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new horizons! — joining - Printable Version

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new horizons! — joining - EVARHI - 03-16-2020

got nothing to prove -

evarhi niazai lingre

pronounced: (ev-are-ee)

male - aquatic draconic serval (albino, green, black) - 5 months - Regina Niazai x Bai Shi Lingre - no crush - no mentor

but don’t make me show you i got nothing to lose —

He wasn’t going to lie, trekking through this mud sucked. It was shit. Until he realized it was kind of fun.

He had discovered this by accident, during his frustrations he had slapped and clawed at the ground. The splashing was extremely gratifying.

Pretty soon he found himself plastered in mud. Then it wasn’t fun anymore. Did the young man regret his decision of leaving his family? His father? His siblings? No. They all bored him. He hated his siblings and didn’t really speak to his dad.

Things were boring back home. Evarhi wanted to see new things. Try new stuff. Find more people to fight besides his brothers. More people to see how amazing he was.

Besides he hadn’t even joined yet and he was having more fun than he had in a long time. Of course now he weighed heavier than he was used to.

Instead of being a lanky boy if alabaster and jade he looked like some long legged monster of the swamp.

Cool. He hoped he would scare someone.


Re: new horizons! — joining - wormwood. - 03-17-2020

Perhaps Evarhi's appearance would've startled one of the lesser members of Tanglewood, or even just one of the newer ones that didn't know what the mud could make of you when you were in it long enough. However, Aurum was very pointedly neither of those things, and he actually found his whiskers twitching in faint amusement when he approached the boy, having scented him during a patrol. Well, sort of scented him. It was around 90% the murky smell of mud at this point, and then the other 10% was actually the smell of Evarhi beneath. Either way, the tigon was quick to approach carefully, crossing over a few logs to keep his swelling belly from going in too deep. He strongly doubted the cubs would get hurt by a little bit of mud, but he wasn't too keen on getting his pelt messy either. Once he was near where Evarhi sat, Aurum offered the serval a crooked smile, his voice coming out in a slightly tired rumble, "Hello there... I see you've been having fun. Could I perhaps have your name and business? You're on Tanglewood territory." Of course, if Aurum had known whose child Evarhi was, he probably would've taken on less of a friendly tone. He and Bai Shi hardly had a very positive history.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: new horizons! — joining - beck. - 03-18-2020

    If a slasher film including innards ripped from their cavities and masked killers closing in on their prey barely even phased him, then he found it unlikely to even bat an eye at the mud-covered pipsqueak pretending to be a swamp monster. Although with the webbings and fins, the newcomer could possibly pass as some botched attempt at replicating the creature from the Black Lagoon.

    But maybe... he could get in one good scare for the month.

    Lurking in the bullrushes, the dark-furred feline blended in effortlessly with the shadows and mud. Beck restlessly chewed his lower lip, hazel eyes watching the hybrid splash and frolic in the mire. Strange for one to be so careless and... happy while everyone around him stressed and fretted over self-made problems. Envy twisted the sinew around his bloodless heart before he quickly shoved the thoughts away. No, it'd be okay. Everything would be okay in the end.

    As the heavy footfalls against bark approached, Beck stifled a panicked gasp and pressed himself closer to the ground, grimacing when Aurum revealed himself to be responsible for the rhythmic thuds. Naturally, the angel had to be present at every minuscule event. Which in this case, ruined his prank going off without a hitch or scolding. A scowl crossed freckled features, but nevertheless, he allowed his apparition to sink into the mud, reminding him of the alligators disappearing beneath algae to hunt.

    Just as Aurum finished his monologue, a bandaged paw burst from the mud beneath Evarhi, seeking to grab hold of his wrist and yank him down with a horrific gurgling shriek before releasing the other boy unharmed, albeit likely startled out of his wits. Beck resurfaced soon after, a hollow cackle punctuated by harsh coughing, pleased with his frightful success despite being equally caked in mud. The ghost wheezed, lungs calming from his giggling. "Sorry... I just haven't scared anybody in a while," he explained, a sheepish attempt at a smile warping his disfigured snout.

Re: new horizons! — joining - EVARHI - 03-20-2020

got nothing to prove -

evarhi niazai lingre

pronounced: (ev-are-ee)

male - aquatic draconic serval (albino, green, black) - 5 months - Regina Niazai x Bai Shi Lingre - no crush - no mentor

but don’t make me show you i got nothing to lose —

Foolishly, the boy wasn’t intimidated by anyone. Or at least he wasn’t ever willing to admit it to himself consciously. But he was threatened by those who had the things he desired most.

One of these things was size. The only reason he wished to possess such was to bully others around. Boss them around. No one would want to question someone they had to physically look up at to just speak to. He wanted to be top dog in every sense.

So when he saw the large tigon approaching envy did stab into his heart. Because that should be him. But it wasn’t. He was a damn kid. A fucking little kid that no one took serious and it pissed him off. He hated to wait and he had no choice but to wait for his body to grow.

He couldn’t even use his own wings properly! He felt pretty inadequate right now. He suddenly became more aware of his wings dropping and his small size. Instead of crying in self pity he wanted to smash.

“I know where I am. I’m Evarhi. Evarhi Niazai Ling-“, one of his favorite things to do was state his name. He was royalty and everyone should know it. But something caught him off guard. Some paw reached down and the kit would look down to see a paw pulling his leg down. How was that possible?

The noise was terrible too. His eyes widened in pure surprise as he opened his maw to snap at the leg. Maybe it made him more of fool to not be all talk. His need to act certainly got him in situations, but hey at least no one thought he was a coward. That was the worst.

As he bent to snap at the leg he was met with nothing but a mouthful of dirt. And he got a little bit scared, but he wouldn’t admit it. His wings flapped feebly in a instinctive attempt to ward off the attacker. But there was nothing there.

