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lift yourself || PEACETIME PLANS + MEETING - Printable Version

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lift yourself || PEACETIME PLANS + MEETING - Orion - 05-06-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART

While Blackfall was setting up in Asia, the European leader of Griffingate had taken it upon himself to weasel out the rats within his country and plan before the Blackfallen decide to bring the heat. Frederick did not find it settling to think of such things, but it had to be addressed. Hence, a meeting had to be called. With no deputy at his feet or a position to consult, the highest people he could consult were his people. The people he could possibly trust. Dearly, Frederick hoped for not a single spy to be in their midst. Though, he doubted that.

The bells above the meeting hall rang out, calling the meeting. His voice broke out on the speakers thereafter, signaling his initial intent for today's meeting. "Griffingate members, gather for a discussion. We dearly need to talk." Anyone did not show would be regretting it. 

Re: lift yourself || PEACETIME PLANS + MEETING - tinsel - 05-11-2018

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bianca tried to ignore politics. she'd never been a fan of that sort of drama, in truth. her skills were limited to punching people, stabbing people, killing people, and drinking people under the table. military strategy would probably be the closest thing she could offer, but she never actually offered it, because she wasn't sure she knew how to do more than plan a coup. and she didn't have any reason to plan a coup, now did she? fredrick didn't beat them, he didn't torture them, he didn't cage them up. as far as the blonde was concerned, he was a top notch guy.

standing somewhere near the front, out of personal curiosity, her eyes remained trained on the older man, awaiting for whatever the topic of discussion would be. she wasn't entirely sure she'd have much to discuss, though - she wasn't quiet, but she also wasn't the chattiest person in these situations.

Re: lift yourself || PEACETIME PLANS + MEETING - Beatles. - 05-11-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]It was so strange, how things turned out.

Twenty years ago, Elias never would have thought that he would be here. He thought that he would spend his whole life in New Jersey, run his family business, and live a simple life. Things seemed fairly normal, until things took a turn for the worst. Climate change, mass destruction, the explosion. America, as well as the world, was falling apart. It had been a hard decision to leave his home behind, but Eli knew that he needed to go with everyone else across the ocean. The continental United States wasn't safe anymore, and it probably never will be again.

He was constantly adjusting to his new life. He was still familiarizing himself with all the parts of Kalopsi—er, Griffingate, and he was always meeting new people. Eli supposed that he could be in a worse situation. He could have died in that explosion, like tens of thousands of people had. He just had to make do, he supposed.

A chorus of bells echoed and chimed across the land, and Elias came to know this as a call for a meeting. This system of government was different from what he was used to — it was an open democracy, and instead of leaving it up to Washington, everyone was involved in these gatherings. It was quite a sight to behold, seeing the hundreds of people filing into the gathering hall. Elias was just another one of these citizens, shuffling towards a seat and settling down to see what the sovereign had to say.

Re: lift yourself || PEACETIME PLANS + MEETING - mordecai - 05-13-2018

Of course Mordecai was there, because he couldn’t afford not to be and even if he could, he liked to be in the know. The man kept to himself because it didn’t seem as though there was anyone in attendance worth chatting with, and besides, they had a discussion to look forward to. All the more reason to save his breath and wait on it.

So, he was there, briskly staking claim to a spot where he knew he’d be easily heard if he decided he had something to say - and frankly, there was little risk of Mordecai being at a loss for words.

Re: lift yourself || PEACETIME PLANS + MEETING - Orion - 05-17-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART

As they gathered, the male sat in silence. His eyes traced each figure that moved their way into the meeting all and then to the next, only to stop when the seats were filled. Frederick, straightening out, pressed against the podium. Preemptively, his throat cleared. "I think we have a mutual understanding of today's meeting," he boomed at they began to silence promptly. As they fell quiet, he spoke softer. "We are here to discuss our peacetime plans. As we wait for Blackfall to set up camp, we will be conducting ourselves accordingly and preparing for a possible oncoming war." Though, if Blackfall held their morals, they would cause no harm... He doubted that. Frederick's teeth gritted together as the thought crossed his mind, but he continued on nevertheless with a dull, expressionless face.

