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walking with the moon [★] under the stars book swap - Printable Version

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walking with the moon [★] under the stars book swap - suvi. - 03-16-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
'Kiira, how about... you take two things you like. And then you put them together.' Two things she liked.  The petite vixen flicked her ears, paws nestled beneath her chest as she sat on the front porch of her home.  Two things.  Put them together.  Well.  Kiira liked a number of things from flowers to hot chocolate.

But she felt a little frazzled as she tried to think of two she'd enjoy together.  Worse, she wanted... To make it something she could include others in.  Her tail, swaying to the side, promptly disappeared as she furrowed her brows again.  Honestly, she'd rather read than host a get-tog-

The arctic fox scrambled up.  Her paws wobbled a little at the sudden movement, but with new energy, Kiira slipped back inside her little house.  When she came back outside the sky was growing darker and she tugged a small red wagon behind her.  Jostling around inside was a small number of well-loved books.  Stories and tales she had read a number of times and still enjoyed.  Stories she didn't mind sharing.

Dutifully, she pulled the wagon down to the beach, where she began to set blankets and pillows out on the sand.  The stars, as she'd hoped, had came out while she worked, their light dancing in their ocean reflections.

She sent her raven friend, Fiachra, out with little fliers, dropping them in front of homes and the tavern, each one with the same invite; Under the Stars Book Swap.  Tonight at the Beach!  Bring any books you want to trade!

Then, with that all done, Kiira took a seat on one of the blankets.  Though she felt uneasy about gathering everyone, she couldn't deny what a nice night it was to stargaze.  It would've been cruel not to show everyone the sky.

Re: walking with the moon [★] under the stars book swap - toboggan - 03-17-2020

Leroy could not read. Having not been taught how to do so as a child, the hound's inability to recognize and mentally process written words had irked greatly irked him. It wasn't as though no effort was put into attempting to learn, for he'd put in hours every other day attempting to recite the alphabet without error, which was much more difficult to do when not singing, by the way. Yet, despite the monumental amount of work that went towards mastering reading, he always came up short, and that really fucking sucked at this particular stage in life.

Why the male even attended the book swap, it was difficult to determine. Hell, since he couldn't read, he didn't even learn about the occasion via the many fliers that'd been dropped by some bird. No, he'd heard about it through smalltalk, and even though he was unable to decipher text, the general immediately decided that he'd attend. Thus, here he was, equipped with a paperback novel and a fervent smile.

He dips his head towards Kiira in a nonverbal greeting. This was her event, and he was her first arrival. Maybe there'd be more people present if the vulpine had decided to host it during daytime, but Leroy couldn't complain; the night was beautiful.

Re: walking with the moon [★] under the stars book swap - wormwood. - 03-17-2020

Luckily for Kiira's usually frazzled and anxious young mind – minds? – she and Aurum had a great deal of things in common, despite the things they disagreed on. The angel loved stories and reading with a passion, having enjoyed both ever since he was just a cub that needed an escape from the world, and he had always had a great time with some stargazing in the past. Back when he and Poet were just cubs, he would often drag the other out to the very edges of the abandoned city that their pride had lived within, just so that they would have a clear view of the sky above for looking up at the glimmering lights. Poet had always thought it was sort of weird, and they weren't able to do it often, considering the cold of outside of the city would seep into his bones and make his sickness worse, but he'd humor Aurum, if only for a little while. Now, both of those beloved childhood activities mixed together? Well, it was practically a dream come true for the tigon proxy of Tanglewood. It would be the perfect way to unwind after a long day of hard work, and it would also hopefully continue to help mend the bond between he and Kiira that had been damaged through his furious outbursts towards Pittians. He still didn't regret his actions, but he did regret frightening Kiira, having never wanted the girl to be put in the middle of it all.

Ever since the flyer had first been outside of his door that morning, Aurum had been thinking of the event all day, giddy with almost childish excitement. When the sun finally set and the sky above darkened, Aurum made sure to gather up several of his favorite old books – the ones he could bear to part with, anyways – in a satchel, and headed down towards the little gathering. Smile growing as he spotted both Leroy and Kiira there, he moved to sit on one of the blankets as well, "Hello, Kiira... this is a wonderful little event you've set up here." As he said this, he slipped the satchel from around his slightly cub-pudgy waist, putting it aside to pull the books free.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: walking with the moon [★] under the stars book swap - CAUSTIC. - 03-24-2020

When Caustic exited his hom- house to scavenge for food, he paused at the flyer. He turned it around with his paw to read it properly, giving it a sniff then a huff.
Okay. He'll bite.
When darkness fell, and his work was forced to stop by the lack of daylight, he grabbed one of the books he collected from the library. He was done with it anyways, it was a human history textbook, and it gave him the info he needed. Caustic made the conclusion that this town had been abandoned sometime in the 60s, as the textbook barely covered the Vietnam War. Which meant the technology available to him to fix the portal device was severely limited.
He would have to make it work. He had to.

The wolf plotted ahead now, book held in his jaws and arriving at the trade in the following minutes. Caustic took a seat on one of the blankets, unsure what to say or to introduce himself.