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i'm ready to go (i'm taking chances) ⌖ open, joiner - Printable Version

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i'm ready to go (i'm taking chances) ⌖ open, joiner - ochaco - 05-06-2018

[div style="width: 300px; height: 280px; overflow: auto; background-color: #FFFFFF; opacity: 0.70; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 10px; padding: 10px; color: #000000"]On her journey to Snowbound, Ochaco noted several things. Light reflecting off of snow was going to blind her, moving around in the snow made her feel even heavier than she did before (which only served to sour her mood, not that she'd let Izuku know), and there was no way she would survive this without a coat. Admittedly, the havana brown already didn't love it here, but it was where Izuku and Aizawa were, so she'd stay here no matter how bad her first impression was. It wasn't like she had any other place to go, but that didn't exactly make Snowbound feel as home-y as she had hoped.

Ochaco had parted with Izuku briefly so that she could gather her belongings -- which really was just a pink scarf on it's last strings and an old journal, but she still was attached to them and had hidden them away when she went for the walk that lead her to Deku -- and so that he could go back to... gathering herbs, or something like that? She guessed that it had to do with the group he resided in (the group she would soon reside in), but maybe it was for himself? He mentioned something to do with healing, so maybe he was helping heal?
Hmm... maybe! Deku's more of a fighter, though, so I don't think he'd be healing... unless-- oh no, what if we do have quirks here? What if they're all swapped or something!? Ochaco trudged through the snow, now focusing on her paws as she walked. What if I have a quirk that hurts me, like Deku had!? What if I have something I can't control-- What if I have Bakugou's quirk??

Stumbling a bit, she snapped out of her thoughts, shaking her head.
"No, that's stupid... quirks can't exist here..." Uraraka murmured to herself, sighing. Looking back up, she noted that the area she was in looked like the area Deku described to her, and told her to wait by. So... what was she supposed to do now? She assumed Izuku would be here, but he also might've thought that she had more belongings than a ratty old scarf and a journal that she couldn't even write in.
"Hello? Deku? Aizawa?" Ocacho called, waving her tail with anxiety. She'd be shaking her leg if she was a human, but obviously that wasn't the case anymore. "Is anyone here...?"
"What part of her was frail?"

Re: i'm ready to go (i'm taking chances) ⌖ open, joiner - guts - 05-06-2018

Aizawa had been so focused on other things that he hadn't thought about the possibility of other familiar people popping up.

Running into Izuku had been surprising enough, and he had been lucky to find him so quickly, too. Otherwise he would have been stuck out on his own, navigating and learning things on his own. It wouldn't have good well at all, if he would have to guess. He was a lot bigger and physically stronger than the maine coon, sure, but that didn't mean he knew how to use it well. When he first woke up, he could barely walk without falling on his face. So he probably would have been just as helpless.

Anyways, he didn't think that any other students or teachers would appear. If they were going to, they probably would have already. Maybe they had, and they just hadn't met up yet. The thought was one he'd rather not think about. They had enough things to worry about right now.

But, despite his hopes, they weren't going to be the only ones to come back from dying--and out of all the people that it had to be, it was Ochaco. He didn't dislike her, but he didn't like her, either. It was more of a neutral thing. There was no use in playing favoritism. Or at least, there hadn't been when he was a teacher at U.A. Now, he wasn't quite sure. Either way, as a student, he hadn't thought much about her. She had been a hard-worker, which is something anyone could appreciate. But honestly? He didn't have much of an opinion.

Now he stands before the female, unsure who she is. But he definitely feels a vague feeling of familiarity as he looks her over. He hopes that this isn't someone he knew. "Who are you, and how do you know my name?" he demands a bit coldly, mostly because he was caught off guard. God, this better not be what I think this is.


Re: i'm ready to go (i'm taking chances) ⌖ open, joiner - arcy - 05-06-2018

Despite his excitement over having reunited with Uraraka, Izuku did, in fact, have duties. He'd gone that far out of the territory for a reason, and if he found something extra, so be it. Even so, the whole thing had left Izuku feeling light and peppy on his paws, even as the weight of his bag made his back ache. He was just -- really glad, that it wasn't just him and Aizawa anymore. There was three, four of them now! Even if the backstory behind all of this was, uh, awful, it was better than Izuku, just sad and alone.
He'd returned home to drop his stuff off, of course. He'd told Uraraka to wait here, though he hadn't gotten the chance to tell Aizawa about the whole thing. He hadn't seen the lion while he was wandering about, and Izuku was worried he'd miss the other feline's arrival if he didn't continue his pace along the border. It's actually the reason he hears Uraraka's calls at all, the green feline's ears perking up as he hears it in the distance. He whirls on his paws and hurries over without another word, and finds both the thin-furred feline and Aizawa himself. Izuku falters a little, hearing Aizawa's demand, and quickly hurries over before it turns uncomfortable.
"Hi Uraraka!" Izuku chirps, choosing to mostly ignore Aizawa as he beams at the Havana Brown with an anxious waving tail. He turns his head to give Aizawa a meaningful look, then back to Uraraka with still wide eyes. Other than this, Izuku is ... not sure what to say. He's a little too used to traditional joinings at this point, though he doesn't doubt he could just drag the Havana to camp of his own accord, no 'name and business' stuff needed.

