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snap a Polaroid for the road -- bioluminescent tide - Printable Version

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snap a Polaroid for the road -- bioluminescent tide - Warringkingdoms - 03-10-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]The moon peered over the horizon, lonely in the dark.

  Nemhain had left that morning, by Rin's own guidance. The bird had seemed relieved to be able to go explore, someplace away from the violence and stress. Though her research had yet to come up on any leads, at least she could be sure that she was helping Nem. It was the least she could do, after all that Nem had done for her.

  Nemhain would be alright, out there. Thoughts of her eyes burning out of their sockets, feathers charred like the fur on Tena's face, occasionally crept into Rin's mind- but she banished them just as quickly, shaking off the flashes of dread. Nemhain had power beyond that of most Elysites. She would be fine.

  The water seemed to glow under the moon's light, approaching the shore in small waves. Only as the first wave lapped against her paws did Rin realize that the tide was glowing, small points of green light scattered across its rippled surface. The steady rhythm left pieces of the light on her fur, like... like spatters of paint on an empty canvas, she decided. A beautiful metaphor, to replace the violent one that her instincts had been ready to supply.

  A strange calm settled over her, her paws gleaming with nature's cold touch. Bioluminescent plankton were the cause, if she had to guess. A wondrous phenomena, and the gods had had nothing to do with it. It was pure, not corrupted in the way so many other sights had been. How could the gods boast, when nature was so much more on its own?

  She cracked a half-smile. Just like the night of the meteor shower.

  /tl;dr: the water is glowing with bioluminescent plankton, and Rin's standing in it and half-smiling

Re: snap a Polaroid for the road -- bioluminescent tide - arcy - 03-11-2020

[Image: ddgetj1-c6f37b5c-d839-4744-b520-59fdbfef...19vSR2xhdk]

[div style="float: right;"][Image: unknown.png]
[div style="opacity: 70%;"]897 subscribers

It wasn't uncommon to see Videogames out at night. Never on dark nights, but on the nights the moon could be seen, Videogames could generally be found trotting along. By the mountains, by the sea, it didn't matter. It's not like Videogames had anything better to do than to soak in the moon's light and comfort. He could only spend so long repairing things, after all, and .. well. It's not like Videogames had a particularly wide set of hobbies, now that he was no longer anyone important.
He's not really sure what to do with himself.
But even still, nature never ceases to amaze him.
Videogames hasn't seen anything like it, personally. He'd seen it from a distance, but now he trots along the water, letting it lap at his paws. He wonders what it'd be like, to let it pull him in. He wonders how peaceful it'd be, in the ocean, where the beautiful, glowing specks come from.
He doesn't entertain the thought.
Videogames supposes he should have expected to see someone else out here, tonight. Still, it comes as something of a shock, and he blinks at the silhouette of Rin as he debates his course of action. Turn around and hope she doesn't notice, approach her, or talk? She's so still, he can only assume she's feeling some sort of peace. Is it fair of him to interrupt? Even Videogames' careful attempts at, ah, manipulation can't prevent that, especially with how little she knows him.
Something compels him to approach. He shifts his weight, steps heavier, tries to make his approach slow and obvious to even those off guard.
"How often do you think something like this happens?" He chirps, voice low, trying to match the atmosphere. It's small talk, almost -- he thinks it is, anyways. She's almost smiling. He tries a grin, small and bright, hoping that his arrival won't make it disappear. He doesn't know. He doesn't know her well enough. He turns his attention to the water, brushing a paw through it. Keep the attention off of her, see if he can prompt any feelings or talk about it. A head-tilt. "It's pretty. Wonderful things come from nature," Even softer yet, easily passed over. A casual sort of fondness for the topic seeping into his voice. A leaden sort of weight, an awareness of his actions. He shouldn't just be .. going up to talk to people when he doesn't need to. He'll disrupt them. He's not supposed to be anything but a generic, kind figure.
This sort of approach is .. almost the opposite of that. Calls attention. He doesn't like it. He doesn't know why he approached to begin with.



Re: snap a Polaroid for the road -- bioluminescent tide - Warringkingdoms - 03-17-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin heard the approach of another creature- there was no attempt at stealth in those heavy pawsteps, or if there was, it was a laughable attempt. Turning her head slightly to glance at the silhouette that she recognized as Videogames, she swiveled her ears to catch his words- the half-smile fading slightly, but not completely gone from her face. Though the ethereal atmosphere had been disrupted, she didn't mind the company. It would just be a different experience, going from trance-like meditation to social connection.

  "Don't think it happens very often," she answered, her eyes flickering back down to the glowing lights. "At least, I've never seen it before- and I figure someone would have mentioned it by now if they'd seen it." Watching the light rise and fall with the rippling movement of the water, she went on, "Though it's possible that something changed in this area, to cause this- and if so it might be more common from now on." That made sense, she thought. Perhaps it was just a good season for migration of plankton, or perhaps the root cause was stranger.

  With a small nod, she said, "Nature can be beautiful, yes." The dangerous side of nature went unmentioned, as both of them knew full well that the world was inclined towards entropy. It would do some good, for more creatures to acknowledge that nature was more than just chaos and death. Rin had plenty of names to blame for all the bloodshed, and the natural environment was not one of them.

  Twitching her ears, she glanced back up at Videogames. She probably ought to continue the conversation, but she wasn't entirely sure what to say- unless she brought up... well, maybe she could. Just this once. "I saw a meteor shower a few months ago," she remarked, "while I was staying in the Typhoon for a bit. Seems the shoreline is a good view for all sorts of strange phenomena." She was aware, as she spoke, that he would probably ask why she'd been staying in the Typhoon- but at the same time, he already knew about the gods. There was no need to hide what had happened.

  If he didn't ask, then oh, well. He'd probably have a better conversation topic in mind.