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isabella - weekly task - Printable Version

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isabella - weekly task - selby roux ! - 03-14-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The amount of care that Beck held for him was staggering. It was odd to be loved so completely and wholly by anyone (the sawbones was still getting used to Moth), and it was unbelievably comforting. So when the little ghost had suggested that he use his task to relax, he’d been thrown momentarily for a loop. Surely there was something more important he could do. There was always work to be done. The more he thought about it, though, the more he warmed up to it.

The problem came, however, from thinking about what to do. He could not remember the last time he was completely at ease, let alone what he was doing. He decided to try and read a little bit, something he had not done in quite a while. He selected a novel from the library, something he had not read before, and got to work.

He found that he could not focus on the page after a short while. His focus kept shifting to the world around him, searching for a glimpse of one his children, or perhaps a cry for help. Frustration grew exponentially every time he had to restart the page he was on, and after a few cycles of this, he snapped the book shut and slammed it roughly back onto its shelf.

So reading would not work. This much was clear as day. He traveled back to his father’s home, where a few of his old belongings still resided. A thin layer of dust coated everything inside, a testament to his abandonment of the space. When nothing immediately caught his eye, he began to leave. But there, under the bed, was a glimpse of shiny metal. He crouched and pulled it forth, sneezing when a thick cloud of dust burst up, stirred by the motion.

His old beading kit. It’d been almost a year since he had last done anything with it. He opened it up, finding that the beads and wires and clasps looked the same as they did eleven months ago, preserved by their casing. He gingerly picked up a wire, bending it a little. He could do this instead. But not here. The desire to keep out of his father’s way overpowered any desire to stay. Selby packed everything back up and made his way back to Moth’s, knowing he felt most at home there.

And it began again. Though it had been such a long time, muscle memory served him well. It was easy to lose himself in the task, and he felt the irritation and stress from before slowly melt away, like ice cream on a hot summer’s day. Before too long, he had a bracelet to show for his efforts. Nothing too complicated, but he was proud of it nonetheless. Studying its varying shades of blue, he decided it would make a good gift for his daughter. The sawbones sat back on his haunches, carefully considering what he might make next.

Re: isabella - weekly task - wormwood. - 03-14-2020

Selby and Aurum did not share a great deal of things in common, but if there was one thing that they did both do, it was overwork themselves. The angel had taken note a great many times of how exhausted Selby often looked, and he had definitely noticed just how often the sawbone was quick to rush over when someone was injured, as if he were always listening for the next call of his name. While this was technically a good trait for such an important male within the group to have, Aurum couldn't deny that he had been a little but relieved to hear the task that Beck had assigned Selby. Just telling his adoptive father to relax? Aurum was sure that was something Roy had often dreamed of being able to do to him. Now all they could hope for was that Selby would actually follow through with it, and wouldn't just spend the entire time on edge, pretending he was relaxing when he was actually just waiting for the task to be considered "over." Selby didn't seem grumpy or stubborn enough that he would do such a thing, but the domestic feline was also one of the members of the group that Aurum didn't know as well, despite the other being involved with his sister.

As of late, Aurum had been making it a habit of his to visit his sister's home every so often to check in on how she was doing after the birth of the kits, as well as check in on the kits themselves. They were already pretty rambunctious and outside enough that he could probably just ask them himself, but the angel never passed up the opportunity to spend some time with his sister and just talk, especially lately. This time he had a basket with him, full of some food and some books that he thought Moth might like for the kids, and he carried it all within his jaws from his house to hers. He knocked a large paw against the door before he pushed it open, placing the basket down to speak, "Hey Moth, thought I'd come... oh." He blinked in surprise as he was greeted with the sight of Selby, the other seemingly surrounded by supplies for beading. Aurum found himself staring down at the colorful crafting tools before he spoke, a soft smile coming to his muzzle, "Hello Selby. Sorry to intrude, I'll be out of your fur soon... nice work. Having fun?" He gestured a paw to the already completed bracelet in front of the other, ready to turn and take his basket to go. He obviously knew Selby and Moth lived together, but it wasn't often that he found himself running into the other on his little constitutionals.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: isabella - weekly task - Ivan - 03-15-2020

Once he felt more comfortable being outside, Ivan was likely to be found out and about than in the house. He wasn't very extroverted, but he was lucky in feeling so comfortable with people. It felt that he was related to nearly everybody in Tanglewood. Blood relations didn't run too deep with Ivan, but usually they were enough for Ivan to view them favorably. He was coming back to the house a bit early, but he didn't mind. His mutant chick that he only begrudgingly accepted and tolerated, was too slow and Ivan often left it in the dust.

Such was today, when he saw Aurum coming up to the house with gifts. Ivan made a beeline for it because he could smell books. He liked books, but he could only longingly paw through the pages and study illustrations, impatiently wishing he could read fluently.

Ivan slipped through the door that Aurum opened, purring a greeting of "Hi, Aurum." before noticing his father through Aurum's gesture. Gifts perhaps, could wait for later. Just this once. Ivan sauntered over to Selby and was surprised to see the beads. He hadn't realized his father did this. He should relax more often. "It's cool." He admitted. "Is it for someone?"

Re: isabella - weekly task - Atticus Roux - 03-16-2020

Atticus happened to the be first to go exploring when Selby's kittens grew of age. Extroverted and strangely confident, the grey tabby found himself wandering out and about quite often. Needless to say, the older generation quite liked him. His outgoing attitude, though out of the ordinary, entertained them. He was obviously immature though. Even so, his attitude to move forward would bite him in the behind some day. For now though, he knew nothing but exploration. His adventures would continue on. Nevertheless, there was always a time to return home.

The kitten found himself trailing after Ivan and Aurum as they traveled inside their home. Curiously peeking his head around Aurum's large figure, Atticus' yellow eyes focused in on the bracelet. "What's that for?" he inquired.

Re: isabella - weekly task - simon - 03-27-2020

    Staying within the walls of his home and close to his family proved not only a comfort to the sixthborn kitten, but to his parents as well. Already ten weeks old -- and two days, mind you -- but Simon still remained behind a window as his healthier siblings explored. Inside was much safer for a child prone to fainting spells and involuntary twitches. Outside, outside where he could run and jump and play, threatened the possibilities of bashing his head against the pavement or snapping an arm bone beneath his own weight as he crumpled into the throes of a spasm. Seashores, as his father told him once. He thought of the episodes as mere naps, where bizarre visions would fire through his mind until his eyes opened again, despite never having closed. Nothing more than a midday dream.

    The boy stared lazily off into space, cream-colored chin perched limply atop delicate paws. Faint murmuring disturbed the lull of his daydream and he blinked awake, visions of warm and glowing orange fading as he stretched. The decorated plastered confines of his home greeted him, reality scattering his confusion. Simon raised his head, slinking from his sprawl in the sun to find the source.

    Tufted ears twitched as he watched from the hallway, recognizing the staggeringly tall yet bloated form of his uncle, alongside two of his brothers. A grin curved his muzzle when pear-colored eyes fell upon his father, stringing together colorful pebbles that somehow reflected the light filtering through the windows. The kitten swayed closer, legs wobbling from a disconnect with his mind. But he didn't mind too much and managed anyway, pressing close to the lighter coat of Selby when he reached him. The strand of impaled pebbles snagged his attention more than the others present in the room. He leaned forward, nose brushing the sawbone's paws as he sniffed, whiskers tickling the beads. "I want one!" he chirped, tacking on hastily with a flick of his feathery tail, "Please!"

Re: isabella - weekly task - Grimm - 03-29-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Pendulum eternally locked within simplistic cycle of momentum, steady, if languid, the manner of rhythmic motion. Most befitting such about the loose confinements of lacking schedule, uneven and ever changing beneath the flick of wanton whim the scape of activities populating the hours of his day. Unpredictable, one may almost come to deem such, unknown the gentle rhythm beating beneath organised chaos.

A mere matter of perspective, lost the one gazing within from an external point. And such was almost preferred, though trackable of no use the parsing of his movement.

Upon the waning edges of morning had his previous objective fallen to ruin, crumbling the base construct of fleeting interest. Had been a choice further exploration of the hidden spaces decorating the shallow divers of surface level root would have been conducted, yet it was, with heart grown heavy in smoke hued breast, his trajectory shifted. Familiar, if faintly despised as the stage of new plumage growth set about beraggedly avian, the chick bearing a secondary cranium. And, of course, about too would be the supposed mother. Brief the moment of its halt before the low stoop, annoyance within the manner duel beaks clicked against the wood. Had he been of a mind to assist aside pushed such thought when attention turned, pulled a few strands from his wrist when too close did he approach.

