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HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - Printable Version

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HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - toboggan - 03-06-2020

The general consensus among Tanglewood's current population was - from Leroy's point of view - that the decision to allow Pittian deserters their own position in Tanglewood was one poorly made. Not only was it completely out of left field, but it completely went against the leader's previous disdainful stance on the Pitt. Hadn't he been advocating for that group's total destruction ever since they spawned almost two years ago? Yes. Then shouldn't inviting his tribe's literal enemies be completely out of the picture? No, not really.

Deleting a population's numbers all the while bolstering your own forces in the process was nothing less than a strategic move, and that was Leroy's goal with this new ruling. The urge to make mincemeat out of those shitstains yet existed within the general's heart, though he saw that, in order to hit his end target, some backasswards decisions were quite necessary. The Pitt's been razed to the ground an abundance of times now, so chances are they know what's coming. Hence, surprises would be the swamp dwellers' vantage point - and Leroy had a few more of them up his sleeve.

A meeting was called earlier, this one only for semi-high positions and high positions. The meeting would take place in the library, which was cleansed of any interlopers via polite asking. The number of great-ranking members didn't go any higher than six, but the wolfhound saw it as pivotal that he eliminated any sense of discourse between Tanglewood's influential individuals and his beliefs.

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - trojan g. - 03-06-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"]Moth was tired, oh so tired, from her own recent addition to the swamp-dwelling territory, but when there had been a meeting called for the higher positioned members of the group, Moth would take the opportunity to leave them home with Beck - Selby had to come here too - and she'd comfortably take a seat, watching and waiting for the meeting to begin.

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - wormwood. - 03-06-2020

Aurum wasn't exactly the biggest fan of Leroy's decision to allow former Pittians into their ranks, but he rolled with it as he rolled with most other things when it came to Leroy. Leroy was a good leader, but did he and Aurum always agree? Not even close. However, Aurum was the canine's proxy, and he intended to stand by the other's side, even if that meant chewing him out later in private. Rolling his shoulders, the tigon wandered up to the library slowly, finding his way to Moth's side and sitting beside his sister, offering her a smile. His thoughts had been a bit preoccupied as of late, thanks to the whole pregnant thing, but he could give this meeting the attention it deserved – especially since he wasn't vomiting every other minute anymore.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - suvi. - 03-06-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
The news of Leroy's latest decision regarding the Pitt reached her after the initial moment.  News that made her paws shift uncomfortably beneath her as she took a seat.  The library, a familiar place with cherished memories, brought her some ease, but her mitch-matched hues continued to flicker.

Straightforwardly, the petite vixen did not agree.  She didn't want the conflict to continue.  She didn't want to tear another group down when it was obvious they were at least trying to change.  Such actions would only cause tensions to flare up, hotter than ever.  Where was the sense behind that?  It was cruel and manipulative and the thought of more bloodshed made her feel ill.

Maybe Leroy would try to explain it more here.  At least then she'd get to hear from his own mouth.  Still.  Her stomach felt twisted and she felt certain one of her ears just disappeared.

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - selby roux ! - 03-06-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby followed closely behind Moth, settling next to her after she took her seat. Though Beck had never been in sole custody of his children, he was unworried by the prospect. The poltergeist would allow no harm to come to the kits; this he was sure of. He turned his attention to Leroy as he waited for the meeting to begin. He didn’t necessarily disagree with the decision to harbor former Pittians, so long as they could be sure that the member in question had never harmed one of their own. Still, he could see where all the anxiety had stemmed from. It was a difficult situation, to be sure.

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - fulzanin - 03-07-2020

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A special meeting. Feza didn't think she'd ever been to a special meeting before. The snow leopard had to be reinforced about her position actually warranting her presence. She hadn't thought herself to be high ranking, but apparently such was the case. Her mind was a little scrambled, but that was okay. Feza was here to listen, right? Then, maybe, voice opinions or something. She didn't really know. She was throwing ideas at the dartboard, and the sharp end was pointed back towards her. Feza took a seat tail neatly curling around her. The guardsman couldn't really remember what the meeting was about, but she figured it was probably serious, not festive stuff. A bore, but one she would certainly endure.

