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gloom boys ,, joining - mirage. - 02-26-2020

[size=10pt]"Okay, this is getting rid-ridic-redi... really dumb!" Elliott complains to no one in particular as he gets to the top of the small incline only to find more, larger hills he has to climb. "Whose genius idea was this?"

Oh, right. It was his. There was no one else there suggesting where they should go, or what they should do because he was on his own. Once again. The maned wolf sighs, dramatic and heavy. "Well, don't get your tail in a knot. We're almost there." 'There' being Elysium's territory.

And he needs to pull it together before he tries to introduce himself to these fine people. His paws stop for a moment as he takes a deep breath and smiles, "Come on. We're good-looking, funny... good-looking. They're gonna love us!"

He keeps moving, head held a little higher now. Then promptly trips over himself. He stumbles, but is quick to catch himself. All part of the plan, of course. "Woah, off to a bit of a... rocky start." He laughs at himself now.

Re: gloom boys ,, joining - nemhain. - 02-26-2020

It wasn't often that Nemhain came upon a joiner talking to themselves. Well, that wasn't entirely true. There had been a few encounters in the past where joiners had just been trying to psyche themselves up before they were truly integrated into Elysium, but... this seemed different. It was almost as if Mirage could hold an entire conversation with himself, on his own, just in order to fill the dead air around him. Needless to say, the persona found herself curious about such behavior as she landed nearby, the massive bird shaking a little bit of snow off of her feathers from being higher up in the mountains. She was truly a sight to behold, what with her brightly colored stature and significant height. She practically towered over the maned wolf as she moved closer to Mirage, her head cocking to one side for a moment before she spoke, "Hello there... are you alright? You're on Elysium territory, and stating your name and business would be in your best interest." She had seen him stumbling a little on the snow and rock earlier, and she found herself wondering if perhaps that was related to the whole talking to himself thing. After all, drunkenness or a concussion were very valid possibilities.

Re: gloom boys ,, joining - candorosa - 02-26-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Who the hell was this guy?

Lemy couldn't help the quirk of his brow at the sight of some man rambling into thin air. He had spotted him while out and about in the territory, taking the time to observe him before approaching. Talking to oneself wasn't the weirdest thing around, he supposed, but usually it was just a quick quip and done. Though, he wasn't one to talk, considering his motor mouth.

Best go and talk to the guy anyways. Lemy jogged over to where the mane wolf was, just in time to hear Nemhain ask the important questions. "Wowza, mister! Ya got an imaginary friend or somethin'?" He asked with an excited gasp, leaning in with a bandaged paw to his chin. Despite his casual and joking demeanor, his eyes were blank and his ears were perked. If anything went wrong, hopefully he'd be prepared, unlike the last time with the...incident.

Re: gloom boys ,, joining - mirage. - 02-27-2020

[size=10pt]When he thought about who would meet while on this venture, he never thought about a huge brightly coloured bird that made him look up just to talk to her. It's a pleasant surprise, though. In fact, he looks mesmerized."Wo-ah! Wow. Look at you! Y'know, you're probably the prettiest thing I've seen in a while," he says to Nemhain.

He almost forgets he's being asked questions. "Woof, Elysium Territory? Finally! Man, what a journey that took. I mean, you, you're lucky. Great big wings and all. I gotta dirty up these paws and tire myself out getting around!"

Momentarily distracted by Lemy now, the maned wolf turns his attention away from Nemhain. Less amazing than the bird, but he's still glad to see people coming to talk to him. "A who now? Me? No. Though, I did know this one guy..." Suddenly, he remembers he needs to be answering those questions. "Oh, right! Cool coat thingy by the way-"

Elliott turns back to Nemhain, grinning at her. "The name's Mirage. I was hoping I could come up here, cozy up with you lot. I mean, I've got nothing else going on, might as well see what it's all about! What do ya say?"

Re: gloom boys ,, joining - arcy - 02-28-2020

[Image: ddgetj1-c6f37b5c-d839-4744-b520-59fdbfef...19vSR2xhdk]

[div style="float: right;"][Image: unknown.png]
[div style="opacity: 70%;"]897 subscribers

Videogames hasn't been back for long, but even so, the fact that he couldn't actually remember what happened between his disappearance and his reawakening somehow made it easier to jump back into things without a second thought. Which is part of why Videogames found himself drawn to the voices -- of which at least one of them was talking. A lot. Videogames can relate -- well. Okay, he doesn't chatter as much but he still gets it.
"Yeah, no problem!" Videogames chirps as he appears, carefully skirting around the other two as he regards Mirage, his grin bright on his face. He assumes its not a problem, anyways. As far as he was aware, there was effectively an auto-acceptance policy in basically every group. .. Not that Videogames had ever bothered to ask, but anyways. "Nice t'meetcha! I'm Videogames," He chirps, all the while wracking his brain for important information. He's sure he knew this stuff well when he first arrived. Why was it so hard, now? "If you're looking to be a fulltime member I think you'll hafta swear an oath at the next assembly, though," The serval tilts his head thoughtfully. He thinks he missed the one meeting where he'd have been sworn in -- he'd have to do it properly next time one was held.



