Beasts of Beyond
THIS OLD TOWN IS RUNNING INDOORS;; open - birthing - Printable Version

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THIS OLD TOWN IS RUNNING INDOORS;; open - birthing - trojan g. - 02-25-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: Times New Roman;font-size:10pt;text-align:justify;"]As days went on, Moth felt herself growing heavier, and unable to walk as far as she would normally. Even if she hadn't been a medic, at this point, she would have just known that the kittens were closer and closer to coming, and so, she stayed in her house, afraid of moving somewhere else in case she suddenly went into labor, so that they would be safe inside of a clean home, unable to get sick from dirt and mud, or from others, and so that she could be close to Selby, in case she felt like something was wrong, and, besides, she was still concussed from her unwelcome trip to the Pitt, and therefore thought it best to stay indoors anyway.

It was early in the morning, and Moth had just woken up, hungry, and had began to walk herself to the kitchen of her home to grab some food she kept in the pantry on occasions like this, when she felt an extra kick to her stomach, pain wracking through her body, and she knew. It was time. But she wasn't ready. "S-Selby!" The medic would call out, in hopes that he could hear her, unknowing if he had stayed in her home last night or if he had gone back to his own, and she'd scramble the best she could, heading to a proper room where they'd be safe and warm when it was over.

When it was all said and done, there were five kittens at her side. The first to be born was an orange tabby male, the next, a sharp black male, small in size and stature, but healthy. The third was a smokey colored tabby male, obvious to those who knew the leader before Leroy as to who's bloodline they came from, for he looked almost alike to the former general. Fourth came another male, speckled grey and black with white toes, small like one of his brothers, through broad shouldered. Fifth and finally came another that looked similar to the first, though white splayed through her body more, and back leg twisted, kinked, around her tail. She wasn't the smallest, though she was small, and she seemed... sickly. If one was to come into the room with her, they would see Moth focusing attention on this kitten as she had already deemed the others healthy.

Re: THIS OLD TOWN IS RUNNING INDOORS;; open - birthing - Atticus Roux - 02-25-2020

Emergence. The beginning.

From the depths of the dark, Atticus arose. Every sense was new to him, yet genetically predestined. As the kitten floated to the floor with a squeak, the new sounds of his siblings filled his ears. Unknown forces pulled him forward, blindly navigating him towards his mother's side. A mewl of protest rang out from the small grey tabby. Every push and shove of his kin alike caused him pre-destined frustration. The newborn kitten managed to eventually dig himself into a corner on his mother's stomach. He yearned for her attention.

Tiny paws would bring themselves up onto her chest, searching around for any source of nutrient. With every rustle of Moth's heavy breathing, Atticus would lose his balance and restart over again. Eventually, the tabby found himself latching on. Soon enough, he was suckling away. His almost non-existent muscles upon his body relaxed. Large pointed ears, similar to his grandfather's, pinned to the back of his striped head. The moment was serene.

Something was not right though. Atticus knew nothing of the troubles that his mother and father were about to face. All he cared about was the present.

Re: THIS OLD TOWN IS RUNNING INDOORS;; open - birthing - Ivan - 02-25-2020

The womb is the safest place to be and the kit had known nothing but bliss. He existed in a world untainted by sin and the curse of real life. He didn't ask to be born, not many do. This kitten entered the world silently, but his silence must not be taken for acceptance. In fact, he was quite upset with this turn of events. It was cold, it was bright, and it was big. Whoever orchestrated his conception and birth, whatever godly hand or creator, would surely pay. He had felt pain before, but this was a greater pain. He was born for suffering. His tiny stature didn't make anything better. He might just be one of the smallest.

The black kitten moved weakly, shoving out with his paws, he might hit one or two of his siblings in the face. Not exactly on purpose, but he didn't really have the mental capabilities to really feel any animosity for anyone but himself, because he was only aware of his own existence. For all he knew, his siblings could very well be nothing. The second born finally took his place to nurse and, irritatingly enough, fell asleep during nursing. Could he be blamed? Being born was a truly horrific experience, even if it felt like he had done this before.

Re: THIS OLD TOWN IS RUNNING INDOORS;; open - birthing - Grimm - 02-25-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Perpetual cycle. Limited the fine grains encased within the fragile shell of glass, quiet the trickle cascading through the thin pinch of neck. Wrought within the dark wash of crimson that which began and drew a stark conclusion, matched each in the encompassing press of rich shadow.

Marred the softness of smoke laced hues, apart set until the eternal conquest of shade and light cast uneven a field upon unsuspecting youth. Closed the soft pink depths of mouth, though parted lips as nostrils widened in the draw of first breath, stuttering exhale bringing forth with it a jarring cry. Startled by the pitch of his own utterance, displeasure almost within next. Minuscule seemed the paws decorated with the gentle speckling of ivory waving about, useless the bid to silence intrusive noise. New all that coalesced into the quiet song of life, sweetened the bitter notes of clinging flora beneath the presence of rich milk.

Another, unkind the first touch though soft that which struck the upward turn of black hued visage. Useless the close of gum lined jaws, batting against the softness of unstable ground paws until some semblance of hold was achieved. There was no speed within the movement of tiny body, of no use the kick of back legs as the squirming motion of chest did little to draw him forth, following the leader as it were. He knew not the time it took to find what was sought, warmth a draw until pressed into the swell of stomach was his nose, greedy the manner of his nursing.

Or at least such is how it began. Near as soon as it began lulled the child, milk leaving about lips a film, exhausted what little energy he once carried.

Re: THIS OLD TOWN IS RUNNING INDOORS;; open - birthing - RB Graveyard - 02-26-2020

Bleary will, barely still Ocean curl upwards...
...Grandeur at your worth
The warmth of womb which he had stayed was comforting. The kit hadn't yet gained conscientiousness nor did he know how to think. He was merely there, simply floating within his mothers body. His heart seemed to beat quicker than hers yet keeping pace with the thunderous booming. Calming waves, his body still growing.

Movement made him almost aware, the strong pushing; closing of what seemed like walls. Fear set into his tiny hear, his chest pumped fluids faster throughout his body. The last of Quentin's lungs were forming, and this scared him. What if he couldn't breathe? What if was stuck? The struggle of something beside him broke his young train of thought. There were others here, he knew that, but who?

His brothers and sisters. Suddenly, something pushed the tiny kit outward. A surge of cold air made his skin crawl, he tried to gasp but something covered his face. His lungs burned and his eyes stung. Quentin needed to breathe, needed to move, needed to live. Yet, upon merely being born, he was starting to suffocate. Fear purged at his heart relentlessly once again. The distant purrs of what he thought whatever had caused this only scared him more. Mother help me, mother save me!

template by orion

Re: THIS OLD TOWN IS RUNNING INDOORS;; open - birthing - wormwood. - 02-26-2020

Ever since Moth had been returned to them from the Pitt by Nikolai, Aurum had been keeping an eye on his sister from a distance. Not because he didn't want to be near her or anything, but mainly for her own benefit. He had no doubt that she was already being smothered with worry and love and relief that she was back by Selby, and the proxy didn't want to add onto that or worsen her stress. Plus, the older of the two had definitely begun to notice that she was getting closer and closer to the day of the birth. He was sure it was overwhelmingly obvious to her, but it was obvious to the rest of them as well, what with her swelling stomach and heavy, slow steps. He was sure that she wanted her space, at least until the time came where she would finally be delivering the children, and wound have a sweet bit of profound release. He couldn't even begin to imagine how happy she would be, considering how nervously delighted and excited she had been when she had announced the news to both he and Selby. She was going to make an utterly amazing Mom, and that was one thing that Aurum was sure of. Now all he had to do was make sure that he was an amazing uncle, and a supportive brother. He liked to think that he had been doing decently at that, but he couldn't help but feel that little niggle at the back of his head. That little voice that reminded him that he was a monster to some, and he could really fuck this whole uncle thing up if he did something wrong.

The proxy had been passing by Moth's house on his way back from a patrol when he decided to stop in, figuring that she wouldn't mind a visit as long as he made it quick. After all, he couldn't imagine how boring it must've been to just be sitting around, waiting for the children to finally be ready to come out. However, once he pushed open the front door of the house and stepped inside, opening his mouth to announce himself as he followed Moth's scent, he found himself shocked into silence. There was Moth. And there was five little, adorable kittens curled up next to her. His heart almost immediately skipped a beat at the sight of his sister with her children, and he felt a grin stretch over his muzzle before he could even think about it. He could see her paying particular attention to one of the kits, but he figured she was just brushing back the girl's fur, so he found his tone still happy as he mumbled softly, "Moth... Moth, congratulations. I'm so happy for you..." He padded a little bit closer, stopping and sitting once he was near her side. He felt a sense of anxiety settle over him, if only because of the massive size difference between he and the little children curled ar his sister's belly. His eyes scanned over each and every one of them with a calm, overwhelmed smile, feeling so deliriously happy that Moth had given birth without any complications... that is, until his eyes landed on the one Moth has been grooming and looking over. Pausing, the male frowned before saying softly, a bit of hesitation and worry betrayed in his tone, "Is... is she alright?"

