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BABY MINE / BIRTHING - Printable Version

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[Image: CKFghk6.png]
[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Worry gripped her mind.

How many times was she going to be lucky before everything was torn away from her. Her eyes fixated onto the window in her bedroom, she could see the moon from where she laid on her side. Her claws digging at the sheets, Roxanne letting out a soft breath knowing that the life blossoming within her were beginning to grow restless and began to move in their slumber. She was happy that there was signs of life after the beating she had taken from the dire wolf, she had began to worry as to whether or not the large brute had done more damage than just her wing and front leg. Though she was uncertain of how many were already pawing at her, she knew that larger felines like jaguars, lions, and such usually had less offspring than smaller felines like her birth form. The thought made her wince a bit making her remember the night she had Roan and his... Siblings. It was something she wished not to remember though it was definitely something that was currently haunting her thoughts now during her pregnancy. The draconic jaguar pressed her head into one of her pillows trying to silence the memory but it only continued causing the dull ache of her heart to return.


A litter of three, she could recall. The other two kittens having mixed appearances of both parents and of course, there was Roan, who looked a bit more like her. Oh how, she had been tired but the moment she looked at the trio, Roxanne knew that it had been worthwhile. Of course, the father knew nothing of their existence and the Siamese had been fine with that. She was so determined to raise these kittens by herself, branching out to be an independent mother. She had curled her tail around them only to use one of her wings to cover them in a protective manner. All of them tumbling about underneath the safe covers of her wings, mewling, before they fell silent as they nursed. Everything seemed perfect. She sincerely believed that there wasn't anything wrong with any of the kittens, Roan having been the smallest of the two but Roxanne knew that despite his size, the small kitten was going to do big things when he was older. Roxie's chin rested on her small paws watching them fall asleep near her, the draconic felines eyes full of affection. Two boys and a single girl. Roxanne lifted her head a bit as she began to think of a few names, her ears twitching lightly. Her gaze fixated onto the bigger male kitten as she murmured with a small smile "Trygve."

Her gaze lingered for a moment before it wavered over to the smaller tom, her head tilting to the side as he mewled to get her attention. She would scoot closer to them and opened her maw once more "Roan." Now two of them had names and that left naming the little girl. Trygve and Roan curled around one another as the little girl huddled up to her side with their tiny mouth open for a brief moment, Roxanne would gently lap at their heads. Soon Roxie spoke the last name to her final kitten "Signe." Once she seemed satisfied with those names, she would rest her head on her paws once more feeling a small smile gracing her lips. Her eyelids growing heavy as she fell asleep.

It didn't take long before the sunlight touched her face, her head rising slowly as a soft buff escaped her. Her eyelids still rather heavy though she would let out a soft breath, a sleepy frown on her maw for the moment until she felt movement at her side did she perk up immediately. Roxanne would lift up her wing slowly to see Trygve, Signe, and Roan at her side but it made her worry slightly noticing that Roan had been the only one that was squirming around. She thought the kittens would've been active by now, she supposed that she'd let them sleep a while longer though her attention was taken by Roan who had climbed over her front legs and now rested between them. He was much smaller than her paw.

The realization of how tiny he was made her heart ache, recalling how she had been that small and how her mother had rejected her. Pushed her aside because of her wings. Roxanne could feel her eyes stinging as she bit her bottom lip, a fear tears slipping down her cheeks and onto the ground beneath them. She wasn't going to be anything like her mother, she swore it. She was determined to be a good mother to Roan, Trygve, and Signe. Roxie lowered her head as she groomed Roan a bit and once she felt satisfied with herself would move onto the other two. The moment her sandpaper tongue met the fur pressed to their little bodies, her heart stopped and her blood went cold... They didn't squirm away... Nor did they mewl in protest. Their bodies were cold.

