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DANGER NOODLES / snakes - Printable Version

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DANGER NOODLES / snakes - T. ROUX - 03-17-2020

Trygve hardly ever stayed in one place and his mother was well aware of that, she normally wasn't too far behind her cubs but it was hard to track of all five cubs by herself. Ry decided that he would be a little more well behaved than usual just for his mother though his heterochromatic gaze kept betraying him as they fixated themselves onto the rainforest. Something about it was tempting yet he should know better than to disobey his mother when she told him the jungle was no place for a cub. He gave out a soft huff of frustration as he let his paws sunk into the sand underneath him, a frown tugging at his lips. He glanced away from the jungle only to stare out towards the ocean pondering over what he could do, Ry's mind only on the rainforest that wasn't far from him. Maybe if he went in there just a moment no one would notice and he wouldn't get in trouble.

Kicking up a bit of sand in his wake, the dark furred cub would trot over to the place that was off limits to him and his siblings. He tripped over a tree branch and landed face first into some mud, he grunted rather angrily as he rose hastily to his paws wiping the mud off. He hoped nobody saw that. Ry shook his body out taking a few cautious steps forward into the forest with his ears perked up, his gaze half closed. Trygve stormed through the rainforest, he didn't stay in one place. One moment he was climbing the trees and the next he was hanging from thin branches that would break under his weight. He eventually tuckered himself out already heading in the direction in which he came only to trip over something once more, he growled angrily wondering what it had been this time. He stood up glaring at the strange rock that made him topple over, he was ready to kick it when he noticed it had a face and a tongue was flickering out at him.

A pale yellow snake with the cutest button-like eyes, Ry's anger dying down in an instant. He would scoop up the serpent that had curled into a tight ball only to find himself hoping that he hadn't startled them too badly. It began to unfurl itself within his paws, a genuine grin forming onto his maw, he would let them slither onto his back feeling it wrap around his shoulders. Soon the serpents head was bobbing near his own flickering its tongue in and out, a giggle erupted from his maw. Now with his new friend, Trygve left the rainforest feeling rather happy at that moment. He'd sit down on the beach holding the snake close to his chest, he hadn't realized that him tripping had made him hit his nose. Blood crusted near his nose. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DANGER NOODLES / snakes - michael t. - 03-18-2020

Michael never really found himself thinking much about the rainforest that resided upon The Typhoon's territory. Of the different environments that the island possessed, the thief very much preferred his place of choice to be the sunny beach, where he could feel the sand beneath the pads of his feet and the sun bathing down upon his back. Sometimes it got to be a little too much, considering how his dark black pelt soaked in the sun and held it there to the point where he could get overheated, but he could always head inside his hut if need be. The rainforest where Roxie's cubs had been born was, by comparison, pretty damn grim. There was a bunch of mud everywhere, it seemed to be perpetually damp, and the sun could barely be seen through the thickly clustered trees and their broad, annoying leaves. The bobcat could appreciate that it had been a place where something amazing had happened, and he was very grateful for his new relatives, but he didn't really want to return to the place. So, he probably never would've been able to understand the fascination Trygve held for it. Michael could sort of understand wanting to do something just because you were told not to, but that didn't really seem to be the only reasoning at play.

Either way, Michael hadn't actually been present to witness Trygve going into the rainforest. No, rather, he had been at his home, taking care of his many little rat companions while the boy trudged around in the mud and over rocks. Eventually the fugitive decided he wanted some fresh air, and thought that Princess might've as well, considering how close she was getting to popping out her own little babies. She couldn't move that much anymore, and it wasn't as if the hut was the most comfortable place, even with Michael making her a little bed of her own. So, the bobcat had lifted the plump rat up by the scruff of the neck, resting her between his shoulder blades before he headed out onto the beach. He was humming to himself as he padded along, figuring he'd give himself and Princess a nice little jog around. However, he was startled by the sight of Trygve on the beach. Not because of his mere presence, but because of the snake that he was holding close to him, as well as the blood crusted on his nose. Moving over slowly, Michael said with a little frown, "Jesus... Ry? Are you alright? Did that... did that thing bite you or somethin'? Do I need to get Rox?" Against his back, Princess squeaked and squirmed backward, the pregnant rat evidently not keen on being anywhere near a potentially dangerous serpent.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]