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NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS ☆ broken bones lesson - Printable Version

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NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS ☆ broken bones lesson - roan ; - 02-29-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — When Roan had first heard that there was a chance for people to try out to become a sage, the young boy had been... well, curious. He was curious with most things, like most boys his age, but his curiosity this time was special. After all, ever since he had been but a tiny kitten – which really wasn't all that long ago, but felt like it was to him – he had been fascinated by plants and healing. The little buds and the flowers that emerged from them were so beautiful and colorful, and to learn that he could help people with them? Well, it had been a dream come true to the young boy. He'd spent many hours after his birthday party just pestering his aunt Rosemary because of her knowledge on the subject of medicine, and he had learned a decent amount of things, but it had all mostly been just the basics. Obviously that knowledge was useful, and it was fair that was what Rosemary had chosen to show him, but it wouldn't be enough for the type of lesson that Goldie was looking for, and Roan knew it. The boy knew that if he wanted to be an all grown up helpful sage, then he needed to teach about something more interesting, as well as slightly complex. Well, fortunately – or not so fortunately, considering the circumstances – his mother's recent run in with a dire wolf beast had given him an idea. In her effort to protect his future brothers and sisters from attack, she had ended up with her wings broken. While that was definitely upsetting to him, broken bones were the perfect thing for him to do a lesson on!

Of course, Roan hadn't exactly known how you were supposed to deal with broken bones himself, so the young kit had decided to hit the books. It had been difficult, searching around town until he could find a book on the subject he needed and one that he could actually read, but he had managed to do it, and had read through the entire section on broken bones several times just to make sure he was entirely prepared for passing the info on to others. Once that part was done, however, Roan knew there was yet another part he needed to worry about – the supplies. Yeah, he had read through the chapter over and over again, but without any supplies to practice what he had learned practically? His lesson would be awful! So, this had led to yet another frantic search around the territory of the Typhoon, the boy gathering up everything he felt would be necessary as Kal and Brunhild followed frantically after him, practically becoming pack mules for everything before long. It had been a little bit difficult at times to find what he was looking for – bandages and cobwebs were easy, as were sticks, but bindweed and comfrey root? He had been forced to go looking in the damp marshy places of the island for those – but eventually he had everything, and he could practically feel himself jittering with excitement.

With Brunhild and Kal still in tow behind him, the little winged feline threw himself through the sand in his hurry to get back to camp, knowing just where to set up to get a bunch of people to notice him. He nearly fell in his scramble to get up on the large rock he had once leaped and faceplanted from, but his excitement made it so that he didn't even squeak, just dug his small claws in and yanked himself the rest of the way up. He mumbled happy thanks to both Kal and Brunhild as he pulled his supplies from their scales backs, laying it all out around himself before he spoke loudly, his chest puffed up proudly, "Hey! If anybody wants to learn about dealing with broken bones, then they can come over here! I'm hosting a lesson, and it's gonna be super fun and infor... inform... you'll learn a lot!" Perhaps he had messed up his introduction a little bit, but he was sure that cousin Goldie wouldn't take points off for that... or at least he hoped that she didn't.

Re: NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS ☆ broken bones lesson - bubblegum - 03-09-2020

Re: NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS ☆ broken bones lesson - ROXANNE R. - 03-09-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I LOVE YOU, CANNIBAL QUEEN !。+゚.[/glow]
Roxanne was happy to see Roan getting excited about the possibility of becoming a Sage, she didn't think she could ever fit into the position due to her personal problem. So it made her extremely happy if not equally relieved to see that Roan was a bit interested in helping others than doing what any other crewmate would do, he'd still be helping the clan and a part of her was selfish for thinking it but at least, he would be safe. It didn't take long for Roxanne to take a spot near her niece with both of her curved ears perked forward, a proud smile etched onto her maw. She would sit down slowly curling her tail around her belly before nodding slowly in Roan's direction, he would do just fantastic, she was absolutely certain of it. Whatever Roan did in the end, Roxanne would be proud regardless, it was nice seeing him grow and flourish into the young apprentice that he'd be soon enough. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS ☆ broken bones lesson - fulzanin - 03-10-2020

Blits didn't know anything about broken bones. Despite how long he'd lived, he'd never once broken anything. Sure, banging his wings into walls or outright getting shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces had occurred, but not once had a bone been broken. His last body had been very forgiving on that front. Brute crashes and falls were taken with ease. Despite the structure of hollow bones, somehow, Blits had evaded injury. Surprising, in hindsight. He'd never thought of it until now. The Sinornithosaurus came trotting over, orange eyes surveying the set up. They sure didn't have this back home! Sitting down was a little awkward. Blits managed, more so looking like a bird that had awkwardly decided to perch on the earth rather than a branch. This would be interesting to watch, listen to - however it was that lessons went on around here.

