Beasts of Beyond
FAKE / intro - Printable Version

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FAKE / intro - T. ROUX - 03-16-2020

Trygve's eyes fluttered open only to wince at the light that was peeking from the slightly open curtains, the dark cub would rise to his paws only to stretch out with a low growl. His mess of a coat puffing out, he would do his best in brushing it down before hopping down from his bed leaving his room as he released a steady breath. He was uncertain about his sisters and brothers being awake but he wouldn't make a noise in an attempt to not wake them from their sleep especially his mother. She always caught him doing her best to make sure his unruly coat was groomed down though there was always some stubborn curls that wouldn't go down without a fight. His tail standing upright only to curl with relaxation realizing that his mother was sound asleep, he bolted for the door of their home and managing to open it did he slip through the crack with a grunt. The aroma of salt water was faint due to his weak sense of smell, his eyes surveying the area as he would walk about the porch of his parents home.

He took a few confident steps forward with a large grin on his maw only to feel the sand between his toes, it was so warm, he loved the sand. He enjoyed his home's environment though every time he would glance in the direction of the rain forest, it almost felt like something was trying to pull him towards it. But his mother had told him not to go there because it was dangerous, the older cub of the litter huffing underneath his breath as he lifted his paws watching the sand slip through his toes did he frown lightly. Surely, there was something else to do while he plotted out mayhem within his mind. Right? He supposed that he could meet new people that wouldn't bore him, most of the members here being family or having relation to his mother. His nose scrunched up a bit, he doodled a bit in the sand with his claws before calling out with his heterochromia orbs lighting up with slight interest "H... Hello? I'm Trygve," Someone would surely show up. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FAKE / intro - deimos - 03-16-2020

Show up they did.

Sam was out for a walk. Early morning walk? Yeah, she was stressed. Goldie was starting to really get up to size with her cubs, and Sam knew it wouldn't be long before the doberman would have to face reality. Between caring for somebody else's children, and putting up with being called Second Dad. Sam bit her cheek at this, ears flattening and wings shuffling and pressing to her back. The sand had always been her thinking place. Well, not always, but it definitely was recently.

Hearing the call of a cub, however, made her head turn. Mismatched eyes focused on Trygve, and she tilted her head gently as she stepped closer. This was one of Roxie's cubs, right? One cautious glance was casted about, looking for the jaguar herself. She exhaled softly, making sure she wasn't around before looking towards Trygve. Her wings shuffled as she observed the ruffled looking child. "Nice t' meetcha. Names Sam. What are y' doing up this early?" She questioned, her head tilting at the child.



Re: FAKE / intro - fulzanin - 03-17-2020

Blits was an unaware person for the most part. Being oblivious was how he kept his head and could keep up with what was going on around him. If he didn't know something and wasn't going to be able to figure it out quickly it was swiftly left to fester in the back of his mind where it likely would never appear until the thing, concept, or whatever it happened to be came up and forced him to interact. He remembered kids - wasn't he some form of an uncle back home? Husband's brother's kids? That sounded like uncle to him, but he was never quite certain. Something to figure out later.

Absently wandering around was interrupted by hearing... something. Voice, Blits quickly identified. Plural. Not one, two, maybe more. Maybe even three. If it was two, then he certainly could make it three. The sinornithosaurus pivoted and turned, trotting over to the source of the conversation. That very much was a child, his orange eyes blinking a few times in a manner deemed rapid. "Hi!" Blits chirped, a grin presenting itself on his face. "My name's Blits!" He introduced himself, then falling silent. He muttered the other's name a few times over to assure that he would indeed perform the correct pronunciation if he was required to say the other's name at a later time.

