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woken up by teeth - o, meeting - Printable Version

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woken up by teeth - o, meeting - fulzanin - 03-05-2020

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - harbringer - hot shot
It had to have been longer than a week since the... ordeal had occurred. Whatever it was that she was going to call it. The event that had resulted in the death of the past leader, and her rise to power. It felt longer. It felt shorter. Aslisk wasn't sure how to feel about the passage of time other than it was both drawn out and shortened simultaneously. It should anger her, not able to exactly figure out how her mind wanted to state the progression of time. However, she could not allow anger to overtake her. This was a special day. She had wanted to wait a week for everything to calm down. Herself was included in that statement. She had to calm herself, take the time to regain her senses. This interaction had to go well. No anger could be allowed to latch onto her when she had such an important and centric role to play. To be calm and collected, to calculate. That was what she was required to do. It was a responsibility bestowed onto her. She had little knowledge of how to lead, but the wyvern would make do with her prior knowledge and her wits. Aslisk had only meant to wait a week, but it had spiraled into a far longer stretch of time. Fine. It would only be better this way.

Meetings in the past had always confused her. The way that they were constructed? She hadn't liked it. If there was one thing that Aslisk was going to change, it was going to be how meetings were handled. Going to where the meetings had used to be held - outside - wasn't going to change. It unnerved her to stand where the past leader had stood. Aslisk shoved her nerves down, sucking in a deep breath. "Members of the Halls, it's time for a meeting!" The wyvern bellowed in her strongest voice, used to be heard over the noises of everyday life within the group. Her red eyes surveyed those that came over, her tail swinging behind her. The flames had been doused, and no longer did she worry about lighting things on fire without meaning to. "This is a little bit overdue," the wyvern began, "but I simply wanted to ensure the wellbeing of everyone before going on for the dramatic flares of an announcement session." Not that it would be a long winded surge of announcements. This was going to go her way now. The right way. The way that made sense to the wyvern in a manner most fitting. "No promotions or demotions. We're all still recovering from the last meeting. The only true announcement is that I'm changing the style of meetings to include discussions. Anything important that is mentioned within these meetings are up to be discussed. The only thing that is not up for discussion is, of course, this one change."

Aslisk's weight shifted to the side. A pause, gauging the audience's reaction before continuing. "I will be going to groups of interest of being higher than neutral, as well as remaining neutral with us sometime shortly to announce the change in leadership. Anyone who wants to accompany is more than welcome to come along. In addition, until we find the culprit for Redvox's death, I don't want anyone going far from camp alone. If you think you are above this standard, come talk to me." Smoothly the words parted her jaws. They had been recited many times before getting up for this meeting to ensure her quality. She would not allow her voice to waver at the last leader's name being mentioned. She would be better, do better. "Our first discussion is if any of our current neutrals should be asked to become positive neutrals; I believe the term used around here is 'allies'. If anyone has anything they'd like to voice on the matter, please let me know before I, or we, depart for their territory. The Pitt has already come and asked for what I would consider a tentative alliance. Due to most of us having friends and family within the group, I have accepted. If you have complaints or concerns about this arrangement happening prior to discussion, come to me after the meeting so it can be discussed. Come to me with something better than outdated slander and your thoughts might be considered." Her mind tossed over that exchange briefly. An alliance, the first the group had managed to secure. Hopefully it would become a benefit in the end rather than a hindrance.

"The second large and open group discussion for this meeting is for an event that I plan on hosting. What sort of event it is, is for you all to decide. Unless your ideas are nonexistent or less than satisfactory. Then I'll come up with something. If it's a grand enough idea, anyone that we discuss to become allies, as well as our neutrals, will be allowed to join in on the fun." Her authoritative voice died off near the end, now replaced with curiosity. Feedback. She'd learned this way of leading from the featherbrains. The best way to keep a population from revolting was to make sure that every voice was accounted for. Discussion was her closest way to obtain such a result. The new Harbringer felt like she'd done well, lowering her head and relaxing her previously tense body. Perhaps discussion would ease having all of the attention centered on her, as well.

- no demotions or promotions! losing a leader is rough man
- the halls will be visiting groups neutral to them to announce the change in leadership. links will be posted below - feel free to tag along!
^ the above also will refer to seeking alliances with any group that is mentioned by the members to be allies
- the halls have somewhat allied with the Pitt; still waiting for the thread to reach its conclusion
• who should the halls be allied with?
• what sort of big event would characters like to have?
if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please let me know! This will be my first time leading a group for more than a week, and I will be more than happy to look into any and all criticisms, ideas, and more!
the pitt alliance thread [different from the rest since Janoobie was faster than me]

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: woken up by teeth - o, meeting - Julian - 03-06-2020

[div style="margin: auto; text-align: right; padding-right: 14%; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; max-width: 600px; margin-top: 40px; font-family: georgia; color: #abbde2;"]I should be on top, but I'm always underground
Things are lookin' up, but I'm making myself drown

[div style="margin: auto; background-color: #040c23; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; padding-right: 6%; padding-left: 6%;color: #abbde2;"] The man stifled a groan, he had been trying to take a nap.

But the sound of Aslisk's stern voice brought him back from his sleepy haze. Julian hauled himself up out of the chair, pushing the wooden piece back to the corner. A yawn pushed at the clerics lips, his hair seemed to fray and swirl in all different directions. Quickly fixing it, Julian pulls open a drawer, his mask and a red beetle broach lay there still. His fingers raced the broach as he reached for the mask, memories racing back to Nevivion and Vesuvia; his hometown and where he had met up with his sister. She, being long gone, was probably living a great life somewhere else.

Julian began to blow out the candles, he needed better lighting in this place. Hell, he needed to fix this place. Maybe he'd ask around for anyone who knew how to make lanterns. The smell of smoke filled the first chamber of this place. He'd yet to explore the rest.

The masked man made his way outside, he'd open a few windows on his way out; letting the smoke seep out. Aslisk's voice made Julian a bit annoyed, he understood that not all voices were soft but Aslisk's; there was anger behind her words every time she spoke. There was no need for the anger, at least none that he knew of. The wyverns words made his  train of thought crash; off the rails. "There's a lavender field and rosemary bushes just outside the border some ways," he rumbled. "I still need supplies Aslisk, none of which are in the territory." It wasn't exactly a question of whether or not he could leave the territory to get them; it was him in hos own words telling Aslisk that he would get them despite her disapproval. He'd deal with the consequences later.