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TOUCH THE SKY / typhoon cubs - Printable Version

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TOUCH THE SKY / typhoon cubs - T. ROUX - 03-17-2020

Trygve was a rather lively cub and a bit of a troublemaker back home though his shenanigans were tolerated by his crewmates. His mother usually trying to keep him and his siblings in check that's when Ry had heard of the other groups specifically the Typhoon's closest ally; Tanglewood. So with his siblings following behind him, the dark furred cub took the lead towards the group living within the swamp and within his jaws was a small can of paint. That had been Natyli's suggestion and of course, Trygve wasn't going to pass up the chance to cause havoc with his siblings. He hummed a soft melody under his breath only to feel his nose scrunch up with disgust the moment his paws began to sink into the mud, this was nothing like the sand back home and he was already beginning to think his idea was a bad one. Yet they had already traveled quite far, it would be a shame if they decided to go back when they were already trekking within the swamp.

Once he found a dry spot for them to sit on without gathering so much mud on their coats would he finally pop out the paint cans. "Let make these trees colorful!" He said with a confident growl already dipping his paws into some purple paint and began to place them onto the dark wood of the trees surrounding them, a large toothy grin tugging at his maw. He was sure that Natyli would do a lot better than him but would he actually admit that? No. He was a bit too prideful for that.

/wait until natyli & eulia post uwu [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TOUCH THE SKY / typhoon cubs - Grimm - 03-17-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]The close confinement of walls bearing the brunt of salt laden breeze, warmth and sound common an occurrence until ceaseless seemed the bright melody of childish joy. The soft pack of bleached grains touched by the foam laced brine as forth it arose, whispering a song unique and wondrous with each murmured verse. Such was all that had come to touch the mallibale surface of each new memory pressed into place, apart set the world within which they had come to find themself.

Overheard had been the quiet whispering interwoven with fitful bursts of mirth encased laughter, replete with holes a rather haphazardly constructed plan. They had wished no part of the ponderings they had carried a small hope would come to nothing yet swept up within it had they been. Possibly it had been the acquisition of tin, small enough Trygve might carry its weight with minimal issue, or the manner they had set out with no true stealth to hide their departure. It did not matter now, the press of towering trees cast a pattern of shade and light across field of white, well bitten lower lip awaiting a wayward nip too many.

Before their creation was completed words of protest died on their lips, once more held prisoner as they watched with wide eyes the proceedings. No time was wasted in sullying the rust flecked darkness of rather sizable paws, dripping with an excess of purple smeared across papery bark. Unease touched lilac depths as Eulia wondered if their inclusion may allow this to end all the quicker, yet though better of moving to mimic brother. Instead, they cast a fretful glance about, a poor lookout but one none the less.

Re: TOUCH THE SKY / typhoon cubs - natyli r. - 03-18-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]COME AND FLY AW[color=#6897be]AY WI[color=#628ab9]TH ME
Truthfully, a great deal of Natyli's "shenanigans" came from good intentions.  Well.  Mostly.  Sometimes her shenanigans were actual pranks.  Painting Tanglewood's trees?  More... A suggestion to make a place more pretty and to remember where they've been since this was an expedition and they would need to remember how to get home.

Of course, Natyli found the whole expedition thrilling.  It might lead to trouble later.  Probably.  The wariness in her sister, Eulia, could attest to that.  But the little jaguar bubbled with curiosity, her enthusiasm for adventure overflowing.

Mitch-matched hues gleamed ecstatically, paws quickly becoming smothered in ocean blue paint.  Smoothly, she drew an elegant ocean wave across the trunk of one tree, grinning happily at her illustration.  "Ty! You should use the blue, look how pretty it is!" Clearly the best color for tree painting.  Though Eulia made a good choice in purple... If she was honest.

Re: TOUCH THE SKY / typhoon cubs - trojan g. - 03-19-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"]She hadn't moved from the house in a while, the cold and wet of the rain bothering her breathing and making her leg ache, but it was finally getting nicer outside, raining less, so Alice had gone out. Hobbling through the mud the girl was berated by an odd acrid smell, thus scrunching her nose she made her way over to it, ears flattening to her head and eyes wide as she watched some cubs - bigger than herself although younger - putting something on the trees. "Wh-what's going on!" She'd squeak out, tail puffing behind her as she tried her best to sound big and tough, "Wh-what're you d-doing to our trees?