It hit her hard. Everything began to hurt. What had she done wrong? Was she not meant to be a mother? Was life cruel enough to take the lives of her two kittens? Her heart ached as the tears began to fall from her eyes, her body shaking with the sobs that made her entire form quake. She closed her eyes shut wanting to wish it away, she bit her bottom lip with her ears pressed against her cranium. That was it then? Wasn't it? Suddenly, a mewl brought her back to reality and it made her remember that she still had one kitten left. Her tail curled around Trygve and Signe wincing at the feeling of their cold bodies next to her tail, but her paws wrapped around Roan protectively feeling horrible every time a tear would drip onto the kitten causing a mewl of protest to leave his tiny mouth. It hurt knowing that she wouldn't have three kittens to bring back to the Typhoon, to her home, but at least she would bring one of them back.

Roxanne had finally calmed down though her attention diverted from the dead kittens, she would have to bury them somewhere so no predators would dig them up. Once she hid Roan somewhere safe, she was already picking up Trygve and Signe in her jaws trying to hold in a sob when she felt their bodies on her mouth. Both of them were buried safely underneath a tree with lovely hibiscus flowers, she took a few steps back staring at the trunk of the tree. She didn't want to leave but if she wanted her last surviving kitten to live, she'd have to live with this sacrifice. Roxanne retreated to where she had left Roan picking him up gently in her jaws, she travelled through the jungle, weaving through foliage and branches. She had to hide under trees often whenever she could hear a larger animal walking about, whenever she hid, she took the opportunity to let her kitten nurse and rest before she was up again. Eventually her paws could feel sand underneath her and the grains going between her toes. She was home.

She didn't bother announcing her presence, the first thought coming to mind was to find shelter for her and Roan. Her pelt dirty with twigs and leaves sticking to her long coat, she bolted across the sand to find the nearest, vacant home. Roxanne didn't care if it was empty, no furniture or anything, she would worry about that later. She jumped into the home through the open window and glanced around quickly, Roxanne went to the corner of the room where the moonlight barely touched her. She found a few pieces of cloth that she bundled up soon placing Roan down, her fur prickling slightly at the smallest of noises. She curled around her kitten pressing her nose to his head and drawing in a deep breath. They would be safe here. Roxanne was determined not to let anything happen to Roan while she was around, her ears twitched realizing she would have to leave to get herself something to get. No. She'd stay here. She wouldn't leave. She laid there curled around him with a single wing draped over him, she refused to sleep just yet though eventually her eyelids grew heavy and sleep found her once more.


Now it was present time. She didn't have a fling or a one night stand, she had shared a few nights with her lover and now her swollen stomach having been of their creation. Yet, he wasn't here and it worried her greatly. She hadn't bothered asking around to see if anyone else had seen him, she was certain that he would come back on his own. And if he didn't? The thought made her heart throb with a pain, she was sure her heart would be shattered had it been just any other night for her partner. He loves me, she thought trying to comfort herself as she pulled a few of the pillows closer to her chest as if to muffle the feeling in her chest. Roxanne let out a shaky breath knowing that she was letting her worry get the best of her as she juggled both thoughts. She wanted him to be there for the cubs, she was sure that the cubs would have wanted the same yet... How many cubs would even live to see their father? A few tears slipped down her cheek, her eyes still fixated on the window where she could see the moon so clearly. She inhaled deeply before heaving out a sigh, there was no telling what the future would bring and Roxanne wasn't sure if she was ready for all of it.

Her mind on her deceased kittens as her heart was crushed with the feeling of guilt, she rose to from her side letting out a few pants. Maybe she'd visit the tree where she had buried them? She wouldn't be doing any harm, Roxanne was certain as she stood up from her bed making her way out of it carefully. The draconic jaguar glancing around her home only to peek into Roan's room seeing that he was asleep, it made a smile form on her maw though it didn't make her stop from her mission. Her tail lashed to the sides as she stepped out onto the sand with the moonlight embracing her, she looked to the sides for a brief moment before she continued to amble forward. All she would do was visit the tree and come back, little did Roxanne know what that the sudden pains in her side and stomach were signs of the cubs growing restless. She bit down on her bottom lip, her mismatched gaze fixated onto the rainforest in front of her.

