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PURE GOLD [★] NATYLI ROUX - Printable Version

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PURE GOLD [★] NATYLI ROUX - natyli r. - 03-15-2020

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Re: PURE GOLD [★] NATYLI ROUX - natyli r. - 03-15-2020

[div style="width: 570px; line-height: 1.3; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 1px;"]basics | only rainbows after rain
natyli roux [ nat-ah-lee ] | nat, nattie
female | she/her pronouns
12 months old
the typhoon | crewmate

physical | the sun will always come again
chimera jaguar. petite.  soft, fluffy furred.  unkempt.
— splashes of black and inky splotches across a canvas of golden tan, splitting into ebony across her legs.
— her face seems to split down the middle; a mirror of both her parents with mitchmatched eyes of pink and lavender respectively.
— splatters of white highlight her chest, underbelly, back of her right ear, tip of her tail and the bottoms of her paws.
— little pink nubs for horns, matched by little, deep rose wings.
— smells of lavender.  often covered in grass and flowers.

personality | and it's a circle, circling
hufflepuff | dauntless | ENFP-T
[align=center]'It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool – for love – for your dreams – for the adventure of being alive.'
— Oriah Mountain Dreamer
[<] curious, friendly, playful
[Ø] breezy, competitive, high-spirited
[>] impractical, silly, strong-willed

In a word, "quirky" may perfectly illustrate the bright and bubbly Natyli.  There is often a fire of mischief and chaos blazing in her mitchmatched eyes and she never seems far from the action — thriving on the bizarre in the midst of the hustle and bustle of day to day life.  Imaginative and friendly, Natyli never shies away from the new, her smile always present for friends and strangers alike.  Despite her obviously vibrant social tendencies, time tells all tales; the child possesses a soft, self-conscious soul and in truth she is far from the confident, forever upbeat girl the world presumes her to be.

interaction | around again, it comes around 
— incredibly amiable; emotionally invested in others.  easy to befriend.
— heart over head, always.  doesn't always think ahead before her words or actions. 
— extremely sensitive.  takes everything to heart.  tries to wear a brave face whenever she is upset or angry.
— ADHD.  extremely energetic, loses focus.  tries her best to be attentive for others.
— makes dolls of her friends.  carries at least one with her at all times; grows fretful and panicky without.

relationships | but you gotta keep your head up, oh
roxanne roux x greed
demiromantic demisexual | single [ not actively looking ]

combat | and you can let your hair down, eh
str: 12 | dex: 15 | con: 10 | int: 13 | wis: 14 | cha: 15 | [Image: HfnJZUK.png]
reckless.  attacks to defend.
enjoys playing with poison.
— physically;; moderate
— mentally;; moderate

powers | you gotta keep your head up, oh
none as of now; may invest in air or fire elementals, and clairvoyance.