Re: TOUCH THE SKY / typhoon cubs - Ivan - 03-19-2020

[Image: b94dbd8a-65a5-11ea-af51-45358cb49cc4.gif]
pixel by tricky

[div style="width: 310px; max-height: 100px; height: overflow; overflow: scroll; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-top: -5px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color: #152232; letter-spacing: 0px; text-align: justify;"]
He kept fancying that Ivan was absorbed in something — something inward and important — that he was striving toward some goal, perhaps very hard to attain.
— Бра́тья Карама́зовы

He had smelt the Typhoon before, and nearly threw up at it. That had happened when Goldie came to announce that she was expecting, to which Ivan rather embarrassingly asked what she was expecting. Thanks to Aurum, he knew that it was babies, but it still didn't help Ivan's wounded childish pride. In either case, he was reminded of bad things when he caught the scent again. And perhaps against his better judgement, came to investigate because there were more than one intruder here. As he got closer, he realized that they belonged to younger members of the Typhoon. Were these Goldie's kids? They looked close enough, he guessed.

He was frightened for Alice and immediately came to her side when he realized that she was the only one standing up to the child invaders. The kitten puffed out his sharp ebony fur and lashed his tail against the ground. "I don't think you're supposed to be here!" He did not like that they were desecrating their trees. Not that the trees were really sacred, but still, it was theirs. Why let some grubby paws ruin them? "And they're already using blue." Ivan pointed out haughtily to Natyli's remark. He couldn't distinguish the shades, had never seen a pure purple color himself.

Re: TOUCH THE SKY / typhoon cubs - wormwood. - 03-19-2020

Of all the things Aurum had been expecting to encounter that day, little ones from the Typhoon had certainly not been included on that list. He had been out hunting for a while now, trying to find something big and juicy enough that it would calm his growling stomach for a few hours. The tigon had been noticing how much more hungry he was as of late, what with his own cubs swelling his belly. He'd still been searching for the perfect piece of prey when he heard soft laughter, along with the sound of haughty yelling. He immediately recognized the yelling voice as Ivan's, a frown of concern coming to the male's muzzle as he headed towards the little group. When he saw what was happening, he found himself blinking in surprise before he chuckled, shaking his head. Perhaps he would've been a bit more angry, but... clearly these cubs were from the Typhoon, and it didn't seem as though they were painting the trees maliciously. Although, if they were, they were doing a very bad job of it.

Coming up on the other side of his niece, Aurum looked over the three unfamiliar children present, taking in their colorful coats, horns, and wings. These had to be Roxie's children, right? She was the only Typhooner he had met with similar draconic additions. Allowing himself to sit down, the proxy let out another little dry chuckle before he spoke, "You three... little ones, what exactly do you think you're doing? I don't recall Tanglewood asking for the Typhoon's assistance in decorating." He then tilted his head to one side, his one remaining blue eye locking onto Trygve, the apparent leader of this little operation. Even in his smaller tigon form, the size difference between Aurum and the cubs was a bit staggering, so he was trying not to frighten them... too much, anyways.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: TOUCH THE SKY / typhoon cubs - T. ROUX - 03-19-2020

He couldn't help but grin when Eulia began to mimic him, his eyes concentrated on his work for a moment before they shifted looking over to his other half with that Cheshire cat grin on his maw. Trygve was what people would see as a bad influence on his siblings which was very true, Ry wouldn't hesitate in agreeing that he was such. The jaguar cub then offering a chuckle as he would speak to his sibling  "That's it, Lulu! You're doing amazing," He'd say encouragingly swiping his paw across the tree with tail lashing behind him rather excitedly. Purple was obviously the supreme color here but then Natyli would pipe out that he should've been using blue, his snout immediately wrinkling and he would stick his tongue out. "I'd use blue but then it would ruin my beautiful purple. Besides, purple is the best color. Right Lu?" His gaze turning away from the chimera cub only to lock onto his albino sibling though before he could say anything else someone's voice made the cub perk up. He figured someone would find them eventually, he didn't expect it to be that quick. Nevertheless, he did enjoy the attention. All eyes on him, that was the best feeling there was. It fed at his growing ego, his tongue swiped across his lips and the fangs that poked out from his mouth.

With paws still covered in purple paint, the horned cub would turn his body in the direction of the kitten who was much smaller than him. She was rather frail looking was what he had come to realize, he watches Lu from the corner of his eye and his smirk was replaced with a small frown. What was this sickly kit doing all the way out here? What shitty parents did that? Maybe she was in the same shoes as him, a single parent. Hm. His tufted ears perked forward as he stared down at Alice for a good moment letting that smile of his return slowly "Jus' adding a lil color. No harm done," It wasn't like he and his siblings were drawing obscene things on the tree, Gods no. Ry wasn't that much of a brat. He was about to say something else until another kitten approached causing his eyes to narrow into dangerous slits especially when Ivan decided to respond haughtily to Natyli. The fur on his neck bristling just slightly, he would respond with a snort and roll of his eyes "It's purple not blue," He lifted his paw up with paint still dripping from it, oh, how he wanted to splash paint on this kitten but he resisted or more of the fact that an adult came over.