His head turned a little when the comment of it being early registered. He was so used to it being underground and dark all the time that the passage of time overhead was entirely unaware to him. Blits' expression turned confused ever briefly, scratching his face with a talon to allow a convenient way to allow his countenance to alter back to normal. "Uh. Uh. Maybe he.. wants to see the early sun stuff?" He offered, shrugging his shoulders after speaking. Blits had absolutely no guess for why someone would be up so early. Yet again, he was, and so were the two others. Probably wasn't too big of a deal, he reasoned while he lowered his wing back to a more comfortable position.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: FAKE / intro - michael t. - 03-17-2020

Trygve. Well, it certainly was an... interesting name for the kid to have. Michael had messed up the pronunciation of it the first few times he had made an attempt, and he had actually taken to just calling the little one "Try" when he and Roxie spoke about the kids. He couldn't critique Roxie's name choices too hard, considering how much she had laid into him about what an awful name Jimmy was – which he still didn't agree with, but he had grown tired of trying to argue for it. He supposed that Trygve was hardly the worst name he had ever heard in his lift. It wasn't something like "Fang" or "Mayhem" or some of the other awful tryhard names the bobcat had come across on his travels with Trevor. He wasn't sure what it was about criminals that made them want to pick the most edgy and awful aliases possible, but it had certainly made it hard not to laugh right in their faces when they introduced themselves. In fact, he even had a few times, against his better judgement – those were the times when he and Trev ended up bolting, or the coyote saved his ass miraculously.

The male had emerged from his house that day fairly early, having gotten to bed early the previous night as well. He and Trevor had gotten drunk and played yahtzee around noon, so he'd been tuckered out pretty effectively. Luckily his alcohol tolerance was enough that he didn't have too much of a hangover when he woke up, but putting on all of his jewelry had taken a little bit more time than usual. When he finally emerged from his home all blinged up, Michael had been startled to already hear three voices from a little bit of a ways down the beach. Were other people really up this early too? He wasn't sure he was quite ready for social interaction without some coffee or food, but considering one of the voices in question sounded young... it had to be one of Roxie's kids. Sighing heavily, Michael slowly moved over, nodding a bit when he saw that it was Trygve. Shit, he'd better say hello, and make sure things go well... Rox would put his head on a pike if Try had a bad first day out. Offering the kid a tired smile, the feline mumbled as he sat down in the sand, "Hey, kid. I already know you, but y'might not remember my name since you got told pretty young... I'm Michael. Your Mom's brother." Adoptive brother, technically, but he didn't really feel the need to make the distinction. They looked different enough, after all, and Michael sure as hell didn't have shapeshifting, so.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: FAKE / intro - T. ROUX - 03-19-2020

The moment he heard someone approaching him, he was fairly certain that it was his mother coming over to scold him for going outside by himself at such an early hour. To his relief, it was simply his cousin's girlfriend and he would let himself breathe out in a calm manner resting his gaze onto the Doberman that introduced herself to him as Sam then her question made his nose scrunch up slightly. Truthfully, he hadn't been able to sleep and well, his siblings kinda crushed him. He was always at the bottom of the sleeping pile it would always be rather hot, Ry loved his siblings with all his heart but he couldn't stand the heat. Their sleepy rumbling only made shit hotter and that's when he finally decided to leave to catch his breath, outside was definitely a lot cooler than being laid on by four other bodies. He opened his maw to finally speak with his tufted ears pressed flat against his cranium "Couldn't fall asleep, was being crushed by my brothers and sisters. Too hot." It sounded ridiculous coming out of his mouth but he was being deadass honest, a frown still formed onto his maw as his tail lashed to the sides. Hm, he supposed this was a lot nicer than being huddled up into a pile a lot less hot for sure, "Nice... To meet you." He finished rather awkwardly diverting his eyes to avoid eye contact, I guess, was his silent thought.

Yet again there is an unfamiliar face approaching him, this one was a bit more oddly colored and his muzzle wrinkled at the vibrant feathers. Eventually they introduced themselves, Ry tilting his head to the side as he spoke with a little less enthusiasm, sounding a lot more tired and almost looking the part "Trygve Roux... Call me Ry. Nice to meet you..." He didn't even know what Blits was and it was irritating him a little bit, he was tempted to ask if the other was a bird but then he would probably make himself look like an idiot in front of everyone that was already gathered around. Alright, so he was a bit grouchy about not getting his full nap hours but he supposed that would be a sacrifice he was willing to make. Suddenly, Blits commented about him having gone out early to see sun stuff and it made him blink. Oh no, this guy was stupid and wasn't shy to show it. Ry twitched his whiskers for a moment debating between humoring Blits or not, a faint smirk appearing onto his maw "Yeah... Sun stuff," His attention drawn away from Blits the moment his uncle walked over did he perk up just a little.