Fingers drummed on the podium. "First of all, like I mentioned previously, spies will be dealt with. If you have any ideas for spies, let me know..." His eyes drifted towards Mordecai's direction then onto Bianca's. Later on, he stared in Elias' general direction and attempted to meet his gaze, as it was a political move to gain the attention of his subjects. Trust was in the eyes, apparently.

"Next, we will be throwing our men into training." More specifically, the army they had gathered over time. "Anyone who was interested in being a militant may apply their skills within this session," Frederick announced. Anyone. No limits. A wise and dangerous move on his part, but the sovereign knew it was a necessary action in helping them move on. With that response, they needed a proper general. "Bianca," he barked suddenly. "I would like to request you to be my general." Frederick's brown brow rose up inquisitively, questioning her response. She was young, but old enough to become of a member of their regime. Plus, it didn't hurt to try new people out. Speaking of which! "Also, Elias, would you mind pouring us a drink later on in celebration of-" Admittedly, he just wanted a drink. There wasn't necessarily a reason for him to be requesting such things. "Bianca's promotion... and peace?" Who didn't love a good drink to that?

Re: lift yourself || PEACETIME PLANS + MEETING - tinsel - 05-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; line-height: 20px;"]
maybe, she should smile - but she didn't. the look on her face was void of much emotion at all, in fact, save for a slight raise of dark brows. general? well damn, that was a step up in life. more work, a voice in the back of her head mused, and she didn't shrink away at the thought. it wasn't like she did much more than work; technology was overwhelming, she couldn't run all day, she didn't have many friends, and if she filled her free time with her only hobby, drinking, she'd have a dead liver in no time. more work was probably the smartest thing the blonde could do these days. she could probably use another hobby or two on top of that, but perhaps that was a challenge for another day.

"okay." she says, because the offer isn't really an offer. or is it? she's not sure, politics can be confusing, but the words come with a small bob of her head in confirmation that she'd accept the job, her eyes shifting to the floor for a moment before shifting back up to the man, then to elias, a little happy at the thought of a drink herself.

( oof she's awkward but thanks mate!! )

Re: lift yourself || PEACETIME PLANS + MEETING - Beatles. - 05-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]War? Shit, that didn't sound good. Even though they were simply preparing, the idea of a war did not sound fun at all. Hopefully Blackfall would keep their distance and not make any rash decisions. Elias had fled the United States to live out a better life for himself, so he didn't want to get caught up in more trouble (whether it has to do with the environment or politics or not).

The talk of spying and militarizing made a small frown tug at Eli's lips, and more nervous energy began to well up inside of him. Elias was but a simple a barkeeper — he wasn't prepared for war. He wasn't prepared for bloodshed. Would he ever be?

His attention was caught on a hook when Bianca's name was mentioned, and his brown gaze snapped over towards the younger woman. A general? Wow, he thought. Elias had never considered the idea of aspiring to be anything but a bartender, so for one of his kinda-friends to be promoted was pretty surprising to him. What would Bianca's duties be, he wondered. Would she head the army?

Before he knew it, Eli's own name was mentioned by the sovereign and he straightened up, not expecting this kind of attention at all. He glanced around at the people surrounding him, as they were staring, and he shrugged. "Ah, yeah. Of course." Elias answered, speaking formally in the presence of the leader, of course. He briefly caught Bianca's gaze and a ghost of a grin appeared on his lips before fading off. His mind was still on the whole war situation, and it was giving him feelings of uneasiness.

Re: lift yourself || PEACETIME PLANS + MEETING - Orion - 05-20-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
The sovereign nodded simply at Bianca's response. While it was rather dull and short, it showed she wasn't going to get too attached to it, thankfully. If there was ever a problem... Well... he'd hate to drop someone off the face of the Earth for his own advantage. Frederick, though, kept that to himself. No strong emotions were to come from him during this rather 'exciting' meeting.

As Elias answered, the male just offered a brow raise. Thank god. He needed a damn drink. "Meeting dismissed if everything is settled," he mentioned finally.