Oh wow. This guy was really fat. Ry bit down on his tongue, setting his paw down onto the ground beneath him. Trygve taking a few steps back to press his dark coat against Eulia's rather defensively not taking his eyes off of Aurum for a single moment, as the leader of the small trio there was no way that he was going to let two kittens and some fatass startle him. He puffed his chest out with a soft growl leaving his maw though the tone he took was the least hostile as he answered simply with a light roll of his shoulders "Jus wanted to do a little exploration with my sisters," And painting, of course, the trees only being a marker of where they stopped but behind them were several pawprints left behind by himself and Nat so they wouldn't get lost. His whiskers twitched as he supposed that he might as well know who they were "It was my bad... Didn't think a lil paint would catch so much attention." Oh yes he did, he knew very well that it would yet he would brush it off as nothing as his subtle frown would grow a bit. He wouldn't let anyone take the blame if they were taken back that was for sure, he would add shuffling his purple painted paws in slight shame "It was all my idea and my fault." He wouldn't let Natyli or Eulia get in trouble that was for sure. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TOUCH THE SKY / typhoon cubs - Grimm - 03-19-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Disarray of chaotic gestures, droplets falling about expanse of earth hued canvas, simplistic the joy underlying that which took shape within the smeared lines of violet. Direct opposition the smooth edges of soft blue, a pleasant depiction of the hushed singer, quiet the ache of heart grasped in cloying homesickness. Between the pair equally muddled with the shades of tacky paint did attention turn, lip caught by points, worked over until the pale flesh grew dark.

Hesitance marked the dipping of toes within the offered vessel bearing violet, messy the uneven, lopsided shape of scrawled bloom. Futile the attempt to wipe away the remnants clinging once work was done, nose scrunching as discomfort prickled at their skin. Of no use was complaint, rather, their focus turned to the hue of abandoned sea. Steam and leaves joined their small creation, tip of their tongue poking through as lilac depths narrowed in deep concentration.

Quips over choice of colour did not register within thoughts settled upon the work at hand, only once its creation drew to a shaky halt did their attention deviate. Cut off the sudden sound falling from their tongue, a gentle thing most alike a squeak of utter surprise, useless the tiny adornment of pale wings unfolding to stop backward momentum. Yet there was nothing that may halt such, the scrap of tiny claws enough to rain flakes of bark upon exposed belly, breath forced out in a pained groan.

Others. Unbeknownst to fallen child cousins - or possibly something else, confusing the matter of relations unknown - the little ones speaking in tones of faux anger. Yet it was the last, towering figure of cinnamon laced cream, that caught and held their attention. Quick the crumble of resolve, lips parting though it was not audible protest, words to denounce their trespass of land they had not known was occupied, but a hiccup. There seemed no warning nor build up, trembling their lips as tiny paws streaked with mud rubbed at tear filled eyes.

Another, radiance warm, the gentle brush of coat so unlike their own. It took a deal of effort, aching all and odd the hold of wings, poor the manner of their landing, but against Trygve did they press. To his neck did Eulia hide their watery eyes, sniffling into the coat of rust streaked night, wishing to deny his words yet robbed of their voice.

Re: TOUCH THE SKY / typhoon cubs - Ivan - 03-23-2020

[Image: b94dbd8a-65a5-11ea-af51-45358cb49cc4.gif]
pixel by tricky

[div style="width: 400px; max-height: 100px; height: overflow; overflow: scroll; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-top: -5px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color: #152232; letter-spacing: 0px; text-align: justify;"]
He kept fancying that Ivan was absorbed in something — something inward and important — that he was striving toward some goal, perhaps very hard to attain.
— Бра́тья Карама́зовы

To be told that something he knew quite obviously to be a fact was not true at all struck a high-strung cord in little Ivan's heart. It was becoming all too apparent now that people had different principles, but he never would have thought it was be something as basic as a color. Moral principles differed, he didn't have to walk far enough to see that some Tanglers had no issue with taking over the lives of other animals, but color, color!

The fact that it was another child who was doing this didn't help the situation at all. Ivan's nose twitched and his lips curled a bit over his gums, not wanting to be bested. Relations be damned, though Ivan had absolutely no idea that these cubs were distantly related to him, some sort of cousin. Ivan usually clashed with Atticus' outward personality and it would seem that the Typhoon cub would be no different.

Ivan looked Trygve dead in the eyes and emphatically stated, "It's. Blue."

Then Aurum showed up and the atmosphere began to shift. The young black cat didn't wilt, but in fact felt a bit more empowered with the proxy backing them. He was no stranger to Aurum's intimidating presence, he was well aware that a few of his siblings — including himself for a brief moment — had been nervous about his size. Eulia's response didn't shock him, but it did make Ivan resolve to try to be a bit more gentle considering the circumstance. Oh, it was difficult, he wouldn't lie.

His skinny frame trembling with tension, Ivan found the guts to speak up again. "Alright, what's your names?"