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GUARDIAN INFERNO | private - Printable Version

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GUARDIAN INFERNO | private - COSMIIX - 03-16-2018

Clans. It left Amunet some time to ponder over these type of civilizations and well, the one that they currently inhabited was a swamp area. It was unique although, she was certain that she wasn't going to stay here for too long before deciding to leave this place, she knew that she couldn't trust some runt of a ghost to lead all of them. Hell, she and Vlad were quite older looking than Beck that was certain though he was a ghost and they were not. She pushed aside these unimportant thoughts of hers that decided to dangle in her mind like chandeliers before searching around for what she was truly here for; mutants. Her mismatched gaze surveyed the area carefully trying to scope out any signs of wildlife but, she was well aware of possible alligators being in the swamp waters themselves and the thought made chills go down her spine. She had seen several times how so animals leapt out of the water for their prey, lock on and drag them into the depths to drown them, and finally twisting until meat was able to be consumed. They were powerful beasts, she absolutely admired them. What wasn't there to like about such a beast? The jaguaress began to think about Vladimir and how they had met before arriving to Tanglewood, she recalled how he had quite the injuries and she could have left him for dead yet she had imagined herself in his situation thus making her a bit of his caretaker. She didn't mind taking care of him at all seeing as he provided enough company to satisfy her even if she already seemed to have Moses, Cleopatra, and Caesar. It was always nice to have someone your own height to talk to and Vlad was fun to talk to, in her opinion anyways, and he had a heavy Russian accent that would send chills down anyone's spine. It was endearing to her in a way and she had an accent of her own although, it was much more difficult to detect since she spoke so rapidly when she wanted to get things completed.

She sighed quietly unsure if Vlad stayed put or was making an attempt to explore and follow her, she wasn't certain but she stopped seeing something up ahead that immediately caught her attention. It was a type of toad although, it had another feature and she realized that they were like porcupine quills. She trotted over in a careful manner before using a quick movement of her tail to slap the amphibian off balance and onto it's back examining it as it squirmed "Quite an interesting specimen." She muttered to herself reaching into her cloak pulling out what appeared to be a vial and a needle, she was going to take a sample of blood from it yet she wasn't fully aware of what it was capable of so she proceeded with caution. She pierced its skin briefly hearing it let out a shrill scream and held the vial under where she had promptly stabbed it, she would use her tail to push it upright only to look at the blood she had collected. It had a pungent smell and it was an odd color, it wasn't the usually red but green mixed with some blues. "Strange indeed," She finally said aloud using a small plug to close up the vial and use a bit of paper to write down what it was "Toad with quills," Something else escaped her mouth though it was foreign and barely audible to the faint ear, she set it in with the rest of her vials that were filled with different types of samples; blood, mucus, and so on. She glanced over in the direction of the murky waters before sighing quietly "One day, I'll take a sample from you." She could make out the shadowy shape of a large creature and saw it blink at her, it made her shudder but she was determined. She started trotting back to her designated den which was at the farthest end of the swamp. She resided within a large tree with twisted branches, she just hoped Vlad was there as she held a pair of rabbits in her jaws. She set them down at the entrance only to say in a cheeky tone "Honey, I'm home."


Re: GUARDIAN INFERNO | private - vvintersoldier - 03-16-2018

Vladimir decided to wait in camp when Amunet went out to look for mutants. The cougar was not familiar with the marshland territory at all, and his blindness was not helping. He lived a life in complete, utter darkness, and had to rely on his surroundings to make do. Usually with time he'd get used to a territory, memorize it in different ways- such as scents and sounds. He would love to explore the territory, get familiar with it and all, but he can't do it alone. This marshland, it's nothing like the cougar has lived in the past. He has managed to live by himself in the past, but as of recent he has probably proven that's no longer the case. A marshland was nothing like a plain field, there were large predators lurking in waters, just waiting for prey to stumble across them. If Vladimir surely went out there right now to go after Amunet, who knows if he'd make it out in one piece. Speaking of Amunet, without a doubt she has surely made his life here easier. He appreciated her help, he didn't even ask her when he met her- she just self proclaimed herself as his caretaker basically. Apparently he had some wounds that were going south that could have turned fatal. She totally could have left him there, leaving him behind to fend for himself, but she didn't. She already had company, Moses, Cleopatra, and Caesar- she probably didn't have to help him with them, but she did it anyways. At times he felt like a burden to her, as there are so many things he can't do, but she doesn't seem to mind it. Maybe it was nice to talk to someone of the same language, even if he can't see. He can't see how magnetically beautiful Amunet is, her unique fur pattern, and he can't see her cloak either. He knows she is around the same size as he is, which all that matter to him he guesses.

