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come and show what you're worth - sparkler pinwheels - Printable Version

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come and show what you're worth - sparkler pinwheels - fulzanin - 03-09-2020

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She'd have to get some more tape soon. She was running out, and without tape her ability to create festivities was severely limited. She couldn't piece things together without tape. Glitter glue could only do so much. Vibrant colored tape that she'd painted over was usually her secondary solution for situations where glue was not the right means to fix something. Glue was vast in it's usage, and so was tape. She frowned, looking at the bundles of sparklers that the snow leopard had been working on crafting. Her plan was simple, but she'd forgotten it during construction. It could be useful at a later date, for sure, and so she'd continued working. Now that Feza had ran out of tape, she had to pause. Now came the hard part - staying focused while wandering around her cluttered home to find what she was looking for.

Carefully Feza tugged on boxes, careful because she didn't want to disturb her gods from their well earned slumber. She wanted to label them, but she knew that they would not like her doing such a thing. Mortal markers were not meant for immortal boxes. Her wings flapped and helped launch her across an aisle and up onto a shelf. More boxes to search through. Whistles and ropes and cheap toys were strewn about with little organization. However, one of these boxes had something of interest. Careful paw movements warranted a spinning motion and an idea came to mind. Faster than she could recognize, she'd grabbed a bunch of the weird sticks in her teeth and was racing back off to her cluttered party creation corner.

Tape now forgotten, glue was used in it's place. Careful movements of claws helped her wedge in the stick ends into the paper folds of the item that she had just found. Pinwheels and sparklers. A genius idea, only one that Feza could come up with. Feza tested to make sure it still spun, and it caused for a grin to grow on her face. Absolute delight flowed forth and made delight easy to feel. She constructed a few of them, but decided that she'd only take one for a test run. A candle was used to help light the sparklers, and then the guardsman barreled forth from her home. The pinwheel had it's four points crudely conjoined with a bundle of sparklers, glowing and smoking in vibrant colors. As Feza sprinted around, the pinwheel spun from the passage of wind.

A delighted squeal was muffled from the stick clenched in her mouth as she ran around. What was the goal? To show off what she'd made? To see if others wanted one? Her mind couldn't keep up with her reasoning. It was festive and fun and while it was bright and chaotic it certainly wasn't noisy. Her wings flapped as her paws tripped, keeping her mostly upright. Where was she blindly charging? Feza couldn't see past the vibrant glow of the rapidly spinning sparklers. All in good fun, and Feza could in no way see it ending badly. Good, genuine fun was what it was, and the snow leopard enjoyed sprinting around with a portable fire hazard to be such in its entirety.

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Re: come and show what you're worth - sparkler pinwheels - wormwood. - 03-10-2020

Pinwheels and sparklers. Both were items that Aurum did not have an extreme amount of history with, mainly because neither had been relevant to his life up until now. The Pride hardly had celebrations that warranted the use of strange human sparklers, and the most he knew of pinwheels was that his home had one on the porch, that occasionally swayed and spun with the wind. It was brightly colored, and Aurum often found himself smiling faintly when he looked at it, just because it was such a simple, idle pleasure. He'd never once thought that it needed to be superpowered and bolstered by the wind rushing past someone's head, nor had he ever thought that it needed any sort of fire hazard strapped or glued to its delicate petals. Although, that just highlighted how greatly different Aurum and Feza were. While the proxy was perfectly happy with just sitting and watching a pinwheel spin naturally in the wind, Feza felt the need to alter it and make it more exciting, often at the expense of her own common sense or the safety of others. Sparklers were not really all that dangerous on their own, which was why humans enjoyed playing and air writing with them in the first place, but when they met with something flammable? Then things became a little less fun. Or, in this case, when they met with someone small, and flammable.

The day had been going fairly well so far, with the tigon sunbathing happily on the surface of his porch, taking the opportunity to clean his golden fur and enjoy the feeling of the wind. It was getting closer and closer to summer by the day, and the return of the heat within the swamp was nice, at least in his current state where he didn't need to worry about a thick mane around his neck. The large feline found himself twisting, pressing his nose gently against the fluff of his belly. He could already feel the faint swelling there, the first couple of weeks of his pregnancy having gone by somewhat without a hitch, save for the morning sickness and the sudden revelation of the pregnancy by his sister. He was still feeling a little bit nervous and borderline lightheaded about the whole thing, but there was also a thrum of excitement that rushed through his veins whenever he thought of taking care of his cubs. That thrum of excitement this time, however, was accompanied by a delighted little squeal breaking the silence of the day. Aurum's head – along with several others' heads – snapped up with interest at the sound, only to stare when Feza fear racing by, moving as quickly as she possibly could. At first, the angel couldn't even figure out what she had in her mouth, seeing only movement and a blur of brightness.

A heavy sigh leaving him, Aurum got up to his paws and followed after Feza, albeit at a much slower pace. He couldn't just have her bolting around with that nonsense in her mouth, after all. She had her fun, but it was dangerous, especially since she seemed to be bolting around aimlessly thanks to not being able to see. The proxy had intended to just get in front of her and stop her to take her little toy away, but then things took a turn for the worse. Heathcliff descended down the steps of Moth and Selby's porch, and soon enough the child could be found right in Feza's war path, ripe for getting trampled over and injured somehow, whether it be from being crushed, the pinwheel cutting into him, or the sparklers burning him. Eyes going wide, Aurum felt a gasp leave his throat before he sped up his pace, now bolting after Feza, wishing that he still had his damn wings. Either way, he shouted, frantically, "Feza! Stop! Now!" Unwilling to believe that she would hear him just in the nick of time, the proxy lunged forward, attempting to grab Feza and drag her to a stop before she could collide with Heathcliff.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM