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tantalizing light - beach sweep - Printable Version

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tantalizing light - beach sweep - fulzanin - 03-17-2020

When it came to what Blits was good at, he liked to simplify it down to the basics. He was, obviously, incredibly smart. He could find an easy and simple solution to a problem. How to act on it was the next step, and that wasn't what he was good at. He had to simplify things otherwise his fried mind wouldn't be able to grasp it. It was a struggle to make things simple enough for him to understand. That's why he was good at it! Surely! It proved how smart he was. The sinornithosaurus was incredibly smart, even if his antics for the day would prove otherwise to an external source.

One of the tasks that Blits was common with was sweeping. He'd usually use a broom and try to clean something, normally the floor. Using a broom to try and clean counters had proven ineffective and instead with lots of broken cutlery on the floor. It had been a quick fix, learning that there were different tools for different means of cleaning. There was always the incident of glass cleaner that came to mind whenever cleaning was evident. He had thought that glass cleaner meant that it used glass to clean. It had been more laughable than the incident with broken food items. Sure, clothes and furniture and blankets had been soaked with glass cleaner and their supply had been gone for the rest of the month, but it wasn't like underground facilities really needed glass cleaner anyways. A funny incident.

Blits was certain that such a mistake wouldn't happen with what he was imposing on himself today. He'd absolutely never seen sand before. The feeling was weird and foreign and his mind associated it quickly with what a dirty floor felt like. After a brief search, Blits had found the perfect means to fix the dirty feeling which was sand. He'd found a broom and carried it all the way back to the shore. Blits knew he had a struggle ahead. He was used to being able to use hands to sweep and the odd talons of his wings simply would not meet the cut. He would still use them! Simply it would be an altered strategy. He was not opposed to trying new things, and certainly something as easy as sweeping would not allude him.

Carefully his teeth gripped the handle alongside his claws. It was difficult, for instead of rotating wrists he was having to pivot his neck as well as his arms. It was quite difficult and awkward feeling. His feet shuffled awkwardly in the sand as he didn't quite know how to walk on such a grainy feeling surface. That was why he was sweeping, though! It would feel better once its done! His body awkwardly curled while he swept, struggling but certainly feeling delighted in his task. Sweeping was a task that he was great at - cleaning of any kind in its entirety was fair game that Blits felt comfortable about doing without worry that he was going to break something. Sure, he wasn't quite sure if sweeping was the correct method to clean the beach from the weird grainy feeling, but he figured that if it didn't then he'd find some glass cleaner as the next best step.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: tantalizing light - beach sweep - michael t. - 03-18-2020

Michael Townley had met quite a few downright stupid people in his life. It was pretty much impossible to, considering how much his line of work sometimes just required thugs in order to get things done. In fact, some people would consider his best friend and partner in crime, Trevor, to be pretty stupid. However, Michael knew better than those people, because he knew that Trevor had the capacity to be incredibly smart, and incredibly malicious. He just needed the right circumstances, and to not be as high as a fucking kite – although Trevor himself would disagree, claiming that drugs gave him a sense of clarity. Needless to say though, Michael liked to think that he knew stupid. Blits, though? Blits was an entirely different level. Blits was what could only possibly be described as advanced stupid. He was, quite possibly, on a level of stupidity that was on par with the quantum physics of dumbasses. His particular brand of utter nonsense was so confusing and complex that it was enough to make someone's head hurt, and it had already managed to make Michael's head hurt many times – and he had only known Blits a few days. He couldn't even begin to imagine what it must've been like to be near the guy all the time, or worse, be married to him. If Blits wasn't just making up the supposed husband he had, then the guy had to have the patience of a saint.

Up until he encountered Blits, Michael had spent most of the day fishing. He had never really lived in a place that had a large quantity of water, and certainly hadn't been anywhere that fishing had been a somewhat reliable method of obtaining food, so he had been pretty excited. He had wanted to figure out how to get better at the act of fishing itself, so that he could stop swiping from the food pile or nabbing stuff off of the fishing NPCs. He normally didn't have an issue with stealing, but he felt like he would get more satisfaction out of doing it himself. By the time he was heading back to his home that day, he was slightly sore from being hunched near the edge of a dock, but he was ultimately content. He had gotten a little better at his fishing technique, and had even gotten a couple of big ones that could feed him and Trevor both for a couple of days, if needed. However, this pleasant mood was soured near immediately when Michael caught sight of Blits. Part of the fugitive just wanted to turn and walk away, and not engage at all with whatever the fuck the bird creature was trying to accomplish. Unfortunately, he could feel that familiar ache in the back of his skull that told him to go and ask, sighing heavily at his own curiosity.

