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look at me with agony i cannot comprehend - smoking - Printable Version

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look at me with agony i cannot comprehend - smoking - charactercemetary. - 02-25-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
These last few days were hard on the boy. He had his whole life crash down in a matter of seconds, along with his house. Now he was in a different house, with people he wasn't related to - how would his heists even work now being his main concern. Yet, he was still not used to living with people. After Oyaji... died, or whatever the hell happened, faked his death, worked with the mafia looking for Pandora - his mother left to live a life of partying. As a young child, the only time he wasn't alone was when he saw Jii-chan again, but he too went missing. He wanted to make the trek back to Toichi's grave, but knew it wasn't possible.

It wasn't safe enough, and he'd break down at his grave stone. He didn't know what to do. The magician and man he respected - was that a ruse? Someone looking like him to shock him? He didn't know, and uses his paw to ruffle his fur. Damn, he needed a smoke. He only used them in stressful situations. He stood out by the tavern, a cigarette in paw, asking for someone to light it. When an NPC did, he takes a long drag, sighing, sitting on a bench outside.

Re: look at me with agony i cannot comprehend - smoking - wormwood. - 02-26-2020

Aurum had certainly known that Kaito was going through a bit of a rough time at the moment. After all, he had already been fairly close to the boy before everything had happened, and he wasn't sure he had ever seen a look on the feline's face like the one he had after his house was burned down, and Corbeau decided to show up. Despite his own issues that had been plaguing his mind as of late, Aurum hadn't hesitated in telling Kaito that the other could stay with him for as long as he wanted to. After all, Kaito was like a second son to him, and the male had practically been part of the reason he had moved into a larger house, even though he certainly hadn't told Kaito himself that. It seemed as though everything was going alright for now, with Kaito slowly – very slowly – adjusting to his new surroundings, while Aurum attempted to assist him while also dealing with his new body and other worries.

However, that morning when he had come downstairs from his room and had seen no Kaito in sight, he had felt an odd sense of anxiety come over him. He was worried that the other was hurt, or out there somewhere taken by Corbeau or some other random asshole from his past. Not intent on seeing yet another member of his family go missing, even temporarily, Aurum had headed outside, searching around for the thief. When he eventually found him, however, the proxy immediately felt a scowl come to his face. What the hell was Kaito doing? Moving over to where Kaito was sitting, Aurum rumbled gruffly once he was within speaking distance, glaring daggers down at the little cancer stick hanging from Kaito's mouth, "Kaito, what the hell are you doing? Why are you smoking? Don't you know how bad for you that is?" Aurum sounded overwhelmingly like a doting mother, especially with the higher voice thanks to his tigon body.

Re: look at me with agony i cannot comprehend - smoking - beck. - 02-28-2020

    His nose wrinkled in disgust at the scent of burning nicotine -- yet now he couldn't help a pang of mourning to jab him square in the breastbone, twisting in deeper as the smoke drifted far in the chilled weather. Sam... Sam liked to smoke. No, she used to smoke; he gathered all her cigarettes and set them alight months before, forcing her to cold turkey just because he was afraid she would die of cancer. Yet considering they lived in a radioactive swamp, perhaps cancer already invaded all their cells, already in motion to swell in tumorous patches and sap the life from its hosts.

    At least he was dead before he got here.

    The poltergeist stifled a sputtering cough, left lung fragile from the whistling arrowhead centuries ago. He really should stop sleeping under benches. Poking his head out from under the bench Kaito perched upon, Beck wheezed sorely with his speech hijacked by bouts of coughing, "Go- go smo-oke somewhere else, at least! I can't br-breathe!" Frantically shaking his head to clear his airway of the invasive smoke, he scrambled from the snowless space beneath the bench, still hacking and gasping for unneeded air. He glanced back to the culprit, swearing through a rattle before limping away. There was no point in hanging around if all the poltergeist was going to do was pollute his feeble lungs.