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bad ritual ─ return - Printable Version

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bad ritual ─ return - isaac. - 02-26-2020

    The aftermath of a brisk surgery stained his front crimson, dark feathers hardly distinct against it. He stepped into the light outside the abandoned hovel he previously idled in, dormant and waiting for a command since he arrived in the swamp as a summoned flurry of wings and disease. Too early of summoning to be planned beyond necessity, too brash of a decision when the group harboring the Vessel dwindled in trained healers. The others did not arrive with him, stranding the tool soon replaced by native volunteers.

    Yet he lingered. He could not return to the depths of purgatory unless the temporary form he operated took enough damage to effectively kill it. Nor could he turn to the fellow pawns beneath Belus' control, unable to contact either of them through the veil. Ergo, the lone doctor cursed his luck and cleared a shack far from the town's populace, settling himself to privately work on his research, transcribing countless notes to clean journals simply to occupy his thoughts while he bitterly waited for the next command.

    Months passed. The voice of Belus refused to acknowledge him. And as every day vanished in a fiery plunge beneath the horizon of the unfamiliar realm, growling hunger and miserable thirst and demanding fatigue overtook his body -- his living body. His best explanation for the phenomenon consisted of, in summary, the longer he dawdled around mortals, the more he adopted their traits. Or rather, the more he seemed to revive. Much to his dismay, however, his blood remained a corrosive, tar-like black.

    But then the voice summoned him once again, an urgency to its hissed words. Save her, save her, it pleaded incessantly, a constant tap-tap-tapping against his cranium. Save her! Now! 'Her' was shortly revealed to be an odd combination of doe and feline, with one haunch bloodied, thankfully bound by a gauze tourniquet and severed from a brutalized leg bundled in cloth.

    The owl neglected to wince or hesitate upon glimpsing her condition; much worse had been witnessed before, after all. He had merely clicked his tongue and gathered his supplies, bowed over the sedated female for the next couple hours, cautiously threading artery and tendon and even joint back into one patchwork piece. From there, he cut the makeshift tourniquet, bandaged the external sutures, and allowed his collected legion of leeches to latch onto her ankle and hindpaw, drawing blood flow to the restored limb. An effective artificial vein to kickstart circulation back to its natural current.

    His back ached from the lengthy operation, muscles strained from stitching another's. The owl rolled his shoulders, fringed wings spreading to their full width before tucking at his sides. Pestilence -- better known as Isaac -- glanced back to the dim room serving as his home, glazed eyes passing over the unconscious doecat's form. He didn't expect her to stay long, given her unfamiliar surroundings. He would have to move her before the sedation ebbed from her system then. But first, he needed to rid himself of her blood spattering his chest and wings.

    A hollow sigh slipped from his nares. He took to the overgrown trail, his understanding of true flight lacking despite his short glides from low perch to perch. A brook cut through the woodland near the town, serving as a basin to many. Today, it would be his. The owl deposited his overcoat and hat on the bank, his traditional mask long since discarded in favor of baring his face to his nonexistent company. Funnily enough, a natural mask of white stark against ebony feathers lay behind the cloth beak he previously donned, divided diagonally by a deep slash with two pallid blue eyes on either side. A clawed wingtip traced the scar as he glared into his rippling reflection, features wrinkling in disgust. Ruffling his feathers, Isaac waded into the shallow creek, half-dried blood rinsed away as he preened. Stubborn clots clung to feathers in clumps, requiring his extra attention to wash.

    He supposed it was rather unusual for a bird as large as himself to be splashing about in a stream, even more so considering few even managed to glimpse him in the weeks prior. And yet he couldn't find it in him to care.

Re: bad ritual ─ return - wormwood. - 02-28-2020

Never had Aurum thought very much about Isaac. After all, the grim doctor had only been around briefly at the same time as the angel, and it wasn't exactly as if they had ever really actually met face to face. All information was secondhand, and there were times that the male had honestly thought he was being punked at the mention of anybody named Isaac. That wasn't to say that Aurum had anything against Isaac, really. The other hadn't really done anything to piss him off or mess with any of his friends or family, so why would he be angry? Why would he even think about the horseman for more than a moment?

The aftermath of what had happened to Sam had been... frightening. Even now, Aurum still wasn't entirely sure of the circumstances surrounding what had happened. One minute he had just been out for a walk, and the next minute he had heard frantic screaming, and his paws had been carrying him to the scene before his brain could truly catch up. He had seen the strange, supposedly feral monster that had done the damage to Sam, but he couldn't understand why it had done it. If it was feral, was it just hungry? If hadn't looked underfed. And it had been clear this wasn't the first time it had gotten in trouble, considering the myriad of scars that covered its body and the remains of weapons sunk deep into its flesh. Aurum had tried his best to assist after the incident, shoving the already in pain creature away and attempting to give Sam room, but ultimately he had been somewhat useless. He wasn't a medic, and there was no need to fight the creature anymore, so he had been forced to just watch, and wait. Eventually he had been shooed away, told to deal with the creature and everything else he needed to do with the day, needing to just put his faith in Beck and the other's that Sam was going to be okay. He had no idea what the plan had been, and certainly hadn't known that it involved Isaac, of all people.

It had been hours since the whole event had happened, and the proxy felt no less worried about Sam than he had been before. Perhaps he was a little more relaxed, but only as a matter of necessity, considering he wouldn't have been able to get anything done if he was just wandering around, jittery from anxiety. He wasn't sure what exactly had guided him towards the brook that day – perhaps he just thought that some fishing or a good bath would allow him to settle somewhat – but his large golden paws had led him there, and that was where he came upon Isaac. He blinked in bewilderment at the large bird for a moment, both because of the blood washing away from his feathered form and also just because of his mere presence. After all, it wasn't as if every day you came upon a large bird bathing himself of blood in the brook. It was a bit of an unnerving sight, to say the least, but at least this particular bird smelled of Tanglewood, and wasn't just some loner or Pittian. Lingering near the edge of the brook, Aurum sat down, allowing the tips of his paws to press up against the water lapping a the shore. Before long, he cleared his throat to announce his presence, head cocking to one side, "You... hello. You smell like Tanglewood, so you can't be that new... are you alright? Is that blood... yours?" He had little idea of Isaac's blood being a dark, tar like substance, so he just assumed the other bled red as well.

Re: bad ritual ─ return - isaac. - 02-28-2020

    His head twisted around at the steps of a heavy-footed creature lumbering over, heard by the owl even from a respectable distance away. Paled eyes narrowed upon seeing the hybrid cat, unblinking and frigid with annoyance. "Don't you know it's rude to intrude upon someone while bathing? Or were you dropped on your head as a child?" he snapped, vulnerability ruffling his soaked feathers. Scoffing at the voyeur relaxed on the bank, Isaac swiftly dunked his head beneath the brook, wings wiping away excess water when he resurfaced. Even while wetted, the devilish tufts spiking his head remained standing, springing up again after he fussily smoothed the feathers down.

    The doctor looked back to Aurum, a sharp tsk escaping his beak. "No," he simply answered. Wading back ashore, the owl shook droplets from his wings before folding them to his sides. Now blood-free, he reached for his hat, resting it atop his head before turning to the hybrid once again. "From a surgery. Leg reattachment," he clarified, not particularly eager to be assumed guilty of murder right after stepping out into the public eye. Gathering his overcoat from where he folded it upon the bank and slinging it over a wing, Isaac scanned the proxy; he supposed his isolation worked, considering the other wasn't even sure if he belonged within the swamp's borders. Another irritated sigh. "Yes, I do, in fact, live here. And it would do you some good to mind your own business," he chided, talons cutting into the mud as he lingered. But no, everyone always nosed into another's life, always wanted to know, always interrupted. Undoubtedly, this pompous feline was no different.

Re: bad ritual ─ return - selby roux ! - 02-29-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby, wandering further upstream from the bathing Isaac, was able to hear all of the exchange with Aurum. He came closer, curious as to what the proxy had said that had prompted such a vitriolic response. He watched for a single moment, calculating his interference, before he stepped into sight and made his presence known.

“It’s not a private stream, you know,” the sawbone begins, not harshly. “And you’re bloody. Anyone would have been concerned. You ought to cut him a little slack. It’s a strange circumstance, when you look at it from his perspective. No need to be hostile.” Truthfully speaking, Selby did not see what the problem was in Aurum approaching him. Did Isaac think he was owed privacy in public? The thought seemed ridiculous.

