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WE'RE ALL SEARCHING FOR / rain - Printable Version

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WE'RE ALL SEARCHING FOR / rain - bubblegum - 03-09-2020

Re: WE'RE ALL SEARCHING FOR / rain - OCTANE. - 03-11-2020

/ retro to injuries

Octane had been injured many times before. Becoming a Legend was a price of two parts- the agreement to have your body scanned, cloned, and killed for the foreseeable future, and to have your memories updated with each death. Injuries didn't matter when you could pop into a new body or simply whisk it all away with a few syringes. His brain was twisted, poisoned by his upbringing and rotted out by adrenaline. Octane could remember times when half his jaw was blown off, or leaking blood from bullet wounds, laughing, and his teammates begging him to quit joking around and heal up. Danger was adrenaline, and adrenaline was a rush that led to his own demise or the sweet victory of YOU ARE THE CHAMPION flashing across the arena screens. His donations were always higher when he won, an added bonus.
The pain from his shoulder was finally starting to wear away at least, then he could resume his runs and keep going. Octane agreed with Caustic on one thing about this dimension- the lack of technology was an obstacle and it was getting in the way of him having any actual fun. He couldn't jump off a cliff without maybe considering the downfalls.

Octane never planned to have children, or marry, for that matter. His life was too fast. Having a child implied he was settling down and he just didn't.... want to do that. He never had such conversations with Caustic, either. It was mutually understood that they were lab partners, they fulfilled each other's needs as equals, and that they would never be anything more. Octane's interests were too far out of the norm for a more emotionally available partner, and he was fine with that. Their bond was horrifying on all accounts, but it was theirs.

He never understood Goldenluxury, either. Octane didn't know anyone here that well and he briefly wondered if it would stay that way. From the times he had seen her, though, she looked tired. She looked too heavy and as if too much was on her shoulders. Octane understood that expression, at least, overworking yourself and being tired. So, he made the move to approach, his metal legs kicking up sand and coming to a stop near the captain, pulling his mask and goggles away as drops of rain began to fall. 
"Hey, amiga," He was so bad at talking why was he so bad- "Woke up sore this morning or something?"

Re: WE'RE ALL SEARCHING FOR / rain - ROXANNE R. - 03-12-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
It didn't take long for Roxanne to figure out Goldenluxury wasn't just gaining weight but moreso the fact that life was blossoming within her niece just as it was within her own womb. Roxanne never did think she would have or let alone start a family of her own with someone she truly cared about but, she was excited and overwhelmed at once. Carrying children once was enough to change her life, Roan had definitely turned her life for the better and she would never forget that due to the relationship they had built with one another. They were mother and son; inseparable. Now, she was carrying another batch of cubs and this time, it wasn't out of lust or a single night but they had been from the love that stemmed from both herself and Greed. The thought made a smile form on her lips as she ambled through the sand feeling the droplets of rain begin to splash onto her coat gently. It made her snort realizing how cheesy her and her lover were, she supposed that was what love did to her or simply the fact of being so infatuated with her boyfriend made her this cheesy. She was stupid with love at this point, just a lovesick puppy.

Her ears twitched as her heterochromatic eyes would shift around before landing on the pair ahead of her that was her beloved niece and Octane, she hardly knew much about the cheetah aside from him being a bit put off by her reptilian companions though they followed Roan around for the most part though there were times where Kalayavan was behind her, hovering protectively. Right now wasn't one of the times since she wasn't staying far from home at the moment, she drew a soft breath and would open her maw "How are you feelin, sweetheart?" Her eyes showing obvious signs of worry and affection for her niece, she had to make sure that her dumbass brother's kid was alright and she felt it was in her best interest to make sure Goldie was alright. She was the closest family she had and Roxie wasn't going to let anyone else ruin that for her, the Privateer was fuckin determined.

She would try but how far would her trying take her? Probably not much. Unfortunately. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WE'RE ALL SEARCHING FOR / rain - michael t. - 03-12-2020

Michael had always been a male who put on masks, and covers. He knew what it was like to hide yourself behind physical things, or to believe that the power you possessed came from your possessions. Perhaps that was because of how much his various gathered items meant to him. After all, as a child he had been hated. He had been denied even the most basic of necessities. So, after he had escaped from his unpleasant childhood, he had gone out and gotten his paws on every damm thing that he could find. Every scrap of food, every piece of jewelry, every interesting thing that he wanted, he took. Nowadays, he considered his various pieces of shimmering gold and silver jewelry to be his armor. These pieces not only signified how much he had grown, but also how much he had taken, and how much he had fought. Every piece of jewelry was another accomplishment, and they gave him a sense of confidence and comfort, much like Goldie's earring had given her for so long. He, above all people, could definitely understand what the captain was feeling, not that he would voice this. After all, despite his closeness with Roxie, he wasn't officially a member of the Roux family, and didn't yet feel comfortable enough to talk to Goldie in a more personal and less professional way. He considered her to be more like the various acquaintances in thievery he had in the past, rather than a close relationship like Roxie or Trevor.

Michael generally didn't like the rain, often feeling it sink down into his thick fluff and weigh him down, making him wet and miserable for the rest of the day. However, the scent of the daytime rain mixed with the usual salty scent of the sea was actually quite comforting, and the bobcat had found himself emerging from his home, quickly closing the door behind him before any of Trevor's moths could find their way fluttering out. Taking a few steps down from his porch, the dark furred male was surprised to see not only his sister figure down on the beach in the rain, but also Octane and none other than Goldie herself. He hesitated for a moment before he made his way over, his ears briefly flattening as he walked out into the rain, trotting up to Roxie's side and gently brushing his pelt against hers in greeting. Plopping himself down carefully in the sand, the fugitive glanced to the side for a long moment before he spoke, his voice a bit hoarse and hesitant, "Hey guys... enjoyin' the rain, are we all?" He looked up at the dark clouds above them all, wincing when a few drops of rain fell in his blue gaze.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow]

Re: WE'RE ALL SEARCHING FOR / rain - bubblegum - 03-17-2020