//retro 2 injuries bc Timeline™


Re: i'm ready to go (i'm taking chances) ⌖ open, joiner - ochaco - 05-06-2018

[div style="width: 300px; height: 280px; overflow: auto; background-color: #FFFFFF; opacity: 0.70; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 10px; padding: 8px; color: #000000"]Aizawa's cold, demanding tone made Ochaco wince a tad. She knew Izuku not finding Aizawa to pass the message along was a very real possibility, but she imagined Aizawa would be a bit nicer. Surely he would've put the pieces together, he wasn't dumb.
"It's Uraraka, Mr. Aizawa." Ochaco said nervously, really hoping that this wasn't just somehow someone else named Aizawa. That would be awkward, undoubtedly, but surely Deku would have mentioned that tidbit if that was the case... "Surely you haven't forgotten me, Mr. Aizawa, I may not have been your top student, but I was always putting in a hundred and ten percent!" Ochaco laughed, having lightened the mood a bit, if only for herself. "Or are you just too sleepy to recognize me?" She knew she was pushing the envelope now, but seeing as gentle teasing was incredibly preferable to awkward conversation that would likely concern their deaths, she would go for it.

As Deku appeared, Ochaco felt a wave of relief wash over her. Surely Aizawa would warm up if Izuku was around-- or at least, warm up in the only way he could, which was probably still kind of grumpy... oops.
"Deku!" The havana brown chimed happily smiling as she walked closer to him. "Glad to see I didn't wind up in the wrong place!"

// the ending is mega rushed im so sorry WHEEZES
"What part of her was frail?"

Re: i'm ready to go (i'm taking chances) ⌖ open, joiner - guts - 05-07-2018

It wasn't really that Aizawa hadn't recognized her--no, it was more-so denial. Besides, it didn't even make sense. She had died before him, so how was she just now getting here? Either way, it didn't matter. They were there, and it seemed that would be the end of it. He sighs, sounding defeated. Really, he was thinking too much into things. Obviously he would be getting no answers for what was going on. So, he guessed he'd have to go with the simpler solution--they were dead and just happened to end up here, at random times.

"So it's as I thought," he muses, mostly to himself. He doesn't sound pleased, for multiple reasons. He knows now that, since she was here, he would have to pass on the grave news. None of it really mattered now, but she still deserved to know. "Yes, I remember you, Uraraka," his memory isn't that bad, not yet. Sometimes he wondered if remembering was worse than forgetting, though.

"Welcome to Snowbound, then," they probably wouldn't have a problem with her. Besides, there was some auto-acceptance thing in order, or whatever it was called.


Re: i'm ready to go (i'm taking chances) ⌖ open, joiner - jacob w.c. - 05-08-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob arrived among the little group after they'd already been talking. He'd been out on a walk, as usual, to stretch his legs but he wanted to take a break and a conversation would be a nice distraction. That and he enjoyed meeting the newer members of Snowbound as soon as possible. While he wasn't an overly loud or sociable person, Jacob always enjoyed meeting new people. He wasn't sure why but he'd always felt drawn to conversation, even if he didn't always actively participate in it. Maybe it was just a sense of belonging or maybe it was just a distraction. It was hard to say but, either way, he was still happy to be among them. Clearly the girl was already acquainted with Aizawa and Izuku but Jacob soon spoke up, "'S nice ta' meet ya', Uraraka. M' name's Jacob." He wasn't quite sure why she was referring to Izuku as Deku but he supposed it must just be a nickname or something. That or Jacob had his apprentice's name wrong this whole time, which didn't seem likely. At least he hoped it wasn't. Then he heard her refer to Aizawa as 'teacher' and his eyes widened slightly. "Wait, 'e's your teacher?" The question seemed to be directed at both Uraraka and Izuku. "I thought 'e was like... I dunno'... your grandpa or somethin'," he added sheepishly before glancing to Aizawa. "Not tha' ya' look old or somethin'! I jus'... well, I jus' saw how ya' kinda' looked after 'im n' I knew ya' weren't his dad so then I jus' kinda' assumed..." —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: i'm ready to go (i'm taking chances) ⌖ open, joiner - PIERCE - 05-10-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Pierce had many teachers, quite a few rather unfortunate, in his lifetime- his big sister Lottie, who helped him learn how to deal with kids and taught him medicine, members of enemy clans who had tortured him, hopeless crushes who had loved others, disappearing lovers, and  children born dead who taught him life wasn’t fair, but there was one who stood out to him the most, and that was his... partner, Riddler. He knew the other came to mind far too often for someone he didn’t even know was definitely coming back or not, but he couldn’t help it. He missed him, and another day without him and his dear daughter was another day wasted. The tabby had taught him so much in his lifetime, and the lessons were all drastically different, ranging from how to read and write and hunt to how to love to knowing to not let anyone get too close. Their relationship was a complex one, and it was far, far different from Aizawa and Uraraka’s- at least, what he was seeing of it.

"Hi there, miss! It’s nice to meet you. You’re staying here, I assume?" the freckled serval greeted warmly, tail waving in its typical dog-like manner. "My name’s Pierce Parker- just Pierce is fine, though! Let me know if you need anything, okay?" He was always happy to help - or at least to offer help, since it seemed she already knew a few of his clanmates, and he assumed she’d be more inclined to ask them for assistance than she would to ask him.

