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life flip - halls visit - fulzanin - 03-09-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
Diplomacy had never been Aslisk's strong suit. She was far more of the 'fight now ask questions later' sort of person. Strike first and strike hard, and leave no room for a returned blow. If there was anything out of her comfort zone, it was flying all the way over to foreign territory to speak with people that before she'd never interacted with. It was quite chilly, the mountains, the wyvern electing to occasionally allow flames to dance across her form to create enough warmth for the barest notion of comfort. Perhaps the flickering of fire would attract the attention of the people that lived here? She could tell the border was close, and Aslisk assured herself that she was not going to cross it. Passive was the requirement she'd imposed. No harsh words, no snappy comebacks. Passive and friendly. Patiently the wyvern stood, red eyes waiting to see persons that she was certainly would eventually come her way. It gave her time to pick her words carefully, reciting them over and over again to ensure that she would not make a fool of herself. Hardly the best first impression, that would be.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: life flip - halls visit - arcy - 03-09-2020

[Image: ddgetj1-c6f37b5c-d839-4744-b520-59fdbfef...19vSR2xhdk]

[div style="float: right;"][Image: unknown.png]
[div style="opacity: 70%;"]897 subscribers

A soft flickering warmth, in the distance. A fire? Not an out of control one. Just for a moment, and just in a spot. Maybe elementals, then? Videogames may not get what they were doing, but since it wasn't consistent, or getting bigger, he's not particularly worried. ... Or maybe he should be? There's no proof something won't happen once he arrived. A sudden turn, or it could be one of the god things everyone else was going on about.
Whatever it is, Videogames doesn't care enough to worry about it.
If it was Aslisk's hope that her fire would help bring people faster, she at least got it.
"Hey!" Videogames greets, jovial as anything. She's from a group, he thinks, but not one that Videogames can recognize from scent. This ... doesn't mean a lot. It's been a long time, after all, and Videogames' memory has been .. faulty. "What's up, do you need something?" So, based on the assumption she was genuinely from another group, was it business, visiting, or something else? The serval's tail flicks.



Re: life flip - halls visit - Warringkingdoms - 03-09-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Somehow, Rin didn't think she'd ever seen a wyvern out in the wild before. Dragons of most types, she had met at least one, but not the two-legged, two-winged varieties. She only knew of their existence through cursory readings about mythological creatures.

  This one smelled of the Halls of Hiraeth, or at least, their scent was similar to Redvox's. Every time they'd been visited previously by a Halls member, it had been Redvox in person- Rin wondered if they had more members now and could thus afford to send different members to each group... or if something had happened to Redvox. Either way, it saved her the trip to their territory, but a small part of her hoped it was the former. She wasn't particularly close to Redvox, but he'd seemed a decent individual.

  Approaching alongside Videogames, Rin decided to remain silent. Once the stranger offered an answer, she'd ask further questions.

Re: life flip - halls visit - fulzanin - 03-10-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
Two people come over. A better turnout than Aslisk had been expecting, considering that this location honestly seemed horrifically remote. Who would choose to live in the cold mountains? Although Aslisk could always presume that the fur that covered the two was beneficial and allowed for such a location to easily be lived in. Her gaze examines the first to come, then the second. Her tongue pushes against the roof of her mouth, a slow movement to ease the last of frazzled nerves. "I am Aslisk, from the Halls of Hiraeth. I'm here to bring news, mostly, and to check on mostly one thing in particular," the wyvern rumbles. Talons scuff against the ground, ankles growing sore of one particular position and moving to another. Her mind flickers through her words, sorting out what she was searching for. How to word it without being disrespectful, harsh, or demeaning? Those things were not easy concepts for Aslisk to come across. Without anger, her voice sounded odd, and she did not like it. Alas, using an angered tone with strangers never had a tendency to work well.

