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WE'RE SO YOUNG, BUT / joining - Printable Version

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WE'RE SO YOUNG, BUT / joining - spacexual - 03-02-2020

They run, out of the waters, onto the solid ground, away from the desert, and now towards something different, somewhere new. Not what they had planned, but now that the tigress was out of the scene in the Pitt, they'd no longer had easy access to her. Tanglewood may have made more sense, given the relations, but they would rather die than join them. None would suspect the child be in Elysium. They hadn't gotten exactly what they had wanted, no they craved instantaneous victory. The serpent and the wolf had promised them that it was coming, though, and they were truthful that it was still worth going where they'd gone. They still left with something, they still got a blow. The woman that committed such crimes against their father would be taken care of, within time, they're sure.

For now, however, they must take what they can get. The lion cub slows as they come closer into the snowy territory, their pelt and paws burning from the light burns of the electricity that'd struck them. The cold ground eased them, and any blood that may have been on their claws has long since washed off from the waters they'd traversed to get here. No longer running, they stood at their destination. The quiet mountain group and its expansive territory. They were quite intrigued by the lands, admittedly, their pale purple eyes looking out with a slight childlike wonder. Their bag sits at their side, body shifting into a sitting position. They were safe here now.

And so, the cub would wait for another to approach. They had gotten enough to feel satisfied, for now. A blue feather earring sits safely within their bag.
scattering sparks of thought energy deliver me and carry me away

Re: WE'RE SO YOUNG, BUT / joining - RB Graveyard - 03-03-2020

It was a cold day, not necessarily the coldest its been but it was still enough to make the boy shiver. Though the spring seemed to be moving forth into Elysium, a snow storm rushed in right as it started to warm up. Wheatley was bored; with Honey off doing whatever she was doing, the growing lad had been forced to sit and watch the sun as it rose and went each day. He couldn't stand it anymore, he had to move had to be active... had to chew on stuff.

The boy's gums ached and the little nubs he had for teeth hurt when he ate. It felt good though, to chew on things. Recently Wheatley had managed to chew up an entire root; only the base of it from the tree was left. Now with a pile of snow on the ground, Wheatley hadn't been able to find any sticks. A small shudder ran down his spine, it was way too cold for him out here. Something bulky caught his eye, he turned. A flash of purple and a loaping creature. Hmm. It stopped, the painted dog jumped over snow banks and swirls of cold as he made his way to the creature. "Hullo hullo!" he yipped. "'R you alright?"

Re: WE'RE SO YOUNG, BUT / joining - Warringkingdoms - 03-03-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Another day, another child at the border. Rin found herself eyeing the trees intensely as she approached the cub, ready to go on the offensive the moment she saw movement. The attacker last time had needed only a few seconds to tear away the lives of two people. She had to be even faster than that if she wanted to be able to protect the child.

  Still, she saw no one. Turning briefly to examine the cub, she narrowed her eyes. There were burns all over his skin- none of them especially severe, but with this many of them, he must have gotten into a fight. "Wheatley," she said, glancing over at the pup, "could you go get some moss and soak it with water? We'll need to wash his burns before we bandage them up."

  Looking back at the cub, she asked, "Were you attacked? Do you know if they followed you?"

Re: WE'RE SO YOUNG, BUT / joining - RB Graveyard - 03-05-2020

"Right, 'ill be 'lright thought. Right?" He rand over to a patch of moss and began to pull at it, the pup rolled it in the snow until it was drenched. He rand back and gave it to the feline.

OOC: Its dry sorry, i was busy

Re: WE'RE SO YOUNG, BUT / joining - nemhain. - 03-06-2020

Nemhain seemed to have an unnatural ability to get along with children. This was not anything intentional on her part, since the persona hardly knew how you were supposed to interact positively with younglings, but evidently she had some trait about her that made them flock to her. Perhaps it was just her size that made it so that children saw her as a natural brood mother, one who was big and strong enough to protect them. It wouldn't have surprised her, at least going off what she had read and gathered from Rin's memories. And she had done a lot of reading on the subject, mainly in order to soothe her own confusion over what purpose a mother figure actually served. She had done the same for father figures, but considering how Sanzu and Spanishkit stumbled after her calling her Nem, Mom, and Mama, she didn't think that was very relevant to her own troubles. Either way, after a lot of research, Nemhain found that she didn't really mind it much that children saw her as naturally trustworthy. After all, she was going to protect everyone within Elysium anyways, so why wouldn't she protect the children too? And if they chose to see her as some sort of mother figure, so be it.

This was why, when Nemhain found herself drawn over to the scene of a slightly burned child sitting within their snow mountain territory, she didn't feel any anxiety over Aleifr feeling drawn to her. If they did, they did, and if they didn't, they didn't. It wouldn't be causing her to shed her feathers in anxiety anytime soon. Landing nearby to Rin and Wheatley, Nemhain looked over the child silently before she spoke, intrigued by how they possibly could've gotten such wounds, "Do you have parents nearby, as well? Any sort of family?" They would be far from the first orphan child to show up on Elysium's border, even in the last month, but Nem felt the need to ask, just to see if they would soon be followed up by larger company as well.

Re: WE'RE SO YOUNG, BUT / joining - candorosa - 03-07-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Another lion, huh? Hopefully this one doesn't just up and faint on them like Abidemi. His approach his casual and languid until he gets close enough to make out the conversation. Lemy's features don't visibly change, though he does cast his eyes to the treeline, tail curling beneath his cloak near the spot where his dagger is hidden.

He stops next to Wheatley, blue eyes glancing over the cub for a few moments as he took note of their injuries. After a brief observation, he turns back to watch the trees. The others have asked them enough questions that Lemy doesn't bother to speak. He'd rather focus his attention on making sure nothing gets close. If that thing decides to come back, then he'll be ready.