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destruction and regrowth || egg in the desert? - Printable Version

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destruction and regrowth || egg in the desert? - Strange Egg - 03-05-2020

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OOC// i hope i did this right! edited with my new fancypost!

If the distant and desperate shriek of the large avian wasn’t enough to attract the curiosity of anyone who might be nearby, the brilliant skyrocketing plume of flame and smoke would. The dark, eye-irritating cloud rose higher and higher, flakes of ash raining down like a raging volcano, until it vanished all at once. Gone, faster than it came.

Left in its place on the pale sandy drifts was a pile of ash. Those who dared to investigate closer might find the tarnished white gleam of an egg, speckled with gray and smeared with the surrounding residue.

A soft giggle parted the following silence. Nearby, a small speck of light darted closer, circling the egg, before crashing into and combining itself with the shell. The white surface briefly glowed. The wisps of steam and smoke, which had been dancing on the surface of the egg, dissipated. Radiating heat cooled, as if cured of a fever.

Silence once again spread across the scorching desert.

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[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #c95f65 -- (tags.)
fancypost by orion

Re: destruction and regrowth || egg in the desert? - fulzanin - 03-05-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
The screech of a bird likely would deter bugs. Birds usually feasted upon unsuspecting insects. Sharp beaks made quick work of exoskeletons and smaller creatures. Astiar's mind was similar to that of a bug, for he had started off as one. Now the cicada was huge in comparison to the size of normal bugs, and it meant that most of his fears were deemed useless. Fire was the biggest threat, one that had been born from injury. Prior it had been a small fear, and it had blossomed into pure terror.

Astiar was prone to wandering around the territory. Hearing a screech had gathered his attention, and his noisy trot pivoted and changed directions. Seeing ash, it warranted a chittering noise from the massive beast. An egg. Astiar hardly knew of eggs, but something deep within him insisted that it certainly knew what the glistening shell before him was. It was in tact. Predators had not yet smashed it open for the contents within. The dragon moved closer, mandibles clicking. He didn't eat eggs. Red eyes stared at the scene, taking in the sight so that he could properly react. Carefully Astiar shuffled closer, trying his best to not disturb the setup. Then, he sat practically laid down, using his long talons to carefully wrap around the egg in a manner that was considerably protective. His head laid down a moment later, another chittering noise sounded. The ashes were hot, presenting mild discomfort to the dragon. The cold egg was cause for concern. Were eggs supposed to be cold? His simple mind couldn't infer. Noisy buzzing sounded from him. Hopefully someone would come along to help him with his uncertainties for how to deal with the egg he currently had protectively wrapped his legs around.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: destruction and regrowth || egg in the desert? - Mercede - 03-06-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

How funny it would be this little brat that would come across this situation.

There wasn’t really any adults. But in her mind she was an authority figure. Roaming where she wanted and when she wanted with ease and fashionable grace.

Today she decided to “roam” wherever Astiar went. In her mind the bug was so dumb she didn’t even have to sneak about. He probably wouldn’t notice her.

However it seemed today he had something special. Something he was hiding and protecting. Someone covering something in such a precious manner awoke a hungry little demon in her.

She wanted it and she would have it.

“Astiar!” she would squeak.

“What is that you have there!”, her eyes widened as the sun glinted off of it, shiny things often caught her eye for better or worse.

I WANT! GIVE IT! I WANT!, her mind would instinctively send out in waves: demanding they handed over what she desired so strongly.


Re: destruction and regrowth || egg in the desert? - gael - 03-06-2020

Gael's daily patrols had never been interrupted by an egg before.  The sight of Astiar particularly, curled protectively around an unusually large egg -- the vulpine decided investigating was his new priority.

His ears sat flat against his skull, a spark of true irritation flashing in golden hues as Mercede's mind lashed out -- loudly.  A direct offense he hardly planned on allowing to continue.

"Enough, Mercede."  The two ice sharp words were all the young fox would earn from the faerie.

He inclined his head towards Astiar, redirecting his attention.  The unusual dragon found the egg, not the young Callahan.  His brow furrowed thoughtfully as he stepped closer.

Providing care to whatever creature lay inside sounded more like a fool's errand to Gael.  Their numbers, dominated by children and youth, required more resources than they currently possessed.  The hatching to come from this egg would be doomed to the same.

... The faerie suspected it was unlikely Astiar would feel inclined to abandon the egg to the desert -- his protective body language, though likely born by instinct, attested to that.

A child such as Mercede would only see the egg as a trophy -- a possession.  An object to want and observe.  Where he stood, Gael desired no more children in his life; Aine would always be enough.

"Astiar," time to start simply. "We should move the egg to the Event Temple."

While they possessed no official erudites, Gael made a point to maintain the building for any they may have in the future.  It would be the best place to create a makeshift nursery while they decided what they should do about an unknown egg.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: destruction and regrowth || egg in the desert? - fulzanin - 03-07-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
In truth, Astiar had not noticed a youth tailing behind him. His search for food was one that was done with zeal. It was a caloric intake requirement and he had to meet it, or he would suffer the consequences. Trotting along in search of food was his priority usually. His needs were greater than any want that his mind could throw to him. Wants, Astiar did not understand. They were beyond his comprehension. A need was something like protection. His talons, sharp and able, carefully curled around the egg to ensure its safety. From what? Astiar didn't know. Instinct propelled him as always. It was reliable and forever present within his mind.

His antennae curled. Now that he was not moving and was stationary with a stationary task, he finally noticed the youth that had tailed him for the day. Astiar hears his name, and his head turns to follow the direction of the noise. His wings buzz, voicing his acknowledgement. A question is bestowed to him, one of few words. One that the dragon easily could answer. Astiar's antennae twitch, about to screech into the other's mind his answer of not understanding, but before he is able a booming voice sounds in his own. Whatever bare thoughts that Astiar had prior were shattered by such an intrusion. His antennae stick up, rigid, and his entire body tenses. A desire to want something, he does not understand. His mind scrambles briefly, before his head cranes forward down to gently nudge the egg with his snout. He is frazzled, but instinct prevails over the issues of higher thought.

Another approach, his head lifting up again. Another familiar face, and his wings again buzz to voice his greeting. His antennae are frazzled still, but he can certainly still hear. The youth is addressed, and his head briefly turns to again check that the other is still there. Again his name is used, and his attention returns to Gael. An order is given to him. Move egg. Move it. The lights in the dragon's eyes are dulled, but he seems to understand the gist. Astiar, unsure of how to move the egg, again results to nudging it slightly with his snout. The first idea that comes to mind is of utmost simplicity. He has no hands, and all legs are used when he walks. His jaws open, carefully able to grab the egg between throat and teeth due to his massive size. Only then does Astiar rise, his tail swinging sharply behind him to help him stand. "WHERE," Astiar screeches as his antennae slowly relax from their frazzled state, red eyes brightening up once more.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: destruction and regrowth || egg in the desert? - Mercede - 03-11-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

[OOC: feel free to just pick her up haha]

First of all no one ever told Mercede what to do. She claimed it! It’s not like Astiar could even talk. At least normally.

She narrowed her eyes at Gael, the small pup snorted. Of course ladies didn’t act out. But ladies were not weak. She was a queen. A lady. A strong little woman.

No man would tell her what to do!

She was a callahan for the world’s sake. It bothered her more than anything in the world that someone was deciding what to do with something that was hers.

“No. It’s mine Gael! You can’t boss me around because you’re freaking old. I want the pretty thing. I’m going to have it because I want to and because I can.”

Her little cotton ball self hopped over, stomping each foot to make a point. As she placed a tiny paw on the egg. Staring Gael in the eyes, “You will have to take it from me.”

She tried her best to snarl, her little oversized  fangs fully exposed for once.


Re: destruction and regrowth || egg in the desert? - gael - 03-11-2020

Perhaps he should have expected the child to act out.  Most children fought to receive their way with no thought of the consequences -- perhaps not fully expecting the consequences.

Gael felt his eyes narrow.  Mercede was no child of his -- deserving none of the sentiment or sympathy Aine may receive.  Though he hardly expected Aine would attempt to steal an egg.

'You will have to take it from me.'  As if he found the prospect dissuading. "Fine."

The vulpine hardly batted an eye, swiftly pulling the air around them into a swift breeze, altering the course to knock the child over then hold her there long enough for Astiar to take the egg.  He observed the massive cicada for a moment, pleased to see the care he possessed -- the dragon could knock trees down but he would not harm a living creature intentionally.

"Event Temple," he repeated calmly.  "Follow me, Astiar."

Trusting him to follow, Gael set his paws back on the direction towards the temples.  He hesitated however, returning a cold gaze to Mercede.

"This 'thing' will hatch into a living creature -- which you are not permitted to own.  You can be useful and help me construct a nursery for it, or you can go home."
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: destruction and regrowth || egg in the desert? - Mercede - 03-16-2020

diamonds are a girl’s bestfriend -

mercede f. callahan
the pitt
2 months

pronounced: (mur-say-dee)

female - marble cross fox (white, gray, black) - 2 months - Jervis x Fourthwall - no crush - no mentor

mental manipulation
call me your sweet baby —

Did she expect him to do anything? No not really. But if she had it wasn’t anything like using powers.

Her eyes widened as she was pushed onto her side. Her clean fur was ruined! She held back her grunt as something held her down. Her heart sped up with pure hate when she saw Astiar pick up the egg and proceed to move it where Gael told him.

She snarled, angry. She looked hideous. She looked ugly. Now she looked like a joke.


She screamed in her mind. Her little body now smeared in brown from her minor thrashing.

She would run forward snap at Astiar’s leg, even if successful it would make minor damage from her small mouth.


Re: destruction and regrowth || egg in the desert? - nikolai - 03-20-2020

    Shrieking never preceded anything good. A universal cry for help, desperation ringing across the dunes. Maybe in another life, a life untainted by the motives of another, he would have approached to offer such direly needed help. Before harsh winter and even harsher labor stripped his compassion to its shriveled core, Nikolai would have rushed to the scene, worry clear on unscathed features.

    But now the wolverine heard the shriek as a dinner bell. The scent of death freshly wafted from afar, his nose flaring to catch a trace through the gas mask's filter. There was no rush to his stalking gait, broad paws splaying with every step in the stand. By the time the scent strengthened, a crowd gathered and ash mingled with his senses. Snorting to himself, he slumped, another meal likely already picked clean by the other starving creatures within the desert.

    Then a glimpse of pale beige grasped in the insect's claws caught his silver eye, which soon widened upon recognizing the object. An egg. And a large one at that. Full of yolk, possibly even a chick, just waiting to be devoured. His mouth watering, Nikolai crept closer, the humidity of his breath and sweat fogging the lenses of his mask.

    Only for the white-furred pointy cat to lunge at his target's leg. A snarl sounded from behind the mask, his paw flashing out to hook Mercede by the scruff and yanking her back. "Відступити!" he hoarsely growled through clenched teeth, stockier form looming above her with dark hackles bristling.

Re: destruction and regrowth || egg in the desert? - fulzanin - 03-20-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
To have it put simply, Astiar didn't know the buildings had names. Names for people was already a hard enough task for the dragon to comprehend. It was difficult for his instinct based mind that certainly did not want to have to extend strength past the usual 'eat sleep repeat'. He had a name, one that was randomly given to him by a few NPC's. It wasn't a bad name by any means, not that Astiar truly cared about having a name or what its implications were. It wasn't important. What was important were tasks given to him and locations to go to. When it was repeated, the dragon's countenance and his red eyes did not so much as flicker with the barest spark of recognition.

Astiar had begun to follow Gael, understanding a simple instruction. Following was a task he could do, his six legs slowly moving. He was a slow moving creature, a beast that lumbered and a simple mind certainly did not help the process of moving other than flight. Blue antennae curled and bobbed as his body began to move forward. More screaming broke into his mind, his body falling rigid again. It was all he could do with his mental processes, the thoughts scrambling from the intrusion of a fragile mindset, to keep his teeth from crushing the egg. Especially when he felt sharp pain in his leg. Needle like teeth had dug in, and a gargled whimpering noise came from him. Despite the difference in size the pain was akin to getting a bee sting. Several. All in the same spot. Astiar was relieved when Nikolai came and pulled her off. The cicada mistook it for aid, that the other was helping simply to be helpful. The dragon is unable to create any noise of gratitude due to his mind being frazzled and an egg carefully secured in his mouth. He buzzed his wings instead, talons then pulling his body along after Gael.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19: