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faithless, faceless- child at border - Printable Version

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faithless, faceless- child at border - deimos - 02-25-2020

Piers' body hurt. It hurt, hurt, hurt. There wasn't any other way to avoid saying it anymore. His body hurt, his chest hurt, his head hurt- his mental state hurt. Something had fractured in the code, the cool and calculating sight lost for something much more worried, much more broken. He felt sick, like he was going to vomit and cry all at once. When he couldn't find his mother, he turned to the next best solution. The Tanglewood child had fled home, scrambling towards the Pitt. Though, by the end of the journey, his flesh and metal burdened body was dragging itself.

He wanted his dad. It was clear by the look of his body, his pelt, this child belonged to Kydobi. The darkened ripples and rosettes, the caracal-jaguar combination. He shook with every little step his took, over the border now and heading towards what was left of the heart of the territory. To say what was wrong with his body wasn't easy. The metal that had taken his flesh here and there was now a dark, almost blue, color. The flesh around it looked heavily infected. His skin was hot to the touch, and his eyes looked more dead then robot now.

The ANALYZE function refused to function anymore. Piers didn't know what was going on, and he was terrified, down to his roots.

- edit, go ahead and post!

template by orion

Re: faithless, faceless- child at border - Charlot - 02-26-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]
There was a weird feel to the air today. It was sorta like when Charlot just knew that an adult was gonna do something sus or a kid was gonna be an ass to him and his brother, like a knowledge that something bad was going to happen. He'd usually dismiss it but be slightly on edge for most of the day but it was different right now, sharper and more of a pull. Was somebody going to be hurt? hopefully not anybody that he knew that well. The pull didn't go away after a few minutes so he followed it.
Past the camp, the burnt trees, and over the hot sand, he let it guide him to the area near the border. He didn't really like going there very much because of the weird heads but he'd been there a few times for joiners and boy, he hoped the weird creature nearby was a joiner.

He could smell the infection and the metal, the heavy metallic scent harsh in his sensitive nostrils as he approached. Oh gods of everything holy, don't let it be a weird cyborg that was going to grab him and turn him into a member of it's army and take over the world. He couldn't handle that, he liked his fleshy eyeballs too much.
Oh. It was a kid. oh shit. oooohhhhh shit. Yeah, they needed a medic.

"Hey! hey, hey. It's okay, kid, your new buddy Charlot is here to help you." Char would try and soothe as he looked over the injured child. Oh gods, what was he supposed to do. "You look like a big strong cat like our leader, Kyobi. Oh, you must be his kid. oh, oh, okay." That was fun, fun, fun.

They needed a medic here, they needed a medic right now. "Kid, you strong enough to keep movin? We gotta get closer to camp. If you can't, it's totally okay. I'll stay here with you."

"speech" 'thoughts'

Re: faithless, faceless- child at border - fulzanin - 02-26-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
Venturing from the territory was not uncommon for Astiar to do. There was no food in the territory for him to eat - and if there was, he hadn't come across it yet. He would leave the territory for hours on end to find food. Trees. Big, lush trees to munch down on and sate his ever present hunger. One of those trips had been to Tanglewood. He'd been forced away from a meal, trying to eat and was pushed away from it by fire and pain. Then, the ones that pushed him away had not even eaten from the tree. Why they had pushed him away he couldn't understand. The conflict between groups was above his mental understanding.

The dragon descended, the glint of metal catching his eye. More than one person usually warranted his interest nonetheless. Clicking of his mandibles, flicking of his antennae. Familiar, but different. Something was familiar about this shambling, small creature. The metal did not allow for full recognition. "CAN CARRY," Astiar offered, having heard the tail end of Charlot's words. Only few words had registered, and it was for the better for his comprehension was horrifically lacking. His wings buzzed softly, scraping at the ground with his burned leg. He conveyed his concern, however minimal it was, with his actions. The dragon lowered his head, clicking his mandibles again, trying to get a better look. The small looked like the hive leader. Astiar could not associate through bloodlines, for that was equally as above his thought processes as war was. The hive leader was good. This one looked like the hive leader. They must be good, too. They were already familiar, and that was more than enough in the cicada's mind.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: faithless, faceless- child at border - deimos - 02-28-2020

Words. Words flew at him like a bird, attacking his aching senses, attacking his mind. He couldn't analyze. A whine drifted from his muzzle, as if begging Charlot to pipe down a little bit. He lifted his gray eyes towards Charlot, as he pinned the nail on the head- Kydobi. His father. His eyes sparked a bit, as if clearing the skies, the gray clearing for the deep ocean blues behind. And like a fish out of water, gasping for air, he tried to push himself up a little bit. "Need.. need t' get to him." He responded, his voice weak and thin.