Then there was laughing. He stood up, his heart pounding. They were laughing at him? Nothing would get Evarhi more angered. He heard them coughing and he hoped they would choke on it. Evarhi was familiar with ghosts but it didn’t dawn on him that Beck was possibly paranormal. Simply because the ghosts at home couldn’t really touch you.

“FUCK YOU! COME HERE!”, he wouldn’t be made fun of. People needed to understand he wasn’t a joke.

He would attempt to charge at the cat even if a little clumsy, trying to snap at his shoulder


Re: new horizons! — joining - CAUSTIC. - 03-21-2020

Another unconscious rabbit was in the little bag the hung from Caustic's neck. His sixth test subject, another participant is his side projects to distract him from the portal maker when he grew too frustrated with it.
The wolf hid himself in the undergrowth, far more comfortable with being unseen and only passing by. Caustic held his mouth shut, gas escaping him in the smallest of wisps. Green eyes watched the members commune, humming lightly.
Beck's antic causes Caustic to let out a hearty laugh, revealing himself from the underbrush. It quickly turns into a choking cough, the wolf hunching over. He wheezes, regaining control of his breathing, then exits the bushes, scanning his eyes over the group. "That was... amusing, Beck." He would say, after the ghost responded to the cat's attack.

Re: new horizons! — joining - wormwood. - 03-22-2020

Aurum naturally knew that Beck could be a mischievous creature. He hadn't seen much of it firsthand, considering most of the time when they were around each other, Beck seemed totally miserable. Despite this, he had heard many a tale from others that the spirit definitely had a boyish pranking streak, which was why the proxy supposed he really shouldn't be surprised by this. Unfortunately, the tigon still found himself jumping slightly backwards as Beck burst forth from the mud, grabbing at the new joiner with enthusiasm. The angel just stared for a moment before he began to laugh as well, hearing the sound of Caustic's laughter in his ears. He normally wouldn't have approved of such an act, but it was hardly meant to do any harm to Evarhi, it was just meant to startle and entertain. Besides, on a deeper level, it also pleased Aurum that Beck had chosen to go through with the scare, even when he was present. Perhaps him not showing disapproval and actually laughing could begin to mend their mysteriously broken relationship. Or at least, make them able to coexist without plenty of space between the two of them.

The male opened his mouth to speak to Beck and tell him his little stunt was pretty funny, only to suddenly hear the enraged roar from Evarhi before him. The anger in the other's tone immediately set Aurum's body alight with instincts, and he was lunging forward after only a moment, attempting to grab Evarhi by the scruff of the neck and drag him backward before he latched on. Whether or not he was successful in stopping the other, the proxy growled angrily, his fangs snapping together sharply with his words, "EVARHI! I don't care who you are, where you come from, or where you're here, you don't just fucking attack one of the members of Tanglewood on our territory. Especially not over something as trivial as a joke!" The tigon had already been on edge as of late, dealing with his pregnancy as well as his growing worries over whether his children would be safe. To have Evarhi here, adding onto that by attacking Beck after just a little prank? It was enough to make Aurum's already fragile patience snap, bringing put what most referred to as his proxy voice.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: new horizons! — joining - beck. - 03-23-2020

    A volatile reaction wasn't unexpected. However, two people laughing at his first prank in months was. He wasn't that funny. No, he could never be. His antics should've been looked down upon as childish, malevolent mischief, stemmed from boredom and a lack of discipline. They shouldn't be laughing.

    And yet he still couldn't stop a crooked, close-lipped smile, a soft pride beaming in his damaged chest.

    His bashful appreciation only endured a moment, interrupted by the angered shriek of a wounded ego. A small noise of surprise escaped him, but sharp reflexes acted faster than his brain. His apparition lost its tangibility in a blink, allowing Evarhi to pass through where he would have grazed his shoulder. Being dead sure had a lot of perks, if he must admit. Beck took a wary step back, even as Aurum lunged to the rescue. A scowl darkened his freckled features at this. Five centuries of isolation and existing on the scraps of society taught him more than enough to know how to defend himself.

    Holding his tongue until the scolding ceased, the poltergeist sighed, slumping with the weight of fatiguing years on his shoulders. "He's fine, Aurum. It's my fault for a dumb joke anyway," Beck wheezed, a knowing seriousness to his tone odd when coming from his mouth. Lifeless eyes turning to the serval, he stuck out a bandaged paw as a peace offering, the pad exposed leathery and unfeeling with old burns, yet tangible once more. "Sorry for that. Can we start over? I'm Beck."

Re: new horizons! — joining - EVARHI - 04-01-2020

got nothing to prove -

evarhi niazai lingre

pronounced: (ev-are-ee)

male - aquatic draconic serval (albino, green, black) - 5 months - Regina Niazai x Bai Shi Lingre - no crush - no mentor

but don’t make me show you i got nothing to lose —

He only escapes the jaws of Aurum because he tripped over himself. The boy hadn’t expect to simply just go through Beck and therefore when he had braced himself for impact and met no force he fell.

Now Evarhi was no stranger to ghosts or spirits, his home had been full of them. Including the spirit of his grandfather or something like that. Evarhi never really cared. But he did know they couldn’t touch him so the fact Beck had done so left him confused.

“You- you’re a ghost?”, his ears pinned against his head. He was angry and his pride was fully wounded.

This wasn’t a good start at all. What was worse was that Aurum yelled at him and Evarhi got defensive, “Well you don’t go shoving people into dirt and expecting them to be happy about it!”

He snorted, “wasn’t a funny joke to me...” he would mumble before Beck spoke. Truth be told the albino wasn’t sure how to handle this. He hadn’t ever had anyone apologize to him.

So he would stay quiet and look away, mostly because he felt awkward.
