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wind burnt homes sighing rays -- open; introduction - Printable Version

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wind burnt homes sighing rays -- open; introduction - trojan g. - 02-28-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"]Ever since she'd been born, Alice hadn't been like her brothers. For one, she was the only girl. For two, she and her oldest sibling were outnumbered when it came to who came after their father and who came after their mother. But she wouldn't let that stop her from making sure people knew she was a parent's girl, through and through. If one would ask who her favorite of the two parents were, she wouldn't be able to pick, she'd probably malfunction trying to think about it, they were both great.

Now was the time where she got to see the outside world, albeit only right outside the house, and only with permission, but see the world she shall! Carefully stepping into the sunlight, the kitten would fluff out her orange fur, eyes squinting as she got used to the sunlight and soon began to move forward, taking a few steps, and looking backwards, and deciding that she had moved far enough from home, so she sat. She'd made it five steps. Five! What a grand number to make.

"Hello! I wanna meet people!" The girl would sniffle out, tucking feet and tail below her.

Three - she was born injured, and would forever be sick.

Re: wind burnt homes sighing rays -- open; introduction - beck. - 02-28-2020

    A thin smile curved half-scarred lips at the sight of Selby's children, or at least two-fifths of them. If the impromptu adoption of the twice-orphaned poltergeist held true even after the sawbone and medic conceived a brood, then that would cast him into the family as the elder brother. A scary thought -- he failed a younger brother once before, blood seeping from his hairline as Beck cradled his still body, sobbing among the ashes of a caravan. No, he had failed that brother twice, the blind lashes of his angered tongue slicing through the angel as he declared his illegitimate hatred for Marco, vowing to cut off his wings and strangle him the instant he glimpsed his face afterward.

    Perhaps this would be his second chance, his atonement for upset cruelty.

    The dark-furred feline approached on Alice's call, noticing yet again just how different he appeared when compared to the litter, his freckled fur the color of mud and filth in contrast to the striped orange of day and black of night, parted by scars while theirs were splashed by a milky white. His smile faltered, only a little, at the realization of his grimy repulsiveness. The ugly duckling, the black sheep, the unwanted -- Beck took a steadying breath. He shouldn't be jealous. He should love Selby and Moth's children as if they were his own siblings.

    "Hi, Alice. And Heath," he greeted softly, quickly tacking on, "Cliff," after remembering prior disapproval of nicknames from the kitten. His scrawny frame settled beside them, yet still a respectful distance from their personal bubbles, and copied his sister's position of tucking paws beneath his shallow chest.

      The poltergeist tried to lessen his ghostly chill, tried to seem less... dead. Confusing them so early with the matters of life and death didn't sit right with him, feebly-beating heart sinking at the thought of their eventual innocence wasting away when the cold and cruel and uncaring world reached them. Not if he could prevent it. Nobody deserved to have their childhood ripped away from them, especially in such fashion as his had been. Offering a closed-mouth smile, mindful of his sharkish teeth, he chirped, "How's it going? Like being outside?" His stub of a tail thudded against the earth, hazel eyes briefly flicking to her warped hindleg before he refocused. "Wanna play a game or something? It'll be fun."

Re: wind burnt homes sighing rays -- open; introduction - wormwood. - 02-28-2020

Warm was the ground beneath Aurum's form as he laid in front of his house, his head resting upon the earth. He had been sunbathing, allowing his new cream and amber form to soak in every bit of sunlight that it desired, when the call of a tiny voice caused him to lift his head. The voice was unfamiliar, and clearly belonged to a child, a fact that caused his heart to speed up in excitement. He knew most everyone within Tanglewood, and certainly made sure to watch over the children, which meant that the voice had to belong to one of his new nieces and nephews. Excitement motivated the angel to push himself up out of his comfortable lazing position, getting to his paws and heading over to where Alice and Heath were, quickly approached by Beck. Under any other circumstances, Aurum might have hesitated at the appearance of the ghost boy, none too keen on watching the other stumble through another awkward interaction filled with misplaced discomfort, but he wouldn't allow even that to prevent him from seeing these kits. They were his family just as much as they were Beck's after all. They could get along for a little while, if only for the sake of them.

Once the proxy grew close, he put a healthy bit of distance between he and Beck before he spoke, a calm and kind smile splitting the line of his muzzle as he looked down at the pair, "Hello there, little ones. Alice and Heathcliff, was it? It's nice to finally meet you... well, truthfully I met you when you were first born, but I doubt you remember me. I'm Aurum. I'm your mother's brother, so I'm your uncle." He hoped it wouldn't be too confusing for the children for him to introduce himself as such, despite his current female form. He doubted it would be, considering the fact that they were probably too young at this point to even really realize the differences between things like the female and male forms of a tigon. They would probably just brush his words off as fact, at least for the moment. Once they were a little older – or perhaps after his own cubs were born – he could always explain it, if they really wished to know. For now, his focus was entirely upon Alice and Heathcliff before him, wondering how exactly the children were like Moth and Selby. Which traits did they inherit from Father and which from Mother? The physical similarities were easy enough to see, but the mental ones? Those would take some time to come forth.

Re: wind burnt homes sighing rays -- open; introduction - Ivan - 02-28-2020

He held nothing but quiet kindness and gentleness in his heart in concern for his youngest sibling and only sister. While he could come off as argumentative (and not even for a good purpose, for that matter) he was very placid when placed next to his sister, or his mother even. Perhaps it was because of the instinctive feeling that she was a girl, and not a boy, which caused him to feel this way. But if it was, Ivan was not entirely aware of it, because he was still too young to properly understand the role of gender, though he could certainly perceive it. In his conscious mind, he thought it was because of her handicap. Ivan had one of his own, he had an extra toe on his left paw, but it could hardly be compared to Alice. It wasn't fair and Ivan fumed over the inequity of life constantly, in his young, still-developing mind.

Ivan slunk forward, a thin blob of black streaking across the ground. His green-blue eyes were transfixed on Beck's form especially. The physics of the poltergeist unnerved him, but it wasn't as if the large, strange form of Aurum was anything better. "Oh. You look very different from our mother." He'd have to get used to this strange world with its strange creatures. "Do you know my name?" Ivan ventured, coming to sit next to his siblings. His large ears pricked at the mention of a game, and he found himself glancing at Heathcliff and Alice because they were there first when it was proposed, and he would follow their lead. If it were up to him alone, he would immediately accept.

Re: wind burnt homes sighing rays -- open; introduction - selby roux ! - 02-29-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]At the sight of a portion of his family gathered at the front of his home, Selby’s heart softened and he was filled with a certain warmth. The pride that came with having a family of his own was simply unmatched, and seeing them all together made him happier than anything else. He came onto the scene, briefly pressing his muzzle into the tops of his children’s heads affectionately, letting them know he was there.

He worried over Alice quite frequently, but as soon as he came face to face with her, his fretting, at least on the surface, quickly faded. She was so lively and outgoing that it was hard to believe that she was sick. Besides, the best thing he could do for her was treat her the same as the rest of the group. To alienate her would be wrong. She could interact normally for the most part. His sons, though lovingly doted upon, generally required far less attention.

At the suggestion of a game, his ears pricked. He immediately thought of Alice’s physical limitations, but dismissed those thoughts. Beck had been nothing but caring and thoughtful towards his siblings. He wouldn’t put Alice, or anyone else, in danger. “You know,” he mused, taking on a gentle but playful tone. “Beck comes up with the best games. If I were you, I’d take him up on the offer.”

Re: wind burnt homes sighing rays -- open; introduction - CAUSTIC. - 03-01-2020

Caustic's relationship with children was strained, at best. Children were normally terrified of him, shakily handing paper to their parents to ask for autographs or ran away entirely. They were stupid and educating them was not Caustic's job in any way. Children were future test subjects, at worse.
He had yet to meet most of the poplulation here, and he didn't want to, either. The scientist was known for being a social recluse, thriving in silence and marveling at his work. The portal maker was continuing to have issues, and Caustic needed to step away from it, at least for a few hours. The wolf stepped outside his home, gas blooming from his mouth with each exhale and soon doubling over in a hacking cough. He was hungry, he needed to eat. Caustic moved, beginning to pad towards the mess hall, green eyes locking on the winged lion first, followed by the array of children that surrounded him. Even the ghost, but caustic would question its existence later.

"Is there something going out here?" He said, lumbering over.