Moving over to where Blits was sweeping, the bobcat sort of just... stared, for along moment. Just watching, as if he were trying to determine if what seemed to be happening was actually happening. Eventually he spoke, his voice hoarse from utter disappointment in the world for letting Blits in, "You... Blits, what the fuck are you doing? Did you swing your head around too fast lookin' for hubby and now what little brain cells you have left slipped out?" Okay, maybe that was a little bit harsh, but come on. Michael had actually been having a good goddamn day before he ran into this shit.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: tantalizing light - beach sweep - ROXANNE R. - 03-18-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Well, this was unexpected.

Roxanne had been laying on the porch of her home, she hadn't expected to hear the sound of a broom brushing along the grains of sand and would tilt her head to the side in absolute confusion. The Privateer had quite the patience on her especially with dealing with idiots on a daily basis and with the fact that she had five cubs to chase after now. Her whiskers twitched for the moment deciding that she wouldn't bother Blits from doing something he was clearly enjoying then Michael showed up sharing his obvious distaste for what was occurring at the moment, her head lifting up as a frown tugged at her lips. She didn't see why Michael was so bothered by it. Sure, it was incredibly fucking stupid but Michael wasn't being forced to sweep up the sand from the beach.

Ah, he was being rather harsh. She supposed this was her moment to intervene and do her fucking job after being on a down low due to her pregnany. She would rise to her paws letting out a groan, it didn't take long for Roxie to approach the scene and elbow Michael in his side rather than their usual greeting of brushing pelts. "Don't be a dick, Mikey." She would growl under her breath before she would rest her mismatched gaze onto the bird like creature, a hesitant smile appearing on her maw as she spoke a greeting to their newer, obviously not that bright crewmate "Hello there, Blits... Nice to see you uh... sweeping the beach." Oh for fucks sake. What else was she supposed to say? [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: tantalizing light - beach sweep - bubblegum - 03-18-2020

Re: tantalizing light - beach sweep - fulzanin - 03-20-2020

Blits hadn't expected for people to actually show up to his little cleaning endeavor. His tail wagged behind him to both counter the weight of the broom as well as exert some sign of delight with just how happy he was to do something he was used to. Cleaning was a talent that he felt much pride in being able to do. Sweeping up a beach was no different. It was a little difficult without hands, but Blits felt like using his teeth and curling his talons was such an innovative stunt that he was certainly going to give himself praise. It was a great idea. His orange eyes lifted from the sand, noting Michael's approach. Orange eyes blinked slowly, registering the seething tone. Why was he angry? His talons curled and he removed the broom's handle from his jaws, then struggling with moving it away from his face without sending sand flying. "I'm sweeping!" Blits answered with a grin, "cause the ground here feels super dirty and not clean. Also, I'm pretty sure that I'd know if I swung my head too fast looking for my boyfriend. Neck might break, you know?"

His attention was grabbed by the second to approach. Blits remembered her from when he'd first arrived here. His tail curled a little, the bands of his tail briefly jostling before coming swiftly to a halt. He couldn't quite hear the mutters that she directed towards Michael. Not that he cares too much about hearing every single statement made in his presence. If it was whispered, it certainly wasn't for him to hear. "It's super nice, isn't it?" Blits chatters with a slight wave of a wing. This, of course, results in him slightly smacking himself with the handle of the broom. Blits huffs over the ruffled patch of feathers, but it certainly was low on his list of priorities to fix such a small issue. "It'll be super clean by the time that I get done. The cleanest.. you said beach? This is a beach. Right. It'll be the cleanest beach!" The vibrant dinosaur nods his horned head, seeming assured of his task to rid the beach of all its sand.

