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paul revere - joining - Printable Version

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paul revere - joining - Orion - 02-25-2020

He couldn't save him. There was no chance. The agonizing screams of his younger brother succumbed to the flames, causing the male to rush further into the flames. There was nothing though. Not even a sign. As the flames licked at his skin, he let out a choking yell. As the smoke filled his lungs for one last time, Rambeau could feel himself slip away. The cowboy fell to the floor, the blaze anxiously grabbing out for him. It was not long before his body gave out and nothing but pained screams followed. He cried out for his brother, a hand reaching out towards the sky in one last effort to try. His palm eventually fell to the floor, his consciousness leaving his body.

No more mister nice guy.

There was a change. Expecting the pearly gates of Heaven or the depths of Hell, Rambeau's soul was unexpectedly transferred elsewhere. Unbeknownst to him, so had his brother's.

Awakening his nightmare, tears caked the canine's matted fur. With a choked gasp, light blue eyes shot open. His gaze traced the desert's horizon and Rambeau let out a sigh. The somewhat familiar desert seemed serene, but something threw him off. He didn't remember riding here. There was no trace of his horse either, causing him to instinctively raise to his feet.

A surprise was waiting for him. Though he could balance just fine on four feet, he was no longer as tall as he used to be. Quite notably, in fact. 'Well now ain't that strange,' he thought to himself as he rose. The significant height difference made him laugh nervously, but not for long. Blue eyes peered downwards. What laid underneath him was not his legs and handy arms, but in fact four paws. He veered backwards. Rambeau's face scrunched up, disgust flooding his expression. "What the hell is this!?" came his strong southern accent.

The fur upon his body flooded his senses. With every gust of wind, he could feel their small particles sway, quite similarly to his former long hair-do. Yet there was something odd about this. Rambeau couldn't explain the feeling in words, but instead continued on with his disbelief. "I reckon there's a mistake here, now ain't there?"

Someone had to explain this to him and fast.


Re: paul revere - joining - deimos - 02-26-2020

This discovery had been as uncomfortable to Charley as it had been to Rambeau, it seemed. The cowboy turned dog had a hard time adjusting, between eating, walking, cleaning, and well, shittin'. It wasn't unseemly to the former rancher to take a crap in the woods, as they had called it a long time ago, but doing it as a dog was just messy. Weird. Very weird, unnerving almost. But, talking a walk now, as to 'practice', the sharp southern accent caused his ears to perk up and his muzzle to turn in the direction of the noise.

The stumble of a run followed now, his paws beating against the sand and slipping here and there. "Ram!" He called sharply, using one of the pet names. But who he saw, his wide grin dropping, wasn't Rambeau. It was another sheepdog, alike in colors and whatnot, but not.. Ram. Or was it? He spoke again, and Charley's snout dropped a bit, both eyes focusing on the other sheepdog.

"Rambeau, tell m' tha's you. Standin' right there." He asked quietly, the hope that had soared inside of him suddenly bruised and terrified of re-appearing. Was it him? It had to be. No, it couldn't be. And with that, he went back and forth in his mood, ears lowering and tail no longer wagging.


Re: paul revere - joining - Charlot - 02-26-2020

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'yooooo, this dude looks like the other dude who just joined!' The dude really did look like the other dude. They were both pretty similar looking dogs, if not in coat than body. Charlot had indulged in his habit of following people around and had been wandering after Charley, other than the time he had gone to the bathroom because gross, and had once again gone down to the border. Charlot had been a fox for his entire life so he didn't understand the struggles that came with changing bodies like these two had. This dude also had the same accent as the other dude.

"Yo!" Charlot would call as he skid to a stop beside the first new dog. "Who are you? you here to join the clan too? that'd be sick." Char didn't really understand emotional moments.

"speech" 'thoughts'