It didn't take long for her to arrive at the tree, her gaze lowering itself as she stared at the area where she had buried Roan's siblings, a soft sigh escaping her as a saddened smile appeared on her maw. If only they had been given a chance at life, they would have been apprentices alongside Roan soon, the thought saddened her as she bit her lip feeling the tears coming to her eyes and slipping down her face. If only she had been better for them, they wouldn't have been stripped of their lives at such an early age, a shaky breath left her slightly parted maw as she realized that the subtle pains were growing stronger. Roxanne would grit her teeth as she began to panic wondering if these was the first few signs of the cubs arriving, the contractions grew worse though her eyes looked around for a place that would be safe for delivery. The same tree having a den of some sort, the draconic jaguar began to pull her weight upwards flinching at the pain at her sides and stomach. Her hind legs shaking but she'd push herself forward until she finally fell gently into the den, her breathing became heavier as she laid on her side "Oh... god..." She was too tired to do anything else but she was already breathing slowly knowing what she'd have to do.

It terrified her a bit knowing that she would be alone during this time but she supposed that it was her own fault for wandering off by herself, she closed her eyes and used her front legs to adjust herself into a more comfortable position. Her ears pressed flat against her cranium, she shut her eyes tightly trying to endure the pain but her legs shook with the pain that went throughout her entire body. Through gritted teeth, she managed to hiss out silently to herself "I hope... S-someone finds us... O-oh god..." It all hurt so much, she didn't even think Roan's birth was as painful as this. She heaved a few heavy breaths, eyes shut tightly. All she had to do now was breathe and push... Breathe and push... Breathe... Push...

Roxanne's body still shook a bit from the pain but now her body curled around five cubs, doing her best to keep them warm and away from the entrance of the den, a soft smile on her maw as she watched them through a softened, warm gaze. She couldn't believe that these cubs had been created from the love she and Greed had shared with one another, it made her a bit sad seeing that most of the cubs took more of a resemblance to her rather than their father. Aside from one she-cub, who seemed to be made up of both herself and her love, a smile graced her lips as she nuzzled the small chimera cub closer to her belly. They had nubby pink horns and pink webbing much like her own, Roxanne lapped at her head gently with a soft rumble before murmuring a name to the small jaguar cub "Natyli."

Her mismatched gaze fixated itself onto a different cub, another little female, though this one was a lot different than her and Greed's appearances. This little cub appeared fragile like a single touch could shatter them and their coat was stark white, an albino, a rare sight for her first litter of cubs. But Roxanne didn't mind it at all not caring of whatever appearance her babies took on though she'd be a lot more careful with this small cub especially since sunlight normally didn't settle well with those that had albinism. Her happy rumbling grew louder as she groomed the tiny cub gently with her warm, sandpaper-like tongue. It didn't take long for a name to pop into her mind and slip off her tongue like cream "Eulia."

The two of the three cubs carried her golden coat though one was darker than the other, her ears perked forward. Her eyes settling onto a cub that had a pelt that resembled her own but had patches of a lighter cream, their horns taking a slight green hue to them as well as their wings. Roxanne nuzzled the small male closer to her belly, a few names going through her mind before she would settle on with a name that sounded quite nice to her "Jameson." Her heart fluttering with such a happiness, all of her cubs were so lovely and she could feel herself being filled with such a pride. Her eyes half closed not seeming to have minded that she had lost quite a bit of blood delivering her cubs, she felt quite weak.

Her mismatched gaze rested on the darker golden cub noticing their strawberry like spots decorating their coat with matching dark pink horns, she lowered her head a bit to lick their head gently hearing them mewl in protest. Most of the cubs tumbling about as they tried to find a suitable place to rest their round little bodies and cling to a teat so they could nurse. She hummed quietly to herself feeling the exhaustion tugging at her eyelids and making her body feel heavy, she mumbled out a name to the other male "Aceto." It was a shame that her lover was absent and unable to share this moment though, she wouldn't have wanted him to worry about how much she had lost to bring these cubs forth into the world. A cruel world. The thought made her wince slightly as she shoved it to the side trying to simply think of the good things that had happened. She had given birth to five healthy cubs, that was definitely something to be overjoyed about.