Re: THIS OLD TOWN IS RUNNING INDOORS;; open - birthing - selby roux ! - 02-29-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]At Moth’s cry for him, Selby was quick to appear, worry creeping up in his skin. But in the end, there was very little to be worried over. Labor had started. He accompanied his girlfriend to the room they had picked out, helping her through the process. In the end, the pair of them had five kittens to show for the whole ordeal.

He could not be happier.

The new father noted with pride that two of the kittens resembled him, taking his dark pelt. Two others adapted Moth’s orange fur, and the last an almost carbon copy of his father. A flurry of conflicting thoughts raced through his head at being confronted with Crow before he could stifle them. He nosed at each of them, taking pride in their good health before he got a closer look at his daughter. Her breathing sounded a bit off, and her tail was kinked and her leg twisted. Selby sucked in a breath, fretting over her.

Movement stirred him from this, as one of his sons began fussing. He turned his attention to him, running his tongue over his nose and mouth to clear his airway for him. Selby was not his mother, but refused to be anything less than completely present.

As Aurum came in, he eyed him warily. It was not that he did not trust the proxy, it was more that he was not expecting the sudden intrusion on the intimate family moment. He willed the beast to go elsewhere, to leave them be, but did not voice these wishes. The sawbone would leave it up to Moth to decide who she wanted there. And if that included Aurum... well, it included Aurum.

Re: THIS OLD TOWN IS RUNNING INDOORS;; open - birthing - toboggan - 03-02-2020

Leroy happens to be the next Tangler to chance upon Moth and Selby's household this morning. Ensuing Aurum's arrival by a few minutes, the wolfhound hasn't the foggiest idea in regards to what he should expect. The lion's presence at this peculiar home, at this peculiar hour, struck him as off-putting, and compelled the general to converge on his Proxy's position; Moth's pregnancy had completely slipped his mind. So, when the pint-sized outlines of five dainty kits emerged into his line of sight, a sharp gasp broke his breathing. Moth had kids.

Though his head only poked through the ajar doorframe, with Aurum standing in front to obscure his view, he could effortlessly discern the babies from his spot. The one that immediately caught his eye was the carbon copy of Crow. The alabaster kitten's soft face rang some mental chimes within the leader's mind, chimes that both calmed and embittered him. He couldn't exactly tell why he felt the ways he did, but what he did know was there was a fat chance that the mini Crow would be around a lot more than the actual guy.

His chocolate hues did not pick up on Selby's evil eye, so he makes no attempt to leave the building.

Re: THIS OLD TOWN IS RUNNING INDOORS;; open - birthing - CAUSTIC. - 03-03-2020

So far, Tanglewood was a vast improvement over the Pitt. An actual house versus the cave he had there was the greatest advantage. A mind that cared more would have had questions of course- why was this place abandoned? What caused a bomb to drop here, and how much of a risk did it pose to him? Of course, Caustic knew his life was already on a clock- if his illness didn't kill him first, it would be the wolf's body. At his estimate? Two to three years, and he should hopefully be out of here with Octavio far before that. Dying here would bring far greater shame to Caustic than losing any match ever could.
As the thoughts of his death crossed his mind, Caustic's ears perked to the commotion outside someone's home. Oh, he could spare a moment before returning to work. The wolf followed behind the others, stopping to stand in the doorway to Moth's room. His lumbering frame took up roughly half of the door, a congested sniff leaving him, mucus thick in his throat. Caustic let his mouth fall open, the gas leaving his throat and twisting around the frame of his face in a green, cloudy dance with death.
He had never been a fan of children. They were painfully stupid and Caustic's heart was too cruel to be patient with them. At least, the young ones. Natalie had always been wonderful, though. He knew Luc's daughter for a few years before his painful death, and inside the ring. The Engineer's daughter was a product their world, and Caustic's otherwise cold heart swelled with pride at the thought of the beautiful pylon she made.
Green eyes focused on the small bodies now, a cough leaving him and making his shoulders shake. He wondered, briefly, what the mortality rate was here. No doubt, lower, as the population lived in houses and had a structured society, but it was worth to ponder.
"Congratulations." That was all he could offer. He didn't care much about them or anyone else in this house otherwise.