The last to arrive also warranted a smile being presented onto his face. Blits was hardly above forgetting pleasantries, even dipping his horned head a little. Why was her head lowered? Probably not the best idea to ask. Especially with the slightest shuffle warranting more irritable, dirty sand sinking round his talons. He raised a talon and awkwardly shook the limb. "Uh. Yea!. I can get trash too!" Blits offered. His tail wriggled behind him, him trying to then use the broom to bush some of the remaining sand from a foot. He really wasn't making any progress in removing the sand from the beach, but he certainly seemed pleased in his attempts. "There's... what?" The sinornithosaurus' orange eyes blinked a few times. The term 'crab' was foreign to him, warranting is previously giddy expression to fall to curiosity. His talons struggled to retain their hold on the broom, him gripping such with his teeth again. "Not dangerous right?" He muffles around the broom, briefly returning to his sweeping before his attention lifted from the steadily piling sand to the crowd that had gathered.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: tantalizing light - beach sweep - bubblegum - 03-20-2020

Re: tantalizing light - beach sweep - michael t. - 03-23-2020

Had he been in a different situation, like back on the road with Trevor and in charge of their own shit, perhaps Michael would've blown up a little bit more for being told off by Roxie. He had never been particularly great at handling his anger issues in the past, but he hadn't had to put any sort of clamp down on them since he was always in charge. He'd tell people he would kick their shit in, and they would either back down in a cowering heap, or get their asses handed to them by Trevor – since the coyote always just insisted Michael would get himself hurt. Things weren't like that anymore, however. No longer was he the big cat in charge, and no longer could he just lash out in any way he wanted without any consequences. Besides that, the one who had told him off was Roxie. Even if the terrifying presence of none other than Goldie wasn't around, Michael still wouldn't have been able to blow up on Roxie. She was his family, as demonstrated by the way that she casually elbowed him in the side, making him let out a grunt of displeasure. So, instead of blowing up in a way that might've previously been the norm, the bobcat just grumbled in annoyance, mismatched eyes narrowed, "Oh come on, s'not my fault that I decided to call out something so stupid." His words were harsh, but as per his sister's request, he kept his words low so that Blits wouldn't hear them.

Turning his attention back to the idiot himself, Michael watched the exchange between Goldie and Blits with a smirk, a little cackle leaving him before he glanced at Roxie. He said with a little grin, amusement dancing in his blue eyes as he spoke, "Yeah Blits, they won't mess with you. They really like Roxie, though. One of 'em even pinched her on the butt once. She hates the little things." He could still remember the draconic feline's dramatic wailing after she had been punched by a crab, acting as if her entire family had been killed before her very eyes because a crustacean had touched her in such a way. He had, of course, helped her out in the moment, but he didn't feel any sort of guilt over laughing about it now, even though he would probably regret it later, when Rox shoved his face into the sand. In a lot of ways, the two of them acted as if they had been siblings since they were kits, instead of having adopted each other much later in life.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: tantalizing light - beach sweep - fulzanin - 03-25-2020

When it came to Blits mentally picturing things as they were explained to him he usually tended to get things entirely wrong. A crab, apparently, had the potential to be dangerous. Speedy. Had big claws. His mind quickly went to work to try and visualize such a thing. Probably had a lot of legs. At least twenty! Small eyes so that it could see well. Probably colored pale white so it could blend in with the sand. Small, though, if he was too big to be pinched. Probably used their size in numbers. Blits was used to dealing with monster, monsters that looked like they'd come straight out of somebody's nightmares. Things with seven eyes, three mouths, two beaks, wings for feet and fins for eyebrows were all things that Blits had grown used to. It wasn't as if he had many experiences with more 'natural' creatures that weren't complete and utter abominations. Despite thoughts and a depreciation of a crab being so monstrous, he wasn't all that scared. Especially after being told that it couldn't hurt him. "How fast are they?" Blits inquires, his head moving away from the broom for a brief moment so that he could easily ask his inquiry.

He shifts his grip on the broom. Blits then shuffles his feet, horned head then turning back to Michael when he began speaking. The sinornithosaurus sweeped some more sand while the other spoke, showing his attention by his orange gaze remaining settled on the other. His tail swings a little behind him as he released the broom from his jaws. "She does?" His tone is filled with curiousity, him then rocking back on his feet. "Pinching probably hurts. I wouldn't know, I've never been pinched. I'd really like to not get pinched if it hurts enough to make her cry," Blits rambles. He shuffles his feet, and his snout scrunches up. He isn't able to grasp why the sand is still there! He just swept this spot! A grumble sounds from the sinornithosaurus. "I dunno where I'm gonna put all the dirt though... I'll figure it out once I get a good pile." Blits grunts, grabbing the handle with his teeth to sharply sweep away another patch of sand. Maybe he could put it in the water? Water was used to clean back home, and so Blits reasoned it would likely poof the filth away in a magical way. That was a good plan to him, with absolutely zero faults.

TAGS 2/27/20: