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WE'RE PROBABLY GONNA DIE / injured - Printable Version

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WE'RE PROBABLY GONNA DIE / injured - bubblegum - 03-02-2020

Re: WE'RE PROBABLY GONNA DIE / injured - ROXANNE R. - 03-02-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne was growing heavier by the day, she could barely walk around without feeling like she was going to pop soon and it worried her especially after her encounter with the dire wolf that had attacked her. Her leg was healing up pretty well and now she could out weight onto it once more though her wing would take more time in healing, it wasn't like she would be able to fly with the weight she had gained anyways. Roxie had almost endangered herself and her cubs once, she didn't think she would be doing that again anytime soon. The draconic jaguar was determined not to risk the safety of her own cubs because of her own brash actions, so, for the most part, Roxanne found herself staying at home often. She didn't know when these cubs would be arriving so she was being extra cautious for the most part since, she didn't want to end up giving birth in the wrong place. Not like her last litter anyways, the thought made her body tremble lightly though the movement in her belly calmed her briefly until the sound of an alarmed roar reaches her curved ears causing them to twitch. It was Goldenluxury,  her niece, she could feel a pit of worry begin to grow within her wondering what had startled her niece. She rose to her paws without a second thought and left the safety of her home.

She limped around for a good bit until the smell of blood made her head turn over in the direction the smell was wafting from, it made her mouth water a bit but she would bite down on her tongue. There lay her niece against a palm tree, it didn't take long for her to realize that her ear was bleeding and the feather earring was gone, Roxanne felt anger pulsating through her form but she shoved it aside for the moment having brought her satchel with herbs, bandages, and such. The satchel had been organized and made the first time Roan had hurt himself, now Roxie lugged it around whenever she smelt the faintest trace of blood through her powerful nostrils though it was hard often. The smell of fresh blood causing the roof of her mouth to salivate, it was her own fault really for eating the sentient creatures that had gotten to close to her. Two years of not going into a cannibalistic feeding frenzy and she had botched it. She had stopped now but the temptation for a different flesh was heavier than before.

She shook her head as she pressed her nose to her niece's cheek only to murmur with worry "Goldie..." It didn't seem like she had suffered big injuries aside from hitting her head and the torn ear, she glanced around for the feather earring but saw nothing. She blinked at the footprints in the sand frowning a bit, she couldn't imagine who'd try to attack her niece at this vulnerable state but Roxanne pushed away the questions that flooded her mind beginning to chew up the marigold, she wished Rosemary was here or even the medic that she hardly ever saw. Someone with a bit more knowledge than herself. God dammit. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WE'RE PROBABLY GONNA DIE / injured - deimos - 03-03-2020

Flow and ebb. The tide told an ever living story, a grab and go, a push and a reaction. The tide, these days, gave her both soothing noises, a lover, and problems. The direwolf, she was reminded of him every day, every waking moment she could think of. Her leg, it was a struggle to walk. It was painful, a limb, a battle to drag herself from her tucked away nest that she slept in now, but it was worth it. Especially in the times of the tide drawing back away, instead of drowning her, dragging something away from her.

The roar caused her ears to flatten. Her eyes turned, staring at the door for a moment. She knew that voice. She did, and she didn't want to. She pushed out of bed, limping from the darkened room. The Tanglewooder started from her home, paws touching the ground, sand pushing inbetween her pawpads. She grumbled to herself, but once she came upon the scene, she didn't complain about the sand. In fact, she straight forgot about it, starting to hurry up dragging herself and the limp leg. Roxie, who she met at the border, standing over Goldie.

And Goldie, on the ground, presented like an angel, splayed out with her head propped up by the tree. And when she saw Roxie's casted glances around, she held her breath. What was she looking for? Sam put the pedal to the metal now, hurrying up in her steps and finally coming to Goldie's other side. "What happened?" She asked breathlessly, pressing her nose in against Goldie's chest, then turning her head, desperately trying to find the flow and ebb of Goldie's heartbeat.



Re: WE'RE PROBABLY GONNA DIE / injured - OCTANE. - 03-03-2020

Octane didn't know Goldenluxury that well, besides her name and appearance. She was cute, that was for sure, and he would be stupid to say otherwise. She seemed pretty hoity toity from the times he had seen her, but smart, elegant, maybe that's why she was in charge. Octane had an aversion to authority so he had avoided her, for the most part. So, coming up on her and a few others huddled over the tigress' bloodied form definitely wasn't a part of his plan today. "Oh shit!" He skidded to a halt, his metal legs kicking up dirt and claws digging into the dirt as he came to a stop. The cheetah had been trying to stave off boredom by running, but it wasn't the same. He wasn't running from anything or for anything and it was painfully boring. Stopping, he could feel himself shaking- this brain wasn't trained to hunger for stim but Octavio sure as hell was. Life without a good hit was nothing, and Octane would have loved to get into a good fucking fight right now. "Hey hey-" His eyes fell to the tiger's ears and his tail flicked excitedly at the sight of blood. "She get into a fight or something?" God, finally something.

Re: WE'RE PROBABLY GONNA DIE / injured - michael t. - 03-04-2020

To feel hunted was hardly an unfamiliar feeling to Michael, a male who had been a fugitive now for nearly the entirety of his life. It was honestly just something he became used to, integrating himself within large groups and hiding himself away under a new life and a new alias just so that he wouldn't have to deal with the fallout of his past actions. However, there was one key difference between he and Goldie, and that was just why they were hunted. For the most part, Goldie was subject to the hurt and scorn of others because of good actions she had done, in the name of justice and making her father – and the group that she ran – proud. Oh the other hand, Michael was often the subject of scorn and hurt because of the awful things he had done. Stealing, maiming, killing... he never felt much remorse for it, considering the fact that, the grand majority of the time, the people he was hurting were just as bad as he was, but that didn't mean he didn't have people chasing him down, eager to get revenge for their brother or their mother or their best friend. Goldie was a good person, and Michael just... wasn't. Michael was trying to be better, he really was, for Roxie, but he couldn't just erase the mistakes in his past, numerous as they always were. He just hoped that those mistakes didn't end up coming back to haunt him, or the Typhoon.

The smell of blood was what first drew Michael over to the scene of Goldie laid out upon the ground, the tangy unmistakable taste clinging to the roof of the bobcat's mouth as he grew closer. It was familiar, and he couldn't help but get unpleasant flashbacks of deep, dark rooms where he awaited the next time he would be subject to spilling his blood upon the ground, or the sharp and jagged flash of bared fangs as a dire wolf leaped for him. Despite this, he pushed through the unpleasant memories, mainly because the scent of blood was also entwined with the scent of The Typhoon, and that was never a good sign. He couldn't help but wonder exactly how often people were getting hurt around here, considering people like Sam showing up at the border half dead and he and Roxie having to fight off the dire wolf. It wouldn't have surprised him if someone told him that the Typhoon was legitimately cursed, or some shit like that. At least it would be a better explanation than the one that his brain helpfully provided as he ambled over slowly – sometimes shit just happens.

The dark furred bobcat arrived shortly after Octane did, his eyes landing upon Goldie's prone form and the notable lack of a chunk of her ear. He winced at the sight of it, knowing that must've hurt like a bitch. He couldn't imagine someone ripping one of his earrings out. He was soon distracted from the unpleasant mental image by the sons of Octane's voice, slightly raised in pitch and accompanied by the excited flicking of a tail. Michael felt a surge of annoyance in his chest at the nature of Octane's excitement, one of his paws moving up to smack Octane in the back of the head lightly before he grumbled, "You could at least try to pretend that you're actually fuckin' concerned for her, you asshole." After that, he turned his attention instead to Roxie, his practical sister hunched over Goldie as she tried to help her niece out with her injuries, "Rox... is there anythin' I can try and do to help out?" He knew that the answer was probably no, considering he had very little medical experience to his name, but he had to at least try and offer.

[glow=#75603C,1,000]" oh, it's a setup, no, no, we won't fall. "[/glow]

Re: WE'RE PROBABLY GONNA DIE / injured - bubblegum - 03-04-2020

Re: WE'RE PROBABLY GONNA DIE / injured - OCTANE. - 03-11-2020

Oh man, it wasn't even that much blood, but at least it was fucking something. Octane bounced up and down on his heels, claws twitching at the idea of violence, the end of his tail shaking. Oh, maybe he could chase down whatever got her and beat the shit out of it- his head jerked forward as he was smacked. The cheetah's head pulled up, turning to Michael with flattened ears, mouth opened to complain. Listening, his ears flicked back forward and his head tilted to the side. "I'm... supposed to be concerned?" he asked, glancing back to the tiger as she awoke. Octane padded forward, eyes scanning over the captain. "Hey, welcome back to the land of the living, how was it?"