"Our last leader, Redvox, seemed to have good ties with this place. Neutral, at worst. It seemed only fair to come to bring news. He's been killed, and I am the new Harbringer." Aslisk paused, gauging for the briefest of moments for a reaction, before continuing. "The main reason for my presence here is to ensure that a change in leadership will not disturb the neutrality between the two of our groups." For all she knew, the Gat had enough charisma stored in him to have been the sole twig that kept this group from absolutely hating the Halls' guts. Aslisk supposed it was fine, she'd never been one to lay down and appease. Keeping up with what the founder had set down, though, the wyvern supposed she could at least vaguely attempt to uphold. Her tail swung behind her slowly, briefly lighting on fire before dousing again. It was chilly, and Aslisk found herself detesting it the longer she stood still. Curse the exothermic body she was within. "I am also able to answer any questions you might have," she says, noting that the second to arrive had been silent. It piqued her curiosity, but she would refuse from prying. For now. She was here on friendly terms - neutral terms, technically.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: life flip - halls visit - Cosmic - 03-16-2020

The Halls had interested Valerian a bit, even though they were vaguely mentioned around him. The small white feline would approach to stand next to Rin, giving a respectful nod to the wyvern as he took a seat to listen. It had been a while, and it was good to catch up.

However, hearing the news of Redvox’s passing made him sad. The Decurion wanted to make the best impression as well as console the new Harbinger if they needed it. Either way, he felt obligated to offer condolences.

I’m sorry about Redvox. He sounded like a decent fellow.

//ish post, I’m sorry ;w;

Re: life flip - halls visit - Warringkingdoms - 03-16-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Indeed, she was from the Halls of Hiraeth. Rin made an internal note of Aslisk's face- with shapeshifting being so common, it wasn't likely that Aslisk would be in this exact wyvern form forever, but remembering what this particular form looked like would make future negotiations easier.

  "Our last leader, Redvox," Aslisk said, as she described the past between the two groups. Rin furrowed her brows- that phrase implied that Redvox was no longer leader. Sure enough, Aslisk quickly confirmed her worst suspicions. Redvox being dead, specifically killed, didn't bode well for the Halls; and it was a shame, besides, to hear that he was gone. He'd shown promise, even if Rin still wasn't entirely sure that the Halls wasn't a splinter cell of the Pitt.

  "Yes, we're still neutral," Rin said after Aslisk finished, twitching her ears. "My condolences about Redvox. I know how... difficult it can be, to ascend to power in those circumstances." At least with Elysium, Rin had been sort of prepared to take over- she hadn't been so lucky the first time. As for questions... she supposed she had a few.

  Tugging at her scarf, she asked, "Do you happen to know who killed him?" This might have been connected to the beast that slaughtered the two deer, or it might have been a separate killer- perhaps personally motivated, perhaps just looking for the thrill. Either way, if the killer was a possible threat to Elysium, it was best that they figure that out and prepare before the killer had a chance to strike.

  If Aslisk had been particularly interested in an alliance, she probably would have said so already, but there was no harm in bringing it up. "Redvox also proposed an alliance between Elysium and the Halls of Hiraeth," Rin said after a few moments, twitching her tail. "We didn't talk about it in much detail, but if you would be interested, I'm open to further discussion- and if we come up with a potential deal, I can bring it up to the other Elysites at the next meeting." It was possible that the situation had changed completely since Redvox's death, and she did still need to ask about the gods that the Halls worshiped, but... she had to admit that having an ally would provide a useful strategic advantage.

Re: life flip - halls visit - fulzanin - 03-17-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
The wyvern's scarred face was quite odd, or at least she considered it such a thing from the how she had seen most residencies of this world to be. The scar crossed directly over both her eyes, faintly glowing. It was an open wound, almost, and yet was free of blood or irritation. It defined most of her face and cut into her snout. Indeed she was capable of shapeshifting, having no reason to display such a power during this hopefully peaceful visit. Her red eyes narrowed, watching and anticipating the reaction to her words. Attention turned to the white feline, her head dipping. "Very decent, perhaps one of the best examples of it," she rumbled in reply. The wyvern intook a deep breath, shaking her head a little.

One of her webbed ears flicked, turning her head when the Magna spoke. Her snout scrunched up a little in a more thoughtful manner. The words presented to her was turned over a few times. It sounded as if an established familiarity, and her head nodded. "Difficult, yes. Nothing that I'm opposed to taking on," Aslisk replied. She'd gotten her answer on neutrality remaining - so it hadn't just been Redvox's charismatic attitude that had been the sole reason for this group liking them. How wonderful, it meant she wouldn't have to mask her personality and voice to be akin to the Halls' founder to create a stable situation for the group. If she could get the group to be safe, then perhaps leading would be easier. Then she could focus on internal affairs, where she excelled. These diplomatic behaviors were far from her area of expertise.