Despite his reprimands, Selby’s curiosity was piqued at the mention of surgery. “Did you say leg reattachment? How did you learn to do that? Could you teach me?” The questions tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop them, and he paused, embarrassed by his forwardness. “I’m the sawbone. Or, uh, head medic. I don’t know anything about surgery. If I could learn.. well, that would be amazing.” His satisfaction with his work had degraded significantly since Pastel’s death, due in large part to his inability to process her murder because of his work schedule. But if he could learn a new skill, maybe he could become happier with his role within the swamp society.

Re: bad ritual ─ return - wormwood. - 03-02-2020

This was far from the first time that Aurum had been greeted by hostility from someone else, both within Tanglewood and outside of his home group. Hell, he very much doubted that it would be the last either. However, it was the first time he had been told off by someone whom he had never met, who was bathing in a public area and pissed off that anyone else even dared to come close. Aurum felt his ears pin down flat against his skull as he heard Isaac's words, intent on returning the avian's vitriol twofold – he was not really in the mood to entertain his usual warm and merciful nature – but then Selby approached. The sawbone was, as almost always, just as calm and collected as usual, no doubt in a much better mood now that his girlfriend was home safe and sound once again. His tone put the proxy at ease within only a few moments, and he took a deep breath inwards before he spoke, his tail flicking with the last of his faint irritation behind him, "As Selby said, this is a public brook. If you wanted a nice private bath on your own, you could've taken some water back to your home. However, seeing as you were bathing in a public place and were splattered with someone's blood, it very much was my own business as the proxy of Tanglewood to see what was going on." His words didn't lack his usual warm and friendly tone, but they were much more stern than they usually were, put on edge by the aggression that had been demonstrated towards him.

Shifting his paws back away from the edge of the water, the angel then said gruffly as he eyed Selby, before his cold blue gave darted back over to Isaac, "Seeing as I now know what's going on, I'm glad to hear that the blood isn't yours... but it was well within my rights to ask." He watched as the remnants of the blood slowly drifted down the brook's length, giving the water an unpleasant pink color. He got up to his paws as he did so, intent on moving away and allowing Selby and Isaac to talk amongst themselves. Normally he would've been eager to introduce himself to anyone within Tanglewood he didn't already know, but Isaac had hardly made a great first impression.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #722227; font-size: 24px;"][color=#c16f78]— AURUM

Re: bad ritual ─ return - CAUSTIC. - 03-10-2020

Caustic was rarely seen outside the camp, or his own home, for that matter. His work was far more important than anything Tanglewood had to offer him... but a house and actual bed was a lovely bonus. He complied to Tanglewood's rules because he was obligated to.
He had never done surgery before. It wasn't his field, and while Caustic was sure his parents would have been overjoyed at their son being a rich doctor, chemistry was far more inciting in every way. Compounds delicately stitched together led to the most beautiful of demises, bodies falling one by one as gas filled their lungs and corroded their insides. Magnificent, truly.
They always seemed to be in groups by the time Caustic stumbled upon anyone, and it was rather annoying. It was evidence he was already slowing down. Listening and spacial awareness was critical to survive in the Games, and the wolf's hearing should be better than his own. He was just making mistakes and now he may have to conduct in social interaction.
A mutated rabbit, occasionally twitching and still breathing, hung loosely from his teeth. The wolf's thoughts in the back of his mind dared him to clamp down, let the blood fill his mouth and break its fragile bones- he took in a breath, a puff of gas exhausting from him. A regain of control.
His eyes scanned over the group, recognizing Aurum, the lion from the border. but not the others. Caustic's gaze goes to the owl first, then to the clothing set aside and the blood washing away into the river. The wolf's tail wagged for a mere moment. 
He listened into their conversation, ears perking forward at the discussion of medical practices and tail resuming its wag. How did the owl perform such an act? What tools did he have? It couldn't be any sort of advanced but at least it was interesting. Caustic revealed himself from the shrubbery, stepping into the open with heavy paws, rabbit loose and gas wafting into the air. The wolf set his future test subject between his paws, attempting to formulate a greeting. Caustic had his own Ph.D, a hill he preferred to die on. While the creatures here could never reach a technological understanding of his own, or reach the plateau Caustic observed the world from, perhaps he could entertain a few moments with other individuals of merit.
"If I may interrupt, you said you performed a leg reattachment? What did you use?"