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[glow=white,1,400]SHE ASKED ME, 'SON, WHEN I GROW OLD. WILL YOU BUY ME A HOUSE OF GOLD' ?。+゚.[/glow]
The boy walked around the halls with a few permanent markers in his hand, he had gotten quite a few people to sign his cast and he was pretty proud of himself. How had he broke his arm? A skateboard stunt he had tried to pull off had gone terribly wrong, Theodore was taken to the hospital to get his arm checked out and well, his father scolded him all the way home about how he shouldn't try doing those tricks that he saw on YouTube. Of course, Theodore said he wouldn't though that didn't mean he had to stop watching the videos, they were his favorite aside from all the cute cat videos that took over most of his watch history when it wasn't the skateboard stunts. He was already making his way to his locker, he normally didn't bother locking it since he didn't have much things of value for people to steal. He would grab his textbook for history and math now holding the markers in his teeth though once he had a grip on the books, the markers were in his hands once more. Theo would glance around wondering where his friends were at, they normally walked together to class.

"Did they go to class already? Wow," He said outloud feeling betrayed with a bit of amusement, he sighed quietly tugging onto the straps of his backpack. He was already making his way over to his first class and well, he was sure his friends would pop up eventually. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: DANCING QUEEN / HIGHSCHOOL AU - aine. - 02-27-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Despite arriving at an early hour she considered ungodly, the girl often tripped over her feet attempting to reach her first class.  Her own fault, really.  Her father offered her the option to bus so she could sleep in more but she adamantly refused, opting to arrive the same time as he did -- an extra book or two (or three) in hand to stave her through the wait.

Despite arriving at exactly the same time of her first class' teacher, Aine always stepped in barely before the bell.  She kept bringing her books to her locker, only to sit down and start reading without regard to the time.  An inevitable course of events that always led to her, head down, hiding a sheepish smile as she found her seat, avoiding the bemused eyes of her father.

Today, she was attempting her typical walk-through-the-crowded-hallway-with-her-nose-buried-a-book routine.  Her backpack, which matched Hufflepuff Quidditch captain jacket, bounced heavily.  No doubt carrying more books than actual class-required supplies.  The book currently captivating her attention was none other than The Golden Compass, which everyone knew she had read plenty of times before.

While Aine walked with decent speed despite her shorter legs, and even with her head down, she lost track of exactly where people went sometimes.  Consequently, her service dog, Libellule had to stop her before she ran directly into Theodore, preventing a complete collision.

"So-sor- Oh. Theo, what did you do to your arm?" Well.  Actually.  Aine felt pretty certain she knew what probably happened to his arm.  She just didn't want to assume.

Re: DANCING QUEEN / HIGHSCHOOL AU - teef - 02-28-2020


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Bound down with his own books relating to sciences and history, Laeglin came soon after Aine, his eyes lighting up as he saw Theodore and Aine, his blue-green eyes glowing with delight. "Oi! What in the endless hells did you do to your arm, Leo-Theo!?", it was self explanatory really, considering the teen's love for skateboard stunts. "Were you flirting with someone?", he teased as he came over, balancing his stack of text books.

Smiling at Aine's canine companion, he mocked a slight bow, his usual way of saying hello, meant in kind spirit, "Hello Libellule and Aine, a good morning to you and you." he grinned, pushing his glasses back into place with his shoulder although they remained crooked. There were smudges of dirt on his face, suggestive of a mad bicycle ride to get to school that morning. Or a hectic walk through the school's gates. Up to the others to decide. "Did you catch the stunt on camera?", he asked, excitement in his tone. How he wished he could do things like Theodore did them, wishing he could walk as calmly as Aine did. His siblings though ... they proved to be more of a pain than he would dare admit. Not that it would affect his coolness, right? Haha ... Hells he was just happy to make it to school on time, without anyone deciding to trip him.

Re: DANCING QUEEN / HIGHSCHOOL AU - gael - 03-23-2020

Following the early drive to the high school and preparing for the lectures and activities of the day, the man had taken to standing outside the door of his Art History class -- greeting his students as they walked in and shaking his head in mild exasperation every time he spotted Aine lagging behind due to cramming her nose in a book. 

Not that he disapproved of her reading habits; she inherited them from him after all.

However, he still failed to understand her insistence on heading to her locker only to begin reading so intently she loses track of time.  While he dotted on her, he could hardly exhibit favoritism by ignoring any potential tardies -- her luck with racing in just in time wouldn't last forever.

Time was ticking, but at last she was headed over, book in tow as always.  He sighed, shaking his head once again and found himself blinking when Libellule saved the day from a potential collision.  Jesus.  "Aine," he chided lightheartedly, "you really shouldn't walk-and-read, a leanbh."

Swiftly, his hazel eyes moved, brows raising in mild curiosity over Theodore's cast.  Skateboard, probably.  "Your arm healing well, Theodore?"
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / penned by lamby