TAGS 2/27/20:

Re: NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS ☆ broken bones lesson - raziel - 03-10-2020

Curiously, many of the Ó Faoláin clan took up some medical learning.  Raziel studied the healing arts to combat his younger brothers' reckless behavior in their youth but it was a generally useful skillset to possess, so he kept with it even as Kian and Seamus grew up.

During the war, as he understood it, Kian also began studying how to save his comrades' lives and Séamus... Mastered the art of utilizing poison against his enemies.  A less noble goal, but it came with learning how to combat poison as well.

The sight of Roan taking an interest brought a smile to the wolf's face -- especially as he suspected his nephew fell into the category of learning to save lives, not take them.  Quickly, he found a place among the gathered, offering Roan an encouraging nod and wag of his tail.

Re: NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS ☆ broken bones lesson - roan ; - 03-12-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The sight of many gathering around to listen to him made a little grin come to Roan's muzzle, his tiny but slightly chubby body bouncing with excitement – he hadn't yet shed all of his baby fat, although he was getting there. The majority of those present were members of his family, save for Blits, but that didn't lessen the boy's motivation for the lesson in the slightest. In fact, Roan actually felt extremely pumped up by the presence of his mother, cousin, and uncle, wanting very much to impress his family members with what he had learned. Clapping his paws together happily, the youngling announced proudly, "Alright, I think I can begin now! Be sure to pay attention everybody!" He began to push some of his supplies forward as he spoke, trying to figure out what order he should teach about everything he had.

The bandages and cobwebs seemed to be the most simple explanation, so he decided to start with those, sitting back on his rump and holding a bandage up in one paw, and a cobweb in the other, "So, these are cobwebs and bandages! Both of these... both of these serve the same purpose, really. They help to soak up the blood from an open wound, plus they can help bind a bone up! Bandages are gen... gen... generally cleaner and help prevent infec... infection best! But sometimes bandages can be hard to find, so cobwebs can be used in a pinch. You wanna wrap the bandages or cobwebs over any open wounds, but before that..." The child began to look around himself, spinning around a little before he spotted the comfrey root he had grabbed. Laughing in triumph, he lifted the root up and continued speaking, "First you wanna use this! This is comfrey root, and if you chew it up, you can make it into a pou... poultice! You put the poultice on the open wound or the broken bone, and it'll help it heal! Then you cover it with bandages or cobwebs. That's the first part, but the second part of this is important too." The boy smiled as he moved to grab the last two supplies, pulling them to his chest before lifting them up awkwardly. They were a sturdy stick, and some bindweed.

Once he was sure that everyone had seen the last two supplies, he put them down in front of him, allowing anybody who wanted to come up and look at them. He then continued, looking up and locking his eyes proudly with his mother, "Once any open wounds have been dealt with, you wanna make a cast! You can do this with these two things, a stick and some bind... bindweed! In order to make the cast, you line the stick up with the natural position of the bone, and then you wrap it up in the bindweed and tie it to keep it in place. This'll make it so that the bone will mend itself over time! You might have to change the cast or bandages a couple of times if they get dirty or anything, but id... id... ideally your patient won't be doing too much with a broken bone. So... yeah! That's how you treat a broken bone!" He then looked over the entirety of the crowd, his tail and wings moving erratically behind him in happiness as well as anxiety, "So... does anybody have any extra questions?"

Re: NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS ☆ broken bones lesson - bubblegum - 03-17-2020

Re: NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS ☆ broken bones lesson - roan ; - 03-19-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Roan found himself perking up as someone answered his request for questions – that someone being none other than Goldenluxury. His cousin and the group's captain was the main person he sought to impress with this whole lesson, so he knew that he needed to get these right. Smiling a little sheepishly, the boy stated firmly as he nodded his head, "Ah... yes! Your bones can definitely break in different ways. The most common and "best" way is probably a clean break, since that can just be dealt with in the way I talked about earlier. But there's also comp... compo... compound fractures. That's when a bone breaks in multiple places, so you need to make sure it's set in both! There can also be cases where the bone splits and splinters... in that case you gotta take the bone chips out of the wound before you bandage it. Sometimes that makes it so that a limb can't be saved, but it's better than a wound getting infected because it had bone in it..." Roan grimaced a little at the thought of an infected and splintered bone. He knew he'd have to not be squeamish if he was gonna be a healer, but he was pretty sure anybody would shy away from that.

He then focused on her follow up question, chewing on his lip before he answered, "And... well, if you don't have any comfrey root, you can also use broom, which are these big bushes with little yellow flowers... I don't have any of it right now, but it can also be made into a poultice! If you don't have any of those, you can just clean and bind the broken bone as best you can and apply a poultice later... but that's a worst case scenario, since most medics know where to get that stuff, like how I got the comfrey root!" He puffed his chest out a bit proudly as he finished talking, glancing over at Roxie briefly. He was intrigued to see if his mother was as proud of him as he currently felt.