Ah yes, Michael. Trygve could recall seeing him around quite a bit when he had been a lot younger than he was now. Ry still believed that Michael was some weird looking jaguar but he always bit his tongue to refrain from offending the bobcat too much, his nose twitched for a moment realizing that he seemed to be just as tired or even more. Had his sense of smell been better, the child would've picked up the smell of alcohol clinging onto his crewmate. Kid. He let out a soft huff feeling his tail lash to the sides, he wouldn't argue with that though he was determined to grow older so he wouldn't continously be referred to as a child. A soft hum escaped him as he would pipe out with a slightly forced smile "Hiya uncle Mike." Then suddenly something huge approached the group and the cubs eyes immediately widened in that moment, he could feel his fur starting to rise.

Ry stumbled to his paws to gawk at Dacote, oh yeah, he was definitely awake now. He blinked his still wide eyes at the large bovine trying to figure out what he was, they were so large and well, Ry felt very tiny at that very moment. He could only imagine how Eulia would feel if she ever met the stranger, she was the smallest of Roxie's children and she certainly would be small up against the hooves creature. He hadn't realized that his paws were shaking a bit, he growled in a bout of frustration towards himself only to start sizing up Dac. He was sure that his size would give him an advantage or at least, he'd hope. He wasn't exactly the fastest on shaking legs. He took a deep breath and took a few shaky steps toward Dacote still watching the bovine through narrowed pupils, his fur still puffed out as he cautiously made a beeline toward this larger crewmate. "D... D'ya... Talk? ..." His voice quivered realizing how much of a giant Dac was closer in person. Oh god, he could easily be crushed yet he stayed there facing Dacote. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: FAKE / intro - Jameson - 03-21-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 15px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"] jameson had been awake for a while. it wasn't often that he got a full night of sleep, nor was it often that he spent the entire night inside the nursery. just like during the day, his overheightened senses did him no favours and they worked hard to keep him from a refreshing sleep. he was in a perpetual state of fatigue despite his young age, already weak body sunk to the bones and clinging to the five or six hours that he could manage to stay unconscious from dawn to dark. it wasn't a surprise when his siblings would occasionally leave as well, though for often different reasons than his. it was too hot, they had woken up and couldn't fall back asleep, they were looking for him, all reasons that had sent them from their dwelling. as the seasons changed and heat began to creep into the night and early morning, it was often the latter that evacuated the other children.

  jameson had no issue with watching from afar, and he was somewhat pleased that he had when he watched his larger brother get surrounded by clanmates. from his cousin's girlfriend, to an odd creature, to his uncle, and then another large creature, possibly some sort of bovine? it wasn't a matter of stress anyways. his brother seemed uncertain though, so jameson would make his way over. " Hey, Ry. " ry probably knew that he had been up for a while. the large bovine now beside him breathed too loudly.

Re: FAKE / intro - OCTANE. - 03-22-2020

As far as Octane knew, two of the members just had babies and he couldn't remember which kids belonged to who. It was weird, in one way, if he thought about it for too long. They were animals but they had the same intellect and consciousness as people and in one way that was wicked but in another the weirdest shit ever.
He really needed to get out more, he couldn't recognize most of the people here, except for Michael. His hip pained him as he walked, only one prosthetic attached. He left the other at home- it hurt too much to try and twist around to put it on. His body was still patched up in various spots, and if he moved just the right way he could reopen the wound on his neck. His metal leg would dig in the sand the wrong way, meaning Octane needed to exert more effort to walk overall.
He stopped nearby, behind Michael, scanning over the grouping and feeling... well, left out.