And then there was a shadow. And the shadow descended towards him, talking, speaking. He was a bit overwhelmed, seeing the chance in Astiar all of a sudden. Speech wasn't possible the last time he said anything to him. "You.. I fed you once." Piers said in a soft voice, pushing off of his front paws, trying to stand all the way up. He stumbled towards Astiar, as if leaning into the recognizable figure. "Need... need Kydobi. Please." He asked, almost begging him.

Piers was scared, scared enough that tears were dripping down his cheeks.

template by orion

Re: faithless, faceless- child at border - fulzanin - 03-05-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
The metal was somewhat distracting, to Astiar. It glinted in the light and certainly prompted confusion in his mind. It reminded him of the flickering of a water's smooth surface with the sun above. Moving water? Hardened water? It did not settle well in his mind. The familiarity with the hive leader was there, the familiarity of a past interaction was there, but Astiar could not say that he had interacted with moving, solidified water before. Something was being asked of him in a soft voice. His antennae curled, catching the words, slowly moving them along through Astiar's horrifically simple vocabulary. Few words registered. A few words was all he needed. The hive leader's name was mentioned, and a need was presented. Astiar understood needs far more than he understood anything else. The words prompted action.

Astiar knew that the one before him was a child. They were small, after all, and small things tended to be young. He could feel the fright through the tone that his antennae recognized. He understood fear. He understood despite the shaky delivery. Recognition existed for a reason, his instinct protested. This was not someone that had harmed him. They had given him food, once. Another member of the hive, his mind concluded. "CARRY," he declared, no longer waiting for any other present to do the offer. His head leaned down, mandibles carefully grappling around Piers' small form. Astiar then lifted his head, wings beginning to madly buzz. Antennae twitched rapidly, sorting out his sense of direction. Then, once the correct direction had been found, the dragon blazed off as fast as he could manage. He was speedy, for something of his size, bound by determination. He was being helpful. Helpful was good, and good ensured survival. Thankfully Astiar didn't have to worry about the pressure he was applying, for he more so was cradling the child between the bends of his mandibles and his snout.

Arriving at the camp, Astiar did as he usually did when attention was to be summoned. He buzzed loudly, as loudly as possible. His wings fanned the air as the noise surged forth, head not needing to move to scan the crowd due to the compound nature of his eyes. "KII KII KII KII," came forth in mental bursts, his attempt to replicate the leader's name. He could not, but the dragon was certainly trying his best. He slammed his talons into the dirt, fussing, causing as much of a scene as he could manage. Attention was to be gathered for Astiar did not exactly know where Kydobi was. Causing a fuss was his most basic attempt, one that he could do while still protectively holding Piers close. He didn't speak with verbal words, and he refrained from making any chittering or clicking that would involve the use of his mandibles. Astiar knew better than to drop the youth. He continued to buzz, seeking to amount the attention of the one that he had been asked to bring Piers to.


control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: faithless, faceless- child at border - deimos - 03-05-2020

He wasn't scared of the dragon. He knew that, deep down, Piers even wanted to lean into the dragon, to call them family. He had only been treated well in his presence, both forward towards him, and returned to the Dragon. And soon, it would be repeated. Pier's ears twitched gently as he stepped closer, the dragon's head drawing near. The word he declared made him relax, made him exhale softly in deep thanks. He gave a nod towards the dragon as his body was collected, the metal warm to the touch, awkwardly so. It gently chinked against the mandibles, his paws flexing a bit.

The fly over became hazy for Piers. The buzzing of the wings sent him to sleep slowly, his body relaxing, almost limp in Astiar's grip. The shifting sands danced hazily in his mind, calling to him, like a siren in the sea. A sand siren. Wasn't that a funny concept? Piers' eyes shifted open, glancing about. Astiar was already throwing a fit, and Piers grumbled gently. He was, at least, appreciative that he was being held close to Astiar instead of a pile on the ground. One paw reached to Astiar's mandible, gently patting it in thanks.

"You can.. put me down." He uttered gently. "Thank you." Piers offered with a weak, sickly smile. However, his gaze shifted back out into the crowd, just as wary and panicked now, remembering his quest. "Ky.. Kydobi. I need him." He begged of the people that were gathering, his paws tensing up and shivering.

template by orion

Re: faithless, faceless- child at border - Kydobi - 03-06-2020


[OOC: ]

The camp was probably the best choice, Kydobi had been in the process of telling a couple NPCs to head to Alithis and return with some prey. However the buzz of Astiar’s wings had caught his attention slightly. Of course the scent of his son completely and utterly grasped it.

It was a scent he couldn’t ever forget, from their first encounter to now. His firstborn son was dear to his heart. In fact his firstborns would always be a little extra special. They were the ones who opened his heart to a wonderful type of love. A love where he was content just giving.

He raised his eyebrows as his heart nearly stopped. He was happy to see Piers, always happy. But he was terrified of the idea that Astiar has snatched him from Tanglewood.

Quickly he dismissed the group and padded over in a hurried manner to greet his son. The stench of illness overwhelmed him and he pinned his ears back.

Worry was clouding his eyes and he looked around, his body crouched down to nuzzle his poor child.

“Piers my son.. are you okay? What happened?”, was he so neglected in Tanglewood? Was it his fault? Because the boy was Kydobi’s son? The jaguar swallowed a lump in his throat.

“You’re okay.. you’re okay my sweet little boy.” Kydobi would move to pull him into his grasp, “Medic! We need a medic now!”

Things were wrong. But the relief of finally being able to hold his child without harm threatening him was wonderful. He had a good feeling his little boy was going to stay. And dear god all Kydobi could think about was how much he loved him.


Re: faithless, faceless- child at border - deimos - 03-06-2020

Had it had been a happy visit, Piers would have gladly been up in his father's business, hiding against him, trying to regain his sense of humanity. Unfortionatly, it wasn't, and Piers thanked Astiar as he managed to get himself on the ground. Kydobi was pressing against him, asking a million questions a minute. At least, that's what it felt like. Okay was a relative term. "I'm.. not." He said, exhaling. The scent of sickness, the burning of his fur, it was indicative that he was really, really not okay.

As he was tugged in, he exhaled in relief, pressing in against his father. Ocean blue's flickered towards the crowd, then back in against his father, ears pressing against his head. Shyness was one quality that Piers rarely showed, but it seemed rather appropriate now, especially since Piers was sickly and weak. He felt safe against his father, but in front of that stranger at the border without Astiar there, he felt naked and alone. "There's.. something wrong. The.. the metal.." He flinched as he said that word, turning his head back in against his father's chest, unable to continue.

template by orion

Re: faithless, faceless- child at border - fulzanin - 03-09-2020

decisions to decisions are made and not bought
Performing a massive fit had been quite exhausting. It was even more exhausting for the dragon that was quite hungry, and his search for food had been interrupted by backtracking all the way back to camp. This was for an important cause, despite his instinct struggling to fully grasp it. It would help the hive, and survival of the group meant a better survival for himself. Stomping and thrashing and buzzing while being mindful to keep his head mostly still as to not jostle Piers. When he was tapped with a paw, he briefly stopped. Antennae curled forward to listen better.

Slowly Astiar craned his head down, gently depositing the child onto the ground. He then sat, legs awkwardly positioned to allow him to be able to take up the stance of sitting down. His wings still broke out into bursts of buzzing from time to time, but he silenced himself when Kydobi arrived. "KII KII," He screeches again, antennae flicking as they usually did whenever he broadcasted out his voice. A creature heavily bound to instinct simply could have notions that something was not right. He could tell, but he could not specify, nor could he convey. He scrapes his talons from his awkward sitting position, head then craning to try nudging the child closer to his father despite already being embraced. "WATER NO FOOD SMALL," Astiar then screeches. He continues to mistake the metal for water, but he does his best to convey it in a series of words that can almost make sense. His wings twitch and buzz, Astiar's head remaining close before pulling away again. The sickly feeling certainly was not food, especially not to an herbivorous creature such as he. Astiar's head tipped, shuffling his feet. Was his services done? Could he return to his search for food? The cicada wasn't certain, and elected that he would ensure that Piers was entirely safe before he buzzed off.

control yourself and take only what you need from it

TAGS 9/4/19:

Re: faithless, faceless- child at border - Kydobi - 03-09-2020


[OOC: ]

It didn’t dawn on him that perhaps his child didn’t want to be touched in his current state. Kydobi wasn’t experienced with these things, having lived alone for so long he had learned to be careful and cautious. Never ever living brashly and so never being injured he learned no medical skills. So when Piers brought his attention to the metal he frowned. It was something he couldn’t help with. He felt powerless.

“I.. I uh. I don’t know what to do. If someone doesn’t come I’ll have to take you somewhere.” all he could think of was [member=4817]aine.[/member] but she was just a child.

As much as he hated it he couldn’t fathom trekking with Piers to the Halls. But that seemed like that was what he was going to have to do. In his desperation he even considered Tanglewood. Perhaps they’d help? Help a former member?

No. No he was being an idiot.

Kydobi looked at Piers and scooped him up. Picking him up and putting him in the shade. He looked at Astiar and dipped his head in thank you.

“Get some water.”, he commanded one of the that resource was also dear here. At least fresh and clean water. However he wouldn’t care. He’d pour it all out if it meant to fix his son.

“We may have to go to our allies son... do you think you could make it? Here drink. Or do you want me to pour it on you?”
