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THE SAME SUN / salmon + gift for sam - Printable Version

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THE SAME SUN / salmon + gift for sam - bubblegum - 03-17-2020

Re: THE SAME SUN / salmon + gift for sam - MARINA - 03-17-2020

Goldenluxury. The name brought mixed feelings to the pirate. She felt compelled to smile, but on the inside, she could only feel a sense of dread. Marina's heart was set afloat along time ago, only to lose to another's flattery. If only she had only known there was another for Goldenluxury, then perhaps they wouldn't of gotten into this mess. Nevertheless, that couldn't be changed. No matter how hard Marina prayed to whatever Gods lay above. For now, her only choice was to set her disdain upon someone else.

But who? The answer: Samantha. Now, that unwelcome name carried anger. Apparently, she was Goldenluxury's 'other half' that she didn't know about, something Marina was never told. Now there was Goldenluxury and her's children coming the trio's way, only to have a third wheel in the mix... and it wasn't Samantha. Almost feeling set aside, Marina grew frurstrated. Jealousy at it's finest. She couldn't help but narrow her eyes upon the mention of the former Tanglewooder.

'Sam,' came a sweet voice in the distance. A very familiar one. Goldenluxury's gentle tone and tender way of speaking reached Marina's ears, causing her to turn towards the tiger. The words took awhile to register in her mind. Realization came soon enough. Her heart sunk. What did she expect though? Marina didn't seem ready to accept the truth though.

Letting out a sigh, Marina turned her head away. "No," the jaguar muttered. "I have not seen Samantha lately." Perhaps that was for the better. With that said, she would wander off to prepare for the upcoming children.

Re: THE SAME SUN / salmon + gift for sam - deimos - 03-18-2020

It was no lie that Sam hardly enjoyed surprises. From being surprised about Gold being pregnant, and amongst other things- like her leg being destroyed- surprises as a general category wasn't Sam's favorite thing. But gifts were different, in a sense, most of the time depending on who they came from. She had been out for part of the day, collecting different knick-nacks for the upcoming children. Presents, to give to the children, she had declared, would make them like their Second Dad. And every time Sam thought those words in conjunction, her fur ruffled up, then settled.

However, on her way back, the call of Gold made her ears twitch. A smile brushed at Sam's face and she picked up the pace, however her eyes slid across an unwelcome sight. No, Goldie had told Sam about the white pelted jaguar in her life. Well, she couldn't exactly AVOID telling Sam about it either, at this point, but Sam's shoulders tense and her anger bubbled, just a bit. Sam decided to be the bigger person, however, as the jaguar slinked off, and gave a nod of greeting. Quickly, however, her attention returned to Goldie.

She took the stairs to their porch quickly, before pausing, her eyes searching from the dish, to the jacket. She gave a tiny grin, her ears twitching, as she stepped closer and greeted Goldie by nuzzling into her cheek, looking back at the two different things that her lover had sitting near her. "These.. are for me?" She questioned, looking towards Goldie with raised an expectant eyebrows.



Re: THE SAME SUN / salmon + gift for sam - roan ; - 03-19-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — In all honesty, the young pirate knew very little about love just yet. Sure, he had known that his mama loved Greed, and it was hard to miss the way that his new uncles looked at each other, but seeing love was much different from truly understanding what it was really about. At first he had thought that love was something that kept people together, but considering he hadn't seen Greed in quite a long time, even after his new siblings were born... well, it didn't seem as though his and Roxie's love had kept them together. After that, he had thought that love was perhaps just something that made you very sappy around each other. After all, Uncle Trevor was constantly making little comments about loving Uncle Michael, and they tended to be so disgustingly sappy that it made Roan gag – something that his mother often jokingly joined in on. Despite this, he had also noticed that there were some couples that were in love that weren't overwhelmingly sappy with each other all the time. Like Sam and Goldie. While they had their moments, and they certainly seemed to be in love, they hadn't done anything gagworthy, and weren't constantly hanging off of each other, so how did one know what love really meant?

The little – well, not really quite so little, anymore – winged apprentice had been pondering this deep philosophical question when he heard his cousin's voice, his head raising up curiously when the question fell from her maw. Had anybody seen Sam? Well, he certainly hadn't seen the strange doecat – or apparently the doberman recently, according to mama and Michael – but the strange scent that accompanied Goldie's call made Roan push himself up to his paws. Little tail flicking behind him, the male trotted through the sand over to where Goldie was, his head tilted to one side. The sight of the food was enough to intrigue him, although he was only made further curious by the sight of the jacket, his eyes scanning over the carefully done embroidery as well as the leather beneath. He mumbled softly as he shifted, not acknowledging Marina's leaving beyond just a little flick of his ear, "I haven't seen her either, cousin... although I'm sure she'll be back soon!"

As if on cue with the boy's words, Sam padded her way over, a slightly bemused but happy look on her face as she took things in. Roan sort of just stared at his cousin's girlfriend for a moment before his eyes widened, an excited gasp leaving him. Looking back towards the captain, Roan spoke with a little bounce, "Oh! Oh, is she right Goldie? Did you make this stuff for her? Because that's so sweet! I'm sure she'll really like the jacket and the... uh, other stuff." He still wasn't exactly sure what his cousin had cooked, but he was sure that it was something good. Goldie wasn't exactly known for being a terrible cook.

Re: THE SAME SUN / salmon + gift for sam - bubblegum - 03-20-2020