A dark grumble peeled his dark lips back from the pearlescent sheen of baby teeth, the feathery length of his tail picking up a slow flick as he entered the occupied house. Too many. His progression halted within the frame, for a moment his eyes trailing over each in turn. Known all, expected the dark silhouette as though shade had been peeled from the ground and given the gift of higher existence, the abandoned chick left behind evident enough. Pleasing the sight of elder and younger brother, though bitter the reminder he was settled among the middle of their brood.

Displeasure arose in a dark cloud constricting his lungs until breath parted his lips with an inaudible tremor. Of a size he towered above Winston the days had seen weight collect, bloated his midsection as the gathering life within further grew, almost a balloon awaiting the cruel prick of a needle. About the assembled did he skirt, a more worthy subject of his attention the father that fiddled with a colourful assortment of crafts. Unlike his brethren silent was he on the matter, merely watching with a wide eyed rapture.

Re: isabella - weekly task - selby roux ! - 04-05-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]It proved to be no surprise that as soon as he finished a project, his family came pouring out of the woodworks to examine his work. Should be expected at this point, really. He turned to face Aurum as the larger creature came inside his home after only a knock to announce his presence. Brief irritation flashed through the sawbones- was it not good practice to wait to be invited inside? The feeling was quickly pushed away; it soon became evident that he only had good will towards the family. “Good afternoon, Aurum. Thank you. I’m just trying to.. relax, like Beck said.” A ping of guilt was felt as he said these words; did he really deserve to relax? There was always more work to be done,  after all.

He was not allowed much time to linger on this thought, as his sons began to appear from every direction. Ivan, who most closely resembled himself, was the first to comment. He kindly flicked an ear as he listened to his comments. “I was thinking about giving it to your sister,” he told him in a warm voice. “I think she’d like it, don’t you?” He turned to Atticus as he approached, giving him a tender nod in greeting, feeling no need to repeat the answer to a similar question. Winston, too, received a nod in greeting, not wishing to frighten him by calling too much attention to his presence.

He chuckled softly as Simon pressed close to him, amusement taking hold as Selby briefly pushed his chin into the top of his son’s head to acknowledge him. “Sure thing, Simon. Thank you for remembering to use your manners,” he praised, setting the finished piece aside to gather a new cord of wire. “What colors do you want?” Then, to the others gathered: “Do any of you want one?”

Re: isabella - weekly task - wormwood. - 04-05-2020

Aurum supposed it shouldn't have been a surprise, to have practically the entire flock of Selby and Moth's children rushing into the house after him. Only one of them bothered to greet him – mostly because of Ivan's fascination with the books he had brought along – but he wasn't offended, just rumbling in response, "Hello to you too, Ivan." He offered the rest of the children a nod in greeting, save for Winston. He didn't know everything about Winston, but Selby had made a point of not calling attention to the boy, and Aurum didn't want to cause him any discomfort, so he just glanced in his direction before refocusing upon Selby. It was odd, seeing the medic interact so warmly and positively with his children. It wasn't that the proxy had expected him to be cruel, but he was so used to only seeing Selby through a lens of business, so the warm and fatherly side was entirely new to him. It was heartwarming, however, and Aurum found himself chuckling when he saw the way that Simon rushed in with enthusiasm, and the way that Selby just pulled him in close. The angel had been unsure about his sister's and Selby's relationship at first, but... this served to put him at ease, at least a little bit.

When Selby turned to the rest of them, questioning whether or not they wanted bracelets of their own, the angel paused. Sitting down to the side, he let the children get in any requests they wanted first before he said, smiling calmly, "I'd be delighted to get one Selby, if you don't mind. I understand if my wrist is a little bit bigger than the children's, however." The bracelets were ultimately just a silly little item that allowed the medic to relax, but Aurum wanted him to continue to relax. In addition to that, Aurum had always enjoyed jewelry, even handmade, and would probably consider it a sentimental item that he could stash away in his house. It could always serve as a reminder of how sweet Selby could really be, particularly with his children.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM