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way of the strong -- Ascendants memorial - Printable Version

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way of the strong -- Ascendants memorial - Warringkingdoms - 03-02-2020

  /tw: blood in paragraphs 13, 14, 16, 22

  She had unfinished business to attend to.

  She had for a while, really. To think that all of that had happened in September… to think it had been that long since she had seen proof that someone was watching her from the afterlife. Suiteheart, Margaery, all the others… they had to be disappointed in what she’d become.

  And most of the Elysites didn’t even know they existed.

  The breeze rustled the grass beneath her feet, a soft, mournful sound. The moon hung low in the sky, its silver gaze boring into her back. Even having slain its master, she would never escape its eyes. Burdened by tools and books, she marched on, her destination in sight. Starpool gleamed brilliantly under the night’s glare.

  Coming to stand at the edge of the water and gazing up at the tree, she instinctively raised a paw to fiddle with her pendant. If her pendant hung up on those branches, instead of around her neck, would the Ascendants still be here?

  She set her jaw, and set the chisel against the wall.

  Starrynight. Planecrash. Phobeus. Immortalhd.

  Narrowing her eyes, she swung the hammer at the chisel, striking the stone.

  Mementomori. The records lay at her feet, names of those she had never met. Blue. Pixel. If she strained, perhaps a few of them seemed familiar… Sienna. Pioneer 10. The steady beat of hammer on chisel rang through the night. Warboy. Scar. It seemed no one was left to be startled by the noise. Rosepaw. Daunte. Were they still alive elsewhere, or were they watching her now? Colt. Roy. The latter, she remembered, sparks flying back against her face. Riza. Maes. Lucky. What she wouldn’t give to see her old friends again. Kion. Venta. Her breaths came out ragged, the strain on her mind already plain to see. Agilities. Surefour. Steel on steel on stone, again and again and again. Hrisovalantis. Animatedtoons. Were their skeletons buried here? John. Hebi. Was the simple invocation of their name enough to catch their attention? Lup. Amaranth. Of course not. It never was. Kurapika. Noctis. She had outlived them, remembering them was the least she could do. Xion. Raygun. Anything to clean up the destruction of her wake. Mirabella. Remy. Her records wouldn’t bring anyone back, but she had to record anyway. Starjelly.

  Eternalwar. Eternal, she remembered.

  Sonia. Rosegarden. Repeated strikes. Neferpitou. Vincent. What was it worth, just their names removed from context? Brigitte. Blake. Brigitte- the lost one, she recalled. Gordon. Geddy. Had they found better lives, or a violent end? Whitenoise. August. The static still lingered in her brain. Joel. Billiam. An unexpected reunion… now she knew what that was like. Gary. Serket. Resisting the flow of time, name by name… Mavrin. Iva.

  She shivered, despite the heat of the sparks. Eve. Delta. Gale. Connor. If she broke focus for even a moment, she might black out. Onision. Cece. Diya. Jack-kit. She thought she could smell the reapers, see the shadows of claws clenching her limbs tightly. Washington. Carolina. Church. Caboose. The wind kicked up, blowing against her fur. Charlie. Echo. Merihem. Asher. Were… were those voices? Cass. Max. Anzarel. Zjarr. She didn’t dare look, even as she felt their eyes judging her. Marian. Rei. Bubonicplague. Elon.

  Lirim. Jay. The ghost of something not quite animal flickered at the edges of her vision. Atreus. Hazel the raptor. An important distinction… or maybe not. Cass. Thea. ...different Cass? Same Cass? Was she repeating names already? Clove. Tintalle. The edges of her vision were beginning to darken. Nero. Zenyatta. She thought she could taste blood on her upper lip. Harper. Beverly. She couldn’t black out here. Gabriel. Lazarus. Angels, demons, what difference did it make? Deutschland. Feliciano. Whiskey burned on her tongue, though she had consumed none. Anakin. Miamihorror. Pointless, it all was. Versaillespalace. Nansen. Had she forgotten someone already? Texas. Amelia. Captains, agents, none were above the chaos. Crowdcontrol. Myliu.

  She struggled not to drop the tools, even as her eyes gazed down at the pages, struggling to focus in on the names. Droplets of blood splotched against the paper, miraculously missing the names. Gritting her teeth, Rin glared back up at the wall and hammered away at the chisel. Felurian. Hexane. Volkrath. Rosetouch. Alexander. Rene. Gaatkaaras. Owen. Adelaide. Dante. Hearteyes. South. Inu. Prismaticgaze. Parker. Mercy.

  Gods, she was dizzy. Anima. Feliks. Adhara. Vendetta. If she could just stay awake long enough to finish… Padme. Feyre. Brynhild. Danyla. Feyre’s seance, the burning flame, played over and over again in her mind. Cheolmin. Hyoyeon. Bugsy. Bex. Too many, taken before their time. Edelweiss. Junior. Tristezza. Ringo. Ringo… Eternal had called her that, once upon a time. Empyrah. Nakir. Redamancy. Bones. So many, scattered by tragedy. Victor. Kirk. Danny. Sagittario. Kirk’s name was achingly familiar… Ren. Coldsun. Ana. Alistair. The hammer wobbled in her telekinetic grip. She had to focus. Ingram. Vani. Azazel. Watson.

  She was over halfway down the list, and yet there were still so many… she couldn’t forget them. She wasn’t going to give up. Ollie. Wanxi. Valkyr. Agathe. Yes, that was definitely the taste of blood. Maria. Charlotte. Atlas. Edee. She could feel a stinging pain in her shoulders. Clementine. Eleanor. Roslyn. Pandora. She had to forget the pain, this was her one mission. Saeran. Loverboy. Little-Horn. Atticus.

  Digging her claws into the soil to ground herself, she struck the wall again and again, each clash punctuated by a yell. Alisaie. Bryn. Sekai. Meredith. Risus. Valemon. Silus. Titan. Aine. Atbash. Iskalo. Cody. Sandheart. Billie. Adelaine. Miyuki. Her two daughters… did it please them to see her waste away? Coriander. Papercrown. Sybil. Tydeus. Pierce. Ontario. Eimi. Boybright. Darkprince. Susie. Orpheus. Ambroise. Kris. Nanohana. Hawke. Amedeo. Her eyes narrowed to slits, her breath coming out in jagged, rapid bursts. Link. Zelda. Ollie. Frisk. Dorian. Kira. Abraxas. Syndicate. She was so close.

  Suiteheart. Margaery. They had realized she wasn’t worth it. Bastilleprisoner. Hazel. The Ascendants would never forget. Cooper. Lunafreya. Lost parents, children, lovers… Radeken. Imperia. Shininglight. Lessa. Moonmade. Dead before their time.

  No one would forget her failures, least of all her.

  Staggering back and letting the hammer and chisel drop, Rin cast her gaze over the wall. Names… so many names. So many people she’d let down. And this wasn’t even all of them. Her crimes stared her in the face, dared her to acknowledge them.

  Had they expected her to actually do so?

  Trembling, Rin lifted a paw to touch her face. She inhaled shakily, then retracted her paw and gazed at its surface- scarred, stained with blood and tears. Of course it was. Slowly lying down to ease her nausea, she took one end of the scarf and wiped away the moisture from her face. The nosebleed would stop soon enough. The emotions, on the other hand… Nemhain would have something to say about it, for sure.

  As she stared at the wall, the dizziness and pain fading away, Rin felt exhaustion take its place. Curling up into a ball, she shut her eyes and tried not to think about it.

  /word count: 1174
  /so this is... kind of a one-shot, kind of an open
  /you're welcome to respond if you want to, but don't worry about it if not- and if you do reply, don't feel the need to match muse
  /tl;dr: Rin carved most of the Ascendants' names into a cave wall by Starpool, and is now lying semi-conscious by the wall with a nosebleed and a reopened wound in her shoulder

Re: way of the strong -- Ascendants memorial - BASTILLEPAW - 03-04-2020

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Sometimes, life felt circular: he'd find himself drifting across random plains, traversing across foreign territories, and think for a moment — just a moment — that his wanderings from Eden had never ended. The landscapes would blur together, melt and warp, and it was all too easy to think that everything in between then and now had been smoke and mirrors. In his worst moments, he could convince himself that it had been; that there had been no Ascendants, no redemption, no Margaery and Suite and Hazel. That he was waking from a dream so real he'd lost track of himself once more, had disappeared into the void for days.

And then he would turn his head, look away from the endless fields, and see Hazel's flashing eyes or catch an echo of her vanilla-honey-cinnamon scent or feel her reaching for him through the bond, and reality would set in again. Eden was gone, and so were the Ascendants, but it had all happened. And they hadn't left their home behind in smoke and crumbled ruins, this time; they hadn't left alone. They'd left together, found their memories together, were traveling together — and that was the difference from then. That was what set it apart.

Bastille wasn't sure who had suggested that they drift back towards their old home. A whispered notion, exchanged in the middle of the night as they camped outside the shattered remains of Eden. It was cathartic, visiting; why not return to the Starpool, the tree? They had more ghosts to lay to rest, more memories to let go of before they moved on again. It was a joke at first, something to entertain when they grew bored in one place or another, but somehow Bast found himself standing in the once-familiar fields, looking out over flowers and flowers and more flowers.

He hadn't really missed it, personally.

He might argue that there wasn't much to miss, really; he'd taken Hazel and the coven with him, carried Margy and Suite's memories with him, and had few happy memories locked away in the Observatory. Perhaps he should reflect fondly on Hazel's wrath, Rad's pills, or Starry's death? Swaths of weeks that were merely indistinct hazes in his recollection, too muddled by substance to remember? Ungodly stress and swarms of members he half-liked? No, thank you. He was content to let mostly everything about the Ascendants lie.

But still — he was drawn to the Starpool, itching with the silent desire to see the hanging pendants, and he was forced to admit that perhaps there were still those he missed and those he wanted to say goodbye to properly. Just maybe, he hadn't hated everything.

He was surprised to find one of the few things — individuals — that he didn't hate waiting for him beneath the ancient trees, body stooped and nearly foreign with time but her aura still bright and easily identifiable. For a second Bastille just stopped, blinking once (he never could be too sure that Pollie's vision wasn't infecting his own), before he let out a snort of disbelief. Of course it would be Rin here, somehow barring him from being his most destructive self when she had no conceivable right to still be serving such a role.

His gaze flickered, skittering up along her wall of names and names and names, and his head tilted slightly. His own pendant still hung heavily from his necklace, clinking against his French coin as he ambled lazily closer, and he noted with some amusement that Rin had managed to record some names that he knew he should know but didn't. Dedicated, that one. She always had been, hadn't she?

[b]"Why, Rin, I didn't realize you cared so much," he commented idly from behind her, evidently not in the least bit concerned about giving her a proper introduction or much explanation for his presence. It was hard to tell if he was even really there, living or not: he still looked widely the same as always, but there was just something faintly indistinct about him, something timeless. Or, more acutely, deathless. Not quite a ghost, not quite living. Evidently still not possessing much class. "I would have thought you'd have tried to scrub me from your memories. I'm touched, really."

Re: way of the strong -- Ascendants memorial - Warringkingdoms - 03-04-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Occasionally, a small part of her wondered if it really was all a dream.

  Of course, the parts after waking up in the Ascendants, she was certain were real. It was impossible to dream of faces you had never actually seen, she had read while perusing psychology texts for further information about Nemhain. If it were one or two people, she could probably pass it off, but this was an entire clan of creatures; she couldn't possibly have met them all before losing her memories. Everything after that, though... who was to say that the illusions, the impostors, even the gods weren't a concoction of her own mind? Take a few strangers' faces, associate them with facets of an overwhelming guilt complex and other neuroses, shroud it all in a failing memory, and you had a history that couldn't be any less based in reality.

  ...No, things would be easier that way, so it couldn't possibly be true. She couldn't convince herself of such a thorough, out-and-out lie, and even if she could, revising her own history wouldn't help her protect Elysium. The gods would still be there, bearing down on the group regardless of her own perception- in fact, the gods were proof enough that that theory was completely false. Hallucinations were confined to a single person's mind, and she was pretty sure everyone had seen the Ferryman and the Captain.

  Staring at the wall, Rin listened to the striking of stone echoing in her ears, memories flowing out from the cracks. Chamomile, comfrey, juniper, burdock. She didn't fight it. Soft singing. Lavender, staring at walls, repetition. Amputation. Rabbit's leg. Hawks. The names shivered in her vision, as if just thinking of the old medics, her old friends, invoked their very beings. That train of thought made no sense, but she was riding it anyway.

  She heard a snort, behind her.

  Was she being attacked again? She could hear clinking of metal, too loud in her overworked mind. Weapons? Armor? What god still survived that still had a use for either of those? Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to stand, wishing she hadn't spent all of her power. If she was struck down here, then the curse would pass on to Lemy, and-

  The voice interrupted her thoughts. Bast's voice.

  She turned sharply- too sharply, the sudden spiral sending bolts of pain through her head and spine. Despite the sudden jolt, she stared, wide-eyed, taking in the creature before her. Bastilleprisoner, no bloodstains, both eyes intact, clearly not the impostor who had attacked her so many months ago- apparently the genuine article.

  ...did he look older? He seemed almost as though he stood on the border of life and death, comfortable with both, and yet neither of them at the same time. Timeless. Deathless. Real, or a hallucination? Rubbing at her aching forehead with one paw, she blinked, then looked again. He still had his pendant, a pendant that she knew had never been on the tree. If only that helped her narrow it down. all likelihood, he was just a figment of her imagination, but... it wouldn't have been the first time she carried on a conversation with one.

  "If there's one thing I'm good at, it's obsessing over memories," Rin said finally, her voice hoarse. "I'm not exactly in a hurry to lose the ones I still have." She averted her eyes, sensing the familiar stinging once again. "It's the least I can do, after you all took me in."

  Blinking a few times to numb the sensation, she lifted her head and met his gaze again. What else could she say that wasn't self-pitying? "I didn't think anyone would come back" would sound like an accusation. "They said I wasn't worth it" or "I'm so used to being alone" would sound like whining. If Bast was a hallucination it wouldn't matter, but if it was really him... she couldn't burden him with her problems. He'd been burdened enough.

  With a deep breath, she nodded. "I'm sorry," she said simply, her ears swiveling back. "I could have done more... for everyone." What good was an apology now? Like she knew, but someone had to acknowledge it. Someone had to acknowledge that she could have helped all of them cope better with the loss of Starrynight, or stopped the incident that brought them to war with Sunhaven, or even just... stayed, instead of leaving to pursue her past.

  It was easy to regret that, after how it had ended, but even if she had found something worthwhile within those hospital grounds, it would still have been wrong to leave.