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show you t(o)night >> meeting 2/28 - Printable Version

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show you t(o)night >> meeting 2/28 - teef - 02-28-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai 'pure' shi 'honest' lynn lingré. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting kydobi, regina & idyllfields. marauder of the pitt. demiromantic gray-asexual.
it was still too cold for the dragon's liking, the kingpin moving through the glowworm cave's waters, long sinuous body warmed by the waters. jaws spreading in a yawn, they pulled themselves from the waters at the mouth of the caves. today, the meeting would be held at the inn, close to home for their children. this was going to be an important day. the children would be receiving their names and introductions publicly, and there would be member welcoming. all the fun stuff. emerging, they called on the air currents to support their body, slipping out and manipulating the air to help them to the top of the hill. today was breaking a bit of tradition, for the children were being introduced here at the inn instead of the cave's sandy bank. tipping their head back, the great dragon let out a deep booming roar, "ALL MEMBERS OF ALITHÍS EVGENIS GATHER AT THE INN FOR A MEETING!", their voice boomed out into the misty morning air.

settling before the inn, the dragon waited for a sufficient amount of bodies to build up before launching into their meeting. "good morning to all. it's about time that Alithís Evgenis has it's first proper meeting, no? this morning, i call upon the children. if you eight would step forward, I name you before your friends and family as Leoku Lingre-Kyrzoba, Laeglin Niazai Lingre, Evarhi Niazai Lingre, Arvin Kǒngbù Mercer Lingre, Veris Kyrzoba Lingre, Kekhai Niazai Lingre, Erian Citali Niazai Lingre and Flos Cimesetli Mercer Lingre. welcome to Alithís Evgenis, little ones! if any whom are gathered here today wish to Tutor one of these children, I call you forward now to promise your Tutorship for when these children turn six months of age."

blind gaze raking the crowd, they smiled, "I would also like to greet every single one of you. Welcome to Malak, Regina, Hope, Eclipse, Elemur, as well as Selthies and Glamier. I hope to see everyone's faces around more, as we begin to set into the swing of spring. I will remind you that we have visits from our neighbors, and we have entered an alliance with The Pitt at least until they can support themselves. they have been given hunting rights upon our land, and may spend some time in our land while they recover. I ask for some of you to step forward, in the hopes of sending ambassadors to the other groups when it comes time for our celebration of the spring equinox and the championships. i also ask of one of you to start a patrol, preferably one of the adults. we have been visited by the Ravens and Crows, invited to a bonfire in their lands. we are also opening our borders to start trade and i invite any of you to accompany me in a first meeting with all of the other groups on trade talk. remember to check out The Board in the cave for weekly tasks or odd jobs! if you have any questions, please come forward. also, all older members, please tell me what paths you believe yourselves fit for." they finish their announcement for the time being, blind blue gaze holding everyone gathered in esteem.

in short //
-- the introduction of [member=1712]LEOKU LINGRE-KYRZOBA[/member] , [member=10687]laeglin[/member] , [member=10690]EVARHI[/member] , [member=5022]ARVIN K. M. L.[/member] , [member=11016]Veris[/member] , [member=11210]KEKHAI ![/member] , [member=10709]Erian[/member]  and [member=10789]Flos[/member]  !! (also asking adults to promise tutorship to a child or two. Eclipse can also be considered a child)
-- welcome to [member=10179]Malak[/member] , [member=10662]Regina[/member] , [member=3408]Hope Alpenglow[/member] , [member=3632]Eclipse[/member] , [member=11564]Elemur[/member] , [member=11427]Glamier.Selthies[/member]
-- alliance w/ The Pitt
-- reminder of R&C's bonfire (link above)
-- announcement of opening of trade & asking for ambassadors
-- reminder to speak to bai regarding paths and which Watch best fits the adult members
-- announcement regarding The Board; the OOC acount of Alithís Evgenis will post a gathering thread for weekly tasks and odd jobs throughout each month. any member may post or take down a weekly task or job, i will be getting this up soon.

Re: show you t(o)night >> meeting 2/28 - Cosmic - 02-28-2020

Their first meeting as a group. And there was a lot of things to process, but she mostly paid attention to the most important parts. She slowly repeated each of the names of her nieces and nephews, all with a warm smile on her face. That was the tradition, or at least from what she remembered at the founding.

I would be more than happy to accompany you to trade meetings, and do what you see me fit to do.” She hadn’t decided a path just yet, but thought that Bai Shi would have a good idea of where to place her or get her started. He knew her best, after all. He definitely needed a fit guard to help him on his outings as well.