With the loss of his sight, came his heightened hearing. Ever since the tom lost his ability to see, he has a far better sense of hearing- a thing that usually happens when a sense is lost. His heightened hearing isn't like super enhanced, but it's been pretty useful ever since he has been living in this dark, unpredictable world. The male was sitting down on the ground, ears pricked up as he listened to the world around him. He could hear voices of clanmates talking, people laughing, and even a faint shrill scream out in the distance. It almost caused the male to cringe at it, thankfully he couldn't hear it entirely, as it wasn't in camp. Unlike his comrades, Vladimir was more reserved, polite and a gentleman. He didn't feel comfortable with harming or killing others. Vladimir probably stood out as the odd ball here, his blindness helping with that. People would probably wonder why someone like himself would be in Tanglewood, but ever since he met Amunet, he stuck by her side, almost like glue.

Vladimir was under the tree Amunet called her den, ears pricked up as usual. As he sat under the tree, he could pick up the sounds of pawsteps, pawsteps that he has grown familiar to- Amunet. Vladimir can pick out her pawsteps out of anyone, it was quite easy to recognize hers. And her scent came shortly afterwards, as well as the scent of two dead rabbits. "Honey, I am home!" He heard her cheeky tone, looking over to where he believed she was. "Velkome back, Amunet." He said as his nose scrunched as he smelled the appetizing, fresh rabbits on the ground. "Did you find something interrresting in terrritorrry? It cerrrtainly sounded like it."

Re: GUARDIAN INFERNO | private - COSMIIX - 03-16-2018

He had definitely been in quite the condition that would have made him not last any longer, the thought made her feel a bit glad that she had decided to help him back then or else she wouldn't have anyone else aside from her small companions. The jaguaress' whiskers twitched in a moment of recollection remembering how much the two had spent time together and how she often just messed around with Vladimir though she blamed herself for that bit since she hadn't been in the company of someone else in a long time. A soft sigh escaped her lips faintly remembering her small cub, it made her wonder if once said cub had achieved anything great or grew to be as strong as their father. That had been so long ago yet she yearned for the feeling once again being able to care for something so familiar and precious to her though, she was certain that it would be a long time before she ever decided to love anyone like she had loved Gildedthrone yet after the small affair, she had realized that she had bestowed most of her undying love to her child. Her only child. She knew that beauty or any form of ethereal possession had it's issues and hers just so happened to be the production of children, she was lucky to even have a cub her first time. That was aside the point, she knew that most usually got flustered whenever they said her halved appearance and well, she loved teasing Vlad most of the time so using her looks to fluster him was difficult since he couldn't see her to begin with. Despite her seeming like she had ill intentions towards others that wasn't the case, if it had been then Vlad wouldn't be laying there with a scrunched up nose and having to deal with her. She wasn't the kindest when she meets someone for the first time though she kept telling herself it was to assess the "waters" with that individual that decided to interact with her, she was much kinder when she trusted the person. She trusted Vlad and she never doubted his capabilities despite his impairment that made him stay close to her like glue which she actually liked since that spared her the trouble of having to actually worry about the mountain lion. Removing herself from her own thoughts, the ethereal being picked up both rabbits taking a spot next to Vlad and nudging his rabbit over to him with a nudge of a dainty paw.

It was nice being able to join some place with not just herself, she could already imagine how everyone would be infuriating to put up with had it not been for Vlad being here with her even if he appeared odd in such an environment or let alone a clan as this. At his question, the jaguaress glanced over at him with her mismatched eyes lighting up a bit since she considerably loved talking about her intriguing finds to Vladimir "Well, I didn't find all that much sadly. I encountered a toad," She paused for a moment thinking over on how to describe the creature to try and give the cougar a visual in his mind "Quite the interesting specimen. It had quills on its back and a few on its legs, it was a dark green with streaks of black, and a pair of amber eyes. It wasn't as mutated as I hoped but, I did collect a bit of its blood which has quite the strong smell. Not very pleasant," She would've pulled out the vial and removed the cork but, she decided against it since they were about to eat. She began to pluck out some of the rabbits fur exposing soft flesh though she didn't take a bite just yet as foreign words began to escape her mouth speaking in her tongue, it sounded much like a form of prayer or a 'thank you' for the meal. She eventually closed both her eyes for a moment only to speak in a language that both she and Vladimir understood "What do you think of the place so far?" Well, he couldn't smell it but she was sure that he thought something about the place, she took a bite out of her rabbit waiting patiently for a response.