sweater and slacks underneath. He figured it was probably a good time to go to the mess hall. He pulls up the zipper, passing by and stopping to observe the other members as they stare upon Beck's art.
He'd done something similar with Natalie once.
Alexander's heart twinges, as he elects to only observe.