Her teeth clenched a little when the topic of the killer was brought up. Aslisk felt fury brew up, and swiftly diminished such an intense flicker of hatred from her gaze and face. "No. We haven't found the culprit yet. They've likely left the territory as checking over the territory provided absolutely no results." Her words grew sharp, laced with frustration. "Once they are found, they will be punished with the greatest severity possible," the wyvern added. Her feet shuffled, seeking some movement to help relieve the tension that had seeped into her form. Aslisk exhaled deeply again, rolling one of her shoulders. An alliance? She supposed such was to be expected of Redvox, although she couldn't quite remember being directly told such a thing. She likely had, and the new Harbringer simply was having problems of recollecting. "It does sound interesting, yes," Aslisk agrees, her tail moving to a different position, "for I'm sure the supplies of a mountainous region are far different than those from where the Halls are located, yes?" Such was what came to mind when trade was mentioned, and her head tilted in a manner to aid her curious demeanor. It helped to ease away the brief surge of fury that had come forth.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: life flip - halls visit - Warringkingdoms - 03-17-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Aslisk was clearly angered by the mention of Redvox's killer- understandably so. Thinking about what had happened to Starrynight still threatened to drag Rin into a downward spiral of rage. Dismissing that particular line of empathetic thinking, Rin listened to Aslisk's explanation. Yes, it made sense that they would have fled. If they had any scent of another group on them, Aslisk probably would have said so, so perhaps it was a random loner; or worse, it could have been one of the Halls' own.

  In either case, Elysium would need to stay on their guard. "Well, we'll keep an eye out and let you know if we see anything suspicious," she said, twitching her ears. There wasn't exactly much to go off of from Aslisk's description, but that wouldn't stop Rin from trying.

  As the discussion diverted to the subject of supplies, she nodded. "Yes, I imagine they would be," she said, twitching the tip of her tail. There was an established interest; this could work. "What does your territory look like, in terms of supplies? Even if we don't form a true alliance, trading would always be beneficial." Tugging at her scarf with one paw, she added, "Also, what are your relations with the other groups?" Any relations with the Typhoon or Tanglewood would probably not be an issue, and she doubted that anyone would be foolish enough to pursue positive relations with the Pitt.

Re: life flip - halls visit - fulzanin - 03-24-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
If there was one thing that could easily make Aslisk angry, it was to think of people that had wronged her. Killing someone in a manner as brutal as Redvox's death warranted her fury. Sharp toothed, fire spitting, enraged, prepared to fight on the fly anger. All of it neatly hidden beneath powerful purple scales, prepared for whenever she found the culprit. "That would be appreciated," Aslisk dips her head a little, perhaps to equally administer respect to a ruler of a much larger group than her own. Such was why she chose elaborate words, having recited her selected sentences and word choices long before even beginning her trek to Elysium's territory. When the concept of territory came up, the wyvern settled for gesturing one of her broad wings in the direction that she had flown in from. "A plentiful forest, even if the brambles are quiet annoying. Its lush, but does get its share of snow in the winter. I'd say pretty moderate climate," the Harbringer elaborates while lowering her wing down.

Aslisk's red gaze slides back over when the last question was administered to her. Her tail gently swings behind her, likely to fall to a more comfortable position. The limb, in Aslisk's opinion, sometimes seemed to hold a mind of its own. "I believe that we are as equally on neutral grounds with every group that I know of. Spare Tanglewood, they didn't seem to have a liking to our past leader during his visit." The wyvern answers, rolling her shoulders a little. The exchange, as it had been told to her when he had returned, had left a sour taste in her mouth for the citizens of the swamp. However, she knew that making allies was much greater and a better effort than immediately making enemies. Teeth flash in a small, pleased grin. "I personally haven't visited them to see if their dislike towards us still holds true. Been months since that exchange, after all. Personally I see us as quite the likable kind." Sure, how the group was supposed to behave was that they heavily looked down on those that didn't believe in their gods. Aslisk herself didn't believe in them, and she was the leader. She found such a thing ironic, and it only contributed to the faintest showing of teeth within her smile.

TAGS 11/19/19: