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step into the fog // open - Printable Version

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step into the fog // open - Cosmic - 03-02-2020

It may be a good idea to bring supplies to the border as a means of saving time and energy if someone needs something, and that’s why the small feline had gotten to work on building a storage area on one part of the border. He stayed away from the area where he had originally come from, the memories still fresh to him.

Hard at work, he had invited others to join in on building these supply areas, as he would not be able to accomplish this on his own. He would need some help.

Re: step into the fog // open - Warringkingdoms - 03-03-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin vaguely recalled Valerian inviting her to help him with a storage outpost, but the memory of the invitation had faded away over the course of the day- not helped by what she'd been doing that day. Her head still ached from the mental strain of using her powers for an extended period of time, but at least the nausea had gone away, and her shoulder wound had closed again with proper treatment.

  Seeing Valerian surrounded by building supplies at the border, Rin raised a brow and approached the scene. She wasn't sure she felt up to using a hammer today, but there was probably something else she could do- fetch supplies, or hold objects as the others found it necessary. Of course, if she needed to, she could power through and use her telekinesis anyway, but she was hoping it wouldn't come to that.

  "What do you need me to do?" she asked, glancing towards the outer edge of the border. No one was there, but she'd keep an eye on it anyway until Valerian asked her to do something else.

Re: step into the fog // open - nemhain. - 03-06-2020

Nemhain herself wouldn't have much use for the storage on the border, considering the fact that the fenghuang could quite quickly and easily fly over long distances without much fuss. If she needed something, she could just shoot up and.get it. However, she also knew that her fellow Elysites might not have such powers on their side, not to mention the fact that it was always better to have supplies closer rather than farther if someone at the border was say, injured. So, she had decided to support Mercer's little effort by offering her services as a large persona who was capable of many things. She could use her ice powers to help hold things together, use her massive size to help lift things up, or just use her sheer brute force in order to hammer things into place. No matter what he decided to assign to her, she would do it handily, not only to distract her mind from the strange emotions she had been feeling lately, but also in order to help others within Elysium. Swooping in soon after Rin, Nemhain came to a careful landing beside her user, her tail feathers flicking in greeting to the other before she settled, looking Mercer over. Eyeing the several supplies that Valerian had spread out all around him, Nem cleared her throat before speaking as softly as she could manage, "I am also here to help, if you have something that I may assist with."

Re: step into the fog // open - candorosa - 03-07-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Hoo, boy this guy! Real fucking neat of Rin to promote him, Lemy sure was thrilled to find out once he actually went out to learn what he missed. Sure, maybe the guy is legitimately helpful and maybe he is a good pick of a high position but that doesn't mean Lemy can't bitch about it. He doesn't trust him.

Still, he keeps his complaints under lock and key as he bounces over as peppy as he can without aggravating his back or paw. Seems like both Rin and Nemhain beat him in arriving. Oh well. Even he can admit that the idea of an outpost for supplies isn't a bad one. It came as a surprise that Valerian invited him but no matter. He'll help out as well, even if he has to deal with three of his least favorite people in the world in the meantime.

"How big are we makin' in? Are we gonna put a lock on it so hobos don't come 'round and steal our shit?" Lemy asks enthusiastically, blank blue eyes observing Valerian.