Re: gloom boys ,, joining - nemhain. - 02-28-2020

Y'know, you're probably the prettiest thing I've seen in a while. The comment was mostly innocent, and left Mirage's mouth in such a way that made Nem know it wasn't anything to be offended by. However, the fenghuang still found herself blinking in surprise, just staring at the newcomer for a moment. She was used to being called a great many things. Huge, intimidating, scary, powerful... but pretty? She wasn't used to that. She probably would've appreciated the comment a bit more had it been from a woman, but she still found herself smiling anyways as she chirped, "Ah... thank you." It was a simple thanks for a simple compliment, and just as quickly as her surprise had come, it was gone, instead replaced with focus on the task at hand. Upon hearing Videogames, she nodded her head along before she added, shifting her large wings, "Videogames is entirely right. You're more than welcome to join, but the path will be required if you'd like to become a full member... it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Mirage. My name is Nemhain." Her greetings were usually this way – quick and to the point. She wasn't a huge fan of dawdling when it came to things like this, since she was sure that Mirage wanted to jump into the territory as soon as possible as well. Being a new member was stressful, needing to pick out a home and acquaint yourself with others, as well as find your particular niche in an ecosystem of others.

Re: gloom boys ,, joining - candorosa - 02-28-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Woah, is this how others feel when he goes on his rambles? He listens as the stranger--Mirage--addresses them, blue eyes observing the man. Lemy blinks when Mirage addresses his cloak, but by the time he opens his mouth, Mirage is already addressing Nemhain again. Hm.

At Videogames' arrival, he tears his eyes off Mirage for a moment to glance at the serval, then returns them to Mirage once Videogames begins speaking. He taps his bandaged paw on the ground in boredom as he listens to Videogames and Nemhain explain the protocol to the newcomer, biting at the inside of his cheek. All of it is so routine, so boring.

Then, his smile widens and he nods enthusiastically as if to agree with the two other Elysites. "Yup, yup! Name's Lemy, nice to meet'cha and all, buuuut! I wanna let ya know that we got a pesky god problem we're dealin' with right now. Some gods keep comin' down and tryin' t'kill our leader, Rinny," he says matter-of-factually as if stating the weather. He barrels on, paw coming up to tap his chin in thought. "Just lettin' ya know to be careful, is all! It'd suck if ya joined just to get obliterated in an attack 'cuz no one told ya, y'know?" He finishes with a sigh, sending 'knowing' glances to both Nemhain and Videogames.

Re: gloom boys ,, joining - Warringkingdoms - 02-29-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Someone else was on the border. Elysium was popular today, it seemed... surprisingly so, considering what had happened less than a week ago.

  Rin approached wordlessly at first, walking up alongside Nemhain and listening to the stranger converse with her. His... possible attempt at flirtation, possible genuine compliment made Rin quirk a brow. From his tone, he sounded surprisingly sincere- he wasn't wrong, Nemhain was quite pretty, but Rin couldn't remember the last time she heard such a comment made in a non-flirtatious manner. Then again, she'd known too many Casanova types in general, so perhaps her experiences had colored her view more than she would have thought.

  Looking him over, she came to the conclusion that he wasn't in immediate need of medical attention. "I'm Rin," she said after a few moments, twitching her ears. Without another word, she walked past Mirage and swept her gaze over the terrain behind him, the voices of Videogames, Nemhain and Lemy fading into the back of her mind. Even hearing her name mentioned didn't break her concentration, her eyes scanning the area for potential threats.

  No one else appeared to be nearby, but she would be watching anyway.

Re: gloom boys ,, joining - mirage. - 03-05-2020

[size=10pt]What a welcoming party, and all for him! Mirage turns to the next person who wanders up and joins their conversation. Although he really wasn't sure what he expected when he came here, this was all a pleasant surprise and the ease of just being accepted. Or at least, being allowed to crash there for the time being. The whole full member business didn't really make too much sense to him, but he just nods along like he does get it.

"That's all I needed to hear! Oh man, this is gonna be fun. Like we're roommates or somethin', huh?"

Now he's getting the names of everyone and he has to keep his mouth shut just a little longer than he likes. The only thing worse than being able to talk to these fine people would be to miss someone's name, and skirt around it for months in hopes that it came up again so he didn't embarrass himself.

"Videogames. Really interesting name. And you have a cape thing, too! Is this a thing? It's not a thing, right? I mean, I'd probably look totally amazing in one, but they're really not my thing. Y'know?"

His eyes are quickly back on the big, bright bird. "Nem- Nemhain? Can I call you N? I'm gonna call you N. If it's okay with you, of course. Exce-excel-ex-eggs... ah, really good name!"

Looking at Lemy again, his eyebrows raise a moment. He isn't sure whether it draws him in or pushes him away more, but it definitely interests him. Ah, maybe their leader being the target wasn't the greatest, but he's sure it's all fine and good. "Well, I'll definitely be on the lookout, Lem! I might just be too pretty to die, I think I'm safe." He finishes that with a wink, shaking his small 'mane'.

And then there was the cat. There's not much said, but Mirage is already ready to launch into another tangent. "Oh, Rin! Like Rinny! You're the leader?" Like he really knows what the means in this context. "Awesome, super cool to meet you, then! I'm Mirage. Maybe you heard it, maybe you didn't. Just in case, there it is again!" He pauses, watching as she continues by him. For a moment, there's a little dip in his smile, but he quickly brings it back when he looks back at the others. "Well, thanks, everyone!"

Re: gloom boys ,, joining - Warringkingdoms - 03-09-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]"Too pretty to die," he thought himself. Maybe that had been an attempt at a joke, maybe that had been sincere. Rin wasn't entirely sure. Either way, he wasn't likely to be targeted by a god's attack- though she'd protect him either way.

  Staring at the forest for a few more moments, she finally nodded. No one else appeared to be coming, and if they all left for the camp now, they'd be safe. "I'll show you to the mountain camp or to the sea town, whichever you'd like to see first," she said, glancing back at him. "Whether you swear in or not, you're welcome to stay as long as you like." As long as he didn't cause trouble, of course, but she didn't foresee him doing so.