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Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - toboggan - 03-09-2020

With every new face that effected an entrance into the library's oaken halls, Leroy's nosediving sense of confidence found itself leveling out. Though a controversial decision had been avowed from his maw, these individuals were ones he could trust, ones he wholeheartedly knew that he could depend on. Their ranks towered above the rest because they proved themselves loyal in the past, and asserted that said loyalty wouldn't be going anywhere soon; he'd hoped. Nobody present was aware of his reasoning for the recent ruling that was established, which birthed the need for a meeting of this nature. And, optimistically, such a meeting would garner favourable results. The general shoots a wink towards Aurum, a soft smile in Selby's way, and nods in the direction of the rest here. The meeting's commencement loomed.

"First off," he says, breaking the awkward silence which came from a peculiar lack of greetings in the room, "y'all probably know why I called ya here today - but I wanna touch on sunt'n else for a brief moment, if that's alright." His cocoa-toned hues wandered until they met his proxy. The tigon (this month's current body) would've known of this scoop, due to his presence at the time of its verdict. Last meeting, the wolfhound asked to see Aurum, Vathmos, and Snarl. This was the outcome of that rendezvous; "Vathmos has been exiled for causin' grievous harm to another Tangler." No hesitation caused his speech to stall at any point - this was the first instance of exile which he'd orchestrated, and he fully meant it. "This group is a haven for folks that were chewed and spit out by the world. We're supposed to look to one another for safety and companionship, since the outside don't want us. And 'cause of that, Vathmos got scarred from her right shoulder down to her chest, and ain't allowed back here no more. If you see her, kill her - or alert someone." This wasn't as hard as he thought it'd be, but only because he hadn't been entirely close to the hyena - much unlike Aurum.

"Miller's a fuckin' moron for throwin' himself in the way like that," he continues, a mellow chuckle aiding his words, "but he's a brave fuckin' moron, and he'll likely get promoted to guardsman next meetin'. Snarl, however, won't be promoted any time soon; not until she demonstrates that she can attend a social gatherin' without incitin' violence." His eyes comb the room, searching for signs of approval, before finally stating, "that's all I wanted to say on that. Vathmos' expulsion and Miller's promotion'll be brought up next meetin', please don't talk about 'em until then."

"I'll move on to the next topic shortly - voice your opinion if you have one."

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - selby roux ! - 03-09-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby nods along to these preliminary announcements. Though he knew these words would not make up the bulk of the meeting, he knew that it was important information to share. It was unfortunate to hear of Vathmos’s exile, though the sawbone didn’t know her well at all. Seeing Miller join the ranks was an exciting thing to hear despite this. He’d done a lot for the group recently. Having nothing interesting to contribute, he simply dips his head in an invitation to continue.

Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - fulzanin - 03-09-2020

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Amidst a sea of level headed and experienced persons, Feza knew she was an incredibly sore thumb. She threw parties, she was vivid and expressive and childish. A meeting that detailed such serious topics? It surprised her - not that she truly should have been surprised. She wasn’t like the Proxy, or the Sawbone, or the medics, or the soon to be promoted Guardsman that would be Kaz. Her vibrant pelt has outcasted her before. Such serious topics never crossed her mind until she now was being forced to think of them. Nervously kneading her paws and her blue gaze lowered, Feza briefly wondered if she should have tried to skip the meeting. Her feathered wings twitch, taking a brief moment to sort out her voice. “W-why’d you have to,” the snow leopard asks, her voice falling and motion of a paw jaggedly raising to make the motion of an injury going from her shoulder to her chest taking the place of words. Why did the hyena have to be injured? Wouldn’t stern words have been enough? What did she know? Nothing other than parties, her mind returns. She doesn’t even know the person that will be equal to her in ranking all that well. Her icy gaze remains focused downwards. This was not festive. Feza decided that she’d be far better off accepting it early. Meetings weren’t festive. Exile wasn’t festive. A sore thumb it would be.

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Re: HYMN FOR THE BROS + sHP/HP Meeting - trojan g. - 03-10-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"]Moth listened, curiosity flickering on her face as Leroy spoke, until confusion flashed for a second. Vathmos was exiled for what had happened. She could see two sides to the coin, on whether it would be the right thing or not to do, though she had some opinions on Snarl's simple demotion with cause of no promotion in the near future. She wasn't sure if that was enough, considering what had gone on that night, and although she knew it wasn't ultimately up to her - she was only a medic and honestly didn't hold much power over anyone other than the simple 'do you live to see another day' type thing, but voice her opinion she would. "I understand the exile of Vathmos, considering what had happened, but why not something similar for Snarl, or why just the demotion and lack of promotions in the future? Snarl knew what would happen if Vathmos was riled up, they've had arguments in the past, and continued to push. The injuries Miller received are as much her fault as it was Vathmos's."