Finally her gaze would rest on the darker cub with Greed's pelt yet they had rustic hued mottled spots scattered across their body and horns that resembled the night sky with a few purple hints, the cub reminded her of her lost baby from her first litter. Though she could move past that she was sure, the cub reminded her so much of her firstborn that she couldn't help but bestow it to this cub hoping that his memory would live on within the dark furred cub "Trygve." A sad smile appearing on her maw, she would rest her head down on her paws with a half closed eyes. Now she would rest with her five new cubs beside her belly, resting in the den of a monstrous appearing tree. She hoped the scent of blood wouldn't attract predators or else, she would not be able to defend herself or her new babies. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BABY MINE / BIRTHING - michael t. - 03-15-2020

Michael had known that the time of his sister's birthing was approaching quickly. It wasn't hard to figure out, considering how much her stomach had swelled and how she could barely really move anymore, at least not for long periods of time. She would often complain to him about how the children kicked and fussed within her, and would pout as she recounted exactly how horrible it was having to deal with little horns jabbing at her. He tried to support her in the ways that he knew how, but pregnancy was hardly anywhere near his area of expertise, so often that just meant bringing her whatever foods she wanted and nodding his head along whenever she found herself going on some random rant about a new way that pregnancy was scary or hard. The bobcat often found himself silently thanking every god he could think of in his head that he would never have to deal with getting pregnant, considering he was enough of a dramatic even without a bunch of hormones and creatures constantly punching at your insides. The whole of The Typhoon would probably end up throwing him out with how much of a fuss he would cause.

Roan had also been well aware of just how quickly the big day was approaching. After all, the winged apprentice had always been fairly observant, and that wasn't even mentioning the fact of how overwhelmingly excited he was for his new siblings to be in the world. Ever since his mama had first told him she was pregnant, he had been over the moon, thinking of all the different things that he could teach them, and all the different games that they could play. Plus they were super lucky, since he had already asked a ton of the important questions during his own kithood, which meant he would have the answers for them as well. He was so excited that it never even occurred to him to wonder why he had never had siblings before, considering the fact that felines such as his mother very rarely had litters that consisted of only one child. He knew nothing of the dark and sad memories that surrounded his own birth, only able to remember as far back as when he had first opened his eyes, and had been welcomed to a warm world that was full of friendly faces and family. He had never had to worry about death, or mourning, or wondering what his siblings would have been like, because his mama had spared him of all of that.

The day was only just barely beginning to leave the qualification of night when Michael left his hut, stretching out his short legs and staring up into the multicolored sky. The sun would be rising soon, and he had spent the night curled up beside Trevor, strange nightmares of his own childhood plaguing him. They had been happening more and more often as Roxie's pregnancy became more and more prominent, mainly because her presence served as a grim reminder of how his own mother had rejected him. It was an unfortunate history that both he and Roxie shared. He hadn't wanted to be up so early, but it seemed as though the world had other plans for him today. Sighing, he glanced back up at his own hut for a moment before he closed his door, figuring he'd let Trevor get a few more hours of sleep. He then made his way towards Roxie's home, thinking that he would visit her and see how she was doing. After all, her sleep schedule had also been effected as of late by the babies, so there was a chance that she was already up too.

However, when Michael arrived at Roxie and Roan's place, he was startled to be greeted by the scent of Roxie. Not the usual scent that surrounded the house, however. A scent leading away from her home. It was a little faded at this point, but that only stoked his concern further, wondering what the hell his sister could've been leaving the house for in the middle of the night. Chest clenching, the bobcat turned to follow the scent – only to be interrupted by a small, worried voice, "Hola... are you going to get mama? Can I come along? When I woke up, she was gone, and usually she'll at least say goodbye if she's going somewhere..." It was none other than Roan, the small winged boy sitting in the doorway of his home with a frown on his face. He was flanked by Kal and Brunhild, the two reptiles glaring daggers at Michael. The bobcat found himself shifting uncertainly from paw to paw before he spoke, sighing in defeat, "I... I suppose you can come along, but if we hear anything dangerous, you're runnin' back here, okay? Rox'd have my head if you get hurt..." Roan grinned broadly at Michael, nodding his head in an affirmative before he hopped out of the doorway and followed after his uncle, Kal and Brunhild following behind obediently.

The pair walked mostly in silent as they followed Roxie's scent, Roan staying extremely close to Michael's side – even though Michael was fairly sure Kal and Brunhild made for far better protection than he did. Eventually they reached the edge of the rainforest, and Michael felt his frown grow, his confusion growing in tandem. He had no idea why she would come all the way out here, but he wasn't left with much time to ponder, since Roan was pushing urgently at his legs, squeaking softly, "C'mon, come on! We gotta find mama!" Michael just sighed and nodded, before glancing back at Kal and Brunhild. Kal just let out a grunt before he settled at the edge of the rainforest, the male clearly knowing he was far too large to follow much longer. Roan just gave the reptile a nod before they continued walking, followed now only by Brunhild as they delved deeper and deeper into the rainforest, the sounds of the chirps and grunts of creatures all around mixing with their footsteps and the clink of Michael's jewelry.

Eventually, they reached the tree. The towering structure of wood in front of them was daunting, and for a moment both shrank back, Michael's gaze darting around on the hunt for any signs of danger. He paused his search when a new scent reached his nose, one that made his blood run cold. There was the fresh scent of Roxie, along with the smell of blood. Heart sinking, Michael found himself mumbling to Roan, his claws digging down into the soft earth, "Roan, you remember what I told you. You should go ba-" He wasn't able to finish, however, because Roan had already taken off, the apprentice scrambling upwards towards the inside of the structure as he wailed, "Mama! Mama, mama! Plesse be okay, mama!" Michael cursed as he hurriedly followed along, pulling himself up and rushing closer and closer to the scent of Roxie and blood. Brunhild made an attempt to follow along, but it was difficult for her to pull herself up, the female forced to just sit and wait with a frustrated grunt as both felines darted inside of the tree.

When they finally made it inside of the tree, Michael was honestly expecting the worst. He was horrified that Roan was going to be hurt, or he and the boy were about to be traumatized by the sight of something awful having happened to Roxie. However, that was far from the case, as they soon both saw. Both Roan and Michael froze when they saw Roxie, as well as the five little cubs now curled up at her side. Michael stood frozen in the opening, while Roan quickly rushed forward, pressing his nose into his mother's cheek as he spoke rapidly, "Mama... mama, we found you! We found you, and you're okay... you're okay and you had the cubs! Are these my little hermanos?" He stared at the cubs in wide eyed delight, staying pressed against his mother's front as he looked each of them over, oohing and ahing at their many different pelt colors and tiny wings and horns. They looked like he had as a newborn, albeit with different patterns and a bit of a size difference thanks to their different species. Even so, they definitely looked as though they were his siblings.

It took a moment before Michael was finally broken from his trance, his head quickly shaking before he looked over the newborn children, seemingly dazzled by their mere presence. His chest clenched a little bit as he took a step closer, taking in their little faces and soft fur. They were adorable, and so very small, and fragile. He felt extremely out of place, as if a thug like him should be nowhere near such delicate little creatures. He swallowed the sudden lump that had taken up residence in his chest before he spoke, his voice hoarse, "I... congratulations, Rox... s-sorry the kid's all the way out here. He wouldn't let me go lookin' for you without 'im..." He found himself hesitating, as if he didn't even know what to possibly say. He didn't get any closer to the mother or her children, instead just mumbling uncertainly, "Should I... do you want me to go and get someone? I smell blood... is blood normal?" He could go and get Ahab, or Goldie, or anybody else who might be better equipped to deal with this. At the moment he just felt out of place, despite how delighted for his sister he really was on the inside.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow] [Image: Sx2KbYd.png]