Re: wind burnt homes sighing rays -- open; introduction - suvi. - 03-01-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
Oh the kits.  The kits were out.  A warming sight.  The petite vixen closed her book, mitch-matched hues soft, flickering with a steadily building uncertainty.  She really should let them know who she was at least.

Slowly, the medic rose to her paws, chewing the inside of her cheek as one of her ears grew steadily more transparent, dematerializing then reappearing once again.  Kiira breathed slowly through her nose and smiled gently as she joined the gathering.  Her fur pricked.  This was growing rather crowded fast.  Perhaps she should only say hello.

It was Alice who called this.  Who wanted to know people.  The arctic fox inclined her head.  "H-hey."

"'m Kiira.  I-I work- I work with your parents."

Re: wind burnt homes sighing rays -- open; introduction - RB Graveyard - 03-04-2020

Bleary will, barely still Ocean curl upwards...
...Grandeur at your worth
[div style="margin: auto; background-color: #ffffff; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; padding-right: 6%; padding-left: 6%; padding-bottom: 6%; color: #000;"] A small 'Kuh" nose came from his nose, he couldn't breathe that well still but his lungs were getting better. The 'Kuh' nose was him pushing air through his nose from his throat, after a while it'd became a habit; one that could be easily broken. Quetin, the beautifully marbled orange tabby, stumbled over his brothers and sister and into the feathered cat. The boy glanced at his father; surely he wouldn't let this big cat hurt him. "Hullo!" he murred. Gawking at the big cat he turned around and chased after his father; he wasn't in the mood for a game. Sitting by his father, his half folded ears perked and his eyes alert.

A new face, one that seeped a green smoke. It certainly set him on edge, but there was no reason for him to turn tail and scream; if his mother and father didn't want him here then they'd tell him off. "Fa," he kuffed. Turning his large eyes towards then tom, Quentin licked his two toned nose. "Who are they, fa?" The boy made another 'kuh' sound, all this warm air from their breath was making his nose burn and his ears hot.

Re: wind burnt homes sighing rays -- open; introduction - trojan g. - 03-06-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"]There were so many animals that had shown up in such a short time, it was overwhelming the sickly female, but she'd push through. She had to to prove she could be outside more and not have to be worried about. She was strong, and didn't need to be worried over from her parents. When Heathcliff came over, the female would look towards her brother, offering a small smile to the other before eyes turned to watch the others come forth. She recognized Beck and his cold form, though she didn't mind it. She liked the cold, which helped her like her big brother even more than she already did. Wobbling closer to him, the kitten would lay down close to him, enough where she could feel the chill but not close enough to touch him - she couldn't remember if Beck liked to be touched, and she knew that sometimes she didn't like to be touched. "I could play a game I think?" The little girl would speak, turning head to others as they came.

The big cat was their uncle? She knew she had an uncle - his name was Aurum and Momma talked about him sometimes - but she didn't think he'd be so big but she guessed that made sense with how she talked about him, and how he protects her sometimes. She liked him so far, he had pretty stripes.

Brother, papa, green smoke guy, pretty cat-looking but not cat animal, brother. Her head was spinning, it was so many different animals coming here. Eyes would squint as she thought. "I-it's nice to meet all of y-you." She would muster out, the number of others here causing her to be anxious and begin to stutter. It frustrated her, the stuttering.

Re: wind burnt homes sighing rays -- open; introduction - selby roux ! - 03-12-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Spying a wolf Selby had never seen before exhaling green smoke, the newly made father was quickly put on edge. He took a head count of everyone around, slightly put at ease by the sight of Kiira, whom had become quite familiar to him. “Well, sir, there’s talk of a game,” he says neutrally, not wishing to start something when there was nothing to start.

Quentin made an appearance soon after, and raced to sit near him. The familiar ‘kuh’ of his breathing was concerning, but he supposed it was likely just some asthma he may or may not grow out of. He seemed healthy otherwise, unlike his sister. Selby wrapped a leg around him, pulling his son just a little closer as he considered his question. He didn’t want to discourage him from asking questions, but he thought it might be better to get the kit to introduce himself instead. “I’m not sure, Quentin,” he says quietly, his words for his son’s ears only. “I haven’t met him before. Could you ask his name for me? I’m sure you can handle it.”