Re: BABY MINE / BIRTHING - T. ROUX - 03-15-2020

Everything had been warm and serene. They had been at peace and there was room for everyone but then those inhabiting the warmth of the womb began to grow. It became crowded and uncomfortable. They had all grown restless, moving about, pushing in an attempt to have more space for themselves. Before long, the warmth was taken away and the cold nipped at their body welcoming them into the harsh world yet known to him. The cub squirmed briefly letting out soft mewls of protest, his toes curling as if trying to get a grip of something. He was lost. He knew nothing of the world that had been awaiting him all these weeks suddenly something warm brushed against his trembling form, it wasn't familiar in the slightest and he'd let out another bold mewl. Everything was muffled to the ears pressed on his head, he was blind to his surroundings, but as the warmth continued to touch his shaking body did he feel a sense of security and comfort.

His nose twitched, the dark furred cub finally taking the time to let oxygen pierce throughout his lungs. A squeak escaped his maw the moment something wet and cold touched his rump nudging him forward, his large paws making contact with the belly of his mother. The sweet aroma of milk drawing him forward, his first hunger pains already causing him to mewl in a demanding manner as his body shook as he tried to hold himself with his short limbs. It didn't take long for Trygve to find what he had been searching for, the moment his mouth locked onto a teat the larger cub had began to knead at his mother's belly greedily. He didn't seem to care about anything else other than filling his aching tummy,  the muffled voices not meaning anything to him at the time and he doubted they would matter the next few days. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BABY MINE / BIRTHING - natyli r. - 03-16-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]COME AND FLY AW[color=#6897be]AY WI[color=#628ab9]TH ME
For moons, her world had been terribly simple.  Simple, safe, warm... Crowded.  As time passed on and little bodies began to grow and grow.  Until the tiny cub finally found the space she wanted.  Outside, of all places.  Outside.  An unfamiliar space.

But now it was not as warm.  Not as warm or squished and she felt the absence intently.  A little lost and confused.  Surprised too, when something pushed her, enough to mewl softly in protest.  Turned out it wasn't entirely unwelcome however, as she found her way to her mother's stomach for the first time.  Warm.  With milk too.  And she happily pushed Trygve to make some extra room for herself.

Though only for a moment, as Natyli seemed more inclined to take a nap than anything else.  Warm and safe and comfy, she could take a nap without worrying too much about being squished.  What a wonderful place outside is.

Re: BABY MINE / BIRTHING - Grimm - 03-17-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Against the thin boundary of sealed lids darkness had pressed with a dying insistence, at once a soft comfort the press of others contained in small space, and yet increasing pressure igniting delicate tips of new nerves. Such was all she had come be to, a stationary aspect of a world impatient with shortening time of creation, a mere notion given base sensation. Of it the warmth had been most gratifying, worked into each bone as the fibres of calcium drew together from old blueprints.

Destined to end, a conclusion written upon the pristine surface of her first page. A beginning wrought within an ending.

Soft the pink ridges of gums exposed with the first shuddering draw of breath, the quiet protest of diaphragm arising in a gentle utterance skirting the curl of tongue. Yet remarkable the silence about child of freshly fallen snow, the tremor of tiny pink paws the only sign of life thrumming through veins staining skin of such pale hue there seemed nothing to it. In time the warmth imparted by passage of rough tongue drew to a halt, attention diverted to next, and soft was the grumbled noise escaping on a rush of air. Of no true length the seeming protest at lose, twitching the tiny nose.

With the guidance of corralling paw a leg kicked out, paws striking the hard surface of the tree within which the newly formed family had arrived. Hips shifted, an odd little wiggle though one that allowed locomotion, progress impeded by the soft touch of dried coats. Among the jumble of limbs did she push herself with waning determination, exhaustion settling where once hunger had pushed all else aside. Finally a spot not yet filled was claimed as her own, sweet and thick the milk filling their tiny stomach.

Re: BABY MINE / BIRTHING - MYERS - 03-18-2020

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]He had missed out on so much.

The mother had given birth to children. She had already introduced him to another child of her own, the little one he'd met on the beach. Had she told him that there would be others? Had he the right to know? He felt - nothing. It was easy to drain himself down to the bare essentials: Walk. Breathe. The blood-smell was a heavy weight in the air that filled his lungs like water. Walk faster, now. He's charging the thick brush before he can feel his paws moving, thinking of the mother's gentle face, the scent of amniotic fluid and rust-blood settling like the humidity in his pelt. Cognizance is a luxury; he only knows how to move, to hunt down that scent like dying prey. There's a distant, sick feeling that will drop in his stomach someday, when he has the time to reconsider the comparison.

It's barely a tree that he meets but a fortress, sprawling buttress roots shadowing the few that had gathered at its trunk. Ahab sinks back into himself, feels the ground beneath his paws and listens, with great care, to the soft mewls that echo through its hollow belly. "Roxanne -" the massive bear drags his claws up the tree trunk, hoisting himself just high enough to peer into the rotting den. He almost clamors up to lift her, to bring her to safety so that she might deliver in peace, but the sight in the dim lighting astounds him.

His expression goes soft. Oh, they are so small. Smaller than Roan when they met, when he held out his paw to show the little kit that he was hardly the size of his palm. Ahab seeks out the right words and fails. Instead, he only stares, mumbling out, "You - there's children. Your children."

Re: BABY MINE / BIRTHING - Jameson - 03-19-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 13px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"] It was quiet. Their senses cut off by the fluid that he had been suspended in for his brief existence. They grew larger and larger and larger, confined but comforted by the press of those around them. They did not long for anything, did not have thoughts combing through their developing brain, nor did they have much of anything to think about. It was an absence of light, dark, loud, anything that wasn't optimal for a fetus to grow. There wasn't much care given to senses after they were born of course. The world wasn't known for liking the creatures on it.

Being crushed and ejected from his previous place of residence, he was dubbed 'Jameson' and left to his own baby devices. They really only included 'stay warm', 'eat', and 'sleep', but they were important nevertheless. Clambering around those that had accompanied him since gestation, the young jaguar drew himself as close as he could to warm and food. It took him a bit to find out how to get the food that he smelled but it was figured out, and he was quickly latched onto a teat and kneading at his mothers belly, alongside his siblings. It was too loud, too much was going on, but he was careless and he could drink until he passed out, tucked into the warmth of his new family.

Re: BABY MINE / BIRTHING - OCTANE. - 03-20-2020

//retro to injury

Octavio had been vaguely aware of Roxanne's pregnancy, in an audience member kind of way. Aware that it was an important part of her life, but he didn't know her personally enough to really... care. His therapist had pointed that kind of behavior out to him. Octavio never slowed down or shut up long enough to actually listen to others. He was too distracted by his own thoughts and his own schemes to be with others. He was too selfish, too loud, but didn't consider that bad. That was just... who he was. Fuck, he was paid to be that way. His persona brought him unabashed glory and fame, people fucking loved him for it. If he liked himself, and his fans liked him, why change?
Octavio could never have kids. That implied slowing down, retiring, changing his lifestyle- he couldn't do that. Caustic wasn't fucking interested in the idea either, because they understood that was not their intimacy. They were partners but not partners, and Octavio was fine with that. He was a "here for a good time, not a long time" kind of guy.
So, when he approaches the group, Octane halts. He doesn't really know what to say that wouldn't be.. half-hearted, disingenuous, or make himself seem serious. But